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What will happen to gw2 when it dies?


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here is the harsh truth.


You will either:

* Rage Quit because of some change made to the MMO that you don't like. Wish the game will die.. and won't.

* Get Bored withe the game While it is still active, and think about returning after several expansions, realize that to do so and become viable again would take an immense amount of grind (in GW2, It would be Elite Spec and Mastery Lines, maybe new gear combos, and infusions types) and either embrace that or walk away again.

* Stick around till the population declines, and watch helplessly as the game slowly becomes more neglected and desolate and learn that even if you enjoy soloing the lack of other players kills the life in the game, and all you have is the memories of when it was active. Hoping beyond hope that either the game will surge back to life and justify your pious loyalty, or perhaps that a new version will come out that is better, and your efforts in the predecessor MMO will be rewarded in he new one.

* Find a happy stopping point, and move on to another MMO.


I'm not saying to sped your money, do whatever makes you happy.


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> @"STIHL.2489" said:

> here is the harsh truth.


> You will either:

> * Rage Quit because of some change made to the MMO that you don't like. Wish the game will die.. and won't.

> * Get Bored withe the game While it is still active, and think about returning after several expansions, realize that to do so and become viable again would take an immense amount of grind (in GW2, It would be Elite Spec and Mastery Lines, maybe new gear combos, and infusions types) and either embrace that or walk away again.



Grind? Seriously?


I left for two years. I had enough HPs stored to get scourge immediately..and within a month of doing various things and HPs every now and then ...I got the HPs for power reaper.

And that was spending a good amount of time doing other things. . Getting elite specs is easy.


And if you already have ascended, it's not hard to change the stats via mystic forge.


You might have a point on infusions as I actually know nothing about those, but if it's like the others. ...there really isn't THAT much gring involved.

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Me and mother had a long discussion about death and it feels so early to her if she would die now. It made her depressed and we realized we had to talk this out.

After a long evening, deep into the night, sitting on the couch with no TV, no lights, just a candle on the coffee table, we realized (more or less relieved) that with the age, you become tired. Of life. Now, I am 27 years, she is 50, we are both still fit and healthy. But when every step hurts, when you can't take care of your laundry, or cook, or even get out of the bed, and you have seen all, death is suddenly not such a bad option. You might want to conclude your life eventually. Since that day, which actually happened just as I described it above, I am much more light-hearted in that matter, which can be projected easily to MMORPGs, or pets, even plants (that old 20-year old cactus, man, it has been there since I was born but it died eventually..)


Just wait when the games will look better or bring new features. You will slowly realize it's good/better to move on. I know exactly what the OP means in his 2nd post. When I had to leave FF14 it hurt so much because the game is awesome - but YoshiP, the head of the dev team (maybe similar to "our" Mr. O'Brien), just pulled out dumb decisions patch for patch. I still look into my screenshots folder and still have 30 GByte of ShadowPlay footage as if it's my family album. And it was hard to migrate to GW2. But now, I don't look back. I found stuff that is either similar or better than in FF14. I found my perfect profession, the best race (or better: species) to play as, the best-looking weapons to me (<3 The Hunter, Darksteel Pistols, Whisper's Secret Daggers) and I just bought the Noble Count outfit and it's full of details (the tailcoat works physically correct, even when going into kneel position when sniping!) and the golden chains on my jacket make the right sound effect whenever I move. All these details add up to a much better experience than I ever had in FF14. Back then, during FF14-time, I always stayed away from U.S. MMORPGs, now it's a blessing to be here.


I remember when I loved Final Fantasy: Tactics for the GameBoy Advance. I still have it, 96 hours on that savegame. Never ever will I find a game that makes me so happy to play. Well, that was like 13 years ago. Of course I did find many games meanwhile. I still remember that holiday 2004 playing that game and I had a blast, but man, I have lived through many other chapters of great experiences meanwhile, and now it's just a nostalgic feel. A warm one. The same will happen to GW2 in 15 years I guess..



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> @"Wulf.5431" said:

> I'm in a bit of a funk with gw2 right now, and have been for a while. The nature of mmo's is starting to bother me. I love this game so much, but the fact that I have no control over when it dies and what happens after really bums me out. Every time I go to spend money on the store I stop, because in a few years, who knows where gw2 will be. I know it's doing well now, but other iterations of the game may come out, or the company gets bought out, etc. Why it happens, or even when, isn't very important. What bugs me is the uncertainty, and god knows there's enough of that in life as it is. I love that I have other old games that I can boot up and play 20 years later, and I'll be able to in another 20 years.


