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The two strongest servers almost always pick on the weakest


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> @"DKRathalos.9625" said:

> > @"X T D.6458" said:

> > > @"DKRathalos.9625" said:

> > > This happen to BG and SoS they made pact not to attack each other big objective as keep/garri.

> >

> > This is total nonsense.


> Then why the almighty BG can't take their keep/garri, I know BG can do it but seems don't want to?


Because SoS actively defends their objectives

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> @"DKRathalos.9625" said:

> > @"X T D.6458" said:

> > > @"DKRathalos.9625" said:

> > > This happen to BG and SoS they made pact not to attack each other big objective as keep/garri.

> >

> > This is total nonsense.


> Then why the almighty BG can't take their keep/garri, I know BG can do it but seems don't want to?


What would we gain from doing that? On blue bl we typically just stay on our corner and go for hills. On eb we prefer to have fights in and around SMC. Taking red/blues corner in EB would just break the flow of fights and force them to spend hours recapping and upgrading, not to mention demoralizing them. Sometimes we will tap a keep and hit some cannons just to wake them up.


Personally speaking, I like SoS. They give us good fights.

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> @"ThunderPanda.1872" said:

> > @"X T D.6458" said:

> > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > Yeah sure, I know of one such mechanic. You dont even need to add it. Quite the opposite.

> > >

> > > Delete the kitten tier based PPT.

> >

> > Why should a tier 3 keep keep that takes hours to upgrade, be worth the same as a paper keep?


> It doesn’t, t3 keeps give more ppt. People who only backcaps and pick up the scraps are just karma trainers.


wich is what happens 90% of the time..... some blobs even cant take t1 stuff and then 2 server5s apear to take it by turns from the outmaned server...


> @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

> Probably nothing. The pug blob demands pips and while they may accept brief delays to accommodate you, anything like assaulting the biggest server's keep for prolonged periods of time is going to have people walking out on it faster than a Tommy Wiseau film.


That's because Anet brainwashed alot of players into lame mode, expect low effort with rewards.. or full stack/blob to hit a smaller group, wit h lots if not all aoe spamable classes...

It's the design and "mentality" in the game itself that made players behave like that...


I do remember a post in the older forum where Anet stated what was hapening was the weakest population servers were picking up the bigger ones..lol and this was 2 years ago, this guys are ok with lame behaviors its like a game from lamers to lamers.

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> @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > @"Svarty.8019" said:

> > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > Remove all the doors from towers then remove all siege from the game.

> >

> > The giant laser more-or-less did this, but players complained.


> players complain because they lazy


Or the event lagged up the map for a lot of people... and obviously anet couldn't fix the lag so it was removed.



As to the suggestion to remove doors... might as well not even have structures then.


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> @"Rayya.2591" said:

> > @"grifflyman.8102" said:

> > Does anyone ells find this to be true? There's no incentive to flip a well populatedT3 BL when you can easily go back to the weakest server's BL and flip all their objectives. When fighting higher tier servers it's not unusual to see a T3 objective held for days on end. The score continues to run away for the leading server, even with the skirmish changes, it's rare to have a match come down to the last day and even rarer to for all 3 servers to have a close battle score at the end of the week.

> >

> > Is there any kind of game mechanic that could be implemented to keep matches closer for the losing servers?


> nobody want to attack tier 3 because is a waste of time.

> Best way to take a tier 3 is 20 guild golems, , rush undefended keeps and hope you take it under 3 minutes. But who will pay 15 gold to take a keep ?

> Now considering you go for normal way: 5 supperior rams /gate , outer /inner 2/ shield generators /gate +supply drain you will need 1000 supply . 2 minutes /gates if your sieges won;t be disabled and no defenders. Even if you succed to open outer and inner gate, in current meta if a defending zerg with siege wait you behind inner gate, they will win 95% of the time. So you waste 20 minutes to gather supply and attempt 1 attack ?

> Tier 3 objectives are stupid and imbalanced. Current meta " 80% scourge /revs/eles / will lack any sustain under constant arrrow cart / mortar cannon - damage .

> So that's why almost nobody care to attack tier 3. 5+ minutes is more than enough time for defenders to reach at objective

> Before POF, on melee train meta, decent blobs could sustain under siege, now nobody care


> If you try to attack with lower ammount of siege, you will get borred before outer gate is down

> also upgrading objectives require nothing. So if you flip a tier 3 and leave map , will be tier 3 in 2 hours again . So really no reason to take them



All I see is disable after disable after disable after disable, and shield gen. Even if you build like 40 omegas, it's still hard as kitten to take a t3 keep with minimal defenders. The easiest way nowadays is just have a huge overpowering blob, time and inifinite patience. Sad to say it's no longer 2013/2014, back when you defend keeps mainly by fighting with a good waypoint system and arguably warrior banners that funnels people back in and keep us in the fight.

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> @"grifflyman.8102" said:

> Does anyone ells find this to be true? There's no incentive to flip a well populatedT3 BL when you can easily go back to the weakest server's BL and flip all their objectives. When fighting higher tier servers it's not unusual to see a T3 objective held for days on end. The score continues to run away for the leading server, even with the skirmish changes, it's rare to have a match come down to the last day and even rarer to for all 3 servers to have a close battle score at the end of the week.


> Is there any kind of game mechanic that could be implemented to keep matches closer for the losing servers?


What you describe is a situation with a dominating server when both of the other servers have no realistic hopes of winning the match. For both of them, it is only normal to focus on one another in a fight for the second place. Instead of going on a desperate missions against the well supplied and highly defended t3 objectives of the leader, they choose to do something actually productive in getting some points. This creates the feeling of "double-teaming" for both of them while in fact one is legitimately fighting them for second and the other is just looking for some fun/karma/xp.


In the end, it's mostly up to participation. You can't have a close score between a server that plays actively with high numbers and one that doesn't. Of course you can design a mechanic that counters that, but it would be missing the whole point of the game mode.

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