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Now what to nerf before next season ALL classes


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So after playing 510 games this season the following need nerfing;


Scourge: the damage is still pretty high on the conditions, increase cool down on shades.

Firebrand: the healing output/boons from this class is ridiculous these needs a nerf.

Holosmith: the burst damage is crazy along with the dodge roll bombs need a nerf.

Deadeye: the damage is crazy and can easily hit you with 20k with deaths judgement, along with pp deadeye needs a cool down on pistol 3.

Mirage: what happened to reducing condition stacking? can easily stack 20-25 stacks of confusion, use a skill to cleanse to take damage or don't do anything and die.

Druid: can out sustain any class 1v1 on far and win the point, healing needs reducing and also a cooldown on celestial avatar.

Soulbeast: the damage output is still too strong, longbow 3 easy 100-20.

Spellbreaker: damage is still a little too high and sustain needs a nerf.

Weaver: their burst on fresh air is way to strong and can easily 1 shot you, needs a nerf


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> @"LucianTheAngelic.7054" said:

> Deadeye is l2p if you're having issues with it tbh. It's like a sniper in any fps; if you have bad positioning and/or are not aware of it, you're gonna get headshot and die. As soon as they get pressured they either die or become useless.


I have no problem with them, though when your in a big team fight that 20k hit really leaves a foul taste in your mouth.

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> @"XgamerXgodX.9617" said:

> > @"LucianTheAngelic.7054" said:

> > It's like a sniper in any fps; if you have bad positioning and/or are not aware of it, you're gonna get headshot and die.

> This is not an FPS game.


It may not be an fps, but it's the same archetype. The same things that beat snipers/prevent them from doing their jobs in FPS work on Deadeyes in GW2. None of their strong projectiles are unblockable meaning they're super susceptible to projectile destruction/reflection, none of their projectiles are piercing meaning pets clones etc. get in the way, they have to trade mobility (shortbow) for melee (d/p) or vice versa, they lack the defensive tools and escapes of meta core thief or daredevil, and they can't contest a point at all (at least core thief/daredevil can try). All of this plus all of the regular issues thieves have like small health pool and you have one of the easiest classes to kill in pvp. As mentioned above, if you know your opponent has one, you have to be aware of it and have good positioning and then pressure it when you see it. They only excel against players/teams with a fundamental lack of awareness honestly. And that is a l2p issue pure and simple. There is a reason none of the top thieves run deadeye in legend/ATs

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> @"Chilli.2976" said:

> So after playing 510 games this season the following need nerfing;

> Scourge: the damage is still pretty high on the conditions, increase cool down on shades.


Scourge is actually ok on the conditions -- it needs some of the boon corruption ability reduced. If it wasn't for that, its potential wouldn't be nearly as impressive.


> @"Chilli.2976" said:

> Firebrand: the healing output/boons from this class is ridiculous these needs a nerf.


Agreed. It's over the top and pushes other support specs out the window.


> @"Chilli.2976" said:

> Holosmith: the burst damage is crazy along with the dodge roll bombs need a nerf.


The problem with a blanket holosmith nerf like this is that the whole point of the spec is to be bursty. It sacrifices everything for that burstiness. Damage numbers can be tweaked (the mines do a bit too much damage), but holo is probably one of the better-balanced elite specs.


> @"Chilli.2976" said:

> Deadeye: the damage is crazy and can easily hit you with 20k with deaths judgement, along with pp deadeye needs a cool down on pistol 3.


This is a L2P issue. Deadeye is virtually nonexistent in the upper tiers of PvP, and is easy to dodge and counter. I find that Dare Devil thieves are a bigger threat.


> @"Chilli.2976" said:

> Mirage: what happened to reducing condition stacking? can easily stack 20-25 stacks of confusion, use a skill to cleanse to take damage or don't do anything and die.


I think their first condition pass only hit the older builds (nerfing condi engineer, LOL). Hopefully they'll give mirage the nerf bat soon too.


> @"Chilli.2976" said:

> Druid: can out sustain any class 1v1 on far and win the point, healing needs reducing and also a cooldown on celestial avatar.


