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Worth buying HoT and PoF ?

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Its been a couple of years since i last played GW2, i remember enjoying vanilla and having tons of fun but at some point got bored and dropped the game...

At some point i swapped servers and restarted completely to play with some other people but that eneded up with real life being 2 busy and no time to buy/play HoT...

Recently my lady got into GW2 and i decided that today i'd reinstall and play some with her... now the problem lies in the fact that neither of us have HoT and RoF....

Personally i know i can easily catch up to her level and probably pass it in about a day or 2.. (used 2 play WoW but after Legion its become boring as F...

Anyways, would it be worth it to get HoT and RoF at this point?


Thank you for your time reading this and possibly answering <3



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I wont tell you what to do, but you have to keep in mind that neither expansion is the same as the original game. Anet’sdirection for them was completely different so it feels like another game.

If you want something new go ahead, but if you like vanilla you may be dissappointed.

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Yes, both are worth it for the elite specs and story. HoT has some of the best open world group content in the entire game and they are still popular and rewarding (map-wide meta events). PoF feels more like a single-player game but still worth it for the mounts.

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If your friend has one or both expansions, and you want to play with her, then you would probably want to purchase the 2 expansions for the discounted price of $50 (for both).


For story, it will cost a bit more, if you've not been logging in for the Living World Season Episodes. I'd say the story is worth it, not to mention all the maps and items/content that is offered. You can, of course, exchange Gold to Gems for the Living World Season Episodes/packs.


Welcome return, and good luck.

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> @"Lollogasm.6915" said:

> Would it be worth it story wise ? i just realize i forgot to mention that story is fairly important to me ^.^;;


If you're on Comcast I cannot recommend the XPac stories. They are my ISP (no kitten choice) and the game chooses to DC me in story instances, with no option but to restart, so regularly that I've about given up on story.

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If you want the glider, the mount, and the masteries, you have to have the expansions.

At the same time, if you want extreme frustrations in needing zergs to get mastery points and hero points, then the expansions are for you. The design team(s) that put HoT and PoF together were obviously NOT the original developers. Vanilla GW2 was fun; to me, the changes made to GW2 subsequently and the HoT and PoF expansions definitely are not.

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Most definitely: Both are enjoyable. Forget specialisations, gliding and mount. In my opinion the expansions are worth it for the enjoyable additions to the worlds they provide, and some great stories/challenging content. Both expansions tend to really shine when playing together with 1 to 4 others. I'm not sure if you're a materialistically focused person or not, but in my view they're most definitely worth it for the lasting intrinsic enjoyment they provide, more so than just the extrinsic.

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It depends on what you want (And when).


If you still got plenty of things to experience in Core Tyria, then there is no real rush, you can take your time and play together with the friend.


You can still get and do personal story and Living season 2 (and the LS1 placeholder...), and see if you want to go further on the story from there.


Each of the expansions have a very different "feel" to them, and also design. HOT was a good bit harder than most areas before then, and a lot of people complained they felt it was too hard. Other felt it was just right. If you think the Core Tyria difficulty (open world) is just right or a bit hard, then you probably should skip HOT. If you want something a bit harder, then def buy. PoF is more of a middle ground.


HoT especially is also very vertical, with multiple layers on each map, and can be difficult to navigate using the minimap. You have to walk around and familiarize yourself a bit with each area in order to figure it out, especially finding all the gliding spots etc.


Each expansion allows you to pick a new "elite specialization" for each class (and also lets you play the revenant class). Most people like them, they're generally fairly good, but you don't need them to do anything in Core Tyria, and probably not in any of the expansions (I haven't found anything yet at least). But remember that you got to gather a good amount of hero points to unlock them, 250HP for each elite. So you're going to have to do the expansions to get enough HP to unlock them (entire tyria+wvw+single buyable home hp = 216hp iirc). So just take that into consideration, if you don't want to spoil any story etc, you might want to wait until you get to that stage anyways.


Both expansions are really nice to play in small groups though, 2 player groups are pretty nice for both.


Honestly I think it is a little bit difficult to say, as people seem to react so vastly different to the expansions (especially HoT). It tends to be a hate or love relationship, personally love HoT, but haven't really made a decision on PoF (since I'm saving most of it so all budies can catch up on story and do it together).

