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Suggestion: New Dungeons.

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I know everyone is all about raids and raids are the ultimate and give the chance for ascended loot and are the end all be all of everything, but ...


I am in a very small guild, most members aren't active anymore, and for the most part I don't think we'd have enough people to field a raid even if we wanted to. It's a friends and family kind of guild most of us have been playing together for 10 to 20 years through various games. Trying to pug raids is effing awful. Simple fact is that I have no clue what I'm doing, i know and admit this, so no one wants me. As I like to play ranger, but hate being a healer and won't play druid, even if I could get a group to look at me I'd get kicked for not being "Meta". I get it, raids need everyone doing their part, this just isn't a part I'm willing to play. I like DPS I'm good at dps, if I wanted to be a cleric, i'd go pay one on WoW.


This being said I do have a small dedicated group of guildies that did all the dungeon paths together, and are slowly working on figuring out the fractals, but dungeons were so much fun.


We haven't seen any new dungeons since release. The closest thing we got to a new dungeon was replacing one path in twilight arbor to be the dreaded aether path.


I was really surprised when there were no new dungeons in HoT, and again in PoF.


Maybe the devs might consider releasing some new dungeons? there's plenty of room for them (and for some new loot) in various expansion zones.



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No, there will never be new dungeons in GW2, that has been stated by ArenaNet already...Fractals basically have taken the place of traditional dungeons, so that and raids are all you are ever going to see more of. This comes up from time to time, the answer will always be the same.

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While I appreciate the sentiment, having only really pushed through dungeons after keener players had already moved on to raids, I accept that Fractals cover the quick fix while raids satisfy those looking for something more substantial.


Enjoy the dungeons we do have! =)

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> @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> No, there will never be new dungeons in GW2, that has been stated by ArenaNet already...Fractals basically have taken the place of traditional dungeons, so that and raids are all you are ever going to see more of. This comes up from time to time, the answer will always be the same.

Well, if you don't ask then they never have any reason to change their minds.


Fractals are just not a replacement in my opinion. And I've already discussed the nightmare of trying to raid for singles or small groups.

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> @"calb.3128" said:

> While I appreciate the sentiment, having only really pushed through dungeons after keener players had already moved on to raids, I accept that Fractals cover the quick fix while raids satisfy those looking for something more substantial.


> Enjoy the dungeons we do have! =)


I enjoy fractals and dungeons. But for me there is something fractals just don't do for me that dungeons do. It is hard to articulate exactly what I feel is missing though.

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As long Anet themself doesn't realize the huge potential that lies within fractals as game Mode and begins finalyl to make usage of its huge potential, as long this doesn#t happen, will it be forever Anets biggest mistake to have gutted Dungeons for them and destroyed alot of this games design integrity for letting Raids replace them instead just to please a tiny minority of hardcore gamers in the hope to lure them from other games like WoW to here that way, while giving basically to all other players, which wanted this stuff never to see in GW2 the middle finger.


I personally could accept it, that Dungeons as concepot have failed and aren't absolutely worth it anymore to improve for the advantage of theire beign ressources for Raids and especially beign much more ressources for the improval of Fractals.. but so far we have seen absolutely NO substantial improvements at all to the Fractal Game Mode to improve the DEPTH of it ..

Addign every now adn then just a new Fractal is not improvign the DEPTH of the Fractal Mode ...

What improving the depth would be in real is adding more different ways and options as to what you can experience WITHIN FRACTALS...


Stop it with them beign always only the same boring Fractals on a 100 rank roster, which becomes as you increase the rank only more challenging through some kind of random instabilities that are there just to artificially make the same content more difficult to have a reason for it to give out at the end of it better rewards, than if you would have doen the same content without these arteficial stuff that s there just to annoy you and slow you down...


I have it said here so far only once, but I will write it here again... I have personalyl the feeling, that anet themself still doesn't realize after al the years in which Fractals already exist as game Mode, what a RAW GEM they have with it, with this instanced gam mode that allows it the devs to practicalyl implement EVERYTHING into the game, because Fractals underlie absolutel no game design borders that are anyhow restricted to lore, game mechanics and so on ... because the Fractals of the Mist could potentially show you everythign what you want to have in there with easy access to it from LA.


