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Which is your favourite racial culture

Wandering Mist.2973

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For the sake of simplicity I'm going to limit this to the playable races only. Which race's culture do you like the most? For me it is the Charr, as I love the idea of being put into a warband as a child who become your sworn brothers and sisters as adults. I also like the fact that each warband has a name that each member takes on as their last name.


So, which culture is your favourite?

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For me it's the Asura. I like the high focus on brains over brawn with a strong emphasis on education. They also have a very nice sci-fi aesthetic that I adore. They certainly have their faults though. I won't deny that. However, the stuff I enjoy about the Asura outweighs their faults for me.


Humans come in at a very close second though. I like how Humans are the aliens of Tyria instead of being native to the world like in a lot of other games.


Third place for me would be the Norn. I used to dismiss Norn culture as nothing more than dudebro culture made into a way of life but over time they've grown on me as a race that just loves life. They celebrate that by living it to the fullest in everything they do and they never, ever do anything half way. They go big or go home. I respect that. Considering how much nonsense goes on in Tyria, sometimes you gotta unwind with a moot. :P


At the bottom of the barrel for me are the Sylvari, then the Charr at the very bottom. Sylvari culture feels very bland to me. I can't put my finger on what it is exactly. Aside from a few notable Sylvari NPC's, I just don't care about the Sylvari.


However, that indifference over Sylvari doesn't hold a candle to my loathing of Charr culture. I can't stand Charr culture at all. I can't stand their ego and find it a lot worse than the Asura. The military/conquer ALL THE THINGS focus is super off-putting and I wouldn't put it past them to stab the other races in the back to resume said conquering once the Elder Dragon threat is done with. The rejection of and grudge against magic because of the Flame Legion seems to me like a case of cutting off your nose to spite your face. The whole 'RAWR NO GODS'/rampant deicidal talk comes across as a childish, immature attempt at being grown up/edgy (and feels like a trip back to the absolute worst of r/atheism). Yes, I know the history of why. No, I don't care. If they want to give themselves a stroke by holding a grudge, that's on them.


I tried to give the Charr a try but overall the culture turned me away from ever making one again. I made one but deleted her/had another player kill her in a RP once I reached 80 and beat the Personal Story with her.




Edited my post to expand upon some things, namely to complain about the Charr.

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I know ots not option, but I really liked the Naga in gw1. We only know them in their hostile nature, but begore Factions they actually had a pretty nice, when you puzzle dialogue together.

Nomadic, but always very social and merchantile with many races.

It was not until the Jade Wind they became hostile because they were literally struggling to not go extinct. I wonder if there are any native naga left at all.

I fear the surviving group split into joining the krait, or dying to the ministry of purity back in cantha..


But out the five playable races..

Im torn between Asuran culture and Norn (the gw1 norn, the gw2 norn are a shameful shadow of their past)

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> @"TheOrlyFactor.8341" said:

> For me it's the Asura. I like the high focus on brains over brawn with a strong emphasis on education. They also have a very nice sci-fi aesthetic that I adore.


> Humans come in at a very close second though. I like how Humans are the aliens of Tyria instead of being native to the world like in a lot of other games.


I find the Asura fascinating but infuriating at the same time. Their obsession over technology and their need to prove themselves better than others, to the point where they would stab their friends and family in the back, just annoys me.

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> @"TheOrlyFactor.8341" said:

> For me it's the Asura. I like the high focus on brains over brawn with a strong emphasis on education. They also have a very nice sci-fi aesthetic that I adore. They certainly have their faults though. I won't deny that. However, the stuff I enjoy about the Asura outweighs their faults for me.


> Humans come in at a very close second though. I like how Humans are the aliens of Tyria instead of being native to the world like in a lot of other games.


> Third place for me would be the Norn. I used to dismiss Norn culture as nothing more than dudebro culture made into a way of life but over time they've grown on me as a race that just loves life. They celebrate that by living it to the fullest in everything they do and they never, ever do anything half way. They go big or go home. I respect that. Considering how much nonsense goes on in Tyria, sometimes you gotta unwind with a moot. :P


> At the bottom of the barrel for me are the Sylvari, then the Charr at the very bottom. Sylvari culture feels very bland to me. I can't put my finger on what it is exactly. Aside from a few notable Sylvari NPC's, I just don't care about the Sylvari.


