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New Festivals for Gw2

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So ive been playing Gw2 since 3 months after relase of the core game and we dont realy have very many festivals in game.

I think it would be realy cool and neat if we could get some new festivals such as a great celebration of legends festival for the norn where we sing songs of famus norn, hunt diffrent creatures and animals using something similer to the bounty system pof uses, bar brawls and some cool other mini games and cool rewards for the players in terms of skins for players as well as guild hall decorations.

Its just my idea of something that would be nice. leave a post if you have any other cool ideas or if Anet is watching if more festivals for ingame would be possible.

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Agreed, it's a shame so many resources were put in old festivals only to watch them 'die'.

Meatoberfest is an often called for festival, which i think would work well early fall, like September.

Even though Melandru has left, a spring festival would be nice. It could also come from the Norn if they give it a 'season of the spirits' spin.


As for cut festivals, i liked the gauntlet a lot. Not just the combat arena, but also the champions spread across the world looking for a fight.


Dragon bash still exists, though, but it's been curved into lunar new year's festival.

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yeah no anet is trying to get away from these events for a long time now. the player base has not taken to that idea so well at all .

anet has came out and point blank many times said no not happen . this is why their is no living story one to play over again as well as other old events the game used to have :/

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There needs to be one big festival in each of the 6 major cities in Tyria.


Lion's Arch has Mad King's Day.

Divinity's Reach has Winter's Day.

Rata Sum has April Fools' Day.


Move the Lunar New Year to The Grove. Tie it in a bit with the fall of Mordremoth to give it an element of rebirth.


I don't know what to give Hoelbrak and The Black Citadel.

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> @"Gabbynot.2654" said:

> yeah no anet is trying to get away from these events for a long time now. the player base has not taken to that idea so well at all .


The players who said those things got chased away by HOT and the Raid content. These gamers were vehemently against raid content, and did Anet listen to them? No. We got our cool raid storyline and legendary armor anyways. I know some of these players left for Black Desert Online or other games.


I've played the game since 2013, and I've seen a major shift in the type of players that visit Tyria.


The group that made those complaints is officially gone! Time to celebrate with new festivals.



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I loved the Queens Gauntlet. I like the one AN did with the Zephyrites a few years back. I've been with gw2 since '12 and it seems like festivals have been lagging the last year or so. Maybe it is just me. A summer fest in Caledon Forrest would be amazing to celebrate the summer equinox. Something in the Spring also. It's a long wait between Lunar Fest and Halloween. (Are there any between this time besides the mario one in Rata Sum?)

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> They seem keen on looking into returning the Jubilee festival to us.


> I don't think we have a major shortage of festivals given we have 4, but a summer one (Jubilee) would be welcomed


We don't really need more recuring festivals in DR though. What we need is some love to the other cities. 1 for each of the cities currently missing out (The Grove, Black Citadel and Hoelbrak) would be sufficient, because yeah... don't wanna overfill the entire year with festivals.

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I'd love a festival in the earlier part of the year. We got lunar in January, and then Halloween is next.

Springtime seems like a good time for Norn to celebrate the spirits. Meatober sounds like a good summer festival.

But i don't need a new festival if it cuts quality of the existing festivals.

Anet still has a lot to fix about Lunar New Year's festival. But i have hopes since Halloween and Wintersday got big updates

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> Anet is an american company, you will not see anything from other areas of the world.

> which is ironic, christmas is in actuality yuletide yet only humans get all the fun, it's supposed to be a norn festival.


We get a **Chinese** New Year festival so what you said is not really true.

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> @"MrMojoRisin.7364" said:

> Sylvans could have one to mark the changing of the 4 seasons



They could help not lose as much development time by making it small and bringing it back with a little more content 4 times in a year. Then in subsequent years put it in the best slot, probably spring

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> @"Palador.2170" said:

> There needs to be one big festival in each of the 6 major cities in Tyria.


> Lion's Arch has Mad King's Day.

> Divinity's Reach has Winter's Day.

> Rata Sum has April Fools' Day.


> Move the Lunar New Year to The Grove. Tie it in a bit with the fall of Mordremoth to give it an element of rebirth.


> I don't know what to give Hoelbrak and The Black Citadel.


Citadel can get some kind of Brawl type thing.

Maybe I never got that far in a Charr's personal story as I usually delete them after a few minutes of playing but... what's the point of that arena just near the low point of the map? I say it would be nice add for some events and activities.

Kind of like a tournament type thing.


it COULD go down a competitive patch, but I'm not a competitive creature so I won't be for it BUT...

They can make it a tally event like I've had other online games done.

Like make it for "Compete in XXXX amount of activities for this festival!"

and make a mark for each one.

Like if through the server(s) we have 100,000 activities done we all get some kind of item for it. Another at 200,000 and so on and so forth.

Maybe another for the amount of wins, beatens, kills. Whether it's a PvP type thing or to kill a certain amount of enemies before the other side or maybe a new jumping puzzle. I DON'T KNOW but something can work.


for Norns I have no clue. I'm biased to Norns.

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