The Game Mode itself needs to become richer of depth.. as long anet doesn't change fundamentally soon something on Fractals (via a Feature Pack or just with a Livign Story Patch, doesn't care with what exactly, only important that they do something soon with it), so long won't find I it anyhow acceptable that Dungeons got screwed for Raids, just because Anet has given up their own content basically and they simply don't want to admit that .


With a more depthful Fractal Mode we could have something similar in GW2 like Bonus Mission Packs in GW1 have existed as interestign Solo/Group Content that lets you replay all kinds of stories out of the view of an other character with unique Skills of that Character.. not like the borign Fractals like we have now, where we play visually other characters, but still have the skills of our own characters ....

Id personally love it so much ,if we could finally replay the GW 2 novel books with the help of that to see out of Dougal Keens/Snaffs eyes the history of the past, filling with each "Chapter" of their History a page of a History Book, which once havign been completed can be turned in for rewards like Miniatures, Weapon Skins, Armor Skins ect. and Achievements ect.


Giving Fractals mroe depths would easily make it possible to implement a much more superior form of just the dungeons that we know so far - Dungeon Crawlers, special unique Dungeons, which are everytime different as you enter them and which can work in a similar way liek the current Fractal System with its 100 ranks - think of an awesome 100 floor Tower Dungeon Crawler like Melandrus Sky Temple Tower) or a 100 floor deep cave that works similar to Lufias Cave of Trials, where you get artificialyl resetted in there back to level 1 and you need to get out of it alive again with only the help of the stuff that you find on the way on each floor .... that would be somethign fun and challengign to do, especially if yu can find there like in Lufia special chests with unique rewards, that you can get only from there ...which are the only things you can keep at the end, while everything else you found on the way will get returned back, if you leave this cave again


Fractals getting more depthful wold allow it ANet to implement special new Guild Missions, so called Guild Crusades which could be designed for like 20 to 100 people raiding in these kind of special instances that you can enter only as a Guild within the Fractals of the Mist... design content that would be so in this way in the normal world of guild wars just impossible to add, but within an instance of the fractals, where practicalyl everything you can think off can be added into the game easily due to the freedom of creativity that the Fotm offers for the Devs, its no problem there to have a feature liek this.


Same with content like a smaller WvW similar form of competitive Pvp that you could find there in the mists, that could be designed as GW2#s form of GvG to have a place where you can fight 10v10, 25v25,100v100 on an instanced "Battlefield" that is just designed for this and Guilds can enter it simply via Fractals of the Mist by a special for this designed Lobby there that you can reach, if you enter from FotM a for that added Portal for example that or eventually a Portal, which you can use directly from your Guild hall to that Lobby, if you own a Guild Hall and have build up the Guild rank to craft that portal for your guild first... which coudl brign yu then for free to that lobby room, while using the FotM way coulld cost a small silver fee to use....


It could be used to add a new form of farmign Instance to the game, where you can either hunt solo or with other playrs together really huge monsters, so that we could have somethign similar to "Monster Hunter" in the game, just with a better combat system and better classes what could be called "Hunting Grounds"


Everythign possible via Fractals...but instead we get only new fractals whiel the game mode stays always the same boring, where the new added fractals get done only a few times, until youve doen the achievements and then most likely never again ,if its avoidable.


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While i agree that dungeons serve a different role than fractals, and would love to play new dungeons. I mean, while i like Fractals and do them daily, they are just disconnected and disjointed, Dungeons have a grounded narrative and a location within the world that adds flavour and presence to them. And dungeons do feel like you're in a place doing something, while fractals its almost like a more realistic SAB.


While i agree with that, and share the sentiment... That probably won't happen. They moved on from dungeons, and didn't just outright remove them from the game because everything revolves around them. So much so that even Story mode Arah became a single-player story instance instead of part of the dungeon.


Maybe the solution will be something like Zomorros lair in Vabbi, mini-dungeons that eventually get grown into bigger in-world experiences. Not quite like the original dungeons, but more ingrained in the world than fractals.


