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Changing colors of ground-targeted AoEs


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Every one has that issue... ANet is searching to blind players IRL that's how their condi needs to be broken xD


I made this thread has a joke of the current aoe stuff.


And some ss posted:



Imo Anet need to make way less flashy and more simple and defined animations with little effects... w/o the "wooshh" thing.


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Well what you have been screenshotting sure is a problem too. But I usually was able to avoid being swallowed by the clutter by fighting ranged and keeping some distance to others. Now even when fighting alone or just with a small party, in the desert areas, I can barely see AoEs around me.

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@Enoah.1956 that is happening in small scale as well, it is an issue gamewide, when player run some gimmick comp on WvW, the aoe and visual clutter sometimes becomes to much to read even on small scale.

Quite a few times i ended up with an headache...

I had somehwere a screen of 5-6 on lords and we could not see what was happening, just a bright light it was really hard to look at the screen, way to much visual cluter just from 5'ish players...

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> Every one has that issue... ANet is searching to blind players IRL that's how their condi needs to be broken xD


> I made this thread has a joke of the current aoe stuff.

> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/12054/gw2-combat-is-all-about-pay-attention-to-your-enemy#latest

> And some ss posted:

> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/160198#Comment_160198


> Imo Anet need to make way less flashy and more simple and defined animations with little effects... w/o the "wooshh" thing.



The first thing they should start with removing is the flashing on hit.


> @"Trinnitty.8256" said:

> The beginning of Ogre lane for Chak Gerent makes ground AOE hard to see too.


any place with shallow water will completely cover up the circles as well.

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