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PvE dailies

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> @"Vault Girl.6792" said:

> > @"Enoah.1956" said:

> > > Well, then WvW dailies can also be like "capture Anza" and not just "capture a tower".

> > > But what's wrong with people doing what they want wherever they please? This way they enjoy the game more. That's exactly what I love about the game, there are so many different things to do. Why would you force a player, who wants to kill Tequatl, do events on other maps instead?

> > Well the WvW and PvP dailies perhaps are better left general, to lure in people trying those modes. I guess more players play this game PvE than PvP. If dailies are meant to bring in people into modes they rarely play it makes sense t keep related dailies general. Not sure if I had tried my first WvW when I did if the dailies there were super specific. On the other hand PvE is something that everyone is doing anyway. People do events all the time somewhere. There isn't much to gain for the community as a whole if just any events in any map would count towards that specific daily.

> >


> Right, people do events anyway, so why can't they do them wherever they like? It wouldn't make maps empty, I see a lot of people doing events, even when it's not required for the daily. They are exploring new maps, leveling up their characters (let's forget for a second about 100+ stacks of tomes of knowledge that everyone has), etc.

> A lot of people do world bosses too, even when it's not for the daily.

Not all areas are populated equally. Not all bosses or JPs are done equally. While I see that it is a kind of poor statement that it requires dailies to populate some areas or get these things done, that they ideally shouldn't be required, they can achieve just that and thus are fine the way they are. The world bosses are done for their rewards. Events in regular maps don't usually give you anything special and therefore tend to be skipped by some players. I was telling myself to go through the Central Tyria maps with new characters too, but actually found myself so bored when I tried that I resigned myself to feeding my alts tomes for now. If I were to level them up the normal way I might try rushing through their personal stories and/or doing events in maps that are on the daily list.



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I like the current system. the only thing i might change is to expand it a little. perhaps instead of Blazeridge Steppes event completer it be Ascalon event completer. give people more flexibility if they prefer a certain zone over others in that region. Some zones I personally hate doing event completer in. Caledon, kessex hills, frostgorge, fields of ruin etc.

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> @"costepj.5120" said:

> I was just responding to your assertion that dailies should be easy. They can be if that's what you want. I enjoy doing the dailies. I usually do about 6 - 9 of them, so I will be completing events and bounties when I login later. I hit the 15K AP cap a long time ago and there are more efficient ways of earning 2G, so for me it's all about variety of content.


I didn't say they should be easy, they should either be fun or be achievable just by playing the way you like (the same way it's done in WvW and PvP). I find it both funny and annoying that I have to go to Maguuma Jungle to view a vista, while there are a lot of vistas in Crystal Desert that I haven't reached yet.

Where is the variety, by the way? There are 4 home instances and several vistas that people usually view.


Maybe for players who got all the legendaries, completed all the maps etc, it might be nice to have something that guides them and tells them what to do today. But I'm playing for more than 4 years, and there are still a lot of things that I enjoy doing and find more fun than going to some map and doing boring events nobody cares about, just to get the daily done. (I'm not doing it, of course, exactly because there are better dailies)


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The current daily iteration provided positive changes for PvP-preference and WvW-preference players. The do-three-and-done system is preferable for those who do dailies primarily for the AP. I'd like those aspects of the dailies to stay as is.


That said, PvE dailies in general changed from a minor reward for playing the game to chores ANet uses to drag people by the nose to different areas of the game. This change was, for me, one of the many steps GW2 took from my perfect game down to where it is now. I'd love to see the PvE portion revert to an earlier iteration.


The "do four events in zone X" task (especially in lower level zones) promotes the silliest gameplay I've ever seen in an MMO. Players park at mob spawn points attacking the ground in hopes of getting in a hit. When mobs spawn, they melt so fast that they don't even get to move, never mind attack. By now, players don't even think about it, largely because they are just trying to get the task over with. I wonder, though, how a self-respecting game developer can look at these events being trivialized beyond the ludicrous and not cringe.



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> @"Vault Girl.6792" said:

> > @"Enoah.1956" said:

> > I prefer them to be more specific. Because this has players gather in maps where they may never be in, or not as often. When there is dungeon X up I can be sure to find people doing that dungeon, and all the paths. Like, Arah. Nowadays it can be very hard to find people doing it under normal circumstances, but when it's a daily it's not as hard. Dailies should be an incentive to do things people otherwise wouldn't, to mix up things. If the dailies are super general people will do them just wherever they please, wherever they have always been in. They will do the easiest/fastest JPs, gather node farms that they are probably doing each day anyway. The dailies wouldn't fulfill what they are meant to do then. Thus they need to be more specific.


> Well, then WvW dailies can also be like "capture Anza" and not just "capture a tower".

> But what's wrong with people doing what they want wherever they please? This way they enjoy the game more. That's exactly what I love about the game, there are so many different things to do. Why would you force a player, who wants to kill Tequatl, do events on other maps instead?


No one forces players who want to kill Teq to do events on other maps instead.

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PvE won’t be the same as WvW and sPvP since it has a much much larger breadth. That said, the daily achievement is completely optional. If you want the 10AP (assuming you’re not capped), and/or want the 2G, then go for it.


The daily meta achievement can usually be done within 10 minutes. The consistency of this depends on how willing you are to treat the game as a whole and do dailies in other modes such as WvW. Many of the WvW dailies don’t even need to involve interaction with enemy players.