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yeah, somethign that id like too .. if dungeons basicalyl get more integrated directly into the world design of the maps..

poF had this with the few weapon related achievements where you had to search for their parts to craft them in basicalyl a hidden dungeon, that had in itself no story and such, but it had a very clear kind of dungeon feel the verym oment you accidently found it and you got kind of the flair of like beign suddenly not anymore in a MMOPG, but more like in an action adventure zelda-Style (if you could cut out eventually other players runnign around there too, but I had the luck to find this play completely alone, being not at all distracted by other players runnign around and this felt to me at that moment, then like beign in a kind of solo dungeon content, that i always wanted to have for GW2 :D It felt great and it was very fun..


In regasrd of this I#d simply also be happy, if Anet reworks Dungeons as feature in the future simply into SOLO Content, because it would make it so much easier for anet to implement dungeons as solo content, than to do and design them as 5 man content. i wouldn't also be bad about it, if anet completely redesigns the exiting story related dungeons into solo content.. as that woudl require basicalyl only scalign down the enemies that thexy aren#t anymore silly damage sponges like now and eventually some changes to certain mechanics, which definetely require at the moment to have more than 1 player to be successful, that they can be doen after the change alone...


So that Anet basically makes a clear design split between Dungeosn being then and for the future just Solo Content, while Fractals raids will be by design then the Party Content for 5 to 10 people.

ANet does't need to reinvent with Dungeosn the wheel new, when its absolutely just enough to scale the stuff down to solo content level and use the term of Dungeons then from then on for the future as Solo Content, because i think a MMORPG absolutely must not consist only out of party content. it is also absolutely fine for me, if GW2 includes also content/features, which would be spcificly designed as Solo Content and I can easily see Dungeons becoming that, if Anet just wants to at least turn out of group content they have personalyl given up at least Solo content, that has in itself in that way a chance to survive and to be continued this way at least.


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> @"Nykravis.8342" said:

> > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > No, there will never be new dungeons in GW2, that has been stated by ArenaNet already...Fractals basically have taken the place of traditional dungeons, so that and raids are all you are ever going to see more of. This comes up from time to time, the answer will always be the same.

> Well, if you don't ask then they never have any reason to change their minds.


> Fractals are just not a replacement in my opinion. And I've already discussed the nightmare of trying to raid for singles or small groups.


What is so different between fractals and dungeon experience that one covers but the other doesn't, according to you ?


Personally I always get the same vibe whenever I do some fractals. Trash mobs at the beginning, some mechanics thrown here and there and then the big final boss which may combine some trash mobs and the mechanics covered previously at the same time.


You could argue that they are implemented within the lore and the environment but in the end I personally never heard anyone (playing the game five years) praise the lore behind dungeons, simply because most groups in my experience most would just skip the cinematics to get the loot. As for the implementation within the environment, well you can join the groups without going to the exact location of said dungeons.


The only thing really missing is a fractal armor imo.


Edit: how come this topic is not located in fractals/dungeons/raids subsection ?

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> @"Rhyse.8179" said:

> That ship sailed in 2013 when they eliminated their dungeon dev team and started the LS instead.


> One of the many reasons that GW2 is not the game it could have been.


not only that but anet has come out many many times on reddit and said no more dungeons at all . and never look for them to be updated or fixed .


not sure why it is the player base can not understand these things or get the kitten concepts . :# :# :# :#

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I have said so before, like the combat mechanics in Fractals more than dungeons.


That said, I do think new dungeons should be introduced in new zones. These don't even have to be story required elements but maybe a build up to a series of hearts in the area, something that ties into that map. The fight mechanics should be like fractals though and less of this stack here and bypass the AI logic. These dungeons should also have armor skins and weapons associated to them that players could play thru to earn tokens to acquire the drops as well as special rare-super rare drops. This is the strength of repeatable content, things for people to achieve and items to be collected while having an engaging and fun content to play thru. Further tieing in things like materials for consumables is also a plus and creates even more replay ability into areas.


And lets be honest, what really is the difference between "raids" and "dungeons". 10 man versus 5, nah not really, that's more a limit. AI, I think that's just an evolution in programming. How you acquire things, maybe, but again semantics. So maybe its how it relates to core story, so if that's it, players I think can accepts that these instanced encounters don't have to be about advancing the core story but can be about a snapshot in time, which lets be honest is the same concept of fractals but these mini-raids have their own stylized items associated to them. So again, why not....

