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Would you trade a character name if someone asked?

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> @"Cuon Alpinus.7645" said:

> If I was rich, I'd hunt down the dude who has "Balthacharr" taken and buy him out.


What about: Bälthacharr? Thanks for the idea! Goes perfectly with my login name and I had a spare slot and enough boosts to make another 10 level 80 characters.. bahaaa.. how cool is that.. Bälthacharr.. my new Charr warrior! rawwwrrrrr

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> @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

> > @"Cuon Alpinus.7645" said:

> > If I was rich, I'd hunt down the dude who has "Balthacharr" taken and buy him out.


> What about: Bälthacharr? Thanks for the idea! Goes perfectly with my login name and I had a spare slot and enough boosts to make another 10 level 80 characters.. bahaaa.. how cool is that.. Bälthacharr.. my new Charr warrior! rawwwrrrrr


Idk, I'd personally go for the accent marked á because that looks more like fire.

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> @"Ardid.7203" said:

> The value for the exchange NEEDS to cover the name change contract. However, it also can't surpass the total of the contract plus a character slot. Why not? Because then someone will began to buy slots and name characters as a way to make profit. And that would really be bad for everyone.


Well I disagree there, Ardid. True, someone might *try* to do that. But they'd be relying on someone who is both very deep pockets and very keen on the particular name the seller has locked in and also hasn't already nabbed it before the seller ever got the bright idea. As I said in my post above, names are super easy to come up with. Odds are that if random others want the name the seller has managed to gather, it's because the name has some popular reference in it, or possibly is even the name of a RL person ... and ANet might very easily force a name change if it violates TOS.


I just don't see anyone being able to lock in a name wanted by many people and then able to find a buyer that would pay enough to make it worth the speculative investment.


Ayumi: Your names aren't lame! They maybe don't fit into most of the NPC naming patterns, but they don't stand out (to me -- they could be anime references I'm not getting) as horribly non-Tyrian.


Here are my names currently in use, to demonstrate why I don't think anyone who cares enough about plausible names would feel the need to spend hugely to get me to part with one when they could just come up with their own, because what possible personal meaning would these have to anyone but me:


Donari Mal Di Bette, Salvina Lucia Bette, Jin Macklin, Mirth the Mouse, David Raffino, Cesar Luc Sylvestre, Scrappy Jones, Tayyib Nur Tahiri, Taheefa, Marcia Barrett, Briara, Ysethe, Briamor, Andret, Altdragg Splitstack, Ylfa Aetlaveidr, Myrkkili, Solveig Sverdkin, Merra, Froblekk, Talani Stormburn, Reverus Farhammer, Lord Arlos Victor, Morbriath.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> Is there anyone who would really turn down 10 million in gold for their toon's name? Is there anyone who would change the name for less than the price of a mere name change contract? So now, we're mostly just negotiating the exact price each of us would accept.


> I'd have to agree with @"STIHL.2489": I'd be interested in finding out just how much someone was willing to offer.


I wouldn't give my toon names up to anyone, mostly because i'm stubborn and it's my name, but also because idc how much money you have, you can't buy me. and knowing i have something you want but cant have because i'm an obstacle is worth more than gold to me, i would rub that in alot.

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For me it would depend which character name they're after. I have 49 characters, and I don't have the same attachment to all of the names.


If it was one I would be willing to let go of, I would ask that they

a) Give me some time to come up with a new name for the character

b) Pay or gift a name change contract to me

c) Pay a certain amount for the name. I'm not entirely sure how much; I would figure it out if it ever happens.


The only problem there is that the name is tied to the account that deleted it for 24h after deletion, so after that time is up there's still a chance that someone else outside the transaction could nab it. In which case I would have said to the buyer that I will give them the exact time when my character was renamed/deleted, but I make no guarantees that they will get it (unless they sit there for however long spamming to get the name). If they're happy to take that chance, then I'd agree to the transaction.

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As the OP said "Would it depend on who was asking and why/how badly they seemed to want it?"


**Yes it would** and if someone really liked/loved one of my characters names I probably would be willing to change my Characters name so they can have it. I would even go and buy a name change contract with my own money. I would also have to find an alternative name first.


If someone wanted my main characters name that would be a different story unless I can find an alternative that I really liked. But with that said I probably won't give it up.



