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Mirage Specialization Updates for the Path of Fire Launch

Robert Gee.9246

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> @Daharahj.1325 said:

> > The jaunt elite is so bad. It´s just porting arount within such a small range. This is still to less.


> Jaunt is meant to be used offensively, 400 range was fine and 450 still is. Do you expect them to give us 3 charges of Blink on a 20 second cooldown?


And Jaunt can be used offensively on a 600 range since the last time I checked, Thieves get a 600 range Vault, still pretty comparable and when I was constantly testing Jaunt, it literally made me cringe. It was like my character was doing a very VERY short prance/skip...


Again, a lot of us just believe Jaunt should be atleast 600 range. To those who like having it at 450, then by all means enjoy it - i'll take something else before it until they change it.

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> @Daharahj.1325 said:

> > The jaunt elite is so bad. It´s just porting arount within such a small range. This is still to less.


> Jaunt is meant to be used offensively, 400 range was fine and 450 still is. Do you expect them to give us 3 charges of Blink on a 20 second cooldown?


Meanwhile, S/D thief can use their 900 range port in and out of combat repeatedly.


And I thought mirage was supposed to be letting mesmer doing a bit of thief things?

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> @Daharahj.1325 said:

> Jaunt is meant to be used offensively, 400 range was fine and 450 still is. Do you expect them to give us 3 charges of Blink on a 20 second cooldown?


Most blinks have 900-1200 range on a 24-30s cd. Jaunt has a 20s cd per charge, meaning you get 3 charges on a 60s cd, with 20s between each use.


3 uses of 400 does put you at 1200 range on a 20s cd, which is pretty fair. Except, again, you don't get all 3 charges on a 20s cd. You get them on a 60s cd.


Additionally, casting a skill more than once ends up being slightly awkward unless you use Instant Cast (not Fast with Range Indicator or Normal), which means that you need to change up how you use all your skills for one single skill (if you could modify the cast type of individual skills/slots via hotkeys, that would be a decent bandaid, but then you run into other issues such as multiple professions requiring different hotkeys to maintain fluidity without constantly changing settings, etc).


So while Jaunt gives you the opportunity to move 1200 range instantly* (now 1350), it is not a particularly clean skill to use as simply chopping a skill into pieces doesn't always translate well.

*: Requires 3 casts with delays in between each use.

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> @FaboBabo.3581 said:

> > @Ghin.1653 said:

> > > @"Robert Gee.9246" said:

> > > * Mirage Retreat: Removed endurance gain. This skill now leaves behind a clone at your previous location. This skill now breaks enemy targeting.

> > >

> >

> > Did you mean Sand through Glass?

> >

> > I see nothing labeled Mirage Retreat nor finding it on wiki

> >

> >

> >


> second part oft mirage advance


Would this technically trigger Self-deception once or twice then if both used?

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> @Ghin.1653 said:

> Would this technically trigger Self-deception once or twice then if both used?


I would assume once, but it could trigger twice.


The similar interaction is [shadow Trap](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Shadow_Trap) which, when traited, provides Might on trap skill use. This one is interesting as it has 3 parts (Drop Trap, Break Trap, Use Trap-When Triggered). The Trait only applies to the Use Trap-When Triggered portion.


I would assume that Self-Deception only works on the first part of Mirage Advance. Additionally, it wouldn't really matter as the return already spawns a clone.


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Its nice to see some small buffs in the right direction as other posters have said. I would also like to see in the future extending the 2 ammo count for other clone generation skills, not just the axe (Specifically weapon skills and this could be added as part of a trait possibly). I haven't played my mesmer in a while so can't comment on how balanced it might be but the axe felt like the clone generation flowed nicely.

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Oh these changes are really good (ok, not sure about the dmg reduction of one of the skills but we will see), thanks for posting it here Robert....


I still wonder if there were changes (hopefully good changes ( healing mantra recharge time )) for the normal mesmer tomorrow, since this are just the changes for the mirage spec... i saw 3 threads here from OriOri about possible changes about small staff rework suggestions, small GS (greatsword) rework suggestions and a thread about weapon skills discussion, and i am really interested in the staff...annnd in the sword (i posted something about the sword in the weapon skills discussion thread)...

but one thing for sure:


I will play the mirage and test this elite if it suits my playstyle more than the chrono (ok i will miss the speed boost)....but a new elite is always worth a test.

