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Two-Seater Mounts? Why Not?

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Instead of tweaking skins to kingdom come, have the passengers transform into something more uniform or not seen from the outside at all. By transforming u could have more than 2 you could carry multiple people but i think 2 would be enough. Any thoughts? I kinda think it would be cool if somebody wanted to show u something in game and u could travel on the same mount together.

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YES! please ... i know games were this is possible so i was thinking the same when they released mounts. Also a friend of mine sometimes complain that it's hard to follow me while i'm jumping through enemys and their aoe's and attacks to get to a specific event or something, so he never has to complain anymore if he sits right behind me.

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Why stop at 2 per mount? how about 22 per mount? or 222? Bus mounts incoming.


On a serious note - personally happy with just the 1 person mount - no desire for more - I think the way the game is coded limits how much one player can move another. Only some CC skills in pvp/wvw can displace a characters or change its position currently (and some pull utilities such as ranger "Search and Rescue") - it might just be difficult to implement.

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> @"Embered.5089" said:

> It would be great for me and my nonexistent lover, but I'm not sure that ANet's coding would allow for that. Especially with the space on mounts. People say that the mounts are sized to our character's size, but I swear that my large charr is going to be the end of my raptor.


It's based on the size slider during character creation, not general character model size. Ie; a max size asura will have the same raptor a max size charr would.

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> @"Aenaos.8160" said:

> > @"mercury ranique.2170" said:

> > > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > > Asurans can ride my back if they want.

> >

> > Asurans do not ride your back. You are our mount! Giddy up Ayumi! ;)


> And on our mounts there's no room for anyone else.Being 6 feet tall,and all.


Such a liar.

No room for her?

![](https://68.media.tumblr.com/5fc539ae7a975585c39ee061cf765b4b/tumblr_inline_np53bbvCfN1qgaaxi_500.gif "")


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I think it would be nice enough for ANet to allow those who haven't gotten PoF by now an option to rent a mount as we could for the Wintersday race in Divinity's Reach. No need to own PoF, and no need to add special code and worry about whatever abuse we would probably call Multi-Mounting (which sounds kinda...anyway...). This is also good for people with multiple accounts who just can't justify upgrading all of them to PoF, or can't at once. It'd also act as another gold sink, and perhaps encourage people who've decided not to upgrade to change their minds.

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> @"Ardenwolfe.8590" said:

> Afraid I must disagree. I can see all kinds of ways this will be abused. And how it could also be used to troll people.


In what ways? I can't see it being abused any more than mounts, and other things like skills, are already. As long as the second player can manually dismount (or other restrictions, such as being a party member), I don't see how it could be used to troll with either.


Also, seconding the auto-follow. I'm pretty sure Guild Wars had it and it was just another in a long list of minor QoL features that were inexplicably trashed.

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As far as I know ANet considered multi-seat mounts when they first tried to implement mounts and players as separate entities. That didn't work out though and now we have mounts and players as a single entity, which makes multi-seat mounts technically impossible. Except if someone finds some kind of hack to fuse 2 or more players into a single entity.

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According to the PoF mounts concept arts, they were indeed going for 2-seated mounts variations. As much I would love to see this come true, why the hell did they change their mind of this?!


Take a look on WoW's 2 seated mounts, if they can do it, so can we.

I'd love to have a buddy with me!

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  • 2 years later...

> @"BunjiKugashira.9754" said:

> As far as I know ANet considered multi-seat mounts when they first tried to implement mounts and players as separate entities. That didn't work out though and now we have mounts and players as a single entity, which makes multi-seat mounts technically impossible. Except if someone finds some kind of hack to fuse 2 or more players into a single entity.


It wouldn't be a hack, it would be programmed that way? They could implement this one of two ways:

1. they could make a new mount that's a 2 seater (or more, hell lets make it a 4-seater, so you can carry a party), and in doing so, they could program it to be it's own entity, separate from the player(s) riding it.

2. they could sell a gem shop item (or an achievement line, again, like with the underwater skimmer) that upgrades either all mounts, or more likely a specific mount (probably skyscale) with an extra seat. Doing it in this way would make it next to impossible to have more than a 2-seater saddle, but I digress... In doing so, they wouldn't need to actually make multiple entities move. They'd only need to throw the passenger's skin onto the same single entity (the same way it works presently). The *ONLY* control that 2nd entity would need, would be a manual dismount button (much like when you're sitting in a chair). Your location would just be set to match the driver's location unless certain events happened: you dismounted, the driver logged out, and maybe if they warped to a waypoint.


Now personally I'd like to see a prompt to follow them to said waypoint, but I know that's not gonna happen because that negates the tele-2-friend items, and ANet wants to squeeze as much money out of us as possible. SPEAKING OF WHICH.. as far as "breaking the game", glimmer portal can already cheese JPs, and so can mounts/gliders/other skills if used (im)properly, but ANet doesn't care because it's never really been about balancing, so that's not a reason to take away one of the biggest possible QoL items that the community has been asking for for years. WoW is one of GW's biggest competitors, and they've managed it. We *SHOULD* see a 4-person mount, but I think the community is starved enough that we'd be happy with a 2-person one at this point -.- The fact that the general consensus in the community is "Guardians and mesmers are the best characters to mentor with because speed boost QOL and glimmer portal QOL" is super messed up... a multi-seater mount could fix this entirely.


Side note..

ALSO having a new mount (or an upgrade to the roller beetle, like they did with the underwater skimmer) for resource collection would be amazing (think Ark:SE), but I have 0% hope that that's gonna happen.


And another a general side note...

2 years later and we still don't have this. ANet really needs to get it together, the vast majority obviously want this. It took us 2 years of pestering to get an underwater mount and even then it wasn't it's own mount, but an upgrade to one that already existed. I don't regret my gem purchases, but with how much some of us have spent in there, I feel like we could've hired a developer to write this in for them and served up the code on a silver platter by now -.-

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I would actually like the warclaw to possibly be a two seater mount. If you sit in the second seat you get an special attack skill with 3 loads of ammo, and can throw spears. If the mount is hit, the second passenger "falls off". Both in WvW and PvE would be pretty sweet. But alas, I imagine 2 large norn males crushing the poor kitty. lol


If flying mounts allow for two-seats, I think they have to give some kind of stamina bar to reduce flight effectiveness, since I am sure this would result in an in-game version of Uber Taxi to reach hard to get to locations by foot.

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