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I hate getting mesmers in my spvp team


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Yes because every single noob who visit forums or metabattle thinks that taking mirage is an auto win considering how strong it is. Point of fact is that mesmer is the most difficult class to play and master, always was and always will be. True veteran mesmers can play mirage to totally OP mode but that doesn't mean everyone can.

More often then not a mesmer in 1 team makes the whole match 4 vs 5 for 1 side or the other and i have noticed more often then not mesmer in one team can make the match go totally roflmao stomp for other team.


So please, stick with necro or warrior and leave mesmers only to those who know how to play the profession and main it.

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You could argue that this is the case for several classes and specs. Some just have higher skill entry level and skill ceiling.


If it's unranked, they are probably practicing or just playing for fun - there is nothing wrong with that, no need to be elitist. If this is in ranked and they are playing fresh without trying out beforehand, they will drop rating fairly fast and you probably wont see them or if you climb the ladder, there are fewer people of that caliber as you progress higher.


Other classes are also in a similar predicament - pretty poor in the hands of the inexperienced and game changing when played well.

For me, Deadeye is in a similar spot where some people can +1 at mid and decimate the whole enemy team and others may choose to play exactly as they would with Daredevil or Core thief and are less successful as a result.



TLDR : Nobody starts pvp and jumps to plat/legendary straight away, let's not discourage players trying out and practicing new builds by saying - "you're not good enough to play that".

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> @"Anela.3867" said:

> They (and by they I mean me) have to learn somehow. This is a game, not a job so it's meant to be fun. How about giving some kindly worded advice to us noobs so we can get better. Insults don't help anyone.


I have no problem with that if they are trying to learn a prof in un ranked but i am talking about ranked here. I dunno how ranked system works off-season but i guess it matches players according to their win/lose ratio's so its not complete newbie's i am facing or getting teamed up. Its vet players who think jumping on the mirage bandwagon is such a great idea and then they fail miserably. Its not even that difficult to spot a player who is complete newbie to a profession.


In no way i am stating i am an expert at mesmer, i can play but not as good as someone who main mesmer will so i try to stick to my professions which i am far more comfortable with. This is not a problem with bad necromancers, they can drop F1 on point followed by f2,f3,f4,f5 simultaneously and can have some success but this is certainly not a case with mesmer.

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> @"Pridedemon.3041" said:

> > @"Anela.3867" said:

> > They (and by they I mean me) have to learn somehow. This is a game, not a job so it's meant to be fun. How about giving some kindly worded advice to us noobs so we can get better. Insults don't help anyone.


> I have no problem with that if they are trying to learn a prof in un ranked but i am talking about ranked here. I dunno how ranked system works off-season but i guess it matches players according to their win/lose ratio's so its not complete newbie's i am facing or getting teamed up. Its vet players who think jumping on the mirage bandwagon is such a great idea and then they fail miserably. Its not even that difficult to spot a player who is complete newbie to a profession.


> In no way i am stating i am an expert at mesmer, i can play but not as good as someone who main mesmer will so i try to stick to my professions which i am far more comfortable with. This is not a problem with bad necromancers, they can drop F1 on point followed by f2,f3,f4,f5 simultaneously and can have some success but this is certainly not a case with mesmer.


I guess I don't see how it matters. You're as likely to be matched with such players as against them and if they're really going to tank their rating playing a class they don't know, then they'll be out of your hair in short order!

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> @"Pridedemon.3041" said:

> > @"Anela.3867" said:

> > They (and by they I mean me) have to learn somehow. This is a game, not a job so it's meant to be fun. How about giving some kindly worded advice to us noobs so we can get better. Insults don't help anyone.


> I have no problem with that if they are trying to learn a prof in un ranked but i am talking about ranked here. I dunno how ranked system works off-season but i guess it matches players according to their win/lose ratio's so its not complete newbie's i am facing or getting teamed up. Its vet players who think jumping on the mirage bandwagon is such a great idea and then they fail miserably. Its not even that difficult to spot a player who is complete newbie to a profession.


> In no way i am stating i am an expert at mesmer, i can play but not as good as someone who main mesmer will so i try to stick to my professions which i am far more comfortable with. This is not a problem with bad necromancers, they can drop F1 on point followed by f2,f3,f4,f5 simultaneously and can have some success but this is certainly not a case with mesmer.


Personally, I never plan to play ranked, only unranked for me, but others have the choice to do so if that is how they have fun....in a game.


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You know what bothers me about this thread? It discourages players from playing ranked for no good reason! So you lost a match? Big deal! If the matchmaking system is doing its job and you've played enough games to hit your personal skill ceiling, you should be losing slightly more than half of the games you play! Suck it up, buttercup!


