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PvP is dead but what are you guys doing to fix it?


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> @"Kethavel.1759" said:

> I feel like pvp just needs gobs more rewards for winning, like emphasis on gobs more, and even more for losing. People are just too entangled doing other stuff in the game to get gold for skins and such they don't get to play pvp as much. Maybe I'm wrong cause I don't pvp much anymore, but last I remember the rewards were still lame.


You mean solely gold, right? Because I hate having pve stuff being rewarded in pvp.

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> @"Killthehealersffs.8940" said:

> > @"Guizao.4167" said:

> > > @"JayAction.9056" said:

> > > The pvp in this game is great. The majority of classes were given options for new specs that all are better than their previous options besides rev and to a lesser extent ele.

> > >

> > > Tbh I rarely feel a handicap in playing rev vs near everyone in this game because most people don't even play the OP builds good lmfao. Not to say that rev is not underpowered by a good margin. It's just most people don't even play the game that great honestly.

> >

> > The pvp in this game used to be better, way better. This is a good example of a bad player's behavior. Elite specs were advertised as new ways to play your profession but they shouldn't be stronger than vanilla builds to the point it completely make core builds irrelevant. But unfortunately due to lack of proper balance and specific purposes given to the elite specs, the right opposite of what they advertised had happened. Can a core ele build be as good as a weaver build...? Don't think so.


> It can , like most ppl used to rquip ''Stone Heart'' which you cannot be crit hit for 5 sec (while using another stance)

> Or the old unerfed Diamond Skins that you wouldnt get condition while above 75% hp .


> Bersekers stacks as many defensive talents while doing VERY NICE DAMAGE , while the condition players equipped Rabid Amulets (condition+toughness) and aimed to get as many offensive (burn) points .


> Increasing the Vunbility + Might across classes removes the bukerish HoT specs , while giving the ability for core to burst you :P


> Streamlined Kits 20 cd :((((


Not appropriate changes.

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> @"Guizao.4167" said:

> > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > This game out of all the MMO's I've played has the funniest combat I have ever played, Its fast and its enjoyable. You really feel like your diging into someone when you get the drop on them, or when you showing your more skilled. However the Issue does not sleep beside the engine or even at times the players playing, It's the classes and their eliet specs.

> >

> > I remember back when the game was still new and you could bring in whatever, with whatever stats and still be alright... there was not a meta and sometimes you won and sometimes you lost. The player base was friendly, and we all enjoyed a good brawl with occasionally us all standing and watching One V Ones just cheering on our team mates and tagging in when it came time. There as a level of maturity and actual depth to the player-base, the game-play and above all you could play how you liked and what you liked.... now you cant.

> >

> > It's not dead in the traditional sense, it's more that the game is trying to be a MOBA rather than an MMORPG and the issues with that is balance. The balance of a MOBA is often shaky, and can shift with every patch cycle based on nerfs to items, skills, character passives ect. We dont have anything in common with Smite for example as someone used that as an a example earlier. I play Smite ALOT and I love the living kitten out of it, I love being a GUARDIAN class god and being tanky while building some off the wall kitten and wrecking some unsuspecting Pleb's face because he has this belief that Im just a "Poopy" player for picking a guardian.

> >

> > I love playing a warrior and boxing with another warrior, and outshining them in a One V one. I love actually being able to go in with my clan in a match and have a clan match, where we stomp some fools for the fun. But Im never disrespectful and I never come and lie about the balance or state of the game, There are gods with OVER tuned kits and they are an issue because the older gods have problems competing. However Hi-rez lately has been doing something different which I respect them for, rather than nerfing people into the dirt. They simply revamp the older gods between the release of new content so that their kits are brought up to snuff with the newer additions, they get a model upgrade, new animations and better balance to put them on PAR with the newer gods. Not bring the newer gods down into the dirt, only occasionally do we see a god get hit with a hehehe "Smite" for being too powerful.

> >

> > Now back to Guild wars 2 and Arena-net.

> >

> > They need to adopt this mentality and bring other classes who are NOT up to the standard to stand side by side with the current classes in the meta, I Feel there should be no reason why one class cant play in all areas of the game. There is no excuse for it once so ever outside of lazy developers not wanting to put the time into their product, Now I hate being that negative but I cant help but feel this way. I've seen so many other games MANAGE it without even needing the kind of pushing and coaxing that A-net needs, hell Even the Warhammer online return of reckoning private server does a better job at balancing that a company being PAID for their work and time. And that game was rebuilt basically from scratch, and has some serious issues but the reason they can get away with it is because they are doing it out of their own pockets. They have no financial backing from the community, and they are players trying to remake the game they loved. Key word there is Love/Loved.

