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Home Instance Garden Plots


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> @"Orion Templar.4589" said:

> It looks like the Grove and Divinity's Reach are linked - I have the same crops in those instances. But the Black Citadel has its own plot. Haven't checked yet if Rata Sum or Hoelbrak are linked or separate.,


The latest update notes seems to imply they're all supposed to be identical. Shame.

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> @"Plexxing.2978" said:

> I invited someone in my home instance AFTER I collected my plot plants. They couldn't harvest them. Do you have to wait for friends to harvest the nodes before you do?


I too have noticed others can't seem to harvest the nodes. I have noticed all accounts brought in had all the expensions. Other accounts did not have any expensions and could not harvest. This is unfair, hope this gets fixed in the future.

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For those talking about harvesting I made a thread in the bugs section. This is what I learned. If I go in with a party but do not harvest any of the new nodes, I can take as many groups as I want into the instance to have them harvest it, they will be able to do so. If they enter in the same instance where I have not harvested, no matter the order (me harvesting first or them), they will be able to harvest. However if I leave and come back in after harvesting,any single node that I have previously harvested will not be available to the new group. This is so long as they have not previously harvested any of the nodes.

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> @"Orion Templar.4589" said:

> It looks like the Grove and Divinity's Reach are linked - I have the same crops in those instances. But the Black Citadel has its own plot. Haven't checked yet if Rata Sum or Hoelbrak are linked or separate.,


Divinitys reach and black citadel have the same for me dident check the other plots.

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> @"Pifil.5193" said:

> Just a note to let people know, the guaranteed dye unlocks are only for the dyes that are in the game since the start, they will not unlock any of the exclusive dyes that were added through the BLTP dye packs.


> Kinda disappointing, really, I should have waited until the wiki was updated. Oh well.


Bummer! There are only about 6 non-gem dyes that I do not have. I wish they had said that when they used guaranteed dye unlocks or I would not have bought it.

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> @"Manasa Devi.7958" said:

> When you harvest your own garden, the nodes actually change to "Growing Crops" and stay that way until daily reset. Technically, it seems obvious that others can't harvest from those, but it's weird from a in-world perspective. Hundreds can harvest, but when I do it, BANG! No more!


It's odd, but I guess it makes sense. It's just a side effect of how we can manage the nodes.

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> @"Cobrakon.3108" said:

> Are all of the plants ones u get in the open world and TP? If so why put anything other than the highest price plants?


There are four nodes used to make primers that aren't accessible otherwise. They are only sometimes worth more than the highest-price plants.


Beyond that, some people prefer to farm their own stuff, even if it's easily-obtained on the TP.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > I just submitted a ticket to see if I can return the 2 plots I bought .... here is hoping.


> Let us know what you find out. (Good luck.)


Thanks, since I am not interested in the primers and had hoped to unlock the rest of the dyes the new info about the unlocks swings the balance of if it makes sense to me to have the plots. I was already on the fence but decided it was worth it if I could unlock the expensive dyes.

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> @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > > I just submitted a ticket to see if I can return the 2 plots I bought .... here is hoping.

> >

> > Let us know what you find out. (Good luck.)


> Thanks, since I am not interested in the primers and had hoped to unlock the rest of the dyes the new info about the unlocks swings the balance of if it makes sense to me to have the plots. I was already on the fence but decided it was worth it if I could unlock the expensive dyes.


You are almost certainly better off converting your gems into gold and buying the colors you want. Most dyes remain cheap (and will do for a while for a variety of reasons.)

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> @"Menadena.7482" said:

> I just submitted a ticket to see if I can return the 2 plots I bought .... here is hoping.


I didn't think of that... I'll try the same, without the option of unlocking exclusive dyes and the ability to grow "useful" end game plants like flax or even omnomberries this has no use to me.

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> @"Pifil.5193" said:

> > @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > I just submitted a ticket to see if I can return the 2 plots I bought .... here is hoping.


