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Guild hall decorations


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Hi .. not sure about others but I love spending my time in decorating the guild hall same as I enjoy building things in sim and other similar games.. I can spend ridiculous hours building and decorating stuff inside guild hall.. love doing it. It will be nice if we have more options to this feature.. eg if there is guild hall decoration expansion package sell in TP.. I would buy it even if it cost a new game :p ofc it should come with good decoration features.. it will be nice if we can have increase number of items allowed to be place on each zone.... allow certain/some decorations once unlock we don't need to craft it again. its like a new game inside gw2 sort of thing..And the package unlock to personal acc upon purchase not to the guild or it can unlock to guild whichever easy. I'm sure many guild decorator will be interested right (^_^)


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I believe Anet had a different idea back when imagined the guild halls and the decorating systems.. maybe it was something that would bring guild members together, so they could build a greater thing by sharing materials/raid trophies/etc. It would be a really beautiful scenario but the decoration system doesn't really promote this kind of thing.. most players aren't going to hand a portion of their gold or mats to build a guild hall that most people won't even or ever visit. Let's be honest, there isn't much purpose on guild halls today other than being an expensive way to sink player's gold and materials.


Don't get me wrong, I love the guild halls and decorating just like you do <3 . I love it so much that I've build my own guild hall to max from scratch, most of it by myself (material and gold wise) and asked for my friends help me to gather favor by doing easy and medium missions over 9 months straight. It's heavily decorated as well. LOTS of gold, mats and people's effort on it.. but the only reasons why I go to my guild hall are to gather nodes, add new decorations that are added to the game and to get the guild buffs at the tavern every 24 played hours. What I hear from people from the other guilds that I am in is that people don't really care about the guild halls, there's no real use for guild halls to justify the amounts of everything that's spent on it.


The guild halls are usually something for the guild leaders, since the decorating option is locked to most guild members on most guilds. There's also the fact that decorations are tied to a job and to a guild that has a scribing station, (it requires some upgrades until you can have the station in your GH) AND are quite expensive to make. Why would players buy something from the gemstore that's related to decorating when they don't even have access to it?


TLDR; Most players don't get the joy of decorating guild halls because they never had (and maybe never will have) the chance D:!! It's sad!!! Also, if people go to the guild halls, it's to do something quick and leave, and the current decorating system isn't inclusive, it doesn't make people want to become a decorator. So why would they even buy something from the gemstore that has anything to do with it? Anet and their failed attempts :( ...

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I think Leila nailed it. The whole system feels too niche - i know ive had issues encouraging players yo a guild hall begore and have consumed thousands of golds worth of mats for essentially became a ridiculously expensive personal housing project for me.


I think Guild Halls need first need a stronger primary purpose before they can ever expand the decorations system, but i imagine it is very low down on the to do list for the reasons Leila detailed

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Thanks for the response, yes currently the guild hall decorating system isn't very good good esp. the gold sink part.. that is why i think if this can be improved to make the decorating feature more attractive, if they are able to come up with a guild hall building tools package (purchasable directly from TP) and with common decorating items permanently unlock and have unlimited use until the limit of global guild hall decoration is reached. Basic decorating items such as walls, columns, rocks, trees etc ... and down the track they can also sell more new permanent unlock decorating items in separate package via tp. This is just a suggestion.. maybe better suggestion to guild hall decorating system.. ??

Our guild happen to have some generous guildies.. if we ask for donation people usually help which is very nice .

I have seen/visited some pretty awesome guild halls too :) but there are guild that struggle to get people to donate and struggle to level up.


made a video quick tour of our very humble gh.. still a lot of improvement needed. :)

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> @"leila.7962" said:

> TLDR; Most players don't get the joy of decorating guild halls because they never had (and maybe never will have) the chance D:!! It's sad!!! Also, if people go to the guild halls, it's to do something quick and leave, and the current decorating system isn't inclusive, it doesn't make people want to become a decorator. So why would they even buy something from the gemstore that has anything to do with it? Anet and their failed attempts :( ...


My "whole guild" (those representing or actively taking part in guild/socializing or otherwise on request) has access to decorating and scribing, and at least in our guild, only I as a guildleader, actually take time to decorate the guild hall. I hear similar stories from other guilds. So even with many people having access to it, not alot of people are that interested in it I think.


Ofcourse, with the obvious limits in place it gets really hard to have seperate areas for each person interested in decorating regardless. Its often not possible or hard to "decorate together".


I do often set more expensive decoration goals to keep the guild expanding the different types of decorations. That works slow but surely towards a prettier or more varied guild hall.