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> @"Orpheal.8263" said:

> yeah, somethign that id like too .. if dungeons basicalyl get more integrated directly into the world design of the maps..

> poF had this with the few weapon related achievements where you had to search for their parts to craft them in basicalyl a hidden dungeon, that had in itself no story and such, but it had a very clear kind of dungeon feel the verym oment you accidently found it and you got kind of the flair of like beign suddenly not anymore in a MMOPG, but more like in an action adventure zelda-Style (if you could cut out eventually other players runnign around there too, but I had the luck to find this play completely alone, being not at all distracted by other players runnign around and this felt to me at that moment, then like beign in a kind of solo dungeon content, that i always wanted to have for GW2 :D It felt great and it was very fun..


> In regasrd of this I#d simply also be happy, if Anet reworks Dungeons as feature in the future simply into SOLO Content, because it would make it so much easier for anet to implement dungeons as solo content, than to do and design them as 5 man content. i wouldn't also be bad about it, if anet completely redesigns the exiting story related dungeons into solo content.. as that woudl require basicalyl only scalign down the enemies that thexy aren#t anymore silly damage sponges like now and eventually some changes to certain mechanics, which definetely require at the moment to have more than 1 player to be successful, that they can be doen after the change alone...


> So that Anet basically makes a clear design split between Dungeosn being then and for the future just Solo Content, while Fractals raids will be by design then the Party Content for 5 to 10 people.

> ANet does't need to reinvent with Dungeosn the wheel new, when its absolutely just enough to scale the stuff down to solo content level and use the term of Dungeons then from then on for the future as Solo Content, because i think a MMORPG absolutely must not consist only out of party content. it is also absolutely fine for me, if GW2 includes also content/features, which would be spcificly designed as Solo Content and I can easily see Dungeons becoming that, if Anet just wants to at least turn out of group content they have personalyl given up at least Solo content, that has in itself in that way a chance to survive and to be continued this way at least.



we already have this, its called personal story then living world 2,3 and started on 4.


the reason arah story was changed was that it was the last mission of personal story and people complain not finding 4 others to do it with to complete their story.

one that up to that time they could do solo.

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No, we don't already have this... Personal Story and Living Word Seasons are something completely different and have absolutely nothing - ZERO/0 to do at all with either Dungeons in the form like we have them right now, nor in the way how I described them in my last posting as part of becoming integrated world design of the persistent maps, where you can anytime run into them while exploring the maps. Dungeons are only part of the Personal Story Design as you have to explore them, to progress in your personal story, nothign more, nothing less.


Something like this basically never happens at all in personal Story, because PS is nothing else but just a string of instances in which the starting story of your character gets told until the point where you defeat the very first elder dragon to set up for your character basically a fundamental plot, on which then the Living World Content builds up...

But also all the Living Word Story from that point on is just only a mixture of either instances or persistant content that plays on a persistant map in form of events


But all of this has nothing to do with dungeons and I absolutely don't get it, how you are thinking, that both should be in the same.

The story related dungeons are all ones, to which the character gets lead too automaticaly by just following the personal story, they are part of the personal story..

They aren't somethign that you just randomly found while exploring the the map and thats exactly what I was talking about in my last posting - PoF has this kind of hidden dungeons, which you find only when you completely try to explore the maps, or eventually out of coincedence, because you just fall down somewhere, without thinking about it that you might find the next second you stand up after rallying up, that you just stand suddenly in a dungeon full of mysteries, treasures (achievements) and monsters - a place thast you eventually even never would have normally found, if you even would have not falled down that hole maybe ...


these kinds of dungeons.. places, that feel like Zelda Dungeons would be even gpoinmg the next step further in dungeon design.. but just that feeling of having found hidden treasures in a place, that you wouldn't find in a normal way is exactly this kind of "Dungeons", which I'd love to see alot more often in the world design of GW2 as part of solo content that MMOs should offer also as well more or less for all those peoplek, which love especialy the exploring in fantasy worlds in MMos and the thrill of findign hidden treasures like true adventurers - would be something, which i can truly accept as compensation threfore that ANet would completely stop making any new dungeons in the kind of way how the original main game dungeosn of the personal story have been designed - and when Anet would give also finalyl Fractals more depth

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