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Turn on subtitles?


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Most cut scenes do have subtitles: above the characters in the old style with 2 characters facing each other, in speech bubbles in the new in-game ones and below in the animated concept art ones.


If you've found cut scenes without any I recommend submitting a bug report. I know they've missed it sometimes (most often in the concept art ones) and they've been added later after players pointed it out.


Sadly there are no options to add to that or customise it. Which is annoying, especially with the in game cut scenes because if a character is behind you, to one side or too far in front the speech bubbles don't show.


If you're missing dialogue the best you can do is make sure you've got NPC dialogue ticked in the chat box (maybe in its own tab). That will show all of it so if you've missed something you can read it there. I play with the sound off most of the time and I can't keep up with dialogue during combat or while moving so ever since they brought in the new style in HOT I have to wait for the action to finish and then read it.

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The solution would be to give me back the damn scenes like from personal story and dungeons.

I'm sure I missed like 90% of what the npcs are saying because of either

1. They're too quiet/low and their chatter does not show up in the chatbox.

2. I'm too busy fighting something to read/hear them (or once again not show up in chatbox which I can't read well because I'm fighting).

3. Too much crap going on and a mixture of 1 and 2.

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> The solution would be to give me back the kitten scenes like from personal story and dungeons.


Apparently people hated them so much that they were not continued in later content because of that. I was quite sad to find that out after the original story, I'll never see my character as expressive as that ever again. The lip sync was surprisingly perfect, too (at least for Charr).

And yeah, everything was very easy to read/understand.


But those cutscenes couldn't even be made optional because the mechanic of the two systems seems to be completely different. With the new system, you're actually standing around in the open and often have to actually move/fight during those conversations. That's not possible with overlay cutscenes.

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