So hopefully i can sleep this last night before patch, can not really wait any longer.

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> @Exciton.8942 said:

> > @Daharahj.1325 said:

> > > The jaunt elite is so bad. It´s just porting arount within such a small range. This is still to less.

> >

> > Jaunt is meant to be used offensively, 400 range was fine and 450 still is. Do you expect them to give us 3 charges of Blink on a 20 second cooldown?


> Meanwhile, S/D thief can use their 900 range port in and out of combat repeatedly.


> And I thought mirage was supposed to be letting mesmer doing a bit of thief things?


It is...it's letting them mark you with a mark that doesn't go away when you stealth...so they always know without a doubt which is the player and not a clone.

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Don't you love that daredevil vault is more spammable than Jaunt, does 8-10k damage base a pop, has evade frames, and a longer leap than our goddamn elite?


But it's pretty clear they only want thief, guardian, and warrior as DPS roles in PvE since they don't even bother to fix the DPS builds of the other classes in PvE.


They'll just nerf chronomancer to make this stinker PvP centered spec appear better by comparison.

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> @Zenith.7301 said:

> Don't you love that daredevil vault is more spammable than Jaunt, does 8-10k damage base a pop, has evade frames, and a longer leap than our kitten elite?


It's ok though, cause their forum says they are underpowered and always picked on so they have no mobility and do 0 dps.

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> @Esplen.3940 said:

> > @Ghin.1653 said:

> > Would this technically trigger Self-deception once or twice then if both used?


> I would assume once, but it could trigger twice.


> The similar interaction is [shadow Trap](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Shadow_Trap) which, when traited, provides Might on trap skill use. This one is interesting as it has 3 parts (Drop Trap, Break Trap, Use Trap-When kitten). The Trait only applies to the Use Trap-When kitten portion.


> I would assume that Self-Deception only works on the first part of Mirage Advance. Additionally, it wouldn't really matter as the return already spawns a clone.



On another note, don't forget that Blurred Inscriptions (Domination Master tier) also gives Distortion every time you use a signet, not sure how Inspiring Distortion works on illusions, but if that activates ambushes on illusions could be a thing, though, it being in the Inspiration tree won't make it into a dps spec. Blurred Inscriptions might though.

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> @Esplen.3940 said:

> > @Ghin.1653 said:

> > Would this technically trigger Self-deception once or twice then if both used?


> I would assume once, but it could trigger twice.


> The similar interaction is [shadow Trap](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Shadow_Trap) which, when traited, provides Might on trap skill use. This one is interesting as it has 3 parts (Drop Trap, Break Trap, Use Trap-When kitten). The Trait only applies to the Use Trap-When kitten portion.


> I would assume that Self-Deception only works on the first part of Mirage Advance. Additionally, it wouldn't really matter as the return already spawns a clone.



I was curious because if it did work like that, you technically would create 3 clones if traited.

But otherwise, thats still 2 clones, plus confusion on that blind if traited so still quite powerful synergy.

Useful to engage with axes and torch, gain clone and apply confusion with blind, use skills, maybe shatter, retreat swap to sceptre pistol (sigil of mischief more blind and confusion) and gain second clone.

These are all looking quite nice.

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> @Skuzz.6580 said:

> On another note, don't forget that Blurred Inscriptions (Domination Master tier) also gives Distortion every time you use a signet, not sure how Inspiring Distortion works on illusions, but if that activates ambushes on illusions could be a thing, though, it being in the Inspiration tree won't make it into a dps spec. Blurred Inscriptions might though.


Phantasms don't get Ambushes, clones won't get Mirage Cloak except from Infinite Horizon, which would give it to them from Blurred Inscriptions + Infinite Horizon so you wouldn't need Blurred Inscriptions + Inspiring Distortion. Protected Phantasms wouldn't give your Phantasms access to Ambushes or Mirage Cloak.


Blurred Inscriptions + Inspiring Distortion would share Distortion, not Ambush access.

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The main theorycraft I can see is Blurred Inscription + Inspiring Distortion + Distorted Desert + Infinite Horizon being used to pump out Ambush skills from clones one after another. This, combined with something like, say Sword Clones + Power Block should get out some decent damage.


This is only if Distortion applied to Clones also works with Distorted Desert, of course.


I'm really hoping for a rework of how Mirrors are supposed to work. They don't interact with any of the rest of our kit, so their whole existence is really weird, like its just pinned on as an afterthought. They're not an integral part of the kit, they don't blend into anything else we have, they're just... extra.

