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Season starts 16th so...when balance patch?

Mr Godlike.6098

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> @"HardRider.2980" said:

> lol No matter when a balance patch hits.. players are never happy.

> I actually would LOVE to see a mid season shake up.. it keeps PVP soo very much interesting.


Because their balance patch notes have more new Gem Store items than balancing itself. Had to wait ages for the last "balance" patch. What changed? Nothing worth mentioning. Been waiting for the next balance patch since forever. What will change? Warrior damage lowered by 5%.


You wait half a year for a balance patch so small that it could EASILY be done in 2-3 weeks.

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I don't get the senseless complaining from people that in most cases don't really play ranked competitively. For the PvP team and Ben specially since he's earned my respect and appreciation: **it is the right call**, we need more frequent balance, we need it to not be entirely tied to PvP seasons. What you're doing is reasonable and will benefit the entire game, it will also shake up things mid-season in what usually is a very stale meta.


Me and many competitive players support it, **don't get discouraged** by the very vocal people that take every single thing you do on a very personal level.





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> @"Lunateric.3708" said:

> I don't get the senseless complaining from people that in most cases don't really play ranked competitively. For the PvP team and Ben specially since he's earned my respect and appreciation: **it is the right call**, we need more frequent balance, we need it to not be entirely tied to PvP seasons. What you're doing is reasonable and will benefit the entire game, it will also shake up things mid-season in what usually is a very stale meta.


> Me and many competitive players support it, **don't get discouraged** by the very vocal people that take every single thing you do on a very personal level.






what do u mean competetively? the game isnt esports anymore and never will be again. the game is full of wintraders n cheaters and ppl are quitting. theres no actual competition. on EU my rating is like 1750 ish +/- . im not saying im good cuz well yeah the game is sorta dying out but hey im still playing pvp and im doing quite fine compared to many others. if im not the one suppose to be complaining, who should be? some casual silver 1 burn guard main? im a pure pvper that doesnt rly step out of hotm. by making pvp so shitty the entire game becomes shitty to me. im not gonna stay just for the raids lol. why am i on the forums and complaining? because ive never had an mmorpg i had so much fun in pvp. but ive been losing my faith over the past years months weeks whatsoever...

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> @"Toron.4856" said:

> > @"Lunateric.3708" said:

> > I don't get the senseless complaining from people that in most cases don't really play ranked competitively. For the PvP team and Ben specially since he's earned my respect and appreciation: **it is the right call**, we need more frequent balance, we need it to not be entirely tied to PvP seasons. What you're doing is reasonable and will benefit the entire game, it will also shake up things mid-season in what usually is a very stale meta.

> >

> > Me and many competitive players support it, **don't get discouraged** by the very vocal people that take every single thing you do on a very personal level.

> >

> >

> >

> >


> what do u mean competetively? the game isnt esports anymore and never will be again. the game is full of wintraders n cheaters and ppl are quitting. theres no actual competition. on EU my rating is like 1750 ish +/- . im not saying im good cuz well yeah the game is sorta dying out but hey im still playing pvp and im doing quite fine compared to many others. if im not the one suppose to be complaining, who should be? some casual silver 1 burn guard main? im a pure pvper that doesnt rly step out of hotm. by making pvp so kitten the entire game becomes kitten to me. im not gonna stay just for the raids lol. why am i on the forums and complaining? because ive never had an mmorpg i had so much fun in pvp. but ive been losing my faith over the past years months weeks whatsoever...


You are welcome to do whatever you want, I'm just basically stating the obvious: people that go out of their way to complain at this level of salt aren't a majority and will never be in any community.


So you complain and I will give them my full support.

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> @"Lunateric.3708" said:

> > @"Toron.4856" said:

> > > @"Lunateric.3708" said:

> > > I don't get the senseless complaining from people that in most cases don't really play ranked competitively. For the PvP team and Ben specially since he's earned my respect and appreciation: **it is the right call**, we need more frequent balance, we need it to not be entirely tied to PvP seasons. What you're doing is reasonable and will benefit the entire game, it will also shake up things mid-season in what usually is a very stale meta.

> > >

> > > Me and many competitive players support it, **don't get discouraged** by the very vocal people that take every single thing you do on a very personal level.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> > what do u mean competetively? the game isnt esports anymore and never will be again. the game is full of wintraders n cheaters and ppl are quitting. theres no actual competition. on EU my rating is like 1750 ish +/- . im not saying im good cuz well yeah the game is sorta dying out but hey im still playing pvp and im doing quite fine compared to many others. if im not the one suppose to be complaining, who should be? some casual silver 1 burn guard main? im a pure pvper that doesnt rly step out of hotm. by making pvp so kitten the entire game becomes kitten to me. im not gonna stay just for the raids lol. why am i on the forums and complaining? because ive never had an mmorpg i had so much fun in pvp. but ive been losing my faith over the past years months weeks whatsoever...


