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So How would you like next season to run?


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> @"Exedore.6320" said:

> 5 man ranked play needs to return, but balance needs fixed above all else.


The one big problem with 5 man ranked q is that the population is still low enough that it isn't terribly hard to get together a pretty good but not amazing team and just Q-dodge every team that can beat it to get higher than they should on the leader board. I would still like to have it back though, it just wouldn't be as competitive as the AT's or even solo ranked at least until we get some growth.

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The system is pretty good imo, it's just the playerbase that's somewhat to low. And maybe the volatility should decrease further after a while, since many people easily bounce around in an 150-200 MMR region. Otherwise it's good, 5 man Q was always a joke that offered nothing except easy wins to any somewhat decent team. The removal of Duo Q for 1600+ was also good, I guess it could be removed altogether (doesn't make much of difference though).


This is far better than grinding Pips to Legend on a 50% winratio nonwithstanding your actual skill, or the grind leaderboard withe the victory points that preceded the pip system.

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> @"Falan.1839" said:

> The system is pretty good imo, it's just the playerbase that's somewhat to low. And maybe the volatility should decrease further after a while, since many people easily bounce around in an 150-200 MMR region. Otherwise it's good, 5 man Q was always a joke that offered nothing except easy wins to any somewhat decent team. The removal of Duo Q for 1600+ was also good, I guess it could be removed altogether (doesn't make much of difference though).


> This is far better than grinding Pips to Legend on a 50% winratio nonwithstanding your actual skill, or the grind leaderboard withe the victory points that preceded the pip system.


lol...it's exactly the same thing


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> @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > @"Falan.1839" said:

> > The system is pretty good imo, it's just the playerbase that's somewhat to low. And maybe the volatility should decrease further after a while, since many people easily bounce around in an 150-200 MMR region. Otherwise it's good, 5 man Q was always a joke that offered nothing except easy wins to any somewhat decent team. The removal of Duo Q for 1600+ was also good, I guess it could be removed altogether (doesn't make much of difference though).

> >

> > This is far better than grinding Pips to Legend on a 50% winratio nonwithstanding your actual skill, or the grind leaderboard withe the victory points that preceded the pip system.


> lol...it's exactly the same thing



Both were horrible but i still like the pips better then the current horrible joke. All in all the best idea would be like players have been asking for is a separate que and LB one for solo ques only! Then a LB for teams of 2, 3 , or 5. Call it Solo LB and Grouped LB. That way we can start to determine top players finally instead of those being carried by friends.

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It would be nice if there werent wintraders all over the leaderboard during all the season. They should be detected and banned instantly, not after the season.

BTW where are we suposed to report this kind of stuff? I know there is a option in game but anet ignore that thing. There are obvious proofs of people wintrading and they are still able to play ranked. For example this guy is still around without any punishment.



I have nothing personal with him, he is just one of many, check the reports and do your work or give us a better way to report this behavior.



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> @"HealAlNite.9658" said:

> It would be nice if there werent wintraders all over the leaderboard during all the season. They should be detected and banned instantly, not after the season.

> BTW where are we suposed to report this kind of stuff? I know there is a option in game but anet ignore that thing. There are obvious proofs of people wintrading and they are still able to play ranked. For example this guy is still around without any punishment.

> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5z9Z_elmkIY


> I have nothing personal with him, he is just one of many, check the reports and do your work or give us a better way to report this behavior.




Sadly match manipulation has been addressed already. Not by way of banning but just a wrist tap half ban and them telling the cheaters "you are bad bad people". Then the cheatboys just bought new game keys on gw2 and they are back. Sad joke really but that's gw2 currently. Banning cheatboys would take out whats left of the self proclaimed top players.

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> @"Ziggityzog.7389" said:

> >


> Both were horrible but i still like the pips better then the current horrible joke. All in all the best idea would be like players have been asking for is a separate que and LB one for solo ques only! Then a LB for teams of 2, 3 , or 5. Call it Solo LB and Grouped LB. That way we can start to determine top players finally instead of those being carried by friends.


Maybe I'm missing something, but how can you carry your friends if you can only solo queue above 1600 rating?


The biggest problem with the pip system is it had safety nets where if you entered a new division you couldn't drop below that division, other than legendary division where you could drop prestige but still not division. This made it easily achievable to anyone who actively played.

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* Extend ranked solo queue restriction to all tiers.

* Introduce other size tournaments, including 2v2 and 15v15.

* Introduce more personal performance factors for rating and matchmaking.

* Introduce a fixed build queue and draft mode for ranked matches.

* Players no longer queue in ranked with just the current character. Instead, they talk with an NPC after setting different builds with different characters, and register those. Players must register at least 3 different builds of 3 different professions (a total of at least 9), and they will queue with all of them. Builds must have at least 3 different traits and 2 different utility skills to be considered different.

* At the start of the match, teams take turns picking their own builds and banning enemy builds. The chosen builds are loaded along the characters that registered.

* Players can no longer switch characters.


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**Sadly there is no hope.**

State of pvp as is now has no population. Making it horrible Match-ups resulting poor gaming & frustration from what's left of the community.

Since the last few years, Anet playing musical chairs with each classes. Taking turns on power creeping & nerfing them at each new so call balance patches.