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> @Esplen.3940 said:

> > @Skuzz.6580 said:

> Phantasms don't get Ambushes, clones won't get Mirage Cloak except from Infinite Horizon, which would give it to them from Blurred Inscriptions + Infinite Horizon so you wouldn't need Blurred Inscriptions + Inspiring Distortion. Protected Phantasms wouldn't give your Phantasms access to Ambushes or Mirage Cloak.


> Blurred Inscriptions + Inspiring Distortion would share Distortion, not Ambush access.


As written, I believe you are incorrect.


Distorted Desert: This trait causes all illusions shattered by Distortion to become Mirage Mirrors for 15 seconds. Additionally it allows allows ambush skills to be used whenever you grant yourself Distortion.


You don't get Mirage Cloak from getting distortion, you just get ambush access.


Infinite Horizon: When you gain Mirage Cloak, the trait is also applied to all of your illusions.


Since you aren't gaining Mirage Cloak from Distorted Desert+Blurred Inscriptions, neither would your illusions. If your illusions don't have it, then they don't get ambush.

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> @atlashugged.7642 said:

> > @Esplen.3940 said:

> > > @Skuzz.6580 said:

> > Phantasms don't get Ambushes, clones won't get Mirage Cloak except from Infinite Horizon, which would give it to them from Blurred Inscriptions + Infinite Horizon so you wouldn't need Blurred Inscriptions + Inspiring Distortion. Protected Phantasms wouldn't give your Phantasms access to Ambushes or Mirage Cloak.

> >

> > Blurred Inscriptions + Inspiring Distortion would share Distortion, not Ambush access.


> As written, I believe you are incorrect.


> Distorted Desert: This trait causes all illusions shattered by Distortion to become Mirage Mirrors for 15 seconds. Additionally it allows allows ambush skills to be used whenever you grant yourself Distortion.


> You don't get Mirage Cloak from getting distortion, you just get ambush access.


> Infinite Horizon: When you gain Mirage Cloak, the trait is also applied to all of your illusions.


> Since you aren't gaining Mirage Cloak from Distorted Desert+Blurred Inscriptions, neither would your illusions. If your illusions don't have it, then they don't get ambush.


It's as you say. The real question is whether applying Distortion to your Clones would give them Ambush (which would be a shame if it didn't, since that's some nice synergy points).

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From a PvP perspective, a lot of these buffs are pretty nuts. It was hard to see a reason outside of Jaunt (which this forum is way, way too down on for how powerful it is) to take this elite spec over Chronomancer, but this has really opened up a lot of options.


**Mirage Cloak**'s invulnerability gaining the extra time to 1 second is a very big deal. The **ambush window increasing to 1.5 seconds** is also very cool in that it'll get rid of a lot of the clunkiness. I wonder if it'll allow you to use the **Axe ambush skill twice in a dodge window** since the Axe ambush is a 0.5 second cast time? It was one of the weaker ambush skills, even when traited to throw the 3rd ambush axe, but being able to use it twice per cloak would make the ambush much more powerful and Axe a much more viable weapon (and it'll also look cool as kitten).


**Mirage Thrust** (Sword Ambush) allowing clones to proc the 0.25 second daze make traits like Power Block an incredible threat as well. I don't know if that's enough to bring back Chaotic Interruption a la Lockdown Mesmer way back, but it's something to test. The change to **Ether Barrage** may functionally make the skill worse in some situations, but it definitely removes a lot of clunkiness of it, which I think was a good decision overall. It'll be interesting to see which of the three weapons between sword, scepter, and axe make the cut (as Staff would likely be mandatory), but I think all 3 are viable on paper.


The traits are where the biggest changes (and buffs) have come though. **Self-Deception** generating a clone on deception skill use when having at least 1 clone up is incredibly powerful. It turns** Jaunt** into a clone factory, makes **Mirage Advance/Retreat** a 2-clone generator on top of a 900/1200 range double teleport requiring no LOS, and adds additional functionality to the heal on top of the -5 second cooldown, making **Renewing Oasis** somewhat viable (now a good heal amount for the cooldown, generates mirror for ambush+1 second invul, 5 seconds vigor, generates 1 clone).


