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You can now buy the Gift of Insights with real money.


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Well.. since this thing is a container (means for me one-time-use) and rare i would be rather mad if i get a rare drop and its **This** - i mean.. im for once lucky and get something rare from a black lion chest and then its something... useless for me since i sit on around 2k from each HoT currency atm and i LOVE the HoT maps, really enjoy playing them from the start to the meta. So yeah.. i hope i never get it ;)

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> @"CharterforGw.3149" said:

> It pretty much undoes the work they've put into making the new legendaries bound. For the old legendaries it doesn't matter, probably better to buy gold and buy from the trading post.


Considering you can only get 30 elegy mosaics from a voucher, I doubt this. And trade contracts fall from the sky anyway. Volatile magic is also easy to obtain. Kralk ore isnt an option. The mosaics are the hardest to obtain because of RNG from bosses and because of this, i like the vouchers.



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> @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> ...you know you can't buy the items needed for the gift of insights unless their respective mastery tracks are completed, right?


Yup, but it's still essentially buying map currency with real money.


I just posted to let people know it's there and to voice my opinion on the matter.


I'm not overly bothered by it, but if they do more than this it could get bad. Can you imagine the backlash if they added Raid currencies to the chests?




> @"Chay.7852" said:

> Well.. since this thing is a container (means for me one-time-use) and rare i would be rather mad if i get a rare drop and its **This**


It's an uncommon drop, I had 12 keys and 3 or 4 of them dropped for me last night.



Edit: Meant map currency rather than in game currency.


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> @"psizone.8437" said:

> > @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> > ...you know you can't buy the items needed for the gift of insights unless their respective mastery tracks are completed, right?


> Yup, but it's still essentially buying in game currency with real money.


> I just posted to let people know it's there and to voice my opinion on the matter.


> I'm not overly bothered by it, but if they do more than this it could get bad. Can you imagine the backlash if they added Raid currencies to the chests?




> > @"Chay.7852" said:

> > Well.. since this thing is a container (means for me one-time-use) and rare i would be rather mad if i get a rare drop and its **This**


> It's an uncommon drop, I had 12 keys and 3 or 4 of them dropped for me last night.




oh okay.. Wiki says its rare but they are one time use, aren't they? still a waste for me with even more chance to occure.

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> @"Razor.6392" said:

> I feel really bad for people who 'play' an mmo just to buy all of the good items for $.


> You poor, sad people.


I bought my Rifle - which has the same stats as a regular weapon of course - for 38€ in gems.

![](https://i.imgur.com/Txzye55.png "")

Because "playing an MMO" would be in that case: Wander around and do stuff totally irrelevant for my task.


Look, I said this in FF14 and I say this again: **I am here to fight and to kill. Not to gather and build.**

If I would like to do that, I would play Harvest Moon. But I choose to play a Thief, a Deadeye, an assassin eventually. Not some guy that chops trees, collect leeks or sit down and build things as if I am a poor Bookah that need new shoes. I tried that in FF14, I made my Stardust (Blackmage Staff) and tried to get further with it, but the amount of time was not normal (or healthy). I still shiver when I think about the amount of time I wasted and watched TV while "playing" because I needed 10,000 of one thing. But those weapons had a stat increase each time, so okay, but here, often it's really just trivial and does not put anyone else on direct disadvantage.


I am neither poor (in both ways) nor sad, actually I am very, very happy with that purchase, and so is the guy that crafted for so long that I got him like 600 gold or whatever that was. I think it's more "sad" that people want to do redundant and repetitive task over and over and then rant a bit on the forums.



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personally dont understand what is sad about spending real money on items in game. think about it this way, would u rather spend 5 hours looking at a monitor doing super tedious things to get that item, or would u rather work 5 hours in a real life job, and use money from that job to get the item instantly after work?


idk maybe my thinking is super unconventional... but i prefer the latter option. and honestly, it's not like i have any dependents to look after... i mean that would be irresponsible.

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> @"Samnang.1879" said:

> personally dont understand what is sad about spending real money on items in game. think about it this way, would u rather spend 5 hours looking at a monitor doing super tedious things to get that item, or would u rather work 5 hours in a real life job, and use money from that job to get the item instantly after work?


> idk maybe my thinking is super unconventional... but i prefer the latter option. and honestly, it's not like i have any dependents to look after... i mean that would be irresponsible.


My guess is that it's basically on par with buying accomplishments. Do you feel that those buying accomplishments has any effect on those that earned them?

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> @"psizone.8437" said:

> With the addition of https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Tyrian_Exchange_Voucher to the black lion chest, you can now buy all of the currency required to make a Gift of Insights without taking part in map events.


> Whilst this may be a godsend to some, I feel like it removes part of the journey of making a legendary weapon.


