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Rare Mounts anyone?


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So one thing that I've always loved about the game especially from playing GW1 is unique drops in unique areas/locations. Like with The Underworld you could get Dhuums scythe, mini pet, ghostly sword and they were rare rewards from his chest which you had to spend quite a while through a dungeon and beat it.


I know Mounts are not very old, and there is a griffon mount you can unlock through collections but I think it would be nice to have some exclusive items solely through the means of a challenge like we have today with weapon skins being attached to certain places.


Wither it's a new skin for existing mount types, or a new type of mount with it's own perks altogether I wouldn't mind. Even if it's tradable like most items today, or is a very low drop rate and has to be obtained yourself through a raid boss etc. cause the item is soulbound. I would just prefer to see some mounts that are not only from the cash shop/achievements and actually rare quality like earning your own legendary or the gold to purchase one.

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It would have to be a skin rather than a mount, because mounts each have their own mechanics. It's not too much of a problem to have one special one that's harder to earn, but also optional, but I imagine it'd be a lot of work for minimal benefit to add lots of them.


But mount skins from achievements and collections would be great. I'm not keen on rare random drops because making it rare enough to be special basically requires disappointing a lot of people who will never get it. But if it was tradable I suppose it would be ok.

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> @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> Considering none of the glider skins were unlockable through gameplay... I don't think you will ever see free mount skins. It'll be gem shop only.


There are a couple of glider skins unlocked through gameplay. One from PvP and one from WvW and there is one you can unlock from doing a quest (but the quest requires a gemstore purchase). So a mount skin unlock chance is low but possible.

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> @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> Considering none of the glider skins were unlockable through gameplay... I don't think you will ever see free mount skins. It'll be gem shop only.


There's 3 of those... One for each legendary backpack.


Also just because they did something wrong in the past doesn't mean they should keep on doing it. One of the things that turns a lot of people away is that there's just not enough incentives to keep on playing.

A lot of my friends just stopped playing (i also had a 6 months hiatus during LS1) and the process of people leaving is always the same:

- They enjoy the game, play it, have fun with it.

- They reach end-game, enjoy it for a while, do Dungeons, fractals, maybe raids.

- Stuff gets too repetitive and grindy, people start playing less

- they only login for dailies, and guild stuff like weekly missions and raids

- they only login when a new living story launches

- a new expansion comes out and they don't think it's worth the money since they now only play the game a couple weeks every 2 months.

- Another costumer lost, not because the game is bad, not because they don't enjoy it, but because they feel like they don't have any obtainable goals, because everything they could aim for is hidden behind a paywall that isn't fun to climb.


Having reasonable interesting goals would be a way to reverse this. Whether you like it or not, there's a problem of perception with having everything gated behind the gem store. Even if it's kinda cheap and you can actually buy it with gold, even if it would be no problem if the exact same items were available in-game for that exact same gold amount.

Not that this is the case with mounts, since except for the festival bundles (which are too focused on the festival theme) everything else is either overpriced or toxic RNG.


One of the most fun rewards we had in recent times were the Bloodstone visage. It was a great fun series of tasks with a cool system, that actually rewards a good looking skin. The griffon is quite close to that, except that it breaks that mould with the 250g pay wall.


The issue seems to be that devs focus too much on gold conversion cost of the rewards, this was apparent with precursor crafting, you could easily tell from dev comments that they focused more on making the cost of obtaining the precursor similar to the market cost of the original precursors (and ended up overshooting it) than actually making the system fun for the players and repeatable for themselves. Which ended up with them having to compromise with the Mystic Curios and Legendary Shards system (which is actually preferable to the original precursor crafting in that it doesn't have any time-gated materials, but duller because its all about farming or buying stuf, not actually playing the game).


That they haven't acknowledged that end-game is mostly about cosmetics, and that focusing all the cosmetics into the gem store is creating a "pay to win" feeling in the community is kind of disturbing.

And you can see the shift caused by this... Because outfits are so prevalent and there's too many gem-store bound skins, the "end-goal" is more and more shifting to auras, and Arena Net has noticed, and is capitalizing on it. But honestly limiting your rewards to RNG causes a lot of frustration.

As with a lot of flaws in gw2 this is a matter of moderation and balance. They tend to put all their eggs on the same basket, instead of spreading them around. This has been backfiring a lot because eventually that basket gets dropped.

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