The most insane trait is that new master though, **Distorted Desert**. Popping your distortion shatter now gives you essentially 3 Mirage Mirrors (which now last 8 seconds so they're actually usable) and you can use ambush when distorted? **How is this barely talked about in this thread?** You have the 4 seconds of distortion from shattering and then you collect your mirrors 1 second at a time for a total of 7 seconds of distortion. This entire time, you're firing off ambush attacks non-stop. That's not even counting any additional clones you generate (like the ones you can generate instantly without disrupting your attacks with the new Self-Deception trait and Jaunt) during this 7 seconds of invincibility time that you're attacking with ambush skills. But wait, with 3 mirrors, if you get some clones up, you can get them to use 3 ambush attacks each in quick succession thanks to the new change in Ambush that interrupts current action to cast the ambush skill instead of queuing it if you take Infinite Horizon. And that's not even counting your dodge mirage cloak, heal mirror, and all the other options a base condition mesmer could use. It is a dumb mini-game of collect-the-mirrors, but it's actually powerful now.


Speaking of, I mentioned this before, but **Jaunt** is really powerful and I think the majority bringing the option of buffing it to go to 600 is too much. With Blink, you could instantly open up 3600+ range with a staff like that. While that sounds fun to do, that's going to get incredibly frustrating to be on the receiving end of. Teleports are stronger than leaps, especially as they allow you to tranverse instantly up and down vertical environments provided you learn the janky rule system GW2 has in place for where and where you aren't allowed to teleport to. Having multiple charges is far more powerful than it being single cast on a short cooldown too as you can force an opponent to blow their teleport to follow you, drop back down, and then teleport again immediately, denying them a follow. On top of that, there are still the additional functionalities. Jaunt has a beefy confusion stack and a condition clear per cast, and the new trait basically has Jaunt create a clone each time you cast it. It's so versatile, it was the sole reason I thought Mirage would see any use in the beta, and post-buff, I believe it's absolutely one of the best elites for PvP in the game.


These were a great round of balance patches that really raised the power level of the spec. I concede to a lot of the points being raised here. This is not a spec about deception and misses the mark in trying to play to that fantasy. This does not open up a new role for mesmer to play in PvE. The numbers may not even be particularly good in PvE.


But for PvP/WvW, this is a very new way to play, opening up what may possibly be the most mobile build in the game alongside obnoxious amounts of invulnerability and powerful options for both power and condition builds. Mesmer was near the bottom of my list to play when the expansion comes out tomorrow, but it's shot up to near the top after this.

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> @Doctoris.2675 said:

> From a PvP perspective, a lot of these buffs are pretty nuts. It was hard to see a reason outside of Jaunt (which this forum is way, way too down on for how powerful it is) to take this elite spec over Chronomancer, but this has really opened up a lot of options.


> **Mirage Cloak**'s invulnerability gaining the extra time to 1 second is a very big deal. The **ambush window increasing to 1.5 seconds** is also very cool in that it'll get rid of a lot of the clunkiness. I wonder if it'll allow you to use the **Axe ambush skill twice in a dodge window** since the Axe ambush is a 0.5 second cast time? It was one of the weaker ambush skills, even when traited to throw the 3rd ambush axe, but being able to use it twice per cloak would make the ambush much more powerful and Axe a much more viable weapon (and it'll also look cool as kitten).


Yeah I agree - the 1s evade is huge. So huge actually I'm afraid it gets nerfed back again - I hope it doesn't cause too much saltiness from opponents. But actually it's necessary because it also provides the better potential to move by being covered with the evade, bringing it more in line with normal dodge mobility.


> The most insane trait is that new master though, **Distorted Desert**. Popping your distortion shatter now gives you essentially 3 Mirage Mirrors (which now last 8 seconds so they're actually usable) and you can use ambush when distorted? **How is this barely talked about in this thread?** You have the 4 seconds of distortion from shattering and then you collect your mirrors 1 second at a time for a total of 7 seconds of distortion. This entire time, you're firing off ambush attacks non-stop. That's not even counting any additional clones you generate (like the ones you can generate instantly without disrupting your attacks with the new Self-Deception trait and Jaunt) during this 7 seconds of invincibility time that you're attacking with ambush skills. But wait, with 3 mirrors, if you get some clones up, you can get them to use 3 ambush attacks each in quick succession thanks to the new change in Ambush that interrupts current action to cast the ambush skill instead of queuing it if you take Infinite Horizon. And that's not even counting your dodge mirage cloak, heal mirror, and all the other options a base condition mesmer could use. It is a kitten mini-game of collect-the-mirrors, but it's actually powerful now.