Generally they sacrifice a lot for their tankiness. I'm ok with druid in its current state provided they reduce it's stealth potential -- it's a slippery class, which makes the tankiness particularly problematic.


> @"Chilli.2976" said:

> Soulbeast: the damage output is still too strong, longbow 3 easy 100-20.


I honestly haven't seen too many problems from soulbeast itself. This sounds more like a problem with core ranger.


> @"Chilli.2976" said:

> Spellbreaker: damage is still a little too high and sustain needs a nerf.


The problem isn't actually the elite spec in this case. It's the core class that's providing all the sustain and damage. This is a long running balance issue with core warrior.


> @"Chilli.2976" said:

> Weaver: their burst on fresh air is way to strong and can easily 1 shot you, needs a nerf


This is a L2P issue. Weavers are generally glassy as hell, and easy to dodge their big hits.

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"Druid: can out sustain any class 1v1 on far and win the point, healing needs reducing and also a cooldown on celestial avatar." Are we actually being serious on that one or is it more of just a joke to get people to laugh? Druid has sustain sure I don't think anyone would deny that but out sustain a firebrand? meh id sure love to see it done.


Also the celestial avatar form has already been nerfed in the past due far as cool downs go assuming the nerf hasn't been reversed



Also again " Weaver: their burst on fresh air is way to strong and can easily 1 shot you, needs a nerf" Any note of balance with the 2 words Weaver And Nerf In the same sentence wont ever be taken serious nor should it while most agree fresh air weaver has damage but the concept of it actually deserving a nerf? negative Imo everything weaver needs an all around buff for not only scepter but also in staff sword dagger all of it.


The sheer notion of weaver needing a nerf is like asking renegade to be nerfed its retarded at best anyone even suggesting it should slap them selves in real life.


Between the deadeye nerf request and weaver nerf request after looking at all the things on that list I question whether or not you actually PvP



Here is how your list should look


Firebrand=Slight nerf in sustainment ability

Scourge = Bring its ability to corrupt boons down *slightly*

Mirage = Reduce its ability to stack confusion *slightly*


Weaver = Buff its damage for daggers sword staff tweak the numbers on their conditions to allow some build options

Deadeye = I wouldn't say its rifle damage needs a nerf but deadeye in general needs something in terms of a buff it can do damage but living is another issue buff its survivability

Renegade= Buff it so the damn spec can actually see some use in PvP give it some options to open up actual builds so people can see if its actually worth using to begin with. Stop nerfing elite specs that were already in garbage tier levels in terms of viability.

Soulbeast= Soulbeast does not need to have access to 4 invuns while most don't use all 4 the concept of it even being an option is a bit excessive replace the beast skill invuns with something else protection or condition removals. As I soulbeast I do not need 15+ straight seconds of 100% power based damage immunity


Core necro/reaper =Give non scourge necromancers back their full shroud durations Allow Reapers to keep the damage they were given for greatwsword/reaper shroud skills Open up viability for power scourges give players who use scourge the option to actually play power or condition instead of making condition the only real viable choice.


All other classes/elite specs I didn't mention there are so many things to list I cant possibly list them all If someone else wants to or wants to revise my own feel free but let me make this clear "*Nothing for weaver should be nerfed absolutely nothing it should be buffed along with renegade in terms of damage survivability group utility/support over all viability".



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> @"Chilli.2976" said:

> So after playing 510 games this season the following need nerfing;


> Scourge: the damage is still pretty high on the conditions, increase cool down on shades.

> Firebrand: the healing output/boons from this class is ridiculous these needs a nerf.

> Holosmith: the burst damage is crazy along with the dodge roll bombs need a nerf.

> Deadeye: the damage is crazy and can easily hit you with 20k with deaths judgement, along with pp deadeye needs a cool down on pistol 3.

> Mirage: what happened to reducing condition stacking? can easily stack 20-25 stacks of confusion, use a skill to cleanse to take damage or don't do anything and die.

> Druid: can out sustain any class 1v1 on far and win the point, healing needs reducing and also a cooldown on celestial avatar.

> Soulbeast: the damage output is still too strong, longbow 3 easy 100-20.

