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Killing Elder Dragons is BAD! But What about Braham!


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ok So we all know we're going to the crystal desert to find and defeat Balthazar , but have we forgot about Braham?! This guy now has some magical infused Fire bow from his mom and is off to Kill Jormag. Why aren't we talking about this guy? why wasn't this explain at least in the trailer or a recap? Can someone explain to me whats going on ? Maybe they will talk about this in the expansion , but i feel like the story is all over the place and just jumps from point to point with out finishing explaining what happened to other characters in the game.


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> @"Beorn Raukar.4328" said:

> It was said on episode six that Braham realized that Jormag went back to sleep. So I dont think he is going to use his bow any time soon, which makes Balthazar the pressing matter. This and Palawa Joko will probably be the center of LS4, I think.


I don't remember it being quite this definitive, and there should have been more about this but...writing. However, the fact that Balthazar isn't going after the sleeping Jormag or Primordus (he was right near Primordus when that dragon went back to sleep) would seem to indicate that it is hard to get at a dragon once they are sleeping. So we are probably OK where Jormag is concerned.


Regarding Braham, I just hope he goes away forever. I'm going to be really pissed if they force us to have him in our Guild for the rest of the game.

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> @Fenom.9457 said:

> Since Elona is also the subject of S4, the devs will have the xpac budget for far shiverpeaks. Or he'll come back and we get somewhere else first


Im not sure that we can actually say for certain that Elona is the subject of S4 based on POF simply because S3 bounced us all over the place.


I think we will have some Braham/Jormag issues rise up in S4 due to his need to settle things after Eir ... were going back to the Shiverpeaks at some point and it will be long before another expansion.

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> @Ashen.2907 said:

> I dont reallly want Braham dead. I just dont want him around. As in removed from any continent I am on, have been to, or might be expected to visit in the future


This...so much. I would never take him in to combat. I certainly don't want him in any guild I'm in. Imagine guild chat...or worse, discord. /sigh

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In episode 6, shortly after finishing the task for Dwayna, Taimi calls the player character and has this conversation:


>! **Taimi:** You won't believe what just happened, Commander. Guess. No, never mind, can't wait. Braham sent me a letter.

>! **Taimi:** Would you like me to read it? Of course you would. He says, "Taimi. What did the commander do to Jormag?"

>! **Taimi:** "Destiny's Edge—my guild—had it surrounded, and then... Suddenly, an anguished roar, and it returned to the ice."

>! : Stop. Do we have to do this now? I can't deal with both him and Balthazar.

>! **Taimi:** He says the norn want him to kill Jormag. Why oh why did he put his arrow in that tooth?

>! : I don't have time for his tantrums. He just didn't think.

>! **Taimi:** And... he didn't ask your permission either.

>! : (sigh) I could have protected him from this. He'll either change course, or we'll have to stop him.

>! **Taimi:** But since Jormag's all snoozy, he doesn't have a chance of killing it now, does he?

>! : He better not. Talk to him. Maybe you can get him to see reason. It's never too late for him to do the right thing.

>! **Taimi:** I don't know if he has a choice anymore. He's under a lot of pressure to live up to Eir's legend. And, he's so young.

>! : Older than you.

>! **Taimi:** Only physically... Taimi out.

>! **Taimi:** Oh, Rox sends her love. Really out.


So, no confirmation that he's given up, but he can't get to Jormag with him dormant like he is.


Apparently Braham was very busy off screen.

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Because he had complete disregard for anyone except his own goals, leaving Rox frozen and showing little regret for putting her in danger. He also saw the commander creating a new guild and letting Destiny's Edge be immortalized in time as an insult to his mother, even though it was the opposite. He's also willing to put innocent lives at risk because he personally wants to kill Jormag, even though Taimi had a solution that would theoretically leave no lives at risk.


Basically, Braham is making bad, irrational, and emotional decisions and is being completely self centered, believing that the dragons are his sole responsibility when it's been proven countless times before that people coming together kills the dragons.


If he continues to hunt Jormag in the face of the in-stabilization of Tyria, then he'll fall from graces even further.

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He's so whiney, it's unbearable.


> @Malthurius.6870 said:

> Because he had complete disregard for anyone except his own goals, leaving Rox frozen and showing little regret for putting her in danger. He also saw the commander creating a new guild and letting Destiny's Edge be immortalized in time as an insult to his mother, even though it was the opposite. He's also willing to put innocent lives at risk because he personally wants to kill Jormag, even though Taimi had a solution that would theoretically leave no lives at risk.