I'm torn because I really want to trait Axe, but as you said the distortion chain into "run around and pick up all the evades" and "spam all the ambushes" with IH could be pretty insane - especially with something like Staff ambush (just imagine the might stacking with proper positioning). It's an awesome trait, just a shame Mirrored Axes in the same tier.


> Speaking of, I mentioned this before, but **Jaunt** is really powerful and I think the majority bringing the option of buffing it to go to 600 is too much. Teleports are stronger than leaps, especially as they allow you to tranverse instantly up and down vertical environments provided you learn the janky rule system GW2 has in place for where and where you aren't allowed to teleport to. Having multiple charges is far more powerful than it being single cast on a short cooldown too. On top of that, there are still the additional functionalities. Jaunt has a beefy confusion stack and a condition clear per cast, and the new trait basically has Jaunt create a clone each time you cast it. It's so versatile, it was the sole reason I thought Mirage would see any use in the beta, and post-buff, I believe it's absolutely one of the best elites for PvP in the game.


My only argument for making it 600 is that phase retreat, ileap/swap, mirage thrust and axes of symmetry are all 600 - just for in combat port/leap range consistency, synergy and interplay it would be nice to have Jaunt also at 600. And the problem that 450 still isn't ideal for melee kiting.


> But for PvP/WvW, this is a very new way to play, opening up what may possibly be the most mobile build in the game alongside obnoxious amounts of invulnerability and powerful options for both power and condition builds. Mesmer was near the bottom of my list to play when the expansion comes out tomorrow, but it's shot up to near the top after this.


Definitely - I do believe it's going to be powerful in these situations.

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> @Doctoris.2675 said:

> From a PvP perspective, a lot of these buffs are pretty nuts. It was hard to see a reason outside of Jaunt (which this forum is way, way too down on for how powerful it is) to take this elite spec over Chronomancer, but this has really opened up a lot of options.


> **Mirage Cloak**'s invulnerability gaining the extra time to 1 second is a very big deal. The **ambush window increasing to 1.5 seconds** is also very cool in that it'll get rid of a lot of the clunkiness. I wonder if it'll allow you to use the **Axe ambush skill twice in a dodge window** since the Axe ambush is a 0.5 second cast time? It was one of the weaker ambush skills, even when traited to throw the 3rd ambush axe, but being able to use it twice per cloak would make the ambush much more powerful and Axe a much more viable weapon (and it'll also look cool as kitten).


Ambush skills all have 1 sec CD so you won't be able to cast them twice with one mirage cloak.


> **Mirage Thrust** (Sword Ambush) allowing clones to proc the 0.25 second daze make traits like Power Block an incredible threat as well. I don't know if that's enough to bring back Chaotic Interruption a la Lockdown Mesmer way back, but it's something to test. The change to **Ether Barrage** may functionally make the skill worse in some situations, but it definitely removes a lot of clunkiness of it, which I think was a good decision overall. It'll be interesting to see which of the three weapons between sword, scepter, and axe make the cut (as Staff would likely be mandatory), but I think all 3 are viable on paper.


Sword ambush has the best synergy with confounding suggestion which turns 1/4 sec daze to 1 sec stun. I am pretty sure this will be the key synergy for mirage to be competitive in PvP. However, this will also be a top candidate for nerf. The interrupt is much harder to pull off as sword ambush has 3/4s cast time and a very telegraphed animation.


> The traits are where the biggest changes (and buffs) have come though. **Self-Deception** generating a clone on deception skill use when having at least 1 clone up is incredibly powerful. It turns** Jaunt** into a clone factory, makes **Mirage Advance/Retreat** a 2-clone generator on top of a 900/1200 range double teleport requiring no LOS, and adds additional functionality to the heal on top of the -5 second cooldown, making **Renewing Oasis** somewhat viable (now a good heal amount for the cooldown, generates mirror for ambush+1 second invul, 5 seconds vigor, generates 1 clone).


Self-Deception buff definitely makes deceptive skills much more attractive. But it will still be a tough competition against our golden utilities like blink, portal and signet of illusion.