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My son used a name I have used in every MMO. I joined GW2 a couple months after release but he already used the name as he was in beta and started the day the servers were open. Recently he recovered his account, squared things away (he doesn't have much) and deleted the toon with the name I use. I was then able to use that name after a few days. I have my old name finally but on a newly created one I ran up to 80. That is one thing I like about GW2 that if someone does delete a toon the name becomes available soon after. I forget the length of time but not that long.


With that being said, if you have had a name for a long time people can become accustomed to you and your playstyle especially in WvW and some PvE gatherings. I would not give up my name because that person can then give you a bad rap maybe? BUT gold is gold and I suppose for the right price anything is possible.



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Nope. And I was asked once.

The toon in question has my first name.

The guy asking said, "Come on, it is my name in real life."

I replied, "And you think I chose it because it ISN'T mine?"

Guy asking again, "Listen, I have had that name in every game I've played."

Me again, "Me too."

Guy asking, "You're just being stupid."

Me, "I said no. I'm keeping the name."

Guy asking, "%$#&!)$#%*#$(*&$ you!"



I work hard on my names, even that one. Logged on the first second I could at the head start of GW2 to get the name. I wouldn't give one of mine up.

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Really depends on the character and what somebody offered. My favourite characters I don't want to give up their names, as people said before me, appearance story choices, rolepay, a lot of that can be linked to the name of your character. Never asked or been asked to give up a name. I'd say the minimum offer somebody should make is the name change contract but the identity repair kit would be better, maybe gift transmutation charges as well. If the character is based on something(which may well be the case if the name is taken) changing the name may lead to them wanting to change the appearance as well. Giving up a name is doing them a favour so they should offer to take care of the costs on top of any offer they make. Not really sure what the offer should be. My favourites, well I could be offered Eternity to change the name and turn it down. I'd thank them for the generous offer but politely decline. Others, well I like the names I've given them but if somebody really wanted it, took care of any costs to me and made a reasonable offer I could see myself accepting.


Brings up the idea of trading outside the trading post. Say somebody REALLY wanted a name that was taken. Makes a very generous offer. As I said if it was a fave then I'd politely decline and maybe warn against making such offers but what if a dishonest player gets the offer. The name change contract alone is worth about 210 gold, changes depending on gold/gem price. How do you ensure you get it? Give the contract and the payment? What if they take it and keep the name? What if the one wanting the name is dishonest? Maybe they offer the name change contract, say you'll get the huge offer they made after they've got the name. Who's to say they even have it to give you? It could even be what was mentioned earlier, about how it would be bad for us if people started buying slots and holding names hostage. Some could be even worse, could hold names hostage for gold then not even change after being paid. That's one reason that unless I knew the person was reliable I wouldn't go offering them anything to change their name in case they didn't. If I was offered I'd want everything they offered me before I change, I know I would change it but then how would they know I would? They don't know me, the one thing they know about me is I have a character who has the name they want their character to have. Just saying there is a lot of trust involved.


> @"Embered.5089" said:

> Mm... well. Definitely not for my main or my main-alt for at least until she repays the “sin” out of her name (Sinmiri) =P


Similar to the name of my very first character. Sinmir Stormcloak. Named after my favourite NPC from Skyrim, the commander of the guards in Whiterun. One character I'm definitely keeping.



> @"Miss Lana.5276" said:

> The only problem there is that the name is tied to the account that deleted it for 24h after deletion, so after that time is up there's still a chance that someone else outside the transaction could nab it. In which case I would have said to the buyer that I will give them the exact time when my character was renamed/deleted, but I make no guarantees that they will get it (unless they sit there for however long spamming to get the name). If they're happy to take that chance, then I'd agree to the transaction.


I'd say make a note of he time you did it. I once got the name Chance Furlong on my other account(Didn't expect to get that name spelled correctly not in use but typed it in to see if I'd get it, was in use before but the previous person must have changed or deleted it.). Decided I wanted it on my main. Deleted him from my alt at twenty to one. Before I left my computer wrote on a piece of paper 00:40 Chance Furlong and left it on my keyboard. Remembered anyway but by that time the next night I already had him created and the name typed in. Would need to be VERY unlucky for somebody else to nab it. Possible, well even in my example I remember I was away that day, ended up getting the wrong train on the way back, got home with 2 hours to spare but could have been a different story. Obviously would want to get it on your account as soon as it's available but it would have probably been safe even if I did get back late.