> I don't care if it gets changed or not, but I sincerely hope this doesn't become a trend. The game needs to have things earn-able in game that cannot just be bought with enough real money.




At minimum, you’d need 6 of these vouchers to get the hot currency for these items. Gift of Insights are only 1 component to...


https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gift_of_Maguuma_Mastery requires...


https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gift_of_Maguuma Which requires 4 map completions.


https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bloodstone_Shard For 200 spirit shards.


https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Crystalline_Ingot 250 C Ingots require 250 C ore, 250 ectos, 250 AG and 250 Fulgurite.






You also need to complete ALL the mastery tracks https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Heart_of_Thorns_mastery_tracks to purchase the faction gifts...


Exalted masteries require 9.1 million xp and 19 Mastery points.


Gliding masteries require 13.5 million xp and 31 Mastery points.


Itzel masteries require 13.5 million xp and 31 Mastery points to complete.


Nuhoch masteries require 13.5 million xp and 31 Mastery points to complete.


Totals being 50,000,000 xp and 112 Mastery points.




...I could go on and add up all the other requirements, but I won’t... Read up yourself and see if some useful rng currencies in bl chests, as opposed to vendor junk, are worth making a fuss over when you add up the entire shopping list of requirements and time investment.






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> @"Chay.7852" said:

> > @"psizone.8437" said:

> > > @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> > > ...you know you can't buy the items needed for the gift of insights unless their respective mastery tracks are completed, right?

> >

> > Yup, but it's still essentially buying in game currency with real money.

> >

> > I just posted to let people know it's there and to voice my opinion on the matter.

> >

> > I'm not overly bothered by it, but if they do more than this it could get bad. Can you imagine the backlash if they added Raid currencies to the chests?

> >

> >

> >

> > > @"Chay.7852" said:

> > > Well.. since this thing is a container (means for me one-time-use) and rare i would be rather mad if i get a rare drop and its **This**

> >

> > It's an uncommon drop, I had 12 keys and 3 or 4 of them dropped for me last night.

> >

> >


> oh okay.. Wiki says its rare but they are one time use, aren't they? still a waste for me with even more chance to occure.


It's neither a rare nor uncommon drop. It's a common drop from the Black Lion Chest loot table, as the Wiki states. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Black_Lion_Chest

(Don't confuse the rarity category [basic/Fine/Masterwork/Rare/Exotic/etc.] of items to the rarity [common/uncommon/rare/etc.] of loot table drops.)

I used 11 BL Keys and did not receive any Trade Vouchers. Considering there are 26 items in the Common category alone, it's not _that_ likely one will receive one every 3 or 4 rolls of the dice; it's possible but far from guaranteed.

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I have no issues with this and actually think it is a good idea. You are just trading money for time savings. Now if they added components for the gift of battle in the BL drop tables, I might actually start buying keys!


> @"Rauderi.8706" said:

> Still waiting for Gift of Battle: 800 gems.

^ This would work as well! (I'd even spend a bit more for this...)


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> @"Swagger.1459" said:


> ...I could go on and add up all the other requirements, but I won’t... Read up yourself and see if some useful rng currencies in bl chests, as opposed to vendor junk, are worth making a fuss over when you add up the entire shopping list of requirements and time investment.



I know all that, that's why I very specifically said "I feel like it removes **part** of the journey of making a legendary weapon."


And again, that part was just my opinion and I felt it was worth a discussion. Considering everyone's different opinions on the matter, I was right about that and if someone from Anet read this thread they'll at least have various points of view on the matter that they can use in future for when they add more things to the chests.


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> @"psizone.8437" said:

> > @"Swagger.1459" said:


> > ...I could go on and add up all the other requirements, but I won’t... Read up yourself and see if some useful rng currencies in bl chests, as opposed to vendor junk, are worth making a fuss over when you add up the entire shopping list of requirements and time investment.



> I know all that, that's why I very specifically said "I feel like it removes **part** of the journey of making a legendary weapon."


> And again, that part was just my opinion and I felt it was worth a discussion. Considering everyone's different opinions on the matter, I was right about that and if someone from Anet read this thread they'll at least have various points of view on the matter that they can use in future for when they add more things to the chests.



The 800 each of faction currency, for the gift, is completely insignificant to the other requirements. These vouchers are not even worth niggling over when you look at the other major requirements.

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> @"Swagger.1459" said:


> The 800 each of faction currency, for the gift, is completely insignificant to the other requirements. These vouchers are not even worth niggling over when you look at the other major requirements.


800 of each faction currency from scratch is still several hours worth of gameplay. Hardly insignificant.


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> @"psizone.8437" said:

> Whilst this may be a godsend to some, I feel like it removes part of the journey of making a legendary weapon.


