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Please fix how Emergency Waypoints work!!!

Esprit Dumort.3109

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As soon as someone pops it and spams it in Team, it takes most players 30s to load into the map and then end up at spawn. It would take less time to map to spawn and run there by the time the "Emergency Waypoint" actually loads.


It's probably because the server can't handle 50 people spawning in, but why have it when it rarely works?


Bonus fix: Have 3-4 random waypoint locations, as most zergs can just camp and kill by the time players map in.

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This has been an issue for a very long time but mostly people used the "workaround" when the reg waypoint had a few seconds of it being open even when contested. Which was used when already on the map. After anet removed that option the EWP issue became more of a thing. As things stand EWP are really only useful if your pinged it the second its pulled and when you're already on the map. If your on another map then in most cases the load screen is longer than the WP is open. Which as you said ends up with you sitting on a load screen for EWP only to be kicked to spawn anyways. We are not all using super fast computers/ISP and SSDs or get the warning the second the EWP is pulled. Anet should really increase the EWP time to 1-2min open so allow it to be used as intended. last 6 EWP i've "taken" all ended with a fail and spawn kick load screen. Anymore than 2mins would give the defenders too much advantage but 30seconds gives the attackers the advantage since most defenders could run from spawn faster if they ported to spawn and not on a long EWP (which 9x out of 10 fails to load in time). So atm the EWP works out counter-productive for defenders which should never be the case.

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When an ewp is pulled, it should automatically be announced with a link in /t so people also don't lose precious seconds spamming the ewp wp. Also whatever methods it uses to port people in, it needs to be looked at and ensure that they get portaled in there no matter what as long as they clicked while the wp was up - too many times it just loads you to spawn which is pretty much useless (this even happens despite clicking late or early/coming in from another map).

Note: I also realise there may be issues for force transporting players that have clicked within the timeframe the ewp has been up if the objective happens to flip during the duration, it might be deemed unfair. They could be auto wp'ed to spawn in that case.

On another note I do also think the ewp spawn itself should send the players to three random locations nearby maybe within (around lord area) or just outside the objective so they don't get bombed. I don't know how that would pan out as I know it would still cause problems, but either way the bigger zerg will always have the upper hand whether in def or attack.


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Maybe just give it 10 more seconds and give it a VERY CLEAR auto announcement with a chat link in some color that stands out. Having to spam it is a pain, and a lot of us have /t or /m shut off sometimes cause people spam those with crap. I would even go as far as having a notice on screen (kinda like when an objective is captured) displaying alongside the link on chat. I think a lot of people dont get into EWPs or get kicked out cause they notice them too late.


Extending it for 1-2 minutes is WAAAAAY too long. You can come back 2-3 times in that time on some rigs. EWP has to be exactly what its name says: an EMERGENCY waypoint. People should have to decide in a split second if they're gonna take that or not, not have a 2 minute opening to decide whether to take it or not, or make sure its clear or not. If that gets bombed or not by the enemy, that's a problem for the player who pulled the waypoint to analyze beforehand.


In short, EWP should be a chance to rescue an objective, not a surefire method of getting a map-blob into a keep.

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IMO, Ewp should just be for players that do not belong to the guild that claimed the srtucture.


Players that belong to the structure should use normal teleport every 60sec(some classes can reach it way faster my walking to the structures lawl) interval to structure when structure is under atack, and 2mins port to structure when has no swords.


Meanwhile make walls t3 drop close to t2 health pool

Make walls larger or taller to work for defenders, ppt is not a ktrain only(wish Anet could understand this...), should be defendable as well.

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I'm not even worried about them "fixing how they work", I just want them to "fix them". They bug so often it's almost a wasted tac to slot them. It doesn't matter if you're on the map (or porting from another map), and click it the second it comes up, most of the time you just end up at spawn cause it bugged out.

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> @"ThunderPanda.1872" said:

> > @"RodOfDeath.5247" said:

> > I don't even bother taking it anymore. It's too buggy or the enemy just sits on it spamming every skill in the game.


> That's not the point. You're suppose to pull it before inner comes down.


That is one thing that i dont understand gw2 players... ive seen Ewp pulling right after or commander wants to it be pulled right after walls are down, where this could lead to the group using the EWP beign farmed on spot.