> However, that indifference over Sylvari doesn't hold a candle to my loathing of Charr culture. I can't stand Charr culture at all. I can't stand their ego and find it a lot worse than the Asura. The military/conquer ALL THE THINGS focus is super off-putting and I wouldn't put it past them to stab the other races in the back to resume said conquering once the Elder Dragon threat is done with. The rejection of and grudge against magic because of the Flame Legion seems to me like a case of cutting off your nose to spite your face. The whole 'RAWR NO GODS'/rampant deicidal talk comes across as a childish, immature attempt at being grown up/edgy (and feels like a trip back to the absolute worst of r/atheism). Yes, I know the history of why. No, I don't care. If they want to give themselves a stroke by holding a grudge, that's on them.


> I tried to give the Charr a try but overall the culture turned me away from ever making one again. I made one but deleted her/had another player kill her in a RP once I reached 80 and beat the Personal Story with her.


> /unpopularopinion


> Edited my post to expand upon some things, namely to complain about the Charr.


Just seen your editted post. Out of curiosity have you read the guild wars official novels? They do a much better job of demonstrating the cultures of each playable class, particularly the charr who quite frankly are really badly done in the personal story (you don't even get to know your warband before they are killed off).

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> @"Wandering Mist.2973" said:

> > @"TheOrlyFactor.8341" said:

> > For me it's the Asura. I like the high focus on brains over brawn with a strong emphasis on education. They also have a very nice sci-fi aesthetic that I adore.

> >

> > Humans come in at a very close second though. I like how Humans are the aliens of Tyria instead of being native to the world like in a lot of other games.


> I find the Asura fascinating but infuriating at the same time. Their obsession over technology and their need to prove themselves better than others, to the point where they would stab their friends and family in the back, just annoys me.




> @"Wandering Mist.2973" said:

> > @"TheOrlyFactor.8341" said:

> > For me it's the Asura. I like the high focus on brains over brawn with a strong emphasis on education. They also have a very nice sci-fi aesthetic that I adore. They certainly have their faults though. I won't deny that. However, the stuff I enjoy about the Asura outweighs their faults for me.

> >

> > Humans come in at a very close second though. I like how Humans are the aliens of Tyria instead of being native to the world like in a lot of other games.

> >

> > Third place for me would be the Norn. I used to dismiss Norn culture as nothing more than dudebro culture made into a way of life but over time they've grown on me as a race that just loves life. They celebrate that by living it to the fullest in everything they do and they never, ever do anything half way. They go big or go home. I respect that. Considering how much nonsense goes on in Tyria, sometimes you gotta unwind with a moot. :P

> >

> > At the bottom of the barrel for me are the Sylvari, then the Charr at the very bottom. Sylvari culture feels very bland to me. I can't put my finger on what it is exactly. Aside from a few notable Sylvari NPC's, I just don't care about the Sylvari.

> >

> > However, that indifference over Sylvari doesn't hold a candle to my loathing of Charr culture. I can't stand Charr culture at all. I can't stand their ego and find it a lot worse than the Asura. The military/conquer ALL THE THINGS focus is super off-putting and I wouldn't put it past them to stab the other races in the back to resume said conquering once the Elder Dragon threat is done with. The rejection of and grudge against magic because of the Flame Legion seems to me like a case of cutting off your nose to spite your face. The whole 'RAWR NO GODS'/rampant deicidal talk comes across as a childish, immature attempt at being grown up/edgy (and feels like a trip back to the absolute worst of r/atheism). Yes, I know the history of why. No, I don't care. If they want to give themselves a stroke by holding a grudge, that's on them.

> >

> > I tried to give the Charr a try but overall the culture turned me away from ever making one again. I made one but deleted her/had another player kill her in a RP once I reached 80 and beat the Personal Story with her.

> >

> > /unpopularopinion

> >

> > Edited my post to expand upon some things, namely to complain about the Charr.