> You are welcome to do whatever you want, I'm just basically stating the obvious: people that go out of their way to complain at this level of salt aren't a majority and will never be in any community.


> So you complain and I will give them my full support.


im stating the obvious as well. the balance performance has never been as worse as its been in the past 4-5 months. this is no salt its just a fact that nobody can deny.


which makes the impression that anet or rather the balance team just doesnt give a single fuck. this is how the majority in the forums feels like and thats a fact as well.

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> @"Toron.4856" said:

> > @"Lunateric.3708" said:

> > > @"Toron.4856" said:

> > > > @"Lunateric.3708" said:

> > > > I don't get the senseless complaining from people that in most cases don't really play ranked competitively. For the PvP team and Ben specially since he's earned my respect and appreciation: **it is the right call**, we need more frequent balance, we need it to not be entirely tied to PvP seasons. What you're doing is reasonable and will benefit the entire game, it will also shake up things mid-season in what usually is a very stale meta.

> > > >

> > > > Me and many competitive players support it, **don't get discouraged** by the very vocal people that take every single thing you do on a very personal level.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > what do u mean competetively? the game isnt esports anymore and never will be again. the game is full of wintraders n cheaters and ppl are quitting. theres no actual competition. on EU my rating is like 1750 ish +/- . im not saying im good cuz well yeah the game is sorta dying out but hey im still playing pvp and im doing quite fine compared to many others. if im not the one suppose to be complaining, who should be? some casual silver 1 burn guard main? im a pure pvper that doesnt rly step out of hotm. by making pvp so kitten the entire game becomes kitten to me. im not gonna stay just for the raids lol. why am i on the forums and complaining? because ive never had an mmorpg i had so much fun in pvp. but ive been losing my faith over the past years months weeks whatsoever...

> >

> > You are welcome to do whatever you want, I'm just basically stating the obvious: people that go out of their way to complain at this level of salt aren't a majority and will never be in any community.

> >

> > So you complain and I will give them my full support.


> im stating the obvious as well. the balance performance has never been as worse as its been in the past 4-5 months. this is no salt its just a fact that nobody can deny.


> which makes the impression that anet or rather the balance team just doesnt give a single kitten. this is how the majority in the forums feels like and thats a fact as well.


Every single class has meta representation in ranked PvP except perhaps Weaver (core ele still a thing). If 8/9 classes see meta play what's your complaint?, that balance isn't perfect?


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> @"Lunateric.3708" said:

> > @"Toron.4856" said:

> > > @"Lunateric.3708" said:

> > > > @"Toron.4856" said:

> > > > > @"Lunateric.3708" said:

> > > > > I don't get the senseless complaining from people that in most cases don't really play ranked competitively. For the PvP team and Ben specially since he's earned my respect and appreciation: **it is the right call**, we need more frequent balance, we need it to not be entirely tied to PvP seasons. What you're doing is reasonable and will benefit the entire game, it will also shake up things mid-season in what usually is a very stale meta.

> > > > >

> > > > > Me and many competitive players support it, **don't get discouraged** by the very vocal people that take every single thing you do on a very personal level.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > what do u mean competetively? the game isnt esports anymore and never will be again. the game is full of wintraders n cheaters and ppl are quitting. theres no actual competition. on EU my rating is like 1750 ish +/- . im not saying im good cuz well yeah the game is sorta dying out but hey im still playing pvp and im doing quite fine compared to many others. if im not the one suppose to be complaining, who should be? some casual silver 1 burn guard main? im a pure pvper that doesnt rly step out of hotm. by making pvp so kitten the entire game becomes kitten to me. im not gonna stay just for the raids lol. why am i on the forums and complaining? because ive never had an mmorpg i had so much fun in pvp. but ive been losing my faith over the past years months weeks whatsoever...

> > >

> > > You are welcome to do whatever you want, I'm just basically stating the obvious: people that go out of their way to complain at this level of salt aren't a majority and will never be in any community.

> > >

> > > So you complain and I will give them my full support.

> >

> > im stating the obvious as well. the balance performance has never been as worse as its been in the past 4-5 months. this is no salt its just a fact that nobody can deny.