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EWP is generally always pulled to late once inner is down íf pulled with walls at 50% there is no problem it is not rocket science ,why complain about something that shouldn't be a problem just common sense to activate before hand. It is just people are to slow to respond waiting on numbers etc etc

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> @"ThunderPanda.1872" said:

> > @"RodOfDeath.5247" said:

> > I don't even bother taking it anymore. It's too buggy or the enemy just sits on it spamming every skill in the game.


> That's not the point. You're suppose to pull it before inner comes down.


You and I know that, not a lot do unfortunately and provide vague details but posting in team chat the link 500 times no matter how much you coach them lol

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EWP should only allow a fixed amount of player per use instead of a very short duration. Also players just transferred by EWP should get a short duration of invulnerability.


For example only 10 players transfer per trigger and last for 1 min. The first 10 players that click the EWP will get trasferred, the 11th player will get transter to spawn directly. The 10 players should be a stalling force to save an object being captured while waiting for the main reinforcements.


1)if there are no player response on current map, players from other map won’t get time outted for the extended duration.


2)small scale assault team still not easy to steal an object if 10 enemies stalling thier capture, they will get destroyed by reinforcements if needed.


3)medium assault team will not easily got rolled over by zerg or blob size enemies from EWP, instead, either they can kill that 10 players fast and still capture the object or retreat fast if they knew zerg is on the way.




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> @"Crossaber.8934" said:

> EWP should only allow a fixed amount of player per use instead of a very short duration. Also players just transferred by EWP should get a short duration of invulnerability.


> For example only 10 players transfer per trigger and last for 1 min. The first 10 players that click the EWP will get trasferred, the 11th player will get transter to spawn directly. The 10 players should be a stalling force to save an object being captured while waiting for the main reinforcements.


> 1)if there are no player response on current map, players from other map won’t get time outted for the extended duration.


> 2)small scale assault team still not easy to steal an object if 10 enemies stalling thier capture, they will get destroyed by reinforcements if needed.


> 3)medium assault team will not easily got rolled over by zerg or blob size enemies from EWP, instead, either they can kill that 10 players fast and still capture the object or retreat fast if they knew zerg is on the way.





Why would we want mechanics that prevents fights? I know 40 defenders vs 10 attackers is no fun, but what if it’s 40 attackers?


Why would we want mechanics that inconvenience zergs? Look at DBL, that map is designed to break up zergs with long distance between objectives and stuff. That map is a karma train.


EWP has a long cooldown of 30 minutes, I suggest you to use it to your advantage, instead of simply wanting to karma train.

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> @"ThunderPanda.1872" said:

> > @"Crossaber.8934" said:

> > EWP should only allow a fixed amount of player per use instead of a very short duration. Also players just transferred by EWP should get a short duration of invulnerability.

> >

> > For example only 10 players transfer per trigger and last for 1 min. The first 10 players that click the EWP will get trasferred, the 11th player will get transter to spawn directly. The 10 players should be a stalling force to save an object being captured while waiting for the main reinforcements.

> >

> > 1)if there are no player response on current map, players from other map won’t get time outted for the extended duration.

> >

> > 2)small scale assault team still not easy to steal an object if 10 enemies stalling thier capture, they will get destroyed by reinforcements if needed.

> >

> > 3)medium assault team will not easily got rolled over by zerg or blob size enemies from EWP, instead, either they can kill that 10 players fast and still capture the object or retreat fast if they knew zerg is on the way.

> >

> >

> >


> Why would we want mechanics that prevents fights? I know 40 defenders vs 10 attackers is no fun, but what if it’s 40 attackers?


> Why would we want mechanics that inconvenience zergs? Look at DBL, that map is designed to break up zergs with long distance between objectives and stuff. That map is a karma train.


> EWP has a long cooldown of 30 minutes, I suggest you to use it to your advantage, instead of simply wanting to karma train.


It is not preventing fight, i suggested so in favor of smaller server with less player. A small group taking a keep should be encouraged instead of zergging everytime.


If the attack team is not zerg or even blob, EWP could only transfer 10 players and they can still keep lord alive until main reinforcements arrived.

Especially when there are only 3-5 players taking keep and the defend side also low on player density, the expended EWP duration may actually bring more players to depend the keep.


I prefer less zerg more small group kind of wvw fighting, it doesn’t mean we prefer ktrain. Like Justine above said, i rather remove EWP totally in favor of small group.


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