> Just seen your editted post. Out of curiosity have you read the guild wars official novels? They do a much better job of demonstrating the cultures of each playable class, particularly the charr who quite frankly are really badly done in the personal story (you don't even get to know your warband before they are killed off).


No, I haven't. I find it poor storytelling (which seems to be par for the course for Anet) to have to resort to outside sources to get a better sense of anything. It's why I can't stand Destiny and Halo. If the developers can't be bothered to include that lore in the game itself, I can't be bothered to care.


Out of curiosity, why are you so intent on trying to get me to like the Charr? I'm not trying to do that to you with regards to the Asura. It comes across as rude to me. :\

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> @"TheOrlyFactor.8341" said:

> > @"Wandering Mist.2973" said:

> > > @"TheOrlyFactor.8341" said:

> > > For me it's the Asura. I like the high focus on brains over brawn with a strong emphasis on education. They also have a very nice sci-fi aesthetic that I adore.

> > >

> > > Humans come in at a very close second though. I like how Humans are the aliens of Tyria instead of being native to the world like in a lot of other games.

> >

> > I find the Asura fascinating but infuriating at the same time. Their obsession over technology and their need to prove themselves better than others, to the point where they would stab their friends and family in the back, just annoys me.


> Okay.


> > @"Wandering Mist.2973" said:

> > > @"TheOrlyFactor.8341" said:

> > > For me it's the Asura. I like the high focus on brains over brawn with a strong emphasis on education. They also have a very nice sci-fi aesthetic that I adore. They certainly have their faults though. I won't deny that. However, the stuff I enjoy about the Asura outweighs their faults for me.

> > >

> > > Humans come in at a very close second though. I like how Humans are the aliens of Tyria instead of being native to the world like in a lot of other games.

> > >

> > > Third place for me would be the Norn. I used to dismiss Norn culture as nothing more than dudebro culture made into a way of life but over time they've grown on me as a race that just loves life. They celebrate that by living it to the fullest in everything they do and they never, ever do anything half way. They go big or go home. I respect that. Considering how much nonsense goes on in Tyria, sometimes you gotta unwind with a moot. :P

> > >

> > > At the bottom of the barrel for me are the Sylvari, then the Charr at the very bottom. Sylvari culture feels very bland to me. I can't put my finger on what it is exactly. Aside from a few notable Sylvari NPC's, I just don't care about the Sylvari.

> > >

> > > However, that indifference over Sylvari doesn't hold a candle to my loathing of Charr culture. I can't stand Charr culture at all. I can't stand their ego and find it a lot worse than the Asura. The military/conquer ALL THE THINGS focus is super off-putting and I wouldn't put it past them to stab the other races in the back to resume said conquering once the Elder Dragon threat is done with. The rejection of and grudge against magic because of the Flame Legion seems to me like a case of cutting off your nose to spite your face. The whole 'RAWR NO GODS'/rampant deicidal talk comes across as a childish, immature attempt at being grown up/edgy (and feels like a trip back to the absolute worst of r/atheism). Yes, I know the history of why. No, I don't care. If they want to give themselves a stroke by holding a grudge, that's on them.

> > >

> > > I tried to give the Charr a try but overall the culture turned me away from ever making one again. I made one but deleted her/had another player kill her in a RP once I reached 80 and beat the Personal Story with her.

> > >

> > > /unpopularopinion

> > >

> > > Edited my post to expand upon some things, namely to complain about the Charr.

> >

> > Just seen your editted post. Out of curiosity have you read the guild wars official novels? They do a much better job of demonstrating the cultures of each playable class, particularly the charr who quite frankly are really badly done in the personal story (you don't even get to know your warband before they are killed off).


> No, I haven't. I find it poor storytelling (which seems to be par for the course for Anet) to have to resort to outside sources to get a better sense of anything. It's why I can't stand Destiny and Halo. If the developers can't be bothered to include that lore in the game itself, I can't be bothered to care.