Question for anyone who would give up a name or make an offer for one: What would you do if it did get nabbed? I'll just use my character's name as an example. Player 1 has a name, player 2 asks if they can have that name, makes a good offer. Round about 24 hours later player 3 is thinking, "hmm I'd like to base my charr engineer on TBone from Swat Kats. Lets see, well I wonder if his alter ego's name is taken." Types in "Chance Furlong" Presses enter. Hears, "I am a Charr. In this world of constant battle I am the deadliest weapon of all." Minutes later player 2 presses enter to see the "Name in use" message.

If you are player 1 would you give a partial refund? They didn't get it but it wasn't your fault, but still they were trying to buy from you. If you are player 2 would you request a refund? One good thing is Player 3 has only had the name for a very short time. Less time invested in the character so would possibly mean less to give it up.


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> @"Sinmir.6504" said:

> Really depends on the character and what somebody offered. My favourite characters I don't want to give up their names, as people said before me, appearance story choices, rolepay, a lot of that can be linked to the name of your character. Never asked or been asked to give up a name. I'd say the minimum offer somebody should make is the name change contract but the identity repair kit would be better, maybe gift transmutation charges as well. If the character is based on something(which may well be the case if the name is taken) changing the name may lead to them wanting to change the appearance as well. Giving up a name is doing them a favour so they should offer to take care of the costs on top of any offer they make. Not really sure what the offer should be. My favourites, well I could be offered Eternity to change the name and turn it down. I'd thank them for the generous offer but politely decline. Others, well I like the names I've given them but if somebody really wanted it, took care of any costs to me and made a reasonable offer I could see myself accepting.


> Brings up the idea of trading outside the trading post. Say somebody REALLY wanted a name that was taken. Makes a very generous offer. As I said if it was a fave then I'd politely decline and maybe warn against making such offers but what if a dishonest player gets the offer. The name change contract alone is worth about 210 gold, changes depending on gold/gem price. How do you ensure you get it? Give the contract and the payment? What if they take it and keep the name? What if the one wanting the name is dishonest? Maybe they offer the name change contract, say you'll get the huge offer they made after they've got the name. Who's to say they even have it to give you? It could even be what was mentioned earlier, about how it would be bad for us if people started buying slots and holding names hostage. Some could be even worse, could hold names hostage for gold then not even change after being paid. That's one reason that unless I knew the person was reliable I wouldn't go offering them anything to change their name in case they didn't. If I was offered I'd want everything they offered me before I change, I know I would change it but then how would they know I would? They don't know me, the one thing they know about me is I have a character who has the name they want their character to have. Just saying there is a lot of trust involved.


> > @"Embered.5089" said:

> > Mm... well. Definitely not for my main or my main-alt for at least until she repays the “sin” out of her name (Sinmiri) =P


> Similar to the name of my very first character. Sinmir Stormcloak. Named after my favourite NPC from Skyrim, the commander of the guards in Whiterun. One character I'm definitely keeping.



> > @"Miss Lana.5276" said:

> > The only problem there is that the name is tied to the account that deleted it for 24h after deletion, so after that time is up there's still a chance that someone else outside the transaction could nab it. In which case I would have said to the buyer that I will give them the exact time when my character was renamed/deleted, but I make no guarantees that they will get it (unless they sit there for however long spamming to get the name). If they're happy to take that chance, then I'd agree to the transaction.


> I'd say make a note of he time you did it. I once got the name Chance Furlong on my other account(Didn't expect to get that name spelled correctly not in use but typed it in to see if I'd get it, was in use before but the previous person must have changed or deleted it.). Decided I wanted it on my main. Deleted him from my alt at twenty to one. Before I left my computer wrote on a piece of paper 00:40 Chance Furlong and left it on my keyboard. Remembered anyway but by that time the next night I already had him created and the name typed in. Would need to be VERY unlucky for somebody else to nab it. Possible, well even in my example I remember I was away that day, ended up getting the wrong train on the way back, got home with 2 hours to spare but could have been a different story. Obviously would want to get it on your account as soon as it's available but it would have probably been safe even if I did get back late.