Oher than that. A gemstore item for a more than singular space, just doesnt really work, with rotating leaderships, leaving guilds, etc. creating a monetary investment option into any guild is just asking for problems.




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Can confirm what others have said here. I really like decorating the GH, building small diorams or just places to hang out, little JPs or just a Trophy-place for the guild's schievements. However, if I don't punch ppl to donate even a scrap of jute or a log of seasoned wood, I pay it by myself. And I can't blame my guildies for that. I like decorating our GH, so I don't mind paying for mats, but there's just not much to do in the GH unless you RP so I get why ppl don't contribute. The GH has so much potential, but ANet will prob just abandon it like a lot of things that feel like in this perpetual state of not quite finished "well, we had this idea here, let's see what we can make...well nevermind, let's do something else...".


The GH would need more functional things, like markers to set race courses, or a system to set up minigames in the arena. There's not even an activity NPC, a feature which would actually work, now that you can queue as teams for things like Keg Brawl or Southsun survival.

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I love being creative and making things, but I thoroughly despise the decoration tools they have given us. They are SO inaccurate and clunky... I hate trying to make my stuff in the guild halls because it is too hard to just place a thing on the right place, and then you suddenly hit the max number of decorations, and there isn't even a good selection of real materials to construct: its all predefined decorations, not useful architecture pieces...


The decoration system is too... decorative for me. I prefer building things, not putting things as mere ornaments. Kudos to those that construct complex and beautiful things despite the limitations of the tools, guys you have an incredible talent.

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Imo guild hall is like a side quest .. we don't really want anet to invest too much time in this unless we have a good number of ppl interested in paying for this. I mean if you have a wish list for which you like the gh decoration tools to be like by all means share it here. I was thinking that future better tool to be sold separately in TP if they ever developer it and unlocked to personal acc... idk .. but it's nice to see improvement in this part of game :p

And also.. suggestion for new different level tittle for Guild Decorator depending certain item achievements crafted eg like a guild tree/planter tittle after crafting 100 trees etc and 1 ap or something? :p

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> @"BumbleBee.8456" said:

> I am with you all on this topic.

> What kills it for me is the limit on decorations we can place in a specific area.

> I think they have mentioned its a technical thing which I find it very odd when you think we are just about to enter 2018.


Yes I hate the limit on decoration in one small area.. I wanted to make a floating library. But I could only place floors and two bookshelves.. can't place anything else :( thts why if they release special guild hall expansion package allow us to place more items.. I will buy it to unlock to my guild.

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> @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

> My "whole guild" (those representing or actively taking part in guild/socializing or otherwise on request) has access to decorating and scribing, and at least in our guild, only I as a guildleader, actually take time to decorate the guild hall. I hear similar stories from other guilds. So even with many people having access to it, not alot of people are that interested in it I think.


Decorating it's very time/gold consuming. I agree, not everyone would enjoy doing it, but most guilds don't even allow the players to do so. Your guild may be a different case, but at least people are allowed to if they ever want to.. but then there's the huge amounts of mats and gold to craft a single decoration that may influence these people's will on decorating.


If im not mistaken, a little before PoF was released, I read something about Anet dropping guild's contents (missions/new GH's) due to having other priorities on their list.. Maybe if housing was a thing, they could sell premade houses so people could have in their guild halls, idk.. decorating was just waaaaaay better on Wildstar :( they should play it to get some ideas and ideas on how to earn money with that.. It was very satisfying, addictive and any/every player had easy access to decorations/decorating on that game.


They could do fun things like this: https://imgur.com/a/hBfWY waaaay much better :( my snowman has no legs!!!

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> @"leila.7962" said:

> > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

> > My "whole guild" (those representing or actively taking part in guild/socializing or otherwise on request) has access to decorating and scribing, and at least in our guild, only I as a guildleader, actually take time to decorate the guild hall. I hear similar stories from other guilds. So even with many people having access to it, not alot of people are that interested in it I think.


> Decorating it's very time/gold consuming. I agree, not everyone would enjoy doing it, but most guilds don't even allow the players to do so. Your guild may be a different case, but at least people are allowed to if they ever want to.. but then there's the huge amounts of mats and gold to craft a single decoration that may influence these people's will on decorating.


> If im not mistaken, a little before PoF was released, I read something about Anet dropping guild's contents (missions/new GH's) due to having other priorities on their list.. Maybe if housing was a thing, they could sell premade houses so people could have in their guild halls, idk.. decorating was just waaaaaay better on Wildstar :( they should play it to get some ideas and ideas on how to earn money with that.. It was very satisfying, addictive and any/every player had easy access to decorations/decorating on that game.