> Out of curiosity, why are you so intent on trying to get me to like the Charr? I'm not trying to do that to you with regards to the Asura. It comes across as rude to me. :\


Errr....I'm not. You are free to like whichever race you want. If I was trying to convert you I would be finding excuses and arguments against everything you said you hated about the Charr and encouraging you to give them another try. Am I doing that? no. So please do me a favour and take off that tin foil hat of yours and let us have a pleasant conversation. Thanks.


I'm just saying that the race personalities and cultures are a lot more fleshed out in the novels (particularly "ghosts of ascalon") than what you see in the game. I know what you mean about relying on outside material but to be fair to Anet the guild wars lore is quite extensive and if they put it all into the personal story it might well drive away a lot of players who aren't interested in the deep lore. Could they do a better job at it? Absolutely, but expecting them to rely wholly on the game to explain the lore is a bit much. Also remember that a lot of the lore comes from gw1, which a lot of people haven't played. The distrust and resentment between Charr and Humans is hard to understand if you didn't play through the gw1 campaigns. The strife of Koss and the sunspears in Istan is hard to appreciate if you never played through the Nightfall campaign.

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I love that their culture is based on intelligence and inventiveness. I love Asuran architecture and technology. And I find the whole competitive ego thing pretty funny.


While it does sometimes seem that they are kind of amoral in their pursuit of knowledge, the fact that a large number of Asura appear to reject and fight against the Inquest shows that it's not universal. And under the apparent vicious, competitive nature of their culture, there is evidence that they can care deeply about each other.


I like the Sylvari for their easy-going, plant-based lifestyle. Their naivete and simplistic moral view are kind of sweet, even though it's backfiring on them.


The charr share the Asuran inventiveness, but they are brutes who are not interested in inventing for its own sake or to make the world better (or...cough...even to show off one's own genius.) Their sole purpose seems to be to kick butt and find better ways to kick it. Their buildings look like they were welded together from scrap metal. I still like them, though, because every society needs its growly curmudgeons.


Humans and Norns are just too human to be interesting to me.

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Human here, though I played and enjoyed all races, human is the one I felt related to (for obvious reasons), the least liked race would be the charr though thats because I carry some prejudice from gw1, they did awful stuff back there, they have the war side of humans from real life plus 5+.

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> @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> Asura.

> I love that their culture is based on intelligence and inventiveness. I love Asuran architecture and technology. And I find the whole competitive ego thing pretty funny.


> While it does sometimes seem that they are kind of amoral in their pursuit of knowledge, the fact that a large number of Asura appear to reject and fight against the Inquest shows that it's not universal. And under the apparent vicious, competitive nature of their culture, there is evidence that they can care deeply about each other.


> I like the Sylvari for their easy-going, plant-based lifestyle. Their naivete and simplistic moral view are kind of sweet, even though it's backfiring on them.


> The charr share the Asuran inventiveness, but they are brutes who are not interested in inventing for its own sake or to make the world better (or...cough...even to show off one's own genius.) Their sole purpose seems to be to kick butt and find better ways to kick it. Their buildings look like they were welded together from scrap metal. I still like them, though, because every society needs its growly curmudgeons.


> Humans and Norns are just too human to be interesting to me.


I'll be honest, the Sylvari are the 1 race I was never interested in until I read the novels. Now that I have I agree they are very sweet and their sincerity and naivete is very refreshing. They know they are the youngest race and are eager to learn all they can without the arrogance that you see in the other races. They are probably my second favourite race now.

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Devil's Advocate:

I don't really have a favorite but I like the well-defined racial social structures in the game so that I can find ways to subvert them. For example, Asura are very focused on intelligence and think highly of who innovate and use the full capacity of their brains while looking down on the less intelligent but there are examples of less intelligent Asura who have prominent roles (like Warmaster Efut). I have an intellectual Asura (who has his own quirks) but my main character is of the not-very-intellectual bunch who favors aesthetics and uses magic, intuition and charisma to lead the Pact forces. Same with one of my Charr who ended up joining his 1st warband in his teens but eventually fell out because of lack of bond and became a crafter (but has his own reasons to fight).


The stronger the culture, the more interesting it is to subvert it.