> >

> > which makes the impression that anet or rather the balance team just doesnt give a single kitten. this is how the majority in the forums feels like and thats a fact as well.


> Every single class has meta representation in ranked PvP except perhaps Weaver (core ele still a thing). If 8/9 classes see meta play what's your complaint?, that balance isn't perfect?



revenant and weaver are useless.


mirage is uncontested 1v1 king besides when vs druid.


firebrands are unkillable in combination with scourges cuz scourges kill off all the power dmg.


and holo / spellbreaker are just sooo superior to any non PoF spec


HoT builds are not relevant at all (besides druid) -> buy the NEW expansion or get fúked in pvp


tempest - bad

reaper - bad

chrono - bad

daredevil - "bad" replaced by sd core thief

scrapper - bad

dh - bad

berserker - bad

rev - haha

druid - god tier


the game is build around BUYING path of fire, or being stuck with a shitty elite spec unless u play druid


it is a "balance" in order to make more sales.


its been a couple of months, players had high expectations and what did anet do?


buff mirage, buff firebrand, buff druid

nerf core war, nerf ele


-> making those overperforming PoF classes stronger to generate MORE sales


now the season ends and where everyone is expecting a balance patch to maybe play their beloved rev, berserker, dh, chrono, reaper or idk again and anet be like wellll no keep on waiting we will balance somewhen during the season. without giving an exact date.

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You had a ton of people just holding on for the hope of a balance patch to fix things for next season and now you just basically crapped all over your players. It still baffles me that there is no test server. You know you could be working on changes little by little and putting them on a test server to have your players test them, for free. I guess that would make to much sense though.


You'd think with the last two horrible balance patches they would be quick to at least make some changes. You know it would be that simple if you actually had a test server rather than trying to test everything internally. It would also eliminate the chances of disastrous balance patches like the last two. Just very disappointing that this level is acceptable to any company when you know the majority of the player base is upset and your biggest streamers and supporters are leaving you.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @"ArthurDent.9538" said:

> > There will most likely be a patch tomorrow, it will just be underwhelming in scope, and out of touch in direction like every patch since PoF has been.


> There is no balance patch tomorrow. There is currently a balance patch in the works for mid-season.


if there is no balance patch tomorrow and we will have to wait can I say this, enough with the nerfing instead of nerfing classes just buff others to bring them up to par with classes that are currently at a higher league of play than the other ones, so that way more builds/ profession styles will be viable. Its better at this point with how nerfs have been going to look at how the ones falling short can be buffed. And lets be honest the Reaper shroud/Vanilla shroud change was a bad idea for duration wise. This goes for PvE wise and PvP wise enough nerfing lets talk about buffing the weaker ones.

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> @"Toron.4856" said:

> > @"Lunateric.3708" said:

> > > @"Toron.4856" said:

> > > > @"Lunateric.3708" said:

> > > > > @"Toron.4856" said:

> > > > > > @"Lunateric.3708" said:

> > > > > > I don't get the senseless complaining from people that in most cases don't really play ranked competitively. For the PvP team and Ben specially since he's earned my respect and appreciation: **it is the right call**, we need more frequent balance, we need it to not be entirely tied to PvP seasons. What you're doing is reasonable and will benefit the entire game, it will also shake up things mid-season in what usually is a very stale meta.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Me and many competitive players support it, **don't get discouraged** by the very vocal people that take every single thing you do on a very personal level.

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > what do u mean competetively? the game isnt esports anymore and never will be again. the game is full of wintraders n cheaters and ppl are quitting. theres no actual competition. on EU my rating is like 1750 ish +/- . im not saying im good cuz well yeah the game is sorta dying out but hey im still playing pvp and im doing quite fine compared to many others. if im not the one suppose to be complaining, who should be? some casual silver 1 burn guard main? im a pure pvper that doesnt rly step out of hotm. by making pvp so kitten the entire game becomes kitten to me. im not gonna stay just for the raids lol. why am i on the forums and complaining? because ive never had an mmorpg i had so much fun in pvp. but ive been losing my faith over the past years months weeks whatsoever...

> > > >

> > > > You are welcome to do whatever you want, I'm just basically stating the obvious: people that go out of their way to complain at this level of salt aren't a majority and will never be in any community.

> > > >

> > > > So you complain and I will give them my full support.

> > >

> > > im stating the obvious as well. the balance performance has never been as worse as its been in the past 4-5 months. this is no salt its just a fact that nobody can deny.

> > >

> > > which makes the impression that anet or rather the balance team just doesnt give a single kitten. this is how the majority in the forums feels like and thats a fact as well.