> I know gw2 is popular right now, and will in all likelihood stay active for years to come. My question is what will happen when its time is up? Will it be lost forever? Or will it be possible to have some offline/local play version of it or something? Private servers are possible but I don't want to be at the mercy of a random persons world either. I'm not looking for a dev to respond, as I'm sure they have better things to do. I suppose I'm looking for assurances, to help me feel better about playing the game. I know I'm gonna die someday, but I don't want my favorite avatar to die as well.


You are losing sight, its about the journey, not the destination. Everything is fleeting, enjoy the now for what it is. Build bonds with others and see where that next path leads together. But remember to stop, smile, laugh love and game. Good hunting!

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It's more than likely that the game will be dead to you before it is officially dead. The only common reason why games shut down is because people stop playing them, if you're one of the few left riiight at the end, it would certainly suck, but it is also extremely unlikely you will be here at the end.

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> @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > here is the harsh truth.

> >

> > You will either:

> > * Rage Quit because of some change made to the MMO that you don't like. Wish the game will die.. and won't.

> > * Get Bored withe the game While it is still active, and think about returning after several expansions, realize that to do so and become viable again would take an immense amount of grind (in GW2, It would be Elite Spec and Mastery Lines, maybe new gear combos, and infusions types) and either embrace that or walk away again.



> Grind? Seriously?


> I left for two years. I had enough HPs stored to get scourge immediately..and within a month of doing various things and HPs every now and then ...I got the HPs for power reaper.

> And that was spending a good amount of time doing other things. . Getting elite specs is easy.


> And if you already have ascended, it's not hard to change the stats via mystic forge.


> You might have a point on infusions as I actually know nothing about those, but if it's like the others. ...there really isn't THAT much gring involved.


I WvW a lot, I have thousands of proofs saved up, and maxed trades, I could make a new character today, tome them to 80, max their elite spec, and slap them in full Ascended without even leaving the Home BL. But, that does mot mean anything regarding what grind it would be for anyone else to do the same.


What about all the people not like me? What about the people that didn't grind fest Hero points before they left? My ranger, for example, I made exclusively to play PvE, I earned their everything from the PvE maps, from Fractals, World Bosses, map Completion, and given I hated HoT, I still unlocked Druid... before taking a year long break myself.


When I came back, my ranger had zilch points past druid.


If not for my WvW investment , I'd be grinding out a their whole new Elite spec in PoF maps.


I am sure many would be in the same situation as that, and lets not forget about alts. coming back has it's weights on it.. and a grind attached. Where at one point you are dumping stuff because everything is maxed, to suddenly you have to pick who you are going to focus on.


Even if you could insta-max elite Specs, What about Mastery?


Did you get to bypass the Mount grind? Gonna bet No.. because it's linked to the expansion.


What about the Living Story Rewards?


What about WVW ranks, and whatever new currency they added to buy the good stuff like Notes, and flowers, and whatever.


There is a lot of grind related to returning, if you love the game, you will embrace it, and enjoy it.. if not.. it becomes it's own wall to return.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > @"Wulf.5431" said:

> > > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > > You can keep going, as often as you want. ....for as long as it's around.

> > > Does the fact that it will leave, stop you from experiencing the rides?

> >

> > I get where you're coming from with your analogies, but the thing is is that gw2 is a game, traditionally something you pay to own. A material thing that is yours, not an experience you have once and it's over. It's something you own until you don't, only you don't know when that end will be. Besides, though I think your analogy is a little silly, I could for sure look forward to going on that ride again when it next comes into town, or follow it to the next town, etc.

> >


> You don't own Guild Wars 2, though. You pay for a license to access the content. Just as you pay for a pass to access an amusement park. You can read that very fact in the EULA. Worrying about the future can really spoil the present. You really only have two choices: enjoy the game now, and invest in your present happiness....or walk away.


> Good luck.


To put it another way, what you are paying for is access to servers. When a multiplayer game goes away the client software (usually) does not delete itself from your computer. It exists like any other program on your machine, it just is not very useful without the server half.


There have been successful attempts to run other servers when something shuts down. Not always legal, but on the technical side a success. Look at classic WOW servers or replicating the protocol for second life virtual worlds. So who knows what the legal landscape would be in a post-GW2 world. Note that this is NOT an encouragement to do something illegal, just pointing out that hypothesizing about the technical and legal future far in advance with so many unknowns is a fool's game. Who knows? Anet may just up and decide it is worth it to sell their server code at some point.



