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Do You Raid?


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> @"Rhiannon.1726" said:

> What do you mean with „viriability“? Something like a 25% chance, that either w, x, y or z happens?


> I don’t think that would be good, because it would make raiding more difficult to learn, especially for groups that don’t play often.

> It also would mean „luck“ or RNG, wether you get the easier mechanic or the mechanic your group (or group composition) is better prepared for, or if you get the mechanic you hardly can handle.



Ultimately I mean rethinking what an instance is. Mix things up. Start with a slate of foes. Change where things are. Make the challenge thinking on your feet rather than memorizing a script. The game doesn't have to be 'waste time clearing trash' so that you can fight the exact same fight over and over again. Instead I'd like to go in, see what it throws at me and frankly not face the same thing the next time. I'd like to be able to pick a scaling difficulty level so I could work up to the point where I might succeed about half the time.


It is a different mind set but seems like a much better way to leverage dev resources to me since it encourages replay.


I don't like tabletop rpgs run on rails yet most instances are worse than almost any ref. Thou shall stand here, then here then here. Thou shall cc then dps then cc. And if you don't have quite the dps then thou shall flat on your face.


But it is sadly easier to script. Not begrudging those who like it but did enough of that in wow for a lifetime. Not going to do it here.

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> @"yLoon.5289" said:

> Yes I do raid.

> Raid is fun when played with a close knit of friends, however, joining a PUG group could sometimes go down south. xD


Sometimes Pugs can be really great, other times it can incredibly stressful. I’ve had to full out stop playing due to some of the verbal abuse.


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> @"CptAurellian.9537" said:

> > @"witcher.3197" said:

> > > @"Ardenwolfe.8590" said:

> > > Hope ArenaNet is seeing these numbers.

> >

> > Yes, I too hope they make decisions based on an online poll with less than 100 participants /s

> Just imagine the incredible number of participants at the time of that post!


> Anyway, I find it amusing that raid participation votes ("regularly" and "sometimes") constantly hover at 25-30% combined. That's not too far away from the numbers you can reasonably deduce from gw2efficiency and, more importantly, it seems like a very healthy number for niche content.



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> @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > Does "I do raid training" count?


> No, its doesn't.


> But to further state, trying to quantify how many raid and how many don't. ANet has access to numbers we don't but hasn't shared, so trying to see if opinions are on mark or off with the limited sampling the forum can provide. Any votes are most welcome. Thanks for your time!


Why is training not acountable? Its basically an "im interesting and start getiing into it"

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> @"zealex.9410" said:


> Ye i hope they're seeing that 30%~ of the playerbase are raiding.


I find it more than ironic that the same people who point out that the forum population is a vocal minority are the same vocal minority screaming in favor of raids. And as of this comment, 61% of those polled say they are not. We don't need to discuss the mathematics of greater than and less than, do we? In case we do, 60 percent beats 30.


Just so we're clear.


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> @"Ardenwolfe.8590" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> >

> > Ye i hope they're seeing that 30%~ of the playerbase are raiding.


> I find it more than ironic that the same people who point out that the forum population is a vocal minority are the same vocal minority screaming in favor of raids. And as of this comment, 61% of those polled say they are not. We don't need to discuss the mathematics of greater than and less than, do we? In case we do, 60 percent beats 30.


> Just so we're clear.



I know basic math. The arguement here is that 30% is not 2 or 5%. And vocal minorities work both ways.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"Ardenwolfe.8590" said:

> > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > >

> > > Ye i hope they're seeing that 30%~ of the playerbase are raiding.

> >

> > I find it more than ironic that the same people who point out that the forum population is a vocal minority are the same vocal minority screaming in favor of raids. And as of this comment, 61% of those polled say they are not. We don't need to discuss the mathematics of greater than and less than, do we? In case we do, 60 percent beats 30.

> >

> > Just so we're clear.

> >


> And vocal minorities work both ways.


Actually, no, it doesn't. You can't discredit one group under the same criteria that you then give another credit for just because you like one viewpoint as opposed to the other. That's more than hypocritical. It also shows how deeply flawed the raider's 'vocal minority' of the forums argument is. _You're_ the vocal minority not only on these forums, but also in the game.


And given that ANet has repeatedly voiced that their resources are limited? Seems strange to focus so much content on only 30% of a vocal minority when 70% of the overall population will never see nor touch it, don't you think? Regardless of all that, the thread has more than run its course . . . and the numbers are in. Despite the current and political thinking, thirty percent of one-hundred are not good numbers.


Trying to twist that to look good is simply reaching.

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> @"Ardenwolfe.8590" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > @"Ardenwolfe.8590" said:

> > > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > >

> > > > Ye i hope they're seeing that 30%~ of the playerbase are raiding.