> >

> > Every single class has meta representation in ranked PvP except perhaps Weaver (core ele still a thing). If 8/9 classes see meta play what's your complaint?, that balance isn't perfect?

> >


> revenant and weaver are useless.


> mirage is uncontested 1v1 king besides when vs druid.


> firebrands are unkillable in combination with scourges cuz scourges kill off all the power dmg.


> and holo / spellbreaker are just sooo superior to any non PoF spec


> HoT builds are not relevant at all (besides druid) -> buy the NEW expansion or get fúked in pvp


> tempest - bad

> reaper - bad

> chrono - bad

> daredevil - "bad" replaced by sd core thief

> scrapper - bad

> dh - bad

> berserker - bad

> rev - haha

> druid - god tier


> the game is build around BUYING path of fire, or being stuck with a kitten elite spec unless u play druid


> it is a "balance" in order to make more sales.


> its been a couple of months, players had high expectations and what did anet do?


> buff mirage, buff firebrand, buff druid

> nerf core war, nerf ele


> -> making those overperforming PoF classes stronger to generate MORE sales


> now the season ends and where everyone is expecting a balance patch to maybe play their beloved rev, berserker, dh, chrono, reaper or idk again and anet be like wellll no keep on waiting we will balance somewhen during the season. without giving an exact date.


If you're expecting every e-spec to be good in PvP I don't know what to say. I am not saying balance is perfect because it's not, it has significant outliers, I'm saying this is being blown out of proportion.



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> @"Erzian.5218" said:

> I remember the last mid-season balance changes (PoF). They turned one of the better meta games into the complete dumpster fire we have now. On the bright sight, It can't get much worse.


This really.


The lack of a balance patch before the next season wouldn't be half as infuriating if it wasn't for the fact that the 12/2017 "balance" was based off completely misguided reasoning and did more harm than good. I actually extensively covered this in another thread:




-Changes to condi did not accomplish stated goals

-Buffed overperforming specs

-Nerfed underperforming specs

-Nerfed core builds ( Buy the expansion if you want to stay viable plz kthnx -Anet marketing team )


Most bad patches are one step forward one step backwards. But the last patch was just one clumsy step backwards for absolutely no reason. I still stand by my claim that the patch should just be reverted. In fact, anet could revert that patch tomorrow instead since there is no balance update. Deletion of that garbage patch would better than nothing.



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> @"Lunateric.3708" said:

> > @"Toron.4856" said:

> > > @"Lunateric.3708" said:

> > > > @"Toron.4856" said:

> > > > > @"Lunateric.3708" said:

> > > > > > @"Toron.4856" said:

> > > > > > > @"Lunateric.3708" said:

> > > > > > > I don't get the senseless complaining from people that in most cases don't really play ranked competitively. For the PvP team and Ben specially since he's earned my respect and appreciation: **it is the right call**, we need more frequent balance, we need it to not be entirely tied to PvP seasons. What you're doing is reasonable and will benefit the entire game, it will also shake up things mid-season in what usually is a very stale meta.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Me and many competitive players support it, **don't get discouraged** by the very vocal people that take every single thing you do on a very personal level.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > what do u mean competetively? the game isnt esports anymore and never will be again. the game is full of wintraders n cheaters and ppl are quitting. theres no actual competition. on EU my rating is like 1750 ish +/- . im not saying im good cuz well yeah the game is sorta dying out but hey im still playing pvp and im doing quite fine compared to many others. if im not the one suppose to be complaining, who should be? some casual silver 1 burn guard main? im a pure pvper that doesnt rly step out of hotm. by making pvp so kitten the entire game becomes kitten to me. im not gonna stay just for the raids lol. why am i on the forums and complaining? because ive never had an mmorpg i had so much fun in pvp. but ive been losing my faith over the past years months weeks whatsoever...

> > > > >

> > > > > You are welcome to do whatever you want, I'm just basically stating the obvious: people that go out of their way to complain at this level of salt aren't a majority and will never be in any community.

> > > > >

> > > > > So you complain and I will give them my full support.

> > > >

> > > > im stating the obvious as well. the balance performance has never been as worse as its been in the past 4-5 months. this is no salt its just a fact that nobody can deny.

> > > >

> > > > which makes the impression that anet or rather the balance team just doesnt give a single kitten. this is how the majority in the forums feels like and thats a fact as well.

> > >

> > > Every single class has meta representation in ranked PvP except perhaps Weaver (core ele still a thing). If 8/9 classes see meta play what's your complaint?, that balance isn't perfect?