> Question for anyone who would give up a name or make an offer for one: What would you do if it did get nabbed? I'll just use my character's name as an example. Player 1 has a name, player 2 asks if they can have that name, makes a good offer. Round about 24 hours later player 3 is thinking, "hmm I'd like to base my charr engineer on TBone from Swat Kats. Lets see, well I wonder if his alter ego's name is taken." Types in "Chance Furlong" Presses enter. Hears, "I am a Charr. In this world of constant battle I am the deadliest weapon of all." Minutes later player 2 presses enter to see the "Name in use" message.

> If you are player 1 would you give a partial refund? They didn't get it but it wasn't your fault, but still they were trying to buy from you. If you are player 2 would you request a refund? One good thing is Player 3 has only had the name for a very short time. Less time invested in the character so would possibly mean less to give it up.



First is any transaction like these I am sure are not supported by ANET. BUT we all know people don't like rules but if person 2 complained there is the possibility that they tell ANET what happenened and you lose your gold or whatever was traded for said name. Or ANET simply refuses to get involved if complaint is made. Usually any transaction that is done outside of normal game mode can be against TOS so that is a chance someone takes.


Since the max gold transfer I believe is still 500 per week is that enough to sell your name? OR maybe they give you an item that sells for more such as a perma contract or legendary item?


Question: Just what is a name worth to you?

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Any kind of trade not supported by offical in-game mechanics (i.e relies 110% on trusting the other player not to rip you off) I simply refuse to do with anyone outside of immediate punching distance of my person.


That being said, I'd prolly not trade away any character name anyway.

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> @"Donari.5237" said:


> Donari Mal Di Bette, Salvina Lucia Bette, Jin Macklin, Mirth the Mouse, David Raffino, Cesar Luc Sylvestre, Scrappy Jones, Tayyib Nur Tahiri, Taheefa, Marcia Barrett, Briara, Ysethe, Briamor, Andret, Altdragg Splitstack, Ylfa Aetlaveidr, Myrkkili, Solveig Sverdkin, Merra, Froblekk, Talani Stormburn, Reverus Farhammer, Lord Arlos Victor, Morbriath.


Ooh, Altdragg Splitstack has the awesome in my eyes! It's truly made me smile, and even if I don't know your reasoning behind it, the cadence it has is yummy. I certainly don't have anything worthy to offer for it, and you should hold on to that gem. :D

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> @"Sinmir.6504" said:

> Question for anyone who would give up a name or make an offer for one: What would you do if it did get nabbed? I'll just use my character's name as an example. Player 1 has a name, player 2 asks if they can have that name, makes a good offer. Round about 24 hours later player 3 is thinking, "hmm I'd like to base my charr engineer on TBone from Swat Kats. Lets see, well I wonder if his alter ego's name is taken." Types in "Chance Furlong" Presses enter. Hears, "I am a Charr. In this world of constant battle I am the deadliest weapon of all." Minutes later player 2 presses enter to see the "Name in use" message.

> If you are player 1 would you give a partial refund? They didn't get it but it wasn't your fault, but still they were trying to buy from you. If you are player 2 would you request a refund? One good thing is Player 3 has only had the name for a very short time. Less time invested in the character so would possibly mean less to give it up.


Like you mentioned, it would be highly unlikely if someone were to nab it - especially if Seller gives Buyer the *exact* time they deleted/renamed the character. If I were Seller, and Buyer missed out on getting the name by a Third Party, I would first tell Buyer to message Third Party explaining what happened (including screenshots if Third Party really wanted). If Third Party refuses to release the name I would most likely not give a refund. I held up my end of the bargain - releasing a name for someone else to nab. If they wanted it enough they could have asked me to release it at a different time (more convenient for them), or sat there for however long spamming to get the name.


I would also preface all of this with "Once I receive payment, I will release the name at that time - unless you want me to release it at a more convenient hour for you. After I have released the name the rest of the responsibility for the transaction is on your end. You know the time I released the name, so you should be able to get it. If you are unable to get it I would suggest messaging whoever got the name. If you are unable to get the name I won't be able to help you, and no refund will be given."


TL;DR I receive payment and release the name. That's my responsibility for the transaction - to release the name. If they don't get it - even knowing the exact time of the name release - then that's their problem.

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