> Basically, Braham is making bad, irrational, and emotional decisions and is being completely self centered, believing that the dragons are his sole responsibility when it's been proven countless times before that people coming together kills the dragons.


> If he continues to hunt Jormag in the face of the in-stabilization of Tyria, then he'll fall from graces even further.


And yeah. This too.

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> @Djinn.9245 said:

> > @Spinex.3695 said:

> > Why do people hate Braham?


> Cause I'm sick of his whining.


My biggest gripe with him is not his Shadow the Edgehog attitude - but the fact that the cataclyst of this character development was the totally unecessary and stupid scarifice of my favourite NPC in the entire game/setting. So him being a whiny, edgy Norn teenager is twice the slap in the face to me because it will always remind me of what brought it about.


It is a crying shame that the Norn race have all but been written out of the story now, with the death of Eir and all, and all we have left to represent us is the lamest character ever - after Tarhearne - in the game.

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Braham was actually a pretty neat character, and he was badass for a bit with his mother dying and all that. Then he just turned into a whiney mess.


I'm actually fairly certain they are going to turn Braham into a bad guy either this expansion, or next expansion. And either we will save him, or he turn to the light at the last moment and sacrifice himself to save the world! Or some silly cliche. /Icanseethefuture

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> @Fractured.3928 said:

> Braham was actually a pretty neat character, and he was kitten for a bit with his mother dying and all that. Then he just turned into a whiney mess.


> I'm actually fairly certain they are going to turn Braham into a bad guy either this expansion, or next expansion. And either we will save him, or he turn to the light at the last moment and sacrifice himself to save the world! Or some silly cliche. /Icanseethefuture


Killing Eir was totally unecessary and brought on nothing positive in terms of character/plot development at all.* If it is just going to lead Braham into becoming Trahearne 2.0 like that, I'll be genuinely mad at the writers of Anet. Srsly.






*Except the memorial service in Hoelbrak. That was genuinely touching and I loved it.

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> @Oglaf.1074 said:

> > @Fractured.3928 said:

> > Braham was actually a pretty neat character, and he was kitten for a bit with his mother dying and all that. Then he just turned into a whiney mess.

> >

> > I'm actually fairly certain they are going to turn Braham into a bad guy either this expansion, or next expansion. And either we will save him, or he turn to the light at the last moment and sacrifice himself to save the world! Or some silly cliche. /Icanseethefuture


> Killing Eir was totally unecessary and brought on nothing positive in terms of character/plot development at all.* If it is just going to lead Braham into becoming Trahearne 2.0 like that, I'll be genuinely mad at the writers of Anet. Srsly.






> *Except the memorial service in Hoelbrak. That was genuinely touching and I loved it.


I like that they killed Eir. I liked Eir too. She was my favorite besides Necromancer Caithe (What the hell happened to that anyways?). However, killing Eir isn't just individual character plot. To me, it means that they are willing to kill such an important character, that any other character could die.


I never thought they would kill Eir. But now that they have, I'm convinced they could kill anyone.



>! I'm legit still worried that Marjory is going to die (I haven't finished the story, unsure if she does or not.). All because Eir died.

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> @Oglaf.1074 said:

> Killing Eir was totally unecessary and brought on nothing positive in terms of character/plot development at all.* If it is just going to lead Braham into becoming Trahearne 2.0 like that, I'll be genuinely mad at the writers of Anet. Srsly.



I have to strongly disagree with this.


Killing off Eir was a necessary evil. Eir's entire character was setup in a way that she absolutely could not exist anymore without being the driving character of the story.

Eir was the master tactician, helped in tackling the awakening of 3 separate elder dragons (1 more than the PC), had just made amends with Braham and managed to reunite Destiny's Edge. Her heroes journey was ultimately complete, her boy was a man, her extended family was whole there was nothing more she could realistically add except external motivation for the others to continue on after she was gone. She did that in death.


I don't see Braham being trahearne 2.0. He's so far from the Mary Sue Trahearne was it's not even funny. Right now Braham's story is at its apex, he's going to be coming crashing back down to earth in the form of humility and going on a character redemption story soon. It's the classic story writer setup and i do not see it changing based on everything anet has done thus far.



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