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Thaumanova cooling chamber


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> @"Winegum.2395" said:

> can anyone explain how a chrono can solo the cooling chamber?


> I was in a group where people were expecting me to do it using portal, mimic and blink. Ive tried watching a few videos on it but its still not very clear


I do it with Mirage. Drop portal entre before entering. Activiate mimic before you blink. This lets you blink again. Then I use False Oasis to give myself a pulsing heal to survive a few seconds longer. Jaunt and the super speed from mirage cloak get me the rest of the way.


With chrono you may also use Continuum Split to double up again on mimic and blink, but I think without clones the duration is very short so you would have to be pretty quick. I haven't really played anything but mirage so I can't say for sure.

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> @"Refia Montes.3205" said:

> do you know how to triple blink with Chrono?

> drop portal>mimic+continuum split>blink>mimic>blink>blink>portal>return and heal up>then return and double dodge, you did it!


This is a bit unclear, here's the sequence specifying CS usage:


Drop portal -> enter continuum split -> mimic (you may need to begin the mimic cast before CS as it has a long aftercast) -> exit continuum split -> blink -> mimic -> blink -> blink



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I don't think portal is needed tbh,

**As chrono** I take Blink+Mimic+Nullfield/Feedback (traited for superspeed)

Tripple Blink as explained above, drop the glamour for superspeed, spam 1, 2xDodge, Heal, if I need to I shatter F1-F3 for more HP (Restorative Illusions)


**As Mirage** I take Blink+Mimic+ XYZ +Jaunt

2xBlink+3xJaunt, 2x Dodge, spam 1, heal

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  • 3 weeks later...

> @"GWMO.4785" said:

> [Heatroom](

"Heatroom"), There ya go. I also have a video about the [stairway in aetherblade](
"stairway in aetherblade") fractal if interested.


Very cool, I've never thought of actually using the portal myself. I just place the portal to trigger the superspeed from [Temporal Enchanter](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Temporal_Enchanter) and rush the hell in, casting the well heal ahead of me so I walk into it.

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> @"Me Games Ma.8426" said:

> I don't think portal is needed tbh,

> **As chrono** I take Blink+Mimic+Nullfield/Feedback (traited for superspeed)

> Tripple Blink as explained above, drop the glamour for superspeed, spam 1, 2xDodge, Heal, if I need to I shatter F1-F3 for more HP (Restorative Illusions)


> **As Mirage** I take Blink+Mimic+ XYZ +Jaunt

> 2xBlink+3xJaunt, 2x Dodge, spam 1, heal


Yeah it's actually pretty trivial with Mirage. For both chrono/mirage you can distort when activating the panel buttons that immob you to prevent the immob so you don't even need condi removal.

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