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If it's only consolation, you pay for the entertainment _now_, just like you pay money for a movie or musical performance.

Its momentary entertainment that will obviously never last forever.


And i hope guild wars never dies.

I've been here since dawn, and I've yet to see a more vibrant world full of life. And i have met so many friends all over the world, shine off which still play now as well. I have serious bites of nostalgia at times. When i remember conquering the Rings of Fire in gw1 with my friends.


But one day, the law of Dhuum will catch up. All things must die, a death undeniable

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> @"Wulf.5431" said:

> > @"Silmar Alech.4305" said:

> > The end of GW2 will be: Some years in the future, the game servers will be shutdown and you will be unable to access the game and your account any more.

> >

> > That's the same as with all MMOs of the last years. It's probably the same as with GW1: it was announced a long time ago that there will be no server software available, so there will be no private servers. It was also announced that GW1 will run as long as there are players playing it - we don't know if this will be the case with GW2 as well. Ncsoft shut down games before that definitely had a non-negligible amount of players.

> >

> > GW1 was released in 2005, 12 years ago. GW2 was released 2012, and if it will get at least the same time as GW1, GW2 will have at least 7 more years to go.


> That's so tragic to me. This game is perfect to me, I love everything about it. And I'm a very picky person. To find your perfect game only to realize it's not really yours, that you're just renting it for a decade or so, makes me not want to play it at all.


That's GW1 in a nutshell. Perfect game for a lot of players, 6-9 million copies sold, then at the top of its popularity out of nowhere Anet goes "nope, we're done with this, we're making something completely different, suck it"


No wonder many are still salty about it. Anet cares about its playerbase until they don't.

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> @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > > here is the harsh truth.

> > >

> > > You will either:

> > > * Rage Quit because of some change made to the MMO that you don't like. Wish the game will die.. and won't.

> > > * Get Bored withe the game While it is still active, and think about returning after several expansions, realize that to do so and become viable again would take an immense amount of grind (in GW2, It would be Elite Spec and Mastery Lines, maybe new gear combos, and infusions types) and either embrace that or walk away again.

> >

> >

> > Grind? Seriously?

> >

> > I left for two years. I had enough HPs stored to get scourge immediately..and within a month of doing various things and HPs every now and then ...I got the HPs for power reaper.

> > And that was spending a good amount of time doing other things. . Getting elite specs is easy.

> >

> > And if you already have ascended, it's not hard to change the stats via mystic forge.

> >

> > You might have a point on infusions as I actually know nothing about those, but if it's like the others. ...there really isn't THAT much gring involved.


> I WvW a lot, I have thousands of proofs saved up, and maxed trades, I could make a new character today, tome them to 80, max their elite spec, and slap them in full Ascended without even leaving the Home BL. But, that does mot mean anything regarding what grind it would be for anyone else to do the same.


> What about all the people not like me? What about the people that didn't grind fest Hero points before they left? My ranger, for example, I made exclusively to play PvE, I earned their everything from the PvE maps, from Fractals, World Bosses, map Completion, and given I hated HoT, I still unlocked Druid... before taking a year long break myself.


> When I came back, my ranger had zilch points past druid.


> If not for my WvW investment , I'd be grinding out a their whole new Elite spec in PoF maps.


> I am sure many would be in the same situation as that, and lets not forget about alts. coming back has it's weights on it.. and a grind attached. Where at one point you are dumping stuff because everything is maxed, to suddenly you have to pick who you are going to focus on.


> Even if you could insta-max elite Specs, What about Mastery?


> Did you get to bypass the Mount grind? Gonna bet No.. because it's linked to the expansion.


> What about the Living Story Rewards?


> What about WVW ranks, and whatever new currency they added to buy the good stuff like Notes, and flowers, and whatever.


> There is a lot of grind related to returning, if you love the game, you will embrace it, and enjoy it.. if not.. it becomes it's own wall to return.


I didn't grind hero points. I just mapped..And I haven't even finished core tyria maps. I barely play WvW.


I'm extremely casual And don't even have one set of ascended gear.


Getting the elite specs is no grind. ..it doesn't take that much time play time.


You talked about being viable..don't need mounts or masteries to be viable. HoT masteries are a little of a grind but not too bad and not that necessary.


Living Story rewards..are just that. .rewards. They're also not necessarily needed.