> The most insane trait is that new master though, **Distorted Desert**. Popping your distortion shatter now gives you essentially 3 Mirage Mirrors (which now last 8 seconds so they're actually usable) and you can use ambush when distorted? **How is this barely talked about in this thread?** You have the 4 seconds of distortion from shattering and then you collect your mirrors 1 second at a time for a total of 7 seconds of distortion. This entire time, you're firing off ambush attacks non-stop. That's not even counting any additional clones you generate (like the ones you can generate instantly without disrupting your attacks with the new Self-Deception trait and Jaunt) during this 7 seconds of invincibility time that you're attacking with ambush skills. But wait, with 3 mirrors, if you get some clones up, you can get them to use 3 ambush attacks each in quick succession thanks to the new change in Ambush that interrupts current action to cast the ambush skill instead of queuing it if you take Infinite Horizon. And that's not even counting your dodge mirage cloak, heal mirror, and all the other options a base condition mesmer could use. It is a kitten mini-game of collect-the-mirrors, but it's actually powerful now.


Due to the 1 sec CD and some quite long cast time on all ambush skills, You won't be able to do 3 ambush in 4 sec distortion. Also, I am not sure how the mechanic works. Do you get chance to ambush after you apply distortion or can you always cast ambush during distortion. If its latter, you will be able to do 2 ambush attacks during a 3/4 sec distortion easily.


> Speaking of, I mentioned this before, but **Jaunt** is really powerful and I think the majority bringing the option of buffing it to go to 600 is too much. With Blink, you could instantly open up 3600+ range with a staff like that. While that sounds fun to do, that's going to get incredibly frustrating to be on the receiving end of. Teleports are stronger than leaps, especially as they allow you to tranverse instantly up and down vertical environments provided you learn the janky rule system GW2 has in place for where and where you aren't allowed to teleport to. Having multiple charges is far more powerful than it being single cast on a short cooldown too as you can force an opponent to blow their teleport to follow you, drop back down, and then teleport again immediately, denying them a follow. On top of that, there are still the additional functionalities. Jaunt has a beefy confusion stack and a condition clear per cast, and the new trait basically has Jaunt create a clone each time you cast it. It's so versatile, it was the sole reason I thought Mirage would see any use in the beta, and post-buff, I believe it's absolutely one of the best elites for PvP in the game.


I don't know it is a viable tactic to exhaust all CDs to get that 3600+ range movement. Don't forget that thief can already do that

Thief has 900 range sword2 teleport + 1200 range shadowstep + 1200 range steal + 900 range infiltrator's Signet

If they want mirage to be mesmer's approach to do thief things, easy ways to go in and out of combat are kinda necessary. Thief has that in all of their build on top of their evade spamming. S/D thief can port in and out 900 distance. D/P thief goes in stealth repeatedly. Staff thief vault can do 600 range as well.




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Robert, did you consider equalizing the auto attack speed for axe for Mesmer and clones? If Axes of Symmetry was supposed to shuffle and hide you in the illusions, the attack speed is an instant tell.

If it's only meant as a detargeting tool i guess it's fine the way it is.


Thanks for listening to some of the feedback though, appreciated!

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Awesome and also much needed changes! Good job Anet!


It isn't all we (the reasonable people at least) asked for, but it's a huge step in the right direction to make Mirage a great Elite **option**.


I love a lot of the synergies and the QoL improvements that really were badly needed. You still erred on the side of caution (IMO) with Ambush duration, Mirror duration, Ambush DPS, and Jaunt range...but they're all a small step in the right direction at least, and now we have to see how they work out.


Looking forward to tomorrow!




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I really don't agree with using the arguments of "because a Thief can do X, therefore Mirage must be able to do X." This Mirage is not a Thief and therefore doesn't need to be able to be able to _exactly_ mimic a Thief's capabilities. A Mirage may be "a Thief as seen through a Mesmer," but again that doesn't mean it should have the exact same mobility, deception, or damage options as a Thief, _because the Mirage is not a Thief_.

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> @Ojimaru.8970 said:

> I really don't agree with using the arguments of "because a Thief can do X, therefore Mirage must be able to do X." This Mirage is not a Thief and therefore doesn't need to be able to be able to _exactly_ mimic a Thief's capabilities. A Mirage may be "a Thief as seen through a Mesmer," but again that doesn't mean it should have the exact same mobility, deception, or damage options as a Thief, _because the Mirage is not a Thief_.


Well that’s fine by me as well to see the Mirage as it’s own. But again, Jaunt should still be 600 range. *sips tea*

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