> >

> > Anet does not care and have lost their vision, and their design philosophy as well their devotion to their playerbase and their games health. I dont honestly think they care what we think or feel about jack kitten, It's " Their game" and they will make it "Their way". The issue with this is that they are a Service and thus I as the customer when promised specific things expect those things. This is why they have caught so much flack over the years, they make big promises but in the end some of the bigger or even minor promises they make NEVER come to fruition but it is still a selling point of the game. They dug this hole themselves and now they have to sleep in it or find a way to climb back out, brush themselves off and fix this kitten.

> >

> > I dont have faith in them to do it though, They just dont seem to care enough and that is just how corporations are as a whole. They dont give a kitten about anyone, so as It is sad for me to say this... just dont pvp in this game unless big changes happen. Go pick up a pvp based game where it's all they have and they HAVE to take care of the state of the game, Speak and vote with your wallets guys. If they keep getting money, and the player-base does not drastically shift or simply stop being an applicable argument nothing is going to change.

> >

> > You have to fight and force change when it comes to these things, otherwise nothing is going to happen.... make them care by hitting them where they care the most. And sadly that is their wallets.


> This. As an old player you do understand my point. But I see the problems are way deeper. Anet tried to please everyone out there and simply forgot about their playerbase. They wanted to be like any other successful game out there for what? for E-Sports? This is a MMORPG not a MOBA.

> > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > > @"Guizao.4167" said:

> > > > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > > > Why are you continuously voting on dease questions? Such a waste of time!!!

> > >

> > > Boooooooooooooo

> >

> > Booohooo yourself. This topic & numerous polls has been raised numerous times with the same kitten questions & the same doll results. Forgive me if i don't want polls & rather have more action instead. I'm so done with it!


> Yeah because I'm committing myself to write about how the game is right now and not saying untruthful things like PvP is good and balanced and fun to play. You just wasted your precious time coming into this kitten poll with doll results to say what? to prove what? Please...


> > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > Is it the PVP that is dead, or the balance? I am playing the same game you guys are and queue times are well within normal limits for me anywhere from instant to a max of 3 minutes..but normally about 1.5 minutes.

> >

> > Sure when I go into games I am seeing the same 3-4 overbuffed classes (you know the ones). I also see some notably neglected classes as well.

> >

> > **I am going to make a prediction: if the power shifts, the people who complain now will be silent(assuming it benefits them), and those who find it to be okay (losing their god and s-tier status) will suddenly become the squeaky wheel.**

> >

> > Do you mean dead as in like a family member has a lifestyle you don't agree with, and say "They are dead to me!"?

> >

> > LoL.

> >

> >


> Then I will remain vigilant.


I do understand but I Cant say our bitching is going to change it, the only thing that will is hurting their profits. If people stop paying for content we keep bitching about, words do not bring about change not in a corporate world. To Be honest I dont know how much longer I will be invested in a game that cant take itself seriously, between the story and these "Balance" patches I just kind of get on and do my thing. Again At this point im only here to finish my legendary weapon, and kill joko... because he hurt taimi and no one hurts the small one. I see your frustration but as I Suggested perhaps its time to find a new game to scratch the pvp itch until either they fix it ,or another guild wars title emerges.


We all overlook how many times this game has changed teams, we have had so many cooks in the kitchen that down the line I Feel the game suffered for it not having a dedicated team of concept designers, coders and even simply the architects of the game. I imagine the original Idea of what this game would be, looked alot different than what we got... probably played different too. The first thing they could do to bring back old players is to give us our classes from guild wars one back (dervish, paragon, ritualist) and make them their own full class rather than a Elite spec.


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> @"Wesley.5694" said:

> Dead with queues of seconds or 2 min at most?


> About unbalanced, yes it has, but I play with 6 different Professions and I go well with everyone and I have fun.


> A lot of people are noob and play badly, and think it's fault of balance.



This isn't an excuse from someone who plays badly. If you play the same game I do then you sure know how unbalanced this game is.

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> @"Vlerk.4761" said:

> This happens every season, people who didn't enjoy the season because of reasons unrelated to how active the pvp season is, cry that pvp is dead.. hard to take such threads seriously.


You missed the point, twice. How can I take someone seriously if he/she can't understand simple things?

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> @"KeoLegend.5132" said:

> im freaking tired of Anet not investing on marketing. We could have so many more players but no... they dont spend a cent on promoting their own game



You should see the wonderful advertisements they got on Twitter, hahahaha xD!

