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Why do people believe AT isn't competitive ?


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Never understood why a good amount of "PvP" players complain about AT not being competitive at all, when in reality it really is competitive.


what do you guys consider "competitive" and what don't you consider "competitive" because from my knowledge theirs a good amount of skilled players and teams that play.

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how do you guys expect to compete against top tier players if you don't challenge yourself/ the team more often?


I find it challenging and frustrating at times don't get me wrong. However theirs only 1 way of getting better in this game and that's by pushing yourself to learn /react quicker to things on the map/battle with a team you can trust. I usually end up in the semi finals before i get stomped by some really really top tier players that i consider "great" and above the average player rating level.


in short i wasn't always at the semi finals/finals it took a while to get their with a proper 4 other guys that can get in the same page with one another.



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> @"Exedore.6320" said:

> Early rounds are mostly PUG stomping. Then you have a handful of players who actually play as team destroying the good but un-coordinated players on the final rounds.


> There's no good way for most teams to practice, especially as a team.


that's false, i practice in unrank with my team and im setting up inhouse match ups once a week with other players/teams every week. IF u can't find a team to play against let me know i'll give ya'll a day/time to play with us during practice hours.

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Unranked, while good for rotation cleaning and communication improvement, is not near the level of practice you need to compete with the top teams currently winning AT's. They aren't competitive because it's 2 or 3 teams wiping the floor with a bunch of pugs only to have 1 decent match at the end of the tourney. Idk what players you play with so I can only speak from my experience but I can only play with 1 of my friends before unranked becomes a snoozefest of free wins and salty enemies complaining "premades in unranked reeee!"

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> @"zoopop.5630" said:

> Never understood why a good amount of "PvP" players complain about AT not being competitive at all, when in reality it really is competitive.


> what do you guys consider "competitive" and what don't you consider "competitive" because from my knowledge theirs a good amount of skilled players and teams that play.


It isn't competitive at all.


It's basically the same group of 16-20 players logging on twice a month to win the AT then leaving again till the monthly comes around. It is a gold farm. Pugs don't stand a chance.

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> @"zoopop.5630" said:

> > @"Exedore.6320" said:

> > Early rounds are mostly PUG stomping. Then you have a handful of players who actually play as team destroying the good but un-coordinated players on the final rounds.

> >

> > There's no good way for most teams to practice, especially as a team.


> that's false, i practice in unrank with my team and im setting up inhouse match ups once a week with other players/teams every week. IF u can't find a team to play against let me know i'll give ya'll a day/time to play with us during practice hours.


That's good for you guys but 5 manning an unranked match is not really that helpful. You'd have to first have a healthy competitive scene. Then you'd have to find a scrim partner with 5 other really strong players and then keep getting better from there. The problem is, the NA scene is 99% dead and there's basically no one good left.

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here is the jits of At in gw2 pvp.


5 man premade with voice chat vs 5 man premade team with voice chat in the finals. lol. The reason it's not competitive is you can't force a game mode that isnt competitive to be so. Cicle dancing isn't pvp TDM would be real pvp. We have had this half joke with gw2 pvp that just feels unfinished. Roll bunker or bow #5 teef win games. Speed wars can never be competitive unless really teef bow #5 is removed. Having a game based upon speed and not skill then making a profession that can run 5x faster then any other toon doesn't make any sense at all lol.

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > @"zoopop.5630" said:

> > > @"Exedore.6320" said:

> > > Early rounds are mostly PUG stomping. Then you have a handful of players who actually play as team destroying the good but un-coordinated players on the final rounds.

> > >

> > > There's no good way for most teams to practice, especially as a team.

> >

> > that's false, i practice in unrank with my team and im setting up inhouse match ups once a week with other players/teams every week. IF u can't find a team to play against let me know i'll give ya'll a day/time to play with us during practice hours.


> That's good for you guys but 5 manning an unranked match is not really that helpful. You'd have to first have a healthy competitive scene. Then you'd have to find a scrim partner with 5 other really strong players and then keep getting better from there. The problem is, the NA scene is 99% dead and there's basically no one good left.


i don't know everytime i que up i go against a 5premade team usually end up against high tier players or players of equal skills. However a majority of the time it's a even match up which is where the good practice kicks in for unranks purposes. I can agree that at times onces in a while it's a complete stomp but it doesn't mean it's always like that. > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > @"zoopop.5630" said:

> > Never understood why a good amount of "PvP" players complain about AT not being competitive at all, when in reality it really is competitive.