I never said grind didn't exist. I meant there was no grind in specific to your first response...Which is to stay viable.


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> @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > > > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > > > here is the harsh truth.

> > > >

> > > > You will either:

> > > > * Rage Quit because of some change made to the MMO that you don't like. Wish the game will die.. and won't.

> > > > * Get Bored withe the game While it is still active, and think about returning after several expansions, realize that to do so and become viable again would take an immense amount of grind (in GW2, It would be Elite Spec and Mastery Lines, maybe new gear combos, and infusions types) and either embrace that or walk away again.

> > >

> > >

> > > Grind? Seriously?

> > >

> > > I left for two years. I had enough HPs stored to get scourge immediately..and within a month of doing various things and HPs every now and then ...I got the HPs for power reaper.

> > > And that was spending a good amount of time doing other things. . Getting elite specs is easy.

> > >

> > > And if you already have ascended, it's not hard to change the stats via mystic forge.

> > >

> > > You might have a point on infusions as I actually know nothing about those, but if it's like the others. ...there really isn't THAT much gring involved.

> >

> > I WvW a lot, I have thousands of proofs saved up, and maxed trades, I could make a new character today, tome them to 80, max their elite spec, and slap them in full Ascended without even leaving the Home BL. But, that does mot mean anything regarding what grind it would be for anyone else to do the same.

> >

> > What about all the people not like me? What about the people that didn't grind fest Hero points before they left? My ranger, for example, I made exclusively to play PvE, I earned their everything from the PvE maps, from Fractals, World Bosses, map Completion, and given I hated HoT, I still unlocked Druid... before taking a year long break myself.

> >

> > When I came back, my ranger had zilch points past druid.

> >

> > If not for my WvW investment , I'd be grinding out a their whole new Elite spec in PoF maps.

> >

> > I am sure many would be in the same situation as that, and lets not forget about alts. coming back has it's weights on it.. and a grind attached. Where at one point you are dumping stuff because everything is maxed, to suddenly you have to pick who you are going to focus on.

> >

> > Even if you could insta-max elite Specs, What about Mastery?

> >

> > Did you get to bypass the Mount grind? Gonna bet No.. because it's linked to the expansion.

> >

> > What about the Living Story Rewards?

> >

> > What about WVW ranks, and whatever new currency they added to buy the good stuff like Notes, and flowers, and whatever.

> >

> > There is a lot of grind related to returning, if you love the game, you will embrace it, and enjoy it.. if not.. it becomes it's own wall to return.


> I didn't grind hero points. I just mapped..And I haven't even finished core tyria maps. I barely play WvW.


> I'm extremely casual And don't even have one set of ascended gear.


> Getting the elite specs is no grind. ..it doesn't take that much time play time.


> You talked about being viable..don't need mounts or masteries to be viable. HoT masteries are a little of a grind but not too bad and not that necessary.


> Living Story rewards..are just that. .rewards. They're also not necessarily needed.


> I never said grind didn't exist. I meant there was no grind in specific to your first response...Which is to stay viable.



We will just disagree on what it means to be viable.

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> @"witcher.3197" said:


> That's GW1 in a nutshell. Perfect game for a lot of players, 6-9 million copies sold, then at the top of its popularity out of nowhere Anet goes "nope, we're done with this, we're making something completely different, suck it"


> No wonder many are still salty about it. Anet cares about its playerbase until they don't.


And those people aren't being honest with themselves or anyone else, they're just whining. If ANet didn't care we would have never had the HOM rewards OR the still live servers.


Final paid expansion to GW1 launched Aug 31, 2007, GW2 didn't launch until Aug 28, 2012, and GW1 received its final big update *after* that. Yep, they really cut everybody off at the height of its popularity lol


GW1 lived its life cycle as an actively supported game more than half a decade after the final paid expansion, a game that beyond selling character slots and storage tabs didn't have much in the way of revenue beyond those expansions (if memory serves there was a $10 Heroic Mission pack and two outfits, Grenth and Dwayna, beyond character slots and Xunlai panes). All those "buy permanently" games the OP waxes lovingly about are lucky if they see 6 months of active support.


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When or if they ever develop Guild Wars 3 I would like to see them start from ground up with a different engine, maybe something like Unreal. I'd also like to see them roll Guild Wars 1 and 2 into a time layered game w/GW3 content. They could allow players to bind characters to the various time periods. It would give them a chance to fix all the inconsistencies that have developed over the years.

