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Current event not awarding

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Something I've noticed. When I don't get credit, and i'm doing enough DPS to get credit, no matter how many of the events I go through (and I can tag several champs, but I also make darn certain to also tag the vets) is that when I fail to get credit, I never have any


as drops from the stuff. But if I do have those as drops I'm going to get credit.


and of course right after the event, we get the warning of "new build in 10 minutes". So maybe things will get fixed.

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We just did Plains of Ashford with two guildies who did it for the first time. They said they got credit for Zone Defense and that was the only thing showing under Current Events. Neither got Awakening Threat achieve nor did they get any mail from Ninn. They even went to another map to see if it would pop and it did not. I completed Zone Defense and Portal Breaker is greyed out for me now.

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I'm not getting achievement points added for daily completions. This is the third time I've specifically checked the Hero panel both before and after my dailys. The achievement tab shows 10 points awarded in the recently completed section, but doesn't add those 10 points onto my total achievements.

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> @"DanielEW.4592" said:

> I'm not getting achievement points added for daily completions. This is the third time I've specifically checked the Hero panel both before and after my dailys. The achievement tab shows 10 points awarded in the recently completed section, but doesn't add those 10 points onto my total achievements.


wrong thread but mouse over your total ap in the hero panel do daily and old monthy add up to 15k?

if so your at the cap for daily ap points

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After this last patch, I tried again, this time in Queensdale (I was in Wayfarer Foothills the previous 2 times) and I did not join a squad this time either. No idea if any of that made a difference, but I got credit. Once I left Queensdale to Divinity's Reach, I got the mail. Now I am able to proceed.

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