> Spellbreaker: damage is still a little too high and sustain needs a nerf.

> Weaver: their burst on fresh air is way to strong and can easily 1 shot you, needs a nerf



Druid Celestial Avatar cooldown has already seen nerfs of over 50%, not even taking into account the massive base healing nerfs.


Soulbeast longbow 3 is easy 100-20? Hunter's Shot? LOL

Sorry. I didn't know that our damage output could be too strong when you have to spec heavily into glass in order to do so.

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Scourge needs to be removed, not balanced, removed. I have people coming to me regularly both ingame and on my youtube channel, that tell me that they are quitting the game because of Scourge. Some of my best friends ingame no longer play exclusive because of what scourge has done to the meta.


Scourge is creating a meta that is both overly restrictive, and is frustrating to play in. Trying to build a healthy meta around a class that applies mass debuffs in spammable AoE is not possible. AoE carpet bombing is not a healthy role.


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I will not comment on the OP. Some of the stuff is bluntly wrong.


Ele, not sure honestly what needs to change. There is a one shot build that needs to die, but even with it, if it does not connect, you are toast. Overall very poorly performing, but probably due to boon corrupt more than anything else. Tempest is completely power creeped by FB.


Engi, Holo needs a damage nerf. Not too much though. Scrapper disappeared. Primarily cuz it was power creeped by Holo. Not sure if it needs buff or not. It was okay pre PoF, so some nerfs to OP PoF elites could make it viable again.


Guardian, FB heal scaling needs a nerf and some CD or lock outs on some tome boons, need a nerf too. I think the CD of tome of courage should be increased, and skill 1 of ToC should not provide aegis. Core virtues need a buff. LB needs a slight buff.


Mesmer, clearly the condi output of mirage needs a tone down. Again, chrono was power creeped out by mirage. That is poor design on Anets part. Mirage fills the exact same role as chrono in sPvP, yet completely out perform it.


Necro, Reaper needs a buff, not necessarily in damage. Though it could benefit if boon corruption was reduced. Scourge needs MAJOR boon corruption reduction, if not out right removal of all boon corruption capabilities out of scourge, in favor of another mechanic. This is the most significant issue in sPvP and is completely ruining sPvP.


Ranger, GS still does not seem viable. Condi build not so much either. Druid still nigh unkillable in solo situation with LB and staff, which seems the only role you can play as ranger nowadays. Soul beast is decent, but it is just a power creep of core ranger.


Rev, herald needs a bit of a buff (or unnerfing sword 2, which deals 60% less damage in sPvP). Condi rev is dead and that is using herald. Renegade is beyond a joke. Rev needs major work and restructuring of skills to function. Rev probably suffers the most from boon corruption.


Thief, I am not a thief player, but it seems the recent changes weakened thief position significantly. It still is a great decaper, but it lost too many steps. In any fair fight, thief usually ends up being a liability.


Warrior, condi build needs a buff to function in sPvP. SB seems okaish, but again, boon corruption. The daze needs to be removed from FC, but dagger damage needs a good buff. Core also needs some work. Not sure if just removing boon corruption can be enough to give it viability.


Overall, while mirage and necro condi builds are significantly over-performing, all other condi builds are either low on viability, or complete garbage. Something needs to change to get these builds to work. IMO, resistance needs to be removed in favor of a a none all or nothing mechanic. It does nothing if stripped, but if the enemy cannot strip (and the majority cannot) it completely nulfies incoming damage. Terrible design.


Also, most (if not all) of the passive immunity, CC break and sustainability skills need to be removed in favor of more active ones.

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I would avoid nerfing any class that currently is not in the meta like rev or ele.


From then, tone down necro corrupts, mirage condi stacks, firebrand heals and lastly passive immune procs in general. I'm positive that alone would be enough to have a much better game. From there, any more changes are just the icing on top.

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> @"Chilli.2976" said:

> Weaver: their burst on fresh air is way to strong and can easily 1 shot you, needs a nerf


I almost spat out my damn coffee. This class has been in trash bin tier with Rev now and you say it needs more nerfs. I think you need to refer yourself back to old patch notes, come back, and say Ele needs a nerf again. You /must/ be new if you are saying this.