> > >

> >

> > revenant and weaver are useless.

> >

> > mirage is uncontested 1v1 king besides when vs druid.

> >

> > firebrands are unkillable in combination with scourges cuz scourges kill off all the power dmg.

> >

> > and holo / spellbreaker are just sooo superior to any non PoF spec

> >

> > HoT builds are not relevant at all (besides druid) -> buy the NEW expansion or get fúked in pvp

> >

> > tempest - bad

> > reaper - bad

> > chrono - bad

> > daredevil - "bad" replaced by sd core thief

> > scrapper - bad

> > dh - bad

> > berserker - bad

> > rev - haha

> > druid - god tier

> >

> > the game is build around BUYING path of fire, or being stuck with a kitten elite spec unless u play druid

> >

> > it is a "balance" in order to make more sales.

> >

> > its been a couple of months, players had high expectations and what did anet do?

> >

> > buff mirage, buff firebrand, buff druid

> > nerf core war, nerf ele

> >

> > -> making those overperforming PoF classes stronger to generate MORE sales

> >

> > now the season ends and where everyone is expecting a balance patch to maybe play their beloved rev, berserker, dh, chrono, reaper or idk again and anet be like wellll no keep on waiting we will balance somewhen during the season. without giving an exact date.


> If you're expecting every e-spec to be good in PvP I don't know what to say. I am not saying balance is perfect because it's not, it has significant outliers, I'm saying this is being blown out of proportion.




im not expecting it. but its basically just buy path of fire OR go home. pvpwise. anet said core and hot would be on the same level and elite specs wouldnt make a different. they lied. anet said pof and hot would be on the same level. they lied again. wonder why ppl are having trust issues with anet?!

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People need to stop defending anets actions here. It benefits no one, least of all us, the consumers. Balance is in a really bad state, and it was obvious that a balance pass not hitting tomorrow was going to cause a lot of uproar after the complete failure of the last two balance passes to address any of the actual issues. Anet wants players to represent their game but how can I consciously do so when I am given no other option other than to feel that the balance team is completely oblivious to the real issues the pvp game modes face right now. I expect they’re probably nice lads but the way things are going I just can’t come to any other conclusion.


There’s no communication (till the day before people expect it to hit). We don’t know what changes we can expect. It’s just a massive failure all around. I just hope someone higher up sees this and realises keeping this community in the dark about this stuff will only build more resentment and throw away any goodwill that the openness that the pvp team has had in recent weeks made.

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This is actually a good sign overall. Yes, it would be better to have a balance patch before the season, but having one during the season is a great precedent. This means they can do it in other seasons too without adhering to some contrived logic for not corrupting things mid-season.


It will also give a ton of quality evidence as to the effectiveness of the balance changes. You will have half a season with and half a season without. This is much higher quality evidence than a week of unranked action where it's impossible to fully vet new changes.


Stop being such whiners about everything. The fact that half of you are posting emotional vomit about the late patch shows that PvP isn't really dead...otherwise you wouldn't be here and care. It's ALWAYS more important for them to get things right and not go overboard like every post on this forum calls for.

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> @"Lunateric.3708" said:

> I don't get the senseless complaining from people that in most cases don't really play ranked competitively. For the PvP team and Ben specially since he's earned my respect and appreciation: **it is the right call**, we need more frequent balance, we need it to not be entirely tied to PvP seasons. What you're doing is reasonable and will benefit the entire game, it will also shake up things mid-season in what usually is a very stale meta.


Except they aren't balancing more frequently. Comparing HoT's 2015 release, to PoF's 2017 release, it's been really slow. HoT had two major balance patches by this time 2016 despite HoT launching later in the year than PoF, in addition to HoT having a number of hotfix patches thrown at various things.


PoF's meta settled much faster than HoT's did, yet the devs are taking far longer to address the meta than they did with HoT.


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Glad we got a reply, disappointed that its that we're waiting longer for a balance patch.

Hopefully this balance patch will be something to look forwards to, with the meta people have had to put up with for so long now and the previous balance patch that was nothing short of mediocre.


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Not counting the PoF which unbalanced everything, and its subsequent patch that made SB slightly easier to kill (need 2v1 instead of 3v1 wahoo) and made mesmer/necro even more godlike, we haven't had a balance pass since August 2017. That will be ~6 months! And then that patch was targeting unused skills and traits that people still don't use. I don't know if I can be arsed to look back in time enough for when the last actual meta-balancing patch was.

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