It's a quick fix to spike up player base but that last for a week or two. Does not take to long for players to run to forums & complain & offer there view on how to fix the game mode. As a pvp vet I'm not afraid to say that Anet & players are all wrong. This is going to continue on & on until there is no player base because the game mode build as it is, is flawed. I do respect all of your opinions but i do not share them. Unfortunately, the initial devs that worked of this system a few years back has badly designed it. Even in split mode balance problems & power creeps would still remains. Not only that, but you would still would have only a few optimal choice builds for each classes. Witch gets boring playing the same thing over & over in the long wrong. ** Knowing it will never happen, This system needs to be first scratch & trashed! ** But that cost lots of $$$ that i don't think Anet is willing to gamble on. I think they should but that will never happen. If they did, they should hire real math geek genius from some universities & build first on paper something that balances out. Any gimmicks & new maps or mods will not fix the problem. Been there, done that, yet still no fix.

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> @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> **Sadly there is no hope.**

> State of pvp as is now has no population. Making it horrible Match-ups resulting poor gaming & frustration from what's left of the community.

> Since the last few years, Anet playing musical chairs with each classes. Taking turns on power creeping & nerfing them at each new so call balance patches.

> It's a quick fix to spike up player base but that last for a week or two. Does not take to long for players to run to forums & complain & offer there view on how to fix the game mode. As a pvp vet I'm not afraid to say that Anet & players are all wrong. This is going to continue on & on until there is no player base because the game mode build as it is, is flawed. I do respect all of your opinions but i do not share them. Unfortunately, the initial devs that worked of this system a few years back has badly designed it. Even in split mode balance problems & power creeps would still remains. Not only that, but you would still would have only a few optimal choice builds for each classes. Witch gets boring playing the same thing over & over in the long wrong. ** Knowing it will never happen, This system needs to be first scratch & trashed! ** But that cost lots of $$$ that i don't think Anet is willing to gamble on. I think they should but that will never happen. If they did, they should hire real math geek genius from some universities & build first on paper something that balances out. Any gimmicks & new maps or mods will not fix the problem. Been there, done that, yet still no fix.


Matchmaking is just kitten RNG now due to low pop. No skill required.

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The only things that should change is BALANCE

1. Alot of new elite specs in not viable in pvp

2. Most of HoT spec are completely forgotten? Build diversity is not good thing?

3. It sucks to be melee classes in this meta (not talking about spellbreaker)

3. Revs and Eles are completely neglected

4. Why always and everywhere scoruage can corrupt? Almost every boon in the game is garbage in midfights.

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> @"rwolf.9571" said:

> > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > **Sadly there is no hope.**

> > State of pvp as is now has no population. Making it horrible Match-ups resulting poor gaming & frustration from what's left of the community.

> > Since the last few years, Anet playing musical chairs with each classes. Taking turns on power creeping & nerfing them at each new so call balance patches.

> > It's a quick fix to spike up player base but that last for a week or two. Does not take to long for players to run to forums & complain & offer there view on how to fix the game mode. As a pvp vet I'm not afraid to say that Anet & players are all wrong. This is going to continue on & on until there is no player base because the game mode build as it is, is flawed. I do respect all of your opinions but i do not share them. Unfortunately, the initial devs that worked of this system a few years back has badly designed it. Even in split mode balance problems & power creeps would still remains. Not only that, but you would still would have only a few optimal choice builds for each classes. Witch gets boring playing the same thing over & over in the long wrong. ** Knowing it will never happen, This system needs to be first scratch & trashed! ** But that cost lots of $$$ that i don't think Anet is willing to gamble on. I think they should but that will never happen. If they did, they should hire real math geek genius from some universities & build first on paper something that balances out. Any gimmicks & new maps or mods will not fix the problem. Been there, done that, yet still no fix.


> Matchmaking is just kitten RNG now due to low pop. No skill required.


No they have a working matchmaking system on. Unfortunately & it was mentioned on several threads before that the system cant matchup players from same bracket due to low population involved in pvp at one time. So it' matches with what ever it can get. Kinda right when you say RnG.

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> @"HealAlNite.9658" said:

> It would be nice if there werent wintraders all over the leaderboard during all the season. They should be detected and banned instantly, not after the season.

> BTW where are we suposed to report this kind of stuff? I know there is a option in game but anet ignore that thing. There are obvious proofs of people wintrading and they are still able to play ranked. For example this guy is still around without any punishment.

> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5z9Z_elmkIY


> I have nothing personal with him, he is just one of many, check the reports and do your work or give us a better way to report this behavior.




Wow. I never knew that was possible. Regardless, yeah . . . no hope. Sorry. You really can't balance the same classes in both PvE and PvP and believe one or the other will suffer.. Only hope? Separate the two. But even then, I think the majority of PvP players have found greener pastures already.

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People seem to think bringing back 5 man play is the solution to everything in ranked... which is all well and good, but from memory, the community of Pre-mades were actually fairly small. They would often have long que times, and often faced pugs and/or PvE guilds playing guild missions. This might be fun for the party crushing noobs, but irritating for the pugs who simply want to play casually, no strings attatched.

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