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Ghosting: A New Concept in WvW

Michael Conrad.6704

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Given all the vitriolic tete-e-tete that exists between PvP and WvW players, I have an idea that I think would enhance the game so much. I don't like it when I am killed. I like it even less when I am killed and the other player laughs, dances or even lies down beside me in mock display of perceived superiority. What about giving every PvP and WvW player a one time daily chance at "ghosting". This would be a "use it or lose it", one time per day chance for every player, to use if they are the "victim" of poor sportsmanship. In essence it would allow a dead player to "rise from the dead" with extra "supernatural" powers to retaliate if they felt they were the victim of such an act of poor sportsmanship. The key would be the psychological effect it would have on a player if they had an urge to rub it in another player after downing them. They might think twice in being a poor sport with the knowledge that the foe they just downed might just have a "ghost resurection" in his back pocket and keep him on his best behavior.


The idea would be a once per day offering of this ability and a "use it or lose it" premise so that a player couldn't hoard them to bias the outcome of a critical match. I saw in Guild Wars 1 a facsimile of such an event when they introduced Dhuum. Dhuum would could in and "humiliate", and kill a player who was misbehaving or exhibiting untoward behavior. Outside of having something like this in game play I would alternatively like to see some form of communication ability between opposing forces in PvP and / or WvW. Just today I would have used it to actually congratulate a player on their demonstrated ability to survive not one but three attacks and ultimately escape. Of course such a way of communication would probably be more often used for insults but not being able to communicate at all is so frustrating.


I fully expect to have this idea shot down but I thought it deserved your attention. I consider myself a good sport but I am human and have natural episodes of aggression during player v player play.

Thank You :)

M. Conrad K.

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Would be interesting lol. Suppose something is developed in game to recognize jumping on corpses or throwing siege, or food plates down on a dead player. The dead player now as the ability to resurrect for 5 min invulnerable (hey he's a ghost), has super-speed, triple damage, sees stealth, can teleport all over the place, can haunt players causing a 50% reduction in all stats for say 24 hours (must play in WvW for 24 hours to regain normal stats). It'd certainly make players honest right quick lol.

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I hate the activity Southsun Survivor, because most of the scrubbiest scrubs camp the spawn point and just shoot people as they come in. So, whenever I HAVE to do that activity, I'll take my death and follow that person around as a ghost targetting them and whatnot till the other person that's alive can hopefully find and murder them.


If I were a ghost in wvw, I would totally point this person out to either my zerg or the opposing one and sit back and laugh in a little ghost laugh as tey died a quick horrible death.

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> @"DeadlySynz.3471" said:

> Would be interesting lol. Suppose something is developed in game to recognize jumping on corpses or throwing siege, or food plates down on a dead player. The dead player now as the ability to resurrect for 5 min invulnerable (hey he's a ghost), has super-speed, triple damage, sees stealth, can teleport all over the place, can haunt players causing a 50% reduction in all stats for say 24 hours (must play in WvW for 24 hours to regain normal stats). It'd certainly make players honest right quick lol.


That would be exploited so much there would be entire zergs using it.

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Well they could add a random chance for one of the six to appear as someone is dancing or jumping on a corpse [or maybe just a random legend appearing out of the mist to do it] to kill that player. No one would know when it would happen to them, so it might make them more hesitant to display that kind of behaviour. Or maybe they would take any chance until it happens. Either way it would be entertaining to watch, kind of like a russian roulette.

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> @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> Well they could add a random chance for one of the six to appear as someone is dancing or jumping on a corpse [or maybe just a random legend appearing out of the mist to do it] to kill that player. No one would know when it would happen to them, so it might make them more hesitant to display that kind of behaviour. Or maybe they would take any chance until it happens. Either way it would be entertaining to watch, kind of like a russian roulette.