> > >

> > > I find it more than ironic that the same people who point out that the forum population is a vocal minority are the same vocal minority screaming in favor of raids. And as of this comment, 61% of those polled say they are not. We don't need to discuss the mathematics of greater than and less than, do we? In case we do, 60 percent beats 30.

> > >

> > > Just so we're clear.

> > >

> >

> > And vocal minorities work both ways.


> Actually, no, it doesn't. You can't discredit one group under the same criteria that you then give another credit for just because you like one viewpoint as opposed to the other. That's more than hypocritical. It also shows how deeply flawed the raider's 'vocal minority' of the forums argument is. _You're_ the vocal minority not only on these forums, but also in the game.


> And given that ANet has repeatedly voiced that their resources are limited? Seems strange to focus so much content on only 30% of a vocal minority when 70% of the overall population will never see nor touch it, don't you think? Regardless of all that, the thread has more than run its course . . . and the numbers are in. Despite the current and political thinking, thirty percent of one-hundred are not good numbers.


> Trying to twist that to look good is simply reaching.


Im not being a hyprocrite. I just drew attention to the fact that 30% and more of the ppl here are interested and raid. Thats a note worthy number considering raids are the best way for anet to get trafic on sites such as utube and twitch outside of expansions.


I dont recall calling minorities on the forums to help promote my agenda in the past either. Im aware that the raiding community is not the majority but i didnt subscribe to false logic like the 5% that ppl throw around like its candy. Im using this as an example since it provides us with some numbers even if they are limited in scope to further support my point that the minority is not so tiny as ppl like to say.

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Started around 8 months ago from 0 and Im at almost 300 LI now.

I do my runs every week with pugs because Im a late/nightshift worker with no fixed weekend that makes it very difficult to find a static group. Have seen ALOT groups and actually think toxicity isnt really a problem in most cases. People just get nervous if things go really wrong, like when one guy constantly using reflect on Cairn and wipes the whole group several times in a row. The only thing that IS a problem is the LI requirement, especially on mondays, that is way too high for my taste. On the flipside I see people with 100+ being so bad that they dont succeed a simple Escort run in under 30mins.


What people call toxicity there is mostly the fact that they cant just play 'yolo'-builds and actually have to pay attention. Considering the rest of gw2s content this IS an actual problem caused by the lack of required effort players had to have to succeed in that contents. And they just join raids, do literally nothing, are not willing to practice their char a bit and wonder why nobody want them. Even after wiping for several hours Ive seen LOTS of players that couldnt admit that they really need practice at their own chars. But with (just an example, but Ive really seen this) a DH that does 4k dps on VG, which isnt even the autohit dps with quickness, you really need to do something.


That so called elitsm stuff mostly starts at 509540 LI groups. You can mostly spot these ppl rather quickly and just avoid them. The average pug raid grp has an okay behavior, especially the grps under 100LI. But people in this game are buttmad by the slighest form of criticism and start crying like 3 yrs old children that didnt get a sweet in the supermarket. That is not a problem with the raid comunity actually.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah, I full clear every week (excepting Dhuum, still training that boss -few training time).


Raiding is perfectly doable, but it can be difficult to those who can't commit at least 30minutes to try to kill a boss. It can also be difficult to start raiding unless you have a guild or a group of people willing to teach or play with you. But I think it's worth, raids are very fun and the equipment isn't that expensive. You can start with exotics and eventually you'll have enough magnetite shards to buy the ascended gear you need for a small amount of gold.


I don't think the raiding community is that toxic, either. But yes, toxicity is real. I've had lots of raiders from big and famous raiding guilds disrespecting everyone in the squad, my comm even had to kick one out of the squad. However, I think there are more friendly people than toxic idiots. The pvp community is far more toxic than the raiding one.


The good thing about raids is that if you have elitist people disrespecting you can kick them, if you're the commander, block them or just leave the squad. You don't need to deal with them.

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> @"SuperduperMLGbsns.9345" said:

> Started around 8 months ago from 0 and Im at almost 300 LI now.

> I do my runs every week with pugs because Im a late/nightshift worker with no fixed weekend that makes it very difficult to find a static group. Have seen ALOT groups and actually think toxicity isnt really a problem in most cases. People just get nervous if things go really wrong, like when one guy constantly using reflect on Cairn and wipes the whole group several times in a row. The only thing that IS a problem is the LI requirement, especially on mondays, that is way too high for my taste. On the flipside I see people with 100+ being so bad that they dont succeed a simple Escort run in under 30mins.


