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Community vs guild


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> @"GDchiaScrub.3241" said:

> Servers I was on died faster than the guilds I was with.




SoR was pretty good at launch, but when I came back a few years later, it was a shell. RIP indeed.


Community as a whole matters to me, since I am one of the so-called "militia" players. I enjoy Mag's frequently toxic but generally entertaining /t chat, and there are many players I enjoy killing stuff with.

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I'm pretty sure this is a WvW poll but I'm not sure everyone answering is answering from a WvW perspective. I'm a big fan of community and I'm a big fan of my guild. They're not mutually exclusive.


However, the fact that my entire guild can't WvW together is a major issue for me. I can still care about community and want my guild to be able to WvW together.

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Both WvW guilds and server communities are artificial constructs designed around how WvW is currently structured.

WvW should not cater to either. WvW should be structured to create a fun, engaging, competitive large scale PVP sandbox game mode. Once that is accomplished let players organize themselves in whichever way they desire.

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> @"jul.7602" said:

> The premise of this poll is so wrong. Guilds exist within communities.


Yes and that's in the definition of community in the poll. Very first line :)

There's been a lot of talk about how Anet should be more guild-centric in WvW. I believe that organized guilds only make up about 15% tops of WvW population. Catering to a minority will impact the majority.

This poll was created to give a quick visual on how players feel about servers and the fact that server identity is still very much a real thing; particularly for the longterm health of the game.

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> @"SugarCayne.3098" said:

> > @"jul.7602" said:

> > The premise of this poll is so wrong. Guilds exist within communities.


> Yes and that's in the definition of community in the poll. Very first line :)

> There's been a lot of talk about how Anet should be more guild-centric in WvW. I believe that organized guilds only make up about 15% tops of WvW population. Catering to a minority will impact the majority.

> This poll was created to give a quick visual on how players feel about servers and the fact that server identity is still very much a real thing; particularly for the longterm health of the game.


In my opinion, the long term health of the game is hurt by servers. My guild barely participates in WvW at all because we can't all do it, so we don't really do it at all. There would be a lot more people that would be doing it if they could always play with their friends.


I remember a lot of people in WvW complaining about stuff like gliding before it launched and it turned out fine. Just because a lot of people are scared of change, doesn't mean change isn't ultimately beneficial for the game


There is no more server on this game except in WvW. And most of the problems people complain about in WvW or at least some of the major problems are server related. If the servers can't be balanced, if one server is in an extremely dominant position than 2 servers have having a miserable time. This isn't helping the WvW people no matter what some players think This hurts the game as a whole. It's one of the reasons WvW population doesn't increase. Because newer players have no reason to have server pride, since the log in with no servers.


WvW shouldn't be the one part of the game that depends on something the rest of the game has moved beyond. People need to learn to adapt.

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I mostly play with my guilds, and more for the social and organizational aspect -- but communities are the antecedence of my guilds, so I would definitely argue that communities sustain the game more than guilds, especially 5 years into the game where there are fewer people to pull from.

Wvw will continue long after guilds live or die.


~ Kovu

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Sorry not sorry haha, buuuuut I'm gonna have to go with **Guild** 110%. Reasons? Okay, sure.


Lets start off with this.

> @"SugarCayne.3098" said: Community: Having a unique server identity to work with multiple guilds and players as a team.

- For me to agree with this, I would have to want "to work with multiple guilds and players as a team". The same would have to go for them.

I more so find that our guild generally does 10x better on our own for various reasons. I won't waste anyone's time with all of them here.

If we are asked to join for help; we typically say yes out of respect. Though in general we rather not to be honest.


**Community vs WvW Guild**

I Just consider them to be related in some ways like an apple and an orange. I think of a Guild as a subgroup of a community and within that subgroup lies another community. Though the main difference is there is a leader or leaders. People who accepted those leaders and vice versa. If there is a problem there are easier tools to resolve it outside of word of mouth. Where a Community is the overall group that is just somewhat stuck with each other for better or for worse.


**Community Wars 2 or Guild Wars 2?**

Right now what I get out of fighting _**as a server**_ at the end of a day. Is to watch our points go up or down on a Leaderboard, from time to time. "Wow, look what I did mom". I mean like really though. What is there left to gain besides pride and points for work your not always apart of. Assuming that you at least sleep of coarse. No offence. Now granted I'm on BG (coming from lower tier servers over the years), but even when I'm at the top. I don't care about the points or whatever pride that shows up, I'm not interested in. Why? well because Pride and Points don't play the game for me.



The current layout of WvW favors communities as opposed to any one guild. Though Anet recognizes they should try to support GvG's ([https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/21845/did-anet-just-endorse-gvg#latest](http://https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/21845/did-anet-just-endorse-gvg#latest "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/21845/did-anet-just-endorse-gvg#latest")). So take that for what you will. However because of the layout. In order for me to agree with communities. I would have to somewhat indirectly agree with the current layout of WvW. Which I don't fully agree with personally. If I did vote for it. Then that would be like me giving the fat kid more cake when he already has enough health issues.

In all seriousness. People do what they like and do what they wanna do. If WvW doesn't change for the better. Then there will not be enough WvW communities or guilds interested to make a difference. Good post BTW @"SugarCayne.3098"



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> @"TheWolf.1602" said:

> yes/no polls are useless, add more options or at least an other option. WvW focused guilds could lead a community but should not be mandatory to play WvW....


This might be semantic, but yes/no (and maybe or sometimes) polls are useful for simple or specific ideas. Assuming you care about quantitative data (which is pointless in player polls most of the time).


**This is a flavor choice Poll without enough flavors,** since it fails to acknowledge differing relationships of "guilds" and "servers." In reality, community is just how people organize into groups. At the time of GW2's release servers were there, so people organized behind them in some forms. If you play shooters, then there people don't have static servers to cling to so they are left only to make "clans." And if people in GW2 didn't like the static server organizations (or megaservers killed them) they still had the option of "Clans" or "Guilds" in this game.





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I remember the great 2v1 of BlackGate during Season 2. There are many reasons we don't care as much as we used to. The playerbase is much more casual than back in the old days. Pvp isn't even supported to become an Esport anymore. Even though we all knew that WvW was the true end game and a unique game mode which if given support should have become a new type of Esport.


We recently had stronghold released in pvp and even the guild arena in guild halls did not suddenly make GvGing popular. Despite what guilds may think this game and especially WvWvW is running on life support and even T1 servers often have outnumbered on many maps.


I cannot agree with Forced GvGing. Even with all the rivalries between servers, the bandwagoning, “buying guilds”, spying in TS, etc. There are big server communities behind each server. Players work together and form real friendships in WvWvW.


I believe this is something GvGers forget about server based WvWvW. GW1 had GvG but I don’t think Arenanet will ever support it completely in GW2. The simplest is that unorganised zerging with “PUGs” is easily done with a commander tag.


This is just my opinion of course but I think that GvGers are too elitist and even mean sometimes to the players on a server. The militia fight for their server too. They may not all be on TS, some may even be on uplevels but without them at all WvWvW would be much more emptier place.


Please love the random players aka the PUGs of your server and teach them how to WvWvW even encourage them to join a guild or give advice on builds and gear. But don’t just hate on them for the sake of it. All running tagless does is force elitism into an already dying game mode.



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