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I would suggest getting both as a bundle so you don't get left out of the other content. I think it was extremely lame of ANet for not including HoT content with PoF via some means because the game designed to build content on top of the previous content. IMHO it's adversely impacted PoF and LWS4 because they purposely didn't include support for HoT masteries in PoF. At the very least if someone bought PoF they should be able to unlock the HoT content from the gem store for 2500 gems which is roughly $30. People with limited means could earn in-game gold to pay for it.

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I'm not big on story, but found both HoT and PoF enjoyable, story-wise, and certainly easier to sit through than vanilla.


Content-wise, HoT is a must-have if you enjoy open-world (random) group content. The zones are a complete break (literally) from vanilla, and even though it all gets bit maze-like, I love the zones - especially how hard it is for a new or returning player to just explore them, given how hard some groups of mobs can be before you figure them out. And gliders alone are worth the price of entry IMO.


PoF is a lot more like vanilla, in that it's a lot less stressful for new or returning players to explore, and the pace is a lot more laid-back. It's great for more casual play, which means I play it less than HoT since I like a challenge (other than big spam-fests like killing bounties). I actually liked the story, which is rare. And the zones are beautifully crafted and a blast to explore. But the short answer here is: mounts alone are totally worth getting it, the rest is just icing on the cake ;-)

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Meh and yes. PoF is worth it for the mounts alone, even if the story isn't to your taste. HoT maps are a pain in the kitten without it. I'm usually a total sucker for story, but HoT's didn't suck me in enough to ever get past Ch. 2 (I think). I'm 99% done with PoF, but the story didn't really catch me either. Instead, I'm back to Core Tyria and the personal story with new alts.

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Personally, I find HoT FAR more interesting and fun than PoF, (I love interesting maps that aren't flat and designed "for dummies", and the meta-map events are truly superior) but you'll find very different opinions about the two expacs.

IMO you should get both anyway, because gliding and mounts are both important gameplay additions, and they offer very different experiences that contrast and complement each other.

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> @"Lollogasm.6915" said:

> Hiya,


> Its been a couple of years since i last played GW2, i remember enjoying vanilla and having tons of fun but at some point got bored and dropped the game...

> At some point i swapped servers and restarted completely to play with some other people but that eneded up with real life being 2 busy and no time to buy/play HoT...

> Recently my lady got into GW2 and i decided that today i'd reinstall and play some with her... now the problem lies in the fact that neither of us have HoT and RoF....

> Personally i know i can easily catch up to her level and probably pass it in about a day or 2.. (used 2 play WoW but after Legion its become boring as F...

> Anyways, would it be worth it to get HoT and RoF at this point?


> Thank you for your time reading this and possibly answering <3


> ~Lollogasm


The answer depends on why you became bored in the first place. The expansions are significantly more challenging and generally have more events going on. They also grant access to new specs, new weapons, a new class, new utilities, new stats/skins, new legendaries, new storyline, raids, and of course masteries. So there's a lot of new content to try and the quality, in my opinion, is significantly better than the core game.


Having said that, many players find the combat and complex vertical maps of HoT frustrating. It seems to be one of those things: You either love it or you hate it. If you found the combat in the core game painfully easy and boring and one map seemed much like the next with a different skin on it, HoT may be just your speed!


PoF is more forgiving in terms of layouts, but the combat is still a big step up from the core game and the mob density in some places can be downright insane! Just a bit ago I was heading after a bounty champion, but there was a forged raiding party and another event on his spawn point, which happened to be in the middle of a stretch of desert that had hydras and sand sharks all around. It immediately blew up into an all-out war, drawing other players in and scaling up the events to spawn elites and champions! It took several minutes to calm things down and complete all of the events, but by that time we had enough people gathered to go after the legendary bounties! Fun!




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> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:


> PoF is more forgiving in terms of layouts, but the combat is still a big step up from the core game and the mob density in some places can be downright insane! Just a bit ago I was heading after a bounty champion, but there was a forged raiding party and another event on his spawn point, which happened to be in the middle of a stretch of desert that had hydras and sand sharks all around. It immediately blew up into an all-out war, drawing other players in and scaling up the events to spawn elites and champions! It took several minutes to calm things down and complete all of the events, but by that time we had enough people gathered to go after the legendary bounties! Fun!


I would have liked to seen that one. I love it when craziness happens like that when there is enough players. People coming together to tackle big events is one of the best aspects of open world PvE. I like quietly farming but when I'm in a fighting mood I enjoy the crazy like that.

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