Legendaries stopped being a journey when they destroyed the collection aspect of them. Now you can pretty much open the TP and buy all of the mats and done.





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> @"psizone.8437" said:

> > @"Swagger.1459" said:


> > The 800 each of faction currency, for the gift, is completely insignificant to the other requirements. These vouchers are not even worth niggling over when you look at the other major requirements.


> 800 of each faction currency from scratch is still several hours worth of gameplay. Hardly insignificant.



Compared to the months of grinding out 50 million xp... and 112 masteries... and the plethora of other mats and collections needed for legendary weapons... you really need to fabricate some issue over this easy to obtain currency? Seriously?


The devs upped the currency drop rates by a lot a while back... these currencies are the least of a players concerns who are chasing after a gen 2 lengendary...

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I do think it's dangerously close to P2W, but i can't really fault that. There's already ways to cheese your way out of getting those currencies.

And as someone that's right now trying to get that exact gift of insight for my Binding of Ipos... I can tell you there's little else more discouraging than farming HoT again, especially if you've done at least one other legendary recently (which i did).

Not to mention you need to spend currencies for keys so you can get more currencies.

**Of course** they could reward gameplay more instead of adding these pay to win adjacent stuff. But if i've come to realize anything about Arena Net's corporate culture is that they always take the easy way out.

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> @"Swagger.1459" said:


> Compared to the months of grinding out 50 million xp... and 112 masteries... and the plethora of other mats and collections needed for legendary weapons... you really need to fabricate some issue over this easy to obtain currency? Seriously?


I'm hardly making this a huge issue, I even said I don't care if it gets changed or not and posted this mainly to see where we should draw a line for what should be included in a black lion chest.


I personally disagree with adding map currencies to black lion chests, you don't.


Don't make a mountain out of a molehill when disagreeing with someone online, dude.

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If it doesn't affect us players, why are we posting here on the forums and why do the people who voice their concerns get many upvotes? Move along, nothing to see here, just wiping my credit card and get the same thing you spent 3 months doing events and farming for, don't look at me that way, it doesn't affect you! Can't you hear me, it does not affect you at all!!!

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The Gifts require 800 of each currency (one gift costs 300 of each; the other three cost 500 of one of the three). The [Tyrian Exchange Voucher](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Tyrian_Exchange_Voucher) can be used to obtain 500 of each of the currencies. Thus, in order to 'buy' a Gift of Insights, we'd need to get six vouchers.


There are 26 items available as common drops. If each drops with the same probability (and we don't have specific evidence that we do), then the rate is about 0.0384, i.e. just under 4%. To have a 50-50 chance of getting six vouchers, you'd need 150 keys. The minimum gem cost for that is 12,600 gems, or about US$160.





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> @"Zedek.8932" said:

> > @"Razor.6392" said:

> > I feel really bad for people who 'play' an mmo just to buy all of the good items for $.

> >

> > You poor, sad people.


> I bought my Rifle - which has the same stats as a regular weapon of course - for 38€ in gems.

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/Txzye55.png "")

> Because "playing an MMO" would be in that case: Wander around and do stuff totally irrelevant for my task.


> Look, I said this in FF14 and I say this again: **I am here to fight and to kill. Not to gather and build.**

> If I would like to do that, I would play Harvest Moon. But I choose to play a Thief, a Deadeye, an assassin eventually. Not some guy that chops trees, collect leeks or sit down and build things as if I am a poor Bookah that need new shoes. I tried that in FF14, I made my Stardust (Blackmage Staff) and tried to get further with it, but the amount of time was not normal (or healthy). I still shiver when I think about the amount of time I wasted and watched TV while "playing" because I needed 10,000 of one thing. But those weapons had a stat increase each time, so okay, but here, often it's really just trivial and does not put anyone else on direct disadvantage.


> I am neither poor (in both ways) nor sad, actually I am very, very happy with that purchase, and so is the guy that crafted for so long that I got him like 600 gold or whatever that was. I think it's more "sad" that people want to do redundant and repetitive task over and over and then rant a bit on the forums.


> Excelsior.


To me the point of an mmo is the journey. Everytime I set a goal for me in-game, to get X item, or X set of armor (gold or time intensive) so I start to work towards it. After I finish it, I use it, and set another long term goal (can have many going at the same time too).


What's the fun or point in just purchasing it? You got it, now what? Should I feel accomplished? Happy? Let's buy everything I want so I no longer have anything to do in game. A mmo should keep you entertained with the multiple activities you can do in it. Pvp, pve, farm, do x, y, z. If you only have X to do, because you finished everything else (assuming now that you got the item, you spam wvw with it), then it's gonna get old REALLY fast.


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