> They could do fun things like this: https://imgur.com/a/hBfWY waaaay much better :( my snowman has no legs!!


I am talking about that moment when people have access, some if not alot of decorations are bought or available to play with... but even then it just doesn't happen.

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They are a gold sink, no doubt about that. But having people enjoy it depends on the guild. My main guild we have one person in charge of upgrades and decorations and he in turn has several people under him that scribe stuff. We also invite people in that want to learn scribe with the understanding that most of the things they will make help the guild and we may ask that they make certain things as a repayment option (usually if we need a lower decoration made that will give them XP instead of having a master scribe do it). With that being said we also schedule guild events and meetings in the guild hall. All guild missions start/end in hall as well as promotion ceremonies. Random contests and events take place every few months ( we had a very devious race at spring break where you had to stay in quagun form and go through an obstacle course and several built in JP's). We also have areas that are put aside for members to call home. They can claim a "room" and we will give them temporary decoration rights and help them make it feel like home. I would say that out of the 53 members in the guild, I will see about half in there at any giving time.

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I agree with the first couple comments i read... decorating is for people that are lucky enough to have permissions or suck up to guild leaders to get em ;) Being someone who also spends most of their play time in the guild hall it's insane how others think "what's the point" THERE IS LOTS OF STUFF TO DO! but if u don't have permissions i can understand since i didn't have them for the first 6 months, but then i didn't know about/ understand the crappy system.


Also I find probably because most don't have permissions and don't spend much time in ghall, it's super hard to get anyone to participate. Posting on Guild message of the day, our website, or even just sign posts in the hall- guild members are still clueless of all the guild hall activities. It's just a futile ettempt to get guilides to participate. That said there definently are more decoraters out there that would more resources put on guildhalls or revamping the entire system to make it more appealing to everyone.


Personal Housing... it seems to be the #1 way to do it.

How they introduce it however, i hope anet is brainstorming on this for a future expansion. Scribbing is already bound to the individual and not the guild, seems like they were planning for this possible outcome before they launched it. Though the guild "work together" idea to sink lots of gold has failed miserably because its just a few sinking all their gold for the guild. Hopefully an individual system will be better balanced for cost of decorating.


And if they have to make a gemstore decorating bundle in order to have personal housing(a way to fund more resources for it) that personal housing better be instanced village and not personal instance or some kind of portal added to cap cities allowiing anyone to come visit. I basically have a personal instance with my own guild hall for decorating, it gets awful lonely and hard to get all these "what's the point" players to come visit.


Anyone have a decorations guild i can join? :D



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> @"lokh.2695" said:

> I like decorating our GH, so I don't mind paying for mats


>but there's just not much to do in the GH unless you RP so I get why ppl don't contribute.

Whaat??? There's lots of stuff to do if you're an Architect for your guild besides RP.

**Scavenger Hunts:** I've made many more in our old GH.


**JPs:** Everyone loves JPs! :disappointed:


**Challenges:** Fun for explorer types





Raptor Race 2.0

Raptor Race 3.0


> The GH would need more functional things, like markers to set race courses

yes this would be cool, interactive markers like the ones currently in races(though i bet that method would be difficult to implement.). I 'm stuck with outlining the boundrys with red lanterns close together and still people get lost :/


> or a system to set up minigames in the arena. There's not even an activity NPC, a feature which would actually work, now that you can queue as teams for things like Keg Brawl or Southsun survival.

some good ideas here anet.


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Oh.. thanks for the videos and responses.. ! :)

It's awesome.. and very creative!!

I think the housing idea is very good!!

I am thinking of personal housing license.. players can use it in guild hall to claim/locate and when he leaves the guild he gets the license back by demolishing it. He can decorate his own house inside and outside

Sorry I think I'm going mad lol

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We lack more interactive stuff.

Stuff that actually not just looks good but allows us to do stuff like, rewards for a jumping puzzle.

Crafting stations for other stuff not just scribe, a home instance portal, or better, the option for players to "share" their home instance stuff in the guild hall...

There's a whole slew of decorations they could add.


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> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> We lack more interactive stuff.

> Stuff that actually not just looks good but allows us to do stuff like, rewards for a jumping puzzle.

> Crafting stations for other stuff not just scribe, a home instance portal, or better, the option for players to "share" their home instance stuff in the guild hall...

> There's a whole slew of decorations they could add.



A LOT of decorations they could add. :'(


I think one day I'm just going to make a forum post compiling all the various already existing assets I'd love to have as a decoration and hope it gets some attention.


Specifically trees and architectural assets.


Would also love to have some asuran style architectural things and decorations. (And would love a functioning teleport pad/portal but that might be technically challenging.)

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