> >

> > what do you guys consider "competitive" and what don't you consider "competitive" because from my knowledge theirs a good amount of skilled players and teams that play.


> It isn't competitive at all.


> It's basically the same group of 16-20 players logging on twice a month to win the AT then leaving again till the monthly comes around. It is a gold farm. Pugs don't stand a chance.


see this is where i'll have to disagree a majority of the time it's more then just 20 players and usually it's different players / teams and i 100% agree pugs don't have a chance at all which can be dumb however i had my share of winning finals with a random pick up pug(might of been because no high tier team was on). What i really really find dumb is the fact that the BEST of the BEST players swallow each other daily just to play on the same teams and not against each other more often. That's the ONLY issue i have with MOST teams that would rather "premade top tier players" instead of picking up players from the bottom to work with and actually get good/improve with others.


I seen A LOT of scrubs rolling with some TOP tier players just to get some bragging rights for the LoLs(which is what i dislike most at the moment with some teams during AT).

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There's competition in every game. So saying it is or isn't "competitive", well, everyone is entitled to their opinion.


GW2 is competitive for me because I make it competitive by attempting to reach; at the very least, top 250. I placed top 100 this season. Top 25 is my next goal... it's too bad I don't have a consistent Off schedule to do AT's on the daily.

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I don't AT cause I can't find good enough players to play with :lol:

(I don't mean for that sound like an ego trip either, I mean there's no team q ranked to meet and form teams with, only map call outs "join my AT" from players in the lobby, I don't want to form a team with players I don't know or how they play just to be pug stomped by players fortunate enough to practice daily with each other that most likely use discord or some other voice comm)

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> @"zoopop.5630" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > @"zoopop.5630" said:

> > > > @"Exedore.6320" said:

> > > > Early rounds are mostly PUG stomping. Then you have a handful of players who actually play as team destroying the good but un-coordinated players on the final rounds.

> > > >

> > > > There's no good way for most teams to practice, especially as a team.

> > >

> > > that's false, i practice in unrank with my team and im setting up inhouse match ups once a week with other players/teams every week. IF u can't find a team to play against let me know i'll give ya'll a day/time to play with us during practice hours.

> >

> > That's good for you guys but 5 manning an unranked match is not really that helpful. You'd have to first have a healthy competitive scene. Then you'd have to find a scrim partner with 5 other really strong players and then keep getting better from there. The problem is, the NA scene is 99% dead and there's basically no one good left.


> i don't know everytime i que up i go against a 5premade team usually end up against high tier players or players of equal skills. However a majority of the time it's a even match up which is where the good practice kicks in for unranks purposes. I can agree that at times onces in a while it's a complete stomp but it doesn't mean it's always like that. > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > @"zoopop.5630" said:

> > > Never understood why a good amount of "PvP" players complain about AT not being competitive at all, when in reality it really is competitive.

> > >

> > > what do you guys consider "competitive" and what don't you consider "competitive" because from my knowledge theirs a good amount of skilled players and teams that play.

> >

> > It isn't competitive at all.

> >

> > It's basically the same group of 16-20 players logging on twice a month to win the AT then leaving again till the monthly comes around. It is a gold farm. Pugs don't stand a chance.


> see this is where i'll have to disagree a majority of the time it's more then just 20 players and usually it's different players / teams and i 100% agree pugs don't have a chance at all which can be dumb however i had my share of winning finals with a random pick up pug(might of been because no high tier team was on). What i really really find dumb is the fact that the BEST of the BEST players swallow each other daily just to play on the same teams and not against each other more often. That's the ONLY issue i have with MOST teams that would rather "premade top tier players" instead of picking up players from the bottom to work with and actually get good/improve with others.


> I seen A LOT of scrubs rolling with some TOP tier players just to get some bragging rights for the LoLs(which is what i dislike most at the moment with some teams during AT).