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> @"Etterwyn.5263" said:

> They still need to fix mount damage scaling though. Makes some pve events really difficult when you can't tag a single enemy during the entire thing.


I've had pretty good success with asking in map chat for people to not mount-kill during daily events. Granted, I shouldn't have to politely ask but when I do I notice a significant reduction in that action.

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I'd be in favor of changing the event dailies to a region-wide event completion instead of map specific. It's especially frustrating when you're playing a lower level alt but the daily is for a Lv80 map and the only way to complete it is to swap over. At least when regions are concerned you can usually find a map within your level range. That said, this is a daily that I typically skip unless I'm already playing in the map it's located in and I'm not sure region-wide would push me to do it much more often (it might!).


Another annoying daily is the world boss one. If you don't log in at the right time you can be waiting for up to 3 hours for it to spawn. In most cases you'd just go find another daily to do, but I think it makes sense that it should be a selection of bosses. Perhaps split into two categories:


**Daily Low-level World Boss**

2-hour cycle bosses (Svanir Shaman, Fire Elemental, Great Jungle Wurm, Shadow Behemoth) at least one of which is available every 30 minutes.


**Daily Intermediate World Boss**

3-hour cycle bosses (Taidha, Megastroyer, Shatterer, Modniir, Golem Mk2, Claw of Jormag) at least one of which is available every 30 minutes.


Could also add Daily Expert World Boss category (Tequatl, Evolved Jungle Wurm, Karka Queen) which are available every 1-2 hours. Not an ideal time frame but would still be better than any one individual boss imo and would probably replace Karka Queen when it comes up for dailies. (Edit: I don't see Karka Queen on the Wiki's daily world boss list, but I'm 90% certain that I've seen it in-game on several occasions. Mayhaps I'm going crazy).


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Actually I thought a bit about this. It's not only that PvE dailies are very specific (unlike most of the PvP dailies) It's also that there is no PvE reward track where you can get useful boosts through your dailies. That's what makes PvP dailies so rewarding and PvE dailies so uninteresting imo.

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> @"Vault Girl.6792" said:

> > @"costepj.5120" said:

> > So ... mix and match. Today's dailies include Maguuma Jungle mining (which I can do in my home instance = 2 minutes) and an Orr Vista (another 2 minutes). If I don't want to do events or a bounty, I can pop into WvW and do Master of Monuments next to my home keep (another 2 minutes).


> Okay, why would specific dailies be better then? If you are doing them in your home instance anyway and then move to the easiest Orr Vista. Is it more fun because you do your daily gatherer not in the same home instance every time, but in one out of 4?

> The problem is not that it's hard to get 3 dailies. The problem is that PvE dailies are just annoying and not fun.


I happen to like the 3 PvE dailies being in specific areas, I find it fun to go to places I no longer visit on a normal basis...I currently am in the process of getting all of my 11 characters to PoF, and most likely would never set foot in any HoT or Core maps again unless there are dailies there. The PoF maps suit my style of play perfectly, lots of mob density like Orr was in the beginning(before it was turned into a cake walk)...that's' what I like.

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I actually don't mind having dailies bound to specific maps. It makes me re-visit maps I otherwise wouldn't have any reason to play in. Still I feel it's kinda unfair how much quicker it is to complete PvP and WvW dailies.

One fix would be to make sure that all PvE dailies can be completed in the same map. So if the dailies are "mine some ore", "complete some events" and "view a vista", then all of them should be bound to the same map instead of being spread all across Tyria. This would give me one map I can actually play in the way I want instead of only going for one specific activity.


Also: Please remove the PvP daily (Kegbrawl, Southsun survival, etc) from the PvE daily rotation.

The world-boss daily should be completable at least once per hour. So instead of "kill Shadow Behemoth" the daily would be "kill Shadow Behemoth or Fire Elemental". This is especially important for world bosses that spawn less often than SB or FE.

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![](https://i.imgur.com/QeFcE.jpg "")

Mix it up.


Forage anywhere certain days and a specific Jumping Puzzle/World Boss for example.

That way you can maybe Forage on the same World Boss map or Jumping Puzzle.


Other days any Event Completer, Specific Dungeon, Specific Mining.

Now you can go let's say Heart of Maguuma for Mining, you can do that now during the event completion which you might pick Brink at night or Basin (and the events before) and so on and so on.


Give us both and mix it up and I think it would be a more joyful experience. I never understood the point of limiting just to limit.

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I am fine with the normal dailies as it is. Plenty of options and usually varied and easy enough. I am however quite bored with the repetitive map-specific dailies in the LW-maps.


I have been wondering lately if the pve-dailies should be split up between "expansions":


* 4 Core dailies

* 4 LS2 dailies

* 4 HoT dailies

* 4 LS3 dailies

* 4 PoF dailies

* 4 LS4 dailies


and so on.

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> @"Dashiva.6149" said:

> I am fine with the normal dailies as it is. Plenty of options and usually varied and easy enough. I am however quite bored with the repetitive map-specific dailies in the LW-maps.


> I have been wondering lately if the pve-dailies should be split up between "expansions":


> * 4 Core dailies

> * 4 LS2 dailies

> * 4 HoT dailies

> * 4 LS3 dailies

> * 4 PoF dailies

> * 4 LS4 dailies


> and so on.


I LOVE this idea! It makes great sense, and the only downside is the length of the list. It should be not only trivial to code, but actually easier and less error-prone than the current system (which has to compare specific daily types across expansions).

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