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most of my deaths in wvw causes dancing, laughing, siege thrown at me etc.

i cant understand that behaviour as i rarely die to less then 3 players so i dont really see their achivement there to joy that much, i am not sure if i shall laugh at such behavior or feel pity for those poor souls..

my main issue with your suggestion is: i do kill alot of people and they tend to be really salty about it so i expect that will be used alot in fights where i am already outnumbered or to get me out of a keep / tower.

now if that ability was only activated by corpse jumping/laughin etc then it would be okeish as i dont do that and wont have to figjt it, but : i might be jumping near a corpse cause i am still fighting his mates and there is something i need to jump over to reach another place or i use /laugh cause my opponents used again an anti stealth trap in 10 vs 1 without realizing that i am on a deadeye that doesnt care, maybe i am using a ballista to block projectiles to safe stomp. i do think it is impossible to detect poor sportsmanship and giving the player an option to use that freely, even if limited will mostly cause it to be used to fight players they wouldnt be able to kill else, not against poor sportsmanship, as those corpse jumpers dont stand a chance in an even number fight against their victim, so they will mostly die alot more to their victim anyway during the week.


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Off topic but i am curious does people still actually play this game mode and find it entertaining?

The most broken concept became even more irrelevant when we got combined servers.

WvW is nothing but more populated server roflmao stomping less populated server.

You want real competitive play? play spvp

want to kill some big kitten boss? do raids

simply wanna run zegs? do open world metas

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > i cant understand that behaviour

> You cant?


> > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > i am on a deadeye

> I can.





well when fighting less people i would be deadlier on daredevil tho..


and that doesnt only happen on deadeye, happens on anything i play - but i mostly play thief.

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> @"ThunderPanda.1872" said:

> > @"Pridedemon.3041" said:

> > You want real competitive play? play spvp


> I guess sPvP is competitive, if you are competing to be the best scourge among scourge.


Nice try but scourge is among one of the easiest profession to counter if you play any other range profession. If you are dumb enough to try and fight them on point and tank through their aoe blobs then you need your head scanned.

So WvW is real skill based according to you? 40 people running behind a commander tag killing loners or smaller groups? In WvW it all comes down to numbers game.

In pvp, at the very least teams are balanced 5 vs 5 and everyone has normalized gear.

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> @"Doo Lally.8594" said:

> At one point in the past the corpse jumping used to irritate me but then I just got used to pressing 'm' to bring up the map immediately after I was downed and spam the nearest waypoint. I rarely ever see such behaviour now and it makes for a much less toxic experience.


I think for this reason they should have 1 extra wp choice when dead - the normal one when you click brings up map if you want to choose another location that has a wp, and the extra one to automatically choose keep [or spawn if contested/not owned]. Clicking on m and scrolling through map is just an extra hassle at this point.

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> @"Michael Conrad.6704" said:

> Given all the vitriolic tete-e-tete that exists between PvP and WvW players,


You must either create it or look really hard for it, as i see little of this myself.


>I have an idea that I think would enhance the game so much.


I do not thing "enhance" means what you think it means.


>I don't like it when I am killed.


Why are you playing PvP game modes then?


>I like it even less when I am killed and the other player laughs, dances or even lies down beside me in mock display of perceived superiority.


You are reading another player intent and mental state into an "emote". That is irrational and illogical.


>I saw in Guild Wars 1 a facsimile of such an event when they introduced Dhuum. Dhuum would could in and "humiliate", and kill a player


Talk about bad sportsmanship. You want to be judge, jury, and executioner of anyone who you, with such poor judgment and rational, and who just thoroughly beat you in open combat, in order to humiliate them? I think you also fail to realize that not everyone is as thin-skinned as you may be.


>Outside of having something like this in gameplay I would alternatively like to see some form of communication ability between opposing forces in PvP and / or WvW.


Come one now, you appear to have difficulty emotionally handling, someone using an emote after defeating you in combat. At what point do you believe your inability to emotionally deal with an emote would drum up public support for the notion that you could emotionally handle actual text communication.



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> @"Doo Lally.8594" said:

> At one point in the past the corpse jumping used to irritate me but then I just got used to pressing 'm' to bring up the map immediately after I was downed and spam the nearest waypoint. I rarely ever see such behaviour now and it makes for a much less toxic experience.


You can also pop a balloon or kite when dead to compliment their corpse jumping.

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> @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > > i cant understand that behaviour

> > You cant?

> >

> > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > > i am on a deadeye

> > I can.

> >


> :D


> well when fighting less people i would be deadlier on daredevil tho..


> and that doesnt only happen on deadeye, happens on anything i play - but i mostly play thief.



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