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Soulbeast Specialization Updates for the Path of Fire Launch

Karl McLain.5604

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> Hey Fellow Rangers,


> For reasons I don't understand, Karl's posts are not currently flagged as officially being "ArenaNet staff." However, I can assure you that Karl is 100% legitimate, and his post do represent those of a staff member.


> I tried a tweak and it still didn't add the ArenaNet red banner, so I'll be looking into this tomorrow. But in the meantime, Karl's the real deal. :+1:


Gaile, do you happen to know if these are the 100% complete Soulbeast-exclusive patch notes, including traits , stance skills, bugs, merged beast skills, etc.?

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> Hey Fellow Rangers,


> For reasons I don't understand, Karl's posts are not currently flagged as officially being "ArenaNet staff." However, I can assure you that Karl is 100% legitimate, and his posts do represent those of a staff member.


> I tried a tweak and it still didn't add the ArenaNet red banner, so I'll be looking into this tomorrow. But in the meantime, Karl's the real deal. :+1:


as of the time of this post, his anet red banner is now up :D so great job!

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Thank you for the update of dagger.


But can you guys please add in some functionality of dagger 2 to help survive / engage/ disengage in melee range?

It can't to be just a slightly stronger version of auto-attack.


If you really want to make it a dps skill, then please add more cover condition in addition to the bleeding so it has some actual functionality, such as weakness or blind.

Also since Warrior get TWO DAGGERS at the same time, can you guys please revisit the ranger's offhand dagger?

It is so under-performed than every other ranger weapons in the game. It has to be more than a low dps cripple and a long CD evade.

Maybe add in ammo system for the Stalker's Strike and improve the damage done by Crippling Talon drastically. (And causes immobilize too)


Also RIP Maul patch. Guess GS will still remains as the lowest dps weapon ever then.

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Thank you for the dagger changes. It’s exactly what I expected.

I’m wondering if Maul’s Attack of Opportunity will really be on the next attack or if it’s an elegant way to say « you may keep your toy but we lowered the damage. » Wait and see.


Also waiting for pet swap while in Beastmode. I hope it’s on the table.

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Incredibly underwhelming changes. Melding and unmelding needs to be more impactful. If exiting beastmode is going to have a 10s CD, at least let Rangers swap their pets during it. Getting in and out of beastmode with a time gate while wanting to swap pets felt very clunky. Allowing to swap pets during beastmode would solve this instantly. If that is not going to happen, significantly lower the beastmode CD.

Traits such as Fresh Reinforcement and Fortifying Bond should be baseline.

Second skin, Essence of Speed, Predator's Cunning (second tier traits basically)... these are all very boring and underwhelming.

This traitline deperately needs some sort of condition removal and be more impactful when exiting and entering beastmode besides unblockable and stunbreak, maybe superspeed? Converting conditions to boons?


Eternal Bond is just not good with such a CD and that pitiful heal. Actually, it's pretty fucking bad.


Bear Stance upfront healing is bad so it will not get used. Focusing all your condition removal on a heal skill is just a bad idea.


One Wolf Pack is just a damage buff. Up there as one of the most underwhelming and boring elite skills in the entire game.


Good buffs to the dagger, but besides a couple of leaps, they are not interesting at all. Why doesn't Instinctive Engage have a larger leap (600) and provide evade frames? Double Arc is just... a stronger autoattack, that's it.


Most melded pet skills were seriously underpowered: Bite and Maul from felines, negligible damage. Dog's Crippling charge, negligible damage. I could go on and on.

Gazelle's broken charge doing 20/30k damage? But no! The priority was to nerf Iboga skills!


The idea of this elite spec is nice. The whole implementation just feels like an afterthought.

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> @smitske.4912 said:

> Really more interested in the core changes, when do we get to see those?


I am filled with dread waiting on these.


I'd also like to echo the sentiment that the CD on merging/unmerging and coupled with the inability to pet swap whilst merged feels slow and clunky, and renders the core ranger swap traits synergy useless.

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> @Sandzibar.5134 said:

> > @smitske.4912 said:

> > Really more interested in the core changes, when do we get to see those?


> I am filled with dread waiting on these.


> I'd also like to echo the sentiment that the CD on merging/unmerging and coupled with the inability to pet swap whilst merged feels slow and clunky, and renders the core ranger swap traits synergy useless.


They might surprise us with the core and druid changes, who knows. All though, I doubt druid changes will be anything but nerfs again. Wish they had adressed some of the rather underwhelming traits rather than a damage buff to the dagger itself. Well, not that that wasn't needed.

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I must say I'm a bit disappointed that feline and bear f1/f2 weren't addressed here.. They felt incredibly weak. Then again maybe the numbers we saw during the beta were buggy (like the bird swoop low range for example) and changes have thus simply not been mentioned because bugfixes aren't included in the changelog? (dolyak stance not working for example). Additionally, maybe changes to those skills are included in the "core ranger/druid rebalance" we're about to get, since they are tied to core pets? Finger crossed. I hope those upcoming changes will include a porcine f2 rework. Dagger changes are nice though, but I think dagger will mainly be used in pve as it stands..which is fine as we have sword for pvp/wvw evade frames. let's see how it plays out. Overall I really think that for the ranger, a good chunk of core pets need a small/massive rework to bring them up to the level of HoT/PoF pets

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> @cafard.8953 said:

> > @Wondrouswall.7169 said:

> > Oh, boy. I wonder what nerfs core Ranger/Druid will receive this time around.


> Well for a start, since Sic'Em hasn't been nerfed just for Soulbeast, expect it to be wrecked for all builds.


Yeah, core nerfs are gonna hit hard I guess...


Power Ranger got nice things? LOL no! Well the question is no longer if, but how bad it is gonna be... ^^

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> @Diskthree.4627 said:

> > @Exedore.6320 said:

> > > @Diskthree.4627 said:

> > > >Maul: This skill grants a merged ranger 25% increased damage on their next attack.

> > >

> > > Can we get some clarification on this?

> >

> > In beastmode, any skill which gives a benefit to your pet instead is granted to yourself. Maul by default gives an Attack of Opportunity to the pet (+50% damage on next attack). A player giving that bonus to themselves got a little silly in combination with some beastmode skills like [Worldly Impact](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Worldly_Impact). So if you grant the Attack of Opportunity to yourself via beastmode, it's now only a 25% increase.

> >

> >

> 1. I already knew that.


> 2. That doesn't clear things up. The way the OP is written it sounds like we'll be getting the 25% damage buff in addition to AoO. NOTHING is mentioned about the AoO buff or any other functionality of Maul while in Beastmode changing, so we could assume that this is just something getting tacked on and not a major rework.


> So what is it Karl? Are we getting a massive Soulbeast GS nerf or a minor buff?


The AoO buff has been lowered to 25%. The only question is whether or not it still procs concurrently with Maul's attack is the question.

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