The thing is, most competitive players have already had years of experience in the "scene." There is nothing to look forward to anymore so most of the fun we have left is playing against whatever "pro" players remain. I highly doubt any of us would honestly care enough to try to pick players up from the bottom. There is no incentive to do so, and there aren't any tournaments anyways that anyone actually cares about. Not to mention this process is very time consuming and the current meta (and pretty much everything since HoT came out) isn't fun to play in.


Even if you were to train players, what would be the point? PvP is dead anyways.

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It's not competitive but reason is way more different then above.


Top teams don't give a s*** if they lose or win. That's truth, they don 't care. Goldfarming at's for 500 gold? These guys where paid real life money for this! Pro's do at's only because they can PLAY in full premade 5 man team against other pro team. They want just have good match! Cause there is no other place to do it officially and enjoy this game if you are pro!


Also they play completely casually. When money was on the line these guy's sacrificed their studies and family life to practice and scrim God knows how many hours a DAY without clicking ranked button. Everything on private servers cause they didn't want to inform other team about their comp! Now just see names of players and for 100% sure what they will play expect for likes of Misha and Frostball who are great mulitclassers. You guys think they have any reason to continue this for 500 gold?


Because of this we don't META in pvp. That's right, we got ETA. Since pro's stopped scriming they play only things that works for them in solo/duo q and that's all. Who know maybe scourge is garbage? Maybe weaver is meta? They didn't put effort to have 100% answer for that. They don't really test builds like in old days in many hours duels, teorycrafting and stuff. The whole idea about s/d thief in this ,,meta" came during monthly AT match! Same thing would be miracle in proleauge. In old days having THE BEST BUILD meant $$$ and you wouldn't play thing that you ,,like" or ,,feel" it's good.


This explains why gap between pro's and ...everything is else is like whole galaxy. It doesn't mean hope is lost. Now pro's are not so secretive as in proleauge days...they more then fine to have more competition. So why one of you ex-proleauge pro's give a guide based on your experience, explaining how to make good comp, how to practice properly, theorycraft meta comp, proper communications and team building, how to practice rotations! This things now are not worth any money now so why not? You don't care if you win as far match was good right...and you guys want more good matches then 2-3 once a Month.


Sorry for long post and horrible English.

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> @"Vlerk.4761" said:

> Probably because it's more about your connections than your skill. That's also why season 9 showed a completely different leaderboard. People couldn't rely on their connections for duo Qing.


i can agree to this to an extend, However i do still feel a majority of the players like to make excuses or not really put effort into it.


IF i was able to get a team of HIGH gold rated players into plat / and start competing against semi final teams (that usually play together all the time) then i don't see how i can't have them eventually play against top tier teams that enter monthly.

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> @"Mr Godlike.6098" said:

> So why one of you ex-proleauge pro's give a guide based on your experience, explaining how to make good comp, how to practice properly, theorycraft meta comp, proper communications and team building, how to practice rotations! This things now are not worth any money now so why not? You don't care if you win as far match was good right...and you guys want more good matches then 2-3 once a Month.


They aren't worth any money now. That is exactly why we won't spend the time trying to improve a dead gamemode.


We've done things like this in the past too. The interest wasn't there.

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > @"Mr Godlike.6098" said:

> > So why one of you ex-proleauge pro's give a guide based on your experience, explaining how to make good comp, how to practice properly, theorycraft meta comp, proper communications and team building, how to practice rotations! This things now are not worth any money now so why not? You don't care if you win as far match was good right...and you guys want more good matches then 2-3 once a Month.


> They aren't worth any money now. That is exactly why we won't spend the time trying to improve a dead gamemode.


> We've done things like this in the past too. The interest wasn't there.


im at a lost with what your trying to get at? Because something isn't worth money is why you won't try to improve a game mode? If your speaking about Real life cash, then that's just stupid. If you're talking about IN game GOLD then again I'm sure you can make some sort of income with knowledge and experience you might have to give to someone else. I mean theirs SOME teams that pay Gold for 5vs5 practices or for some sort of strategies to help their team fight.


However im In it for the game-mode regardless of the amount of negative comments i read every season on how the game-mode is "dying' or "no pro player plays" etc... theirs a lot to aim for regardless of what people complain or talk about. Give yourself some goals and make sure to achieve them you'll eventually find the game to be competitive in more ways then you can think so.

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