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> @"Chilli.2976" said:

> So after playing 510 games this season the following need nerfing;


> Scourge: the damage is still pretty high on the conditions, increase cool down on shades.

> Firebrand: the healing output/boons from this class is ridiculous these needs a nerf.

> Holosmith: the burst damage is crazy along with the dodge roll bombs need a nerf.

> Deadeye: the damage is crazy and can easily hit you with 20k with deaths judgement, along with pp deadeye needs a cool down on pistol 3.

> Mirage: what happened to reducing condition stacking? can easily stack 20-25 stacks of confusion, use a skill to cleanse to take damage or don't do anything and die.

> Druid: can out sustain any class 1v1 on far and win the point, healing needs reducing and also a cooldown on celestial avatar.

> Soulbeast: the damage output is still too strong, longbow 3 easy 100-20.

> Spellbreaker: damage is still a little too high and sustain needs a nerf.

> Weaver: their burst on fresh air is way to strong and can easily 1 shot you, needs a nerf



Even when ele is in the worst state since ever people still want nerfs. Ele hate is strong as ever on forums.

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> @"ArthurDent.9538" said:

> > @"Kreed.2768" said:

> > >ALL classes

> >

> > No Revenant spec mentioned. #FeelsRevMan


> Don't worry the balance team will find something to nerf. I am predicting 30% damage reduction on sword 4 since rev is not allowed to have weapon skills that do better DPS than auto attacking.


Next thing you know they'll remove Roiling Mists from the game or nerf it to 10%.


All of our important traits and skills have already been hit multiple times since the class came out, including but not limited to, Precision Strike, Surge of the Mists, Crystal Hibernation, Warding Rift, Equilibrium, Mutilate Defenses and the WHOLE Retribution line.


What's another important Rev trait to this balance team?

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The main things that are out of line:


scourge's boon corruption. and visual clutter

firebrand's AoE team support

druid's immunity to death

mirage's combination of elusiveness, condi burst, and mobility



The raw damage output is fine. The AoE size is also fine. What's not fine is the amount of boon corruption combined with half of its attacks literally having no tell. In my opinion, the biggest issue is how it takes a previously balanced trait, Path of Corruption, and through its class mechanics, makes it completely insane. I've posted my suggestions before, and I'll post them here again. Make the damage part of shade skills delayed so that you can see it and maybe try to avoid it, and make path of corruption only function in shroud. **Also tone down the visual clutter.** When a scourge is on a point, you can't actually see what's happening. That combined with shades having no tell is the source of people's frustrations, even moreso than the raw power of the class. It feels like you're just melting to a thousand conditions without the scourge doing much of anything.



Way too many buffs and heals. Those tomes and mantas are hilariously strong. I'm not really sure where to hit it, however.



Its combination of having amazing disengage with stealth and mobility, strong face-tanking ability with its buffs and heals and cleanses, and heavy CC and kill pressure (while also being able to provide strong burst defensive party support!) is too much.



Not only does it have some of the best mobility in the game, rivaled only by thief, but also it has the strongest condition burst in the game and is _by far_ the hardest class to even land a hit on. If it didn't have all three of these things simultaneously it would be fine. I say _greatly_ reduce confusion duration--make avoiding skill use an actual option (punishing skill use over a 7(!) second window doesn't make sense)--and maybe give Elusive Mind some kind of nerf.

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> @"Mr Godlike.6098" said:

> > @"Chilli.2976" said:

> > So after playing 510 games this season the following need nerfing;

> >

> > Scourge: the damage is still pretty high on the conditions, increase cool down on shades.

> > Firebrand: the healing output/boons from this class is ridiculous these needs a nerf.

> > Holosmith: the burst damage is crazy along with the dodge roll bombs need a nerf.

> > Deadeye: the damage is crazy and can easily hit you with 20k with deaths judgement, along with pp deadeye needs a cool down on pistol 3.

> > Mirage: what happened to reducing condition stacking? can easily stack 20-25 stacks of confusion, use a skill to cleanse to take damage or don't do anything and die.