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> @"Wandering Mist.2973" said:

> > @"TheOrlyFactor.8341" said:

> > > @"Wandering Mist.2973" said:

> > > > @"TheOrlyFactor.8341" said:

> > > > For me it's the Asura. I like the high focus on brains over brawn with a strong emphasis on education. They also have a very nice sci-fi aesthetic that I adore.

> > > >

> > > > Humans come in at a very close second though. I like how Humans are the aliens of Tyria instead of being native to the world like in a lot of other games.

> > >

> > > I find the Asura fascinating but infuriating at the same time. Their obsession over technology and their need to prove themselves better than others, to the point where they would stab their friends and family in the back, just annoys me.

> >

> > Okay.

> >

> > > @"Wandering Mist.2973" said:

> > > > @"TheOrlyFactor.8341" said:

> > > > For me it's the Asura. I like the high focus on brains over brawn with a strong emphasis on education. They also have a very nice sci-fi aesthetic that I adore. They certainly have their faults though. I won't deny that. However, the stuff I enjoy about the Asura outweighs their faults for me.

> > > >

> > > > Humans come in at a very close second though. I like how Humans are the aliens of Tyria instead of being native to the world like in a lot of other games.

> > > >

> > > > Third place for me would be the Norn. I used to dismiss Norn culture as nothing more than dudebro culture made into a way of life but over time they've grown on me as a race that just loves life. They celebrate that by living it to the fullest in everything they do and they never, ever do anything half way. They go big or go home. I respect that. Considering how much nonsense goes on in Tyria, sometimes you gotta unwind with a moot. :P

> > > >

> > > > At the bottom of the barrel for me are the Sylvari, then the Charr at the very bottom. Sylvari culture feels very bland to me. I can't put my finger on what it is exactly. Aside from a few notable Sylvari NPC's, I just don't care about the Sylvari.

> > > >

> > > > However, that indifference over Sylvari doesn't hold a candle to my loathing of Charr culture. I can't stand Charr culture at all. I can't stand their ego and find it a lot worse than the Asura. The military/conquer ALL THE THINGS focus is super off-putting and I wouldn't put it past them to stab the other races in the back to resume said conquering once the Elder Dragon threat is done with. The rejection of and grudge against magic because of the Flame Legion seems to me like a case of cutting off your nose to spite your face. The whole 'RAWR NO GODS'/rampant deicidal talk comes across as a childish, immature attempt at being grown up/edgy (and feels like a trip back to the absolute worst of r/atheism). Yes, I know the history of why. No, I don't care. If they want to give themselves a stroke by holding a grudge, that's on them.

> > > >

> > > > I tried to give the Charr a try but overall the culture turned me away from ever making one again. I made one but deleted her/had another player kill her in a RP once I reached 80 and beat the Personal Story with her.

> > > >

> > > > /unpopularopinion

> > > >

> > > > Edited my post to expand upon some things, namely to complain about the Charr.

> > >

> > > Just seen your editted post. Out of curiosity have you read the guild wars official novels? They do a much better job of demonstrating the cultures of each playable class, particularly the charr who quite frankly are really badly done in the personal story (you don't even get to know your warband before they are killed off).

> >

> > No, I haven't. I find it poor storytelling (which seems to be par for the course for Anet) to have to resort to outside sources to get a better sense of anything. It's why I can't stand Destiny and Halo. If the developers can't be bothered to include that lore in the game itself, I can't be bothered to care.

> >

> > Out of curiosity, why are you so intent on trying to get me to like the Charr? I'm not trying to do that to you with regards to the Asura. It comes across as rude to me. :\


> Errr....I'm not. You are free to like whichever race you want. If I was trying to convert you I would be finding excuses and arguments against everything you said you hated about the Charr and encouraging you to give them another try. Am I doing that? no. So please do me a favour and take off that tin foil hat of yours and let us have a pleasant conversation. Thanks.


> I'm just saying that the race personalities and cultures are a lot more fleshed out in the novels (particularly "ghosts of ascalon") than what you see in the game. I know what you mean about relying on outside material but to be fair to Anet the guild wars lore is quite extensive and if they put it all into the personal story it might well drive away a lot of players who aren't interested in the deep lore. Could they do a better job at it? Absolutely, but expecting them to rely wholly on the game to explain the lore is a bit much. Also remember that a lot of the lore comes from gw1, which a lot of people haven't played. The distrust and resentment between Charr and Humans is hard to understand if you didn't play through the gw1 campaigns. The strife of Koss and the sunspears in Istan is hard to appreciate if you never played through the Nightfall campaign.