To the players out there who are intimidated by ranked play: Don't be! Look at this way: You're getting better rewards for doing exactly the same thing you would have done in an unranked match! There is no "letting your teammates down" in PvP. If you get a lucky streak and end up in an artificially high rank after placement, you'll tend to lose more games than you win and your rank will drop until you're at an appropriate rank. No big deal. That's just matchmaking doing its job.


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I don't feel mesmer so hard comparing to other classes... I was main Warrior which is claimed to be the simplest class(not really in competitive pvp, actually one of the hardest in competitive pvp because you are always readable but facing unreadable opponents). Mesmer is my 5th toon and I can play it very well after around 10 pvp matches and I feel it's a easier to stay alive and help the team than all other classes I've ever seriously played. (War, Necro, Ranger, Engi)

But yes if someone completely new to gw2 (at least I know all basic mechanism of mesmer before getting into it). Will be a big learning curve there, which is good, that's the way to keep the game alive ...

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> @"Pridedemon.3041" said:

> > @"Anela.3867" said:

> > They (and by they I mean me) have to learn somehow. This is a game, not a job so it's meant to be fun. How about giving some kindly worded advice to us noobs so we can get better. Insults don't help anyone.


> I have no problem with that if they are trying to learn a prof in un ranked but i am talking about ranked here. I dunno how ranked system works off-season but i guess it matches players according to their win/lose ratio's so its not complete newbie's i am facing or getting teamed up. Its vet players who think jumping on the mirage bandwagon is such a great idea and then they fail miserably. Its not even that difficult to spot a player who is complete newbie to a profession.


> In no way i am stating i am an expert at mesmer, i can play but not as good as someone who main mesmer will so i try to stick to my professions which i am far more comfortable with. This is not a problem with bad necromancers, they can drop F1 on point followed by f2,f3,f4,f5 simultaneously and can have some success but this is certainly not a case with mesmer.


So it's not so much that you hate playing with "noob" mesmers, but that you hate playing with people who aren't equivalent to your standard in whatever class they play. This is understandable and very common in team based pvp, no matter what game you are playing. When I played LoL seriously I would get just as frustrated by it, where average players would see a pro player using a certain character or build and copy them without knowing what they were doing.


Unfortunately there is not much you can do to stop them, and raging at them or on the forums isn't going to help you. Just remember this. The matchmaking isn't against you, and there is just as much chance of that "noob" being on your team as on the enemy team. Yes you may lose a match due to that single player, but play enough matches and you will climb above them. I take it you don't complain when the "noob" mesmer appears on the other team and gives you a free win right? Just focus on improving your own gameplay and over time you will climb the ladder.

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Well, I guess i'm one of the noob mesmers you are talking about. I'm just getting my feet wet in spvp and nobody on the other team is trembling with fear that I, a mirage, am on the other team. I've played 15 matches so far and won all of 5. Some matches I've found myself to be very ineffective, in others I'm ok. Scourges absolutely wreck me, but you know what? I'm going to keep trying, even though playing spvp scares me, I'm admit. It scares me because I'm afraid that a player like you is going to say me what a POS player I am that lost the game for our side.


But what can I do? just try to get better. It took me about 5 times of utterly failing and getting repeatedly killed by scourges to realize finally that you DON'T melee them, even with the supposed burst a clone mirage can do. Yes, it took me a while, but at least I learned and have started to adjust my tactics accordingly.


SPvP is the most complicated thing in GW2 IMO. Not only do you have to master your rotations and know them by heart so that you're not looking down at the keyboard -- and that takes a LOT of practice and failure --, not only do you have to know when to use your rotations and get them right so thaat your teammates are in range to get the boons, but you must learn to read your opponents -- what buffs do they have on them? when are they initiating a skill that can be interrupted? That takes even more practice. That, in fact, is one of the hardest things to learn. And then finally you must know your map and know what best to do. Your brain is processing a ton of information, and I guess my brain is a bit slow on putting it all together.


But the bottom line is, I just want have fun and spvp can be fun. No, it's not fun to lost 10 times in a row by 500-200, but it at least sets me the challenge of getting better, which, I imagine, is going take a long, long time.


I love mirage, I love the way it plays even though I'm sure I'd be more effective playing a scourge or firebrand. But I want to play a mirage, because it.is.fun!

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To be honest, I don't like having a second Mesmer in my team either but I can't say that I hate it that much, that's maybe because I play Mesmer exclusively (can't play other classes properly nor do I have the desire for it) though I have come across some games where me and the other Mesmer held far against the entire enemy team which can be hilarious due to the way confusion works.

But hey doesn't that apply to all classes? No one likes doubles, not even if they are Scourges in fact