> What people call toxicity there is mostly the fact that they cant just play 'yolo'-builds and actually have to pay attention. Considering the rest of gw2s content this IS an actual problem caused by the lack of required effort players had to have to succeed in that contents. And they just join raids, do literally nothing, are not willing to practice their char a bit and wonder why nobody want them. Even after wiping for several hours Ive seen LOTS of players that couldnt admit that they really need practice at their own chars. But with (just an example, but Ive really seen this) a DH that does 4k dps on VG, which isnt even the autohit dps with quickness, you really need to do something.


> That so called elitsm stuff mostly starts at 509540 LI groups. You can mostly spot these ppl rather quickly and just avoid them. The average pug raid grp has an okay behavior, especially the grps under 100LI. But people in this game are buttmad by the slighest form of criticism and start crying like 3 yrs old children that didnt get a sweet in the supermarket. That is not a problem with the raid comunity actually.


No, what people call toxicity is founded. Your biggest critic is always the guy who's strict about Li requirements but is also the worst player in that group. He'll often refuse this claim even when you have evidence from a DPS meter.


At some point I just gave up on raiding in gw2 for a whole mess of reasons, and pretty much stuck to fractals, pvp, and pve.

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Yes, started raiding with the release of Spirit Vale and it has now become my main source of entertainment in the game (~1161 LI). I normally clear on monday with my guild then spend the rest of the week joining PUG runs with friends for fun. We mainly try and join/host training runs just to help others get their clear, there's no better feeling than seeing someone kill a raid boss for their first time.


Aside from one or two isolated incidents, I can't say I see much that I'd describe as toxic. Mainly just people being removed from groups if they clearly have no idea what they are doing, which is justified. I join/host loads of groups without LI requirements, so they do exist. I also rarely see groups with a requirement higher than 250LI (Except for highly specific things like Dhuum CM). In general, I can see why LI/KP pinging is a thing, but not sure it is massively necessary outside of certain bosses (e.g Dhuum).

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I don't, but I would like to. The only things keeping me from regularly doing it is 1, I don't have the time, and 2, I don't like the idea of having to switch to an alt or completely different loadout because my build is completely countered by a couple of bosses.

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i voted other. heres why i dont raid.many many years ago a great game called guild wars 1 came on the scene. people in the game were awesome. there was a " play what you want to play" mentality that in many cases still exist in that game even to this day.and even a group of pugs playing whatever could easily clear fissure of woe even in hard mode. a group of pugs could also do urgoz or the deep.there was a sence of true diversity in that game. guild wars 2 simply dosent have it. so many people dont seem to understand that some people are just better at a certian class and are horrible for others. thats just how it is.for instance. i main necro. i dont get to raid. why? because im usually the last one alive thanks to my time in wvw. we dont have the /gg option. we fight till we die. ive been kicked from many groups for that reason even tho the vale guardian,as an example,was at 5% health when everyone but me went down. this has happened many times.guild wars 2 the people want you to run a specific thing on a specific class or you get kicked. theres no diversity. no sence of fair play like the guild wars 1 days.simply pot. arena net has lost its way. its all about raiding and pvp now. they are even ruining wvw.its all about a money grab. and raids get that cash.dungeons were a huge part of gw1. in gw2 they got left behind for fractals.which are a step below raids.i personally spent 90% of my time in wvw.before that it was dungeons. they ruined both. and now i, like many others, are looking and playing new games because of the bitter disappointment arena delivered. also im still upset, and im not the only one, they took one of the most important things in guild wars 1,fighting dhuum,into a raid boss.this,and so many other things are a slap in the face to those of us who made this game possible in the first place.

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Yes I raid. full clear once a week pug way at raid reset. General full clear for w1 to w4 is 2 hours and a few minutes more and w5 still depends on group as ppl are still getting used to the new wings. Thursday to Sunday no raid unless I hv nothing better to do.. ppl say you need to hv a static group.. join guild.. but it's possible to pug all ur raids. Get toughen up and play the game instead of complaining so much. Play the game more..

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This is why I think Anet should create separate section of forum for raids. There are large number of ppl who absolutely has no interest in raid at all and will not support any raid but has to be hanging around in raid forum because all the forums are joined up ..It's like a click bait to them .. when they read something and be involved in the raud related discussion.. it doesn't help but to make discussion out of the course. Kindly request a separate forum section for raid.


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> @"miku.3025" said:

> This is why I think Anet should create separate section of forum for raids. There are large number of ppl who absolutely has no interest in raid at all and will not support any raid but has to be hanging around in raid forum because all the forums are joined up ..It's like a click bait to them .. when they read something and be involved in the raud related discussion.. it doesn't help but to make discussion out of the course. Kindly request a separate forum section for raid.



Special place for you already exists: https://www.reddit.com/r/gw2raiders/

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