You're not doing yourself any favors claiming that I'm wearing a tin foil hat. There's no need for insults. I'm done here.

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> @"TheOrlyFactor.8341" said:

> > @"Wandering Mist.2973" said:

> > > @"TheOrlyFactor.8341" said:

> > > > @"Wandering Mist.2973" said:

> > > > > @"TheOrlyFactor.8341" said:

> > > > > For me it's the Asura. I like the high focus on brains over brawn with a strong emphasis on education. They also have a very nice sci-fi aesthetic that I adore.

> > > > >

> > > > > Humans come in at a very close second though. I like how Humans are the aliens of Tyria instead of being native to the world like in a lot of other games.

> > > >

> > > > I find the Asura fascinating but infuriating at the same time. Their obsession over technology and their need to prove themselves better than others, to the point where they would stab their friends and family in the back, just annoys me.

> > >

> > > Okay.

> > >

> > > > @"Wandering Mist.2973" said:

> > > > > @"TheOrlyFactor.8341" said:

> > > > > For me it's the Asura. I like the high focus on brains over brawn with a strong emphasis on education. They also have a very nice sci-fi aesthetic that I adore. They certainly have their faults though. I won't deny that. However, the stuff I enjoy about the Asura outweighs their faults for me.

> > > > >

> > > > > Humans come in at a very close second though. I like how Humans are the aliens of Tyria instead of being native to the world like in a lot of other games.

> > > > >

> > > > > Third place for me would be the Norn. I used to dismiss Norn culture as nothing more than dudebro culture made into a way of life but over time they've grown on me as a race that just loves life. They celebrate that by living it to the fullest in everything they do and they never, ever do anything half way. They go big or go home. I respect that. Considering how much nonsense goes on in Tyria, sometimes you gotta unwind with a moot. :P

> > > > >

> > > > > At the bottom of the barrel for me are the Sylvari, then the Charr at the very bottom. Sylvari culture feels very bland to me. I can't put my finger on what it is exactly. Aside from a few notable Sylvari NPC's, I just don't care about the Sylvari.

> > > > >

> > > > > However, that indifference over Sylvari doesn't hold a candle to my loathing of Charr culture. I can't stand Charr culture at all. I can't stand their ego and find it a lot worse than the Asura. The military/conquer ALL THE THINGS focus is super off-putting and I wouldn't put it past them to stab the other races in the back to resume said conquering once the Elder Dragon threat is done with. The rejection of and grudge against magic because of the Flame Legion seems to me like a case of cutting off your nose to spite your face. The whole 'RAWR NO GODS'/rampant deicidal talk comes across as a childish, immature attempt at being grown up/edgy (and feels like a trip back to the absolute worst of r/atheism). Yes, I know the history of why. No, I don't care. If they want to give themselves a stroke by holding a grudge, that's on them.

> > > > >

> > > > > I tried to give the Charr a try but overall the culture turned me away from ever making one again. I made one but deleted her/had another player kill her in a RP once I reached 80 and beat the Personal Story with her.

> > > > >

> > > > > /unpopularopinion

> > > > >

> > > > > Edited my post to expand upon some things, namely to complain about the Charr.

> > > >

> > > > Just seen your editted post. Out of curiosity have you read the guild wars official novels? They do a much better job of demonstrating the cultures of each playable class, particularly the charr who quite frankly are really badly done in the personal story (you don't even get to know your warband before they are killed off).

> > >

> > > No, I haven't. I find it poor storytelling (which seems to be par for the course for Anet) to have to resort to outside sources to get a better sense of anything. It's why I can't stand Destiny and Halo. If the developers can't be bothered to include that lore in the game itself, I can't be bothered to care.