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> @"Chip H.3951" said:

> > @"witcher.3197" said:

> >

> > That's GW1 in a nutshell. Perfect game for a lot of players, 6-9 million copies sold, then at the top of its popularity out of nowhere Anet goes "nope, we're done with this, we're making something completely different, suck it"

> >

> > No wonder many are still salty about it. Anet cares about its playerbase until they don't.


> And those people aren't being honest with themselves or anyone else, they're just whining. If ANet didn't care we would have never had the HOM rewards OR the still live servers.


> Final paid expansion to GW1 launched Aug 31, 2007, GW2 didn't launch until Aug 28, 2012, and GW1 received its final big update *after* that. Yep, they really cut everybody off at the height of its popularity lol


> GW1 lived its life cycle as an actively supported game more than half a decade after the final paid expansion, a game that beyond selling character slots and storage tabs didn't have much in the way of revenue beyond those expansions (if memory serves there was a $10 Heroic Mission pack and two outfits, Grenth and Dwayna, beyond character slots and Xunlai panes). All those "buy permanently" games the OP waxes lovingly about are lucky if they see 6 months of active support.



Anet "cared" because they needed to retain some of the players so they can be hooked on GW2 when it comes out. This "emrhgerd they didn't have enough cash shop to support them game" is the dumbest recurring arguement I hear from GW2 fanboys in denial. With nothing but expansions GW1 was making 2/3 of what GW2 is making now. Let that sink in. They didn't even experiment with any other model until after GW1 was already cancelled. Had they started finding a balance between store items like outfits and expansions I think it'd still be going. **Moreover, GW1 could've been an actual esport,** it had the combat, the systems, and the playerbase for it, something GW2 was chasing but was always out of reach.

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> @"witcher.3197" said:


> Anet "cared" because they needed to retain some of the players so they can be hooked on GW2 when it comes out. This "emrhgerd they didn't have enough cash shop to support them game" is the dumbest recurring arguement I hear from GW2 fanboys in denial. With nothing but expansions GW1 was making 2/3 of what GW2 is making now. Let that sink in. They didn't even experiment with any other model until after GW1 was already cancelled. Had they started finding a balance between store items like outfits and expansions I think it'd still be going. **Moreover, GW1 could've been an actual esport,** it had the combat, the systems, and the playerbase for it, something GW2 was chasing but was always out of reach.


Why does everything have to be an esport? Why can't a game just be a fun game without bringing all the elitism associated with esports into it?

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gw2 is already dead... theres no skilfull pvp, just play a decent gimmick to get carried and pray for a competent team.

WvW is blob aoe spam fights and when lure is considerated a high skill thing where it should just be the most basic of the gameplay .... u know the game is bad... and its just bomb that zone while u dont need to know what classes ur gona hit nor direct pvp combat... just aoe spam on both sides...

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> @"Tekoneiric.6817" said:

> > @"witcher.3197" said:


> > Anet "cared" because they needed to retain some of the players so they can be hooked on GW2 when it comes out. This "emrhgerd they didn't have enough cash shop to support them game" is the dumbest recurring arguement I hear from GW2 fanboys in denial. With nothing but expansions GW1 was making 2/3 of what GW2 is making now. Let that sink in. They didn't even experiment with any other model until after GW1 was already cancelled. Had they started finding a balance between store items like outfits and expansions I think it'd still be going. **Moreover, GW1 could've been an actual esport,** it had the combat, the systems, and the playerbase for it, something GW2 was chasing but was always out of reach.


> Why does everything have to be an esport? Why can't a game just be a fun game without bringing all the elitism associated with esports into it?


It doesn't *have to be* anything.. but there's a lot of money in e-sports and Anet knows that. I understand GW2 palyers had a bad experience with Anet's esport push but that's because GW2 didn't have what it takes and Anet kept pushing for something they'd never achieve. Meanwhile GW1 had a thriving scene with hundreds of competitive guilds and 1 years into the game's life Anet was already throwing a 100k$ tournament. In GW1 the esport potential was there in a natural way, in GW2 Anet kept forcing it. If they held onto GW1 for 2 more years it could've been one of the biggest esport titles out there, which'd net Anet quite a bit of money.


They still could've made GW2, but if I was the CEO I would've made GW2 for PvE only and kept GW1 as the PvP title.

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For perspective, There's a megalomaniac with nukes a few hundred miles northwest of the game company's headquarters.

It could end this afternoon. If we're still around, we'll find a way to deal with it. There's no point or value in wondering how to control what we cant control.

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