> I didn't think of that... I'll try the same, without the option of unlocking exclusive dyes and the ability to grow "useful" end game plants like flax or even omnomberries this has no use to me.


Well, there are a couple of Gem Store Dyes available from one of the recipes. Now, whether that's a bug and will be amended, or not, is unclear.


Good luck.

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"Orion Templar.4589" said:

> > It looks like the Grove and Divinity's Reach are linked - I have the same crops in those instances. But the Black Citadel has its own plot. Haven't checked yet if Rata Sum or Hoelbrak are linked or separate.,


> Divinitys reach and black citadel have the same for me dident check the other plots.


Yeah, it looks to have changed. The other day when I went to Black Citadel, it had its own unique set of plants. But today when I went to Black Citadel, it had the same plants as Divinity's Reach and The Grove. It looks like they are all the same now.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > @"Pifil.5193" said:

> > > @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > > I just submitted a ticket to see if I can return the 2 plots I bought .... here is hoping.

> >

> > I didn't think of that... I'll try the same, without the option of unlocking exclusive dyes and the ability to grow "useful" end game plants like flax or even omnomberries this has no use to me.


> Well, there are a couple of Gem Store Dyes available from one of the recipes. Now, whether that's a bug and will be amended, or not, is unclear.


There is a bug of some sort: the specific vials you can craft from the special mats specifically say that they don't include any of the exclusive colors.

> * Consuming [the Guaranteed Purple-Gray Dye Unlock](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Guaranteed_Purple-Gray_Dye_Unlock) will unlock one random purple or gray dye that you do not already have. **Exclusive colors obtained through Gem Store dye kits are not included.**

> * [blue-Green](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Guaranteed_Blue-Green_Dye_Unlock)

> * [Red-Brown](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Guaranteed_Red-Brown_Dye_Unlock)

> * [Yellow-Orange](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Guaranteed_Yellow-Orange_Dye_Unlock)


**Emphasis** added to the relevant phrase at the end of the description of each

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I like my plots. Bought one. Tried it out. Bought a second. Enjoyed the unlocking collection. Made a good excuse to get out to odd corners. I don't think any of the nodes are worth it in pure monetary sense. But I sure enjoy them and have many of them from store to achievements to some nodes purchased from TP. It's fun for me and I like running guilders through it. Non guilders to if you catch me on line. Not tips.

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Was disappointed to discover that my first crafting of the guaranteed blue/green unlock yielded a consumable that gave me a "no available dyes" message. Now I'm stuck with a useless item and out 24x4 mats (not expensive mats, but still). Is there any way to get a refund for these, since you can't really tell that none of your unlocked dyes are unavailable until after you waste the mats crafting the unlock.

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> @"Euryon.9248" said:

> Was disappointed to discover that my first crafting of the guaranteed blue/green unlock yielded a consumable that gave me a "no available dyes" message. Now I'm stuck with a useless item and out 24x4 mats (not expensive mats, but still). Is there any way to get a refund for these, since you can't really tell that none of your unlocked dyes are unavailable until after you waste the mats crafting the unlock.


You can easily consult the Wiki (link above) to see which Dyes are offered through the recipes.

You can 'Submit a Ticket' to the CS Team via the 'Support' link above/below; it would be the only way to find out if you are eligible for a refund.


Good luck.

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> @"DarcShriek.5829" said:

> I'm not convinced these are a good buy for 1000 gems. I've bought all the other home instance items. But these, just don't seem worthwhile.


None of them are "good buys". I got mine so I could do dailies sometimes in the home instance. I was pretty much going to buy any plant node when it dropped below 200-300 gold, so this fit the bill for me. (As it turns out, the tradeable nodes dropped in price for other reasons; I felt this for 250g with four nodes was a better deal in the long run than Lotus for 80g or Snow Truffle for 200 etc.) I'm sure that in 6 months I will feel that I overpaid. It's a really expensive convenience item (for me anyhow).

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