> > >

> > > Out of curiosity, why are you so intent on trying to get me to like the Charr? I'm not trying to do that to you with regards to the Asura. It comes across as rude to me. :\

> >

> > Errr....I'm not. You are free to like whichever race you want. If I was trying to convert you I would be finding excuses and arguments against everything you said you hated about the Charr and encouraging you to give them another try. Am I doing that? no. So please do me a favour and take off that tin foil hat of yours and let us have a pleasant conversation. Thanks.

> >

> > I'm just saying that the race personalities and cultures are a lot more fleshed out in the novels (particularly "ghosts of ascalon") than what you see in the game. I know what you mean about relying on outside material but to be fair to Anet the guild wars lore is quite extensive and if they put it all into the personal story it might well drive away a lot of players who aren't interested in the deep lore. Could they do a better job at it? Absolutely, but expecting them to rely wholly on the game to explain the lore is a bit much. Also remember that a lot of the lore comes from gw1, which a lot of people haven't played. The distrust and resentment between Charr and Humans is hard to understand if you didn't play through the gw1 campaigns. The strife of Koss and the sunspears in Istan is hard to appreciate if you never played through the Nightfall campaign.


> You're not doing yourself any favors claiming that I'm wearing a tin foil hat. There's no need for insults. I'm done here.


Don't throw around wild accusations then with nothing to back them up. Also if you get offended that easily then perhaps you should stay away from the internet. Seriously, all I did was ask you if you had read the official gw2 novels and you get all defensive on me, accusing me of trying to convert you into liking the Charr.

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Asura, thier technology is simply miles and miles and miles and miles and miles ahead even by our current IRL standards. I mean with shit like fractals, and the ability to litterally put u in the game(super adventure box), wormholes and whatever else they got there I can't help but wonder how evolved thier way of understanding the universe, it's physics and convienant it is. Rata sum is like one closed off island that somehow evolved several 100's maby even 1000's of years ahead. I myself find human and norn physically more appealing. but godamn asura culture and thier strive for technologial progress should be commended.

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> @"Xanctus The Dragonslayer.2318" said:

> Asura, thier technology is simply miles and miles and miles and miles and miles ahead even by our current IRL standards. I mean with kitten like fractals, and the ability to litterally put u in the game(super adventure box), wormholes and whatever else they got there I can't help but wonder how evolved thier way of understanding the universe, it's physics and convienant it is. Rata sum is like one closed off island that somehow evolved several 100's maby even 1000's of years ahead. I myself find human and norn physically more appealing. but kitten asura culture and thier strive for technologial progress should be commended.


Yeah I've often wondered how the Asura became so technologically advanced compared to the other races, especially when you consider that when they got driven to the surface my primordus they lost a lot of their more advanced technologies in the process.

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Asura are both the most gifted and the most failed of the races, being both geniuses and snarky little jerks, extremely creative and extremely arrogant, cute and ugly, free knowledge creators and abusive mad scientists, all at the same time. This heavy contrast is simply awesome for me. I love how they synthesize the best and worst of real humans, while keeping the solid speculative fiction at work and also concentrating lots of Tyrian history, nature and lore into a complex yet focused idea.


Charr culture follows closely, but Asura is the best one for me.

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> @"Wandering Mist.2973" said:

> > @"Xanctus The Dragonslayer.2318" said:

> > Asura, thier technology is simply miles and miles and miles and miles and miles ahead even by our current IRL standards. I mean with kitten like fractals, and the ability to litterally put u in the game(super adventure box), wormholes and whatever else they got there I can't help but wonder how evolved thier way of understanding the universe, it's physics and convienant it is. Rata sum is like one closed off island that somehow evolved several 100's maby even 1000's of years ahead. I myself find human and norn physically more appealing. but kitten asura culture and thier strive for technologial progress should be commended.


> Yeah I've often wondered how the Asura became so technologically advanced compared to the other races, especially when you consider that when they got driven to the surface my primordus they lost a lot of their more advanced technologies in the process.


I figure it comes down to best practices. They got dealt a massive setback, but they kept the methodology that allowed them to succeed in the first place, and combined with the way none of the other races have taken a page out of their book, it stands to reason that they wouldn't have any competition once they had a couple centuries to rebuild.

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