> > Druid: can out sustain any class 1v1 on far and win the point, healing needs reducing and also a cooldown on celestial avatar.

> > Soulbeast: the damage output is still too strong, longbow 3 easy 100-20.

> > Spellbreaker: damage is still a little too high and sustain needs a nerf.

> > Weaver: their burst on fresh air is way to strong and can easily 1 shot you, needs a nerf

> >


> Even when ele is in the worst state since ever people still want nerfs. Ele hate is strong as ever on forums.


Fight them back! I didnt cared about the meta or the hypretrain for classes/specs last season and next. I play the game, i like to play ele, i dont like to play the system. Let them all talking, just play.

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> @"Mr Godlike.6098" said:

> > @"Chilli.2976" said:

> > So after playing 510 games this season the following need nerfing;

> >

> > Scourge: the damage is still pretty high on the conditions, increase cool down on shades.

> > Firebrand: the healing output/boons from this class is ridiculous these needs a nerf.

> > Holosmith: the burst damage is crazy along with the dodge roll bombs need a nerf.

> > Deadeye: the damage is crazy and can easily hit you with 20k with deaths judgement, along with pp deadeye needs a cool down on pistol 3.

> > Mirage: what happened to reducing condition stacking? can easily stack 20-25 stacks of confusion, use a skill to cleanse to take damage or don't do anything and die.

> > Druid: can out sustain any class 1v1 on far and win the point, healing needs reducing and also a cooldown on celestial avatar.

> > Soulbeast: the damage output is still too strong, longbow 3 easy 100-20.

> > Spellbreaker: damage is still a little too high and sustain needs a nerf.

> > Weaver: their burst on fresh air is way to strong and can easily 1 shot you, needs a nerf

> >


> Even when ele is in the worst state since ever people still want nerfs. Ele hate is strong as ever on forums.


Well people need to stop using macros for Ele then.

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> @"Kreed.2768" said:

> >ALL classes


> No Revenant spec mentioned. #FeelsRevMan


Revenant: Unrelenting Assault now aplies 2 stacks of confusion... to the Revenant.

Herald: Elemental Blast now does friendly fire.

Renegade: reduce short bow's range to 600 due reasons.

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Chilli.2976 "Well people need to stop using macros for Ele then" Now I have to say I utterly hate macros just as much as the next skill clicker but I fail to see how people using macros on ele should get ele its self nerfed it sounds as if macros are the issue not the class because I like to think any pvper with even half a brain can see ele needs some love and not just core all 3 aspects of it core tempest and weaver need some sort of favor from anet in terms of a buff not a damn nerf.


The issue of calling for ele nerfs when ele is already bad off and some people decided to play it with macros thus making the class nerf worthy honestly baffles my mind I cant understand the logic no matter how I try to look at it.


There is just absolutely no way in hell someone using macros on a class that is already shit would make the class deserving of a nerf anyone even suggesting that because someone macros on a specific class that means the class should be nerfed should uninstall this game or at bare minimal be made so they are not allowed to post forum threads calling for specific class nerfs based on some of the worst logic known to comment sections across the internet.

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these are legit pretty solid as far as balance goes as if youre going to nerf a few classes from overperforming and you've gotten some pretty decent power creep from over the years a general shave back on what is vastly over performing would be breeding grounds for new builds that arent just overly exploited


I think the goal of this would be to just remove unkillable things and remove everything that takes you from 1-0


its pretty much like if warriors didnt have enough condition remove and everything that was over performing condis got shaved back the warriors could thrive a little, and if warriors were just unkillable at that point to power builds and that got shaved back everything becomes a little better by just removing a few extremes

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I stopped reading after I saw the 20K DJ. You CAN’T do 20K DJ without 20+ Might and Assassin’s Signet activated. Which most Deadeyes don’t run. And 20+ Might is impossible without help or if you let yourself get hit by Three Round Burst 7 freaking times(Which is impossible still, LOL). And, P/P Thieves are easily Interruptable and killable. This is a L2P issue.


Edit: I am glad I stopped reading, this guy wants a nerf to Elementalist. This post is not to be taken serious.

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