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I bet https://tf2center.com/lobbies has a higher primetime population than GW2. Moreover, considering that that site was made and maintained by players, features a match queue system which allows players to do whatever they please in the meantime, has a fully transparent breakdown of who is going to participate in upcoming matches, uses a third party voice program to coordinate player comms for participating teams, and also features an extensive stat breakdown of every match, it kind of goes to show how much of a joke anet's PvP is. It also shows what can happen if devs are just willing to let the players use the game's tools and assets in order to craft and refine their own [PvP] content. Players will always know better than devs. Always. Especially so when the devs don't even play their own game, take ridiculous breaks from development, and claim that "above average" players are ones which "press more than one button."

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> @"Guizao.4167" said:

> That was just something I thought I should point out because it's very apparent.


But are you referring to HotJoin populations? I expect those to be way down since most people that were doing HotJoin were doing so to get free dailies and that was stopped when the change was made that it had to be a ranked or unranked game. So that is not something that should be used to determine population.


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> @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> > @"Guizao.4167" said:

> > That was just something I thought I should point out because it's very apparent.


> But are you referring to HotJoin populations? I expect those to be way down since most people that were doing HotJoin were doing so to get free dailies and that was stopped when the change was made that it had to be a ranked or unranked game. So that is not something that should be used to determine population.



Most people used to play hotjoins not because of the daily but because PvP was enjoyable. They could've simply stopped playing when dailies were done but that wasn't the case. All day every day most base servers were always full, there used to be life in sPvP. But since the trait revamp and some not very clever moves from Anet, the population dropped to a certain point that only one or two custom servers are 1/2 filled with players, and that's from NA servers. EU servers may be way worse, I don't know.

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> @"Guizao.4167" said:

> > @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> > > @"Guizao.4167" said:

> > > That was just something I thought I should point out because it's very apparent.

> >

> > But are you referring to HotJoin populations? I expect those to be way down since most people that were doing HotJoin were doing so to get free dailies and that was stopped when the change was made that it had to be a ranked or unranked game. So that is not something that should be used to determine population.

> >


> Most people used to play hotjoins not because of the daily but because PvP was enjoyable. They could've simply stopped playing when dailies were done but that wasn't the case. All day every day most base servers were always full, there used to be life in sPvP. But since the trait revamp and some not very clever moves from Anet, the population dropped to a certain point that only one or two custom servers are 1/2 filled with players, and that's from NA servers. EU servers may be way worse, I don't know.


I think more people moved to unranked/ranked after additions, especially with additions of reward tracks. Couple with that people leaving HJs because they don't count towards the daily and further normal population decreases and HJ ends up where it is. Again, ANet has numbers we can't see and I agree I would have expected overall reductions but I don't think I would use HJ as part of the case. Just in my opinion. Good hunting!

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> @"Guizao.4167" said:

> > @"Vlerk.4761" said:

> > This happens every season, people who didn't enjoy the season because of reasons unrelated to how active the pvp season is, cry that pvp is dead.. hard to take such threads seriously.


> You missed the point, twice. How can I take someone seriously if he/she can't understand simple things?


You don't, take example of the people who don't take you seriously as well.

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> @"Vlerk.4761" said:

> > @"Guizao.4167" said:

> > > @"Vlerk.4761" said:

> > > This happens every season, people who didn't enjoy the season because of reasons unrelated to how active the pvp season is, cry that pvp is dead.. hard to take such threads seriously.

> >

> > You missed the point, twice. How can I take someone seriously if he/she can't understand simple things?


> You don't, take example of the people who don't take you seriously as well.


Like you, who can't understand simple things? Who can't even read some 8 lines? Please...

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> @"Guizao.4167" said:

> > @"Vlerk.4761" said:

> > > @"Guizao.4167" said:

> > > > @"Vlerk.4761" said:

> > > > This happens every season, people who didn't enjoy the season because of reasons unrelated to how active the pvp season is, cry that pvp is dead.. hard to take such threads seriously.

> > >

> > > You missed the point, twice. How can I take someone seriously if he/she can't understand simple things?

> >

> > You don't, take example of the people who don't take you seriously as well.


> Like you, who can't understand simple things? Who can't even read some 8 lines? Please...


Exactly like me, who doesn't have to go around making a thread about a non existing problem.

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> @"Vlerk.4761" said:

> > @"Guizao.4167" said:

> > > @"Vlerk.4761" said:

> > > > @"Guizao.4167" said:

> > > > > @"Vlerk.4761" said:

> > > > > This happens every season, people who didn't enjoy the season because of reasons unrelated to how active the pvp season is, cry that pvp is dead.. hard to take such threads seriously.

> > > >

> > > > You missed the point, twice. How can I take someone seriously if he/she can't understand simple things?

> > >

> > > You don't, take example of the people who don't take you seriously as well.

> >

> > Like you, who can't understand simple things? Who can't even read some 8 lines? Please...


> Exactly like me, who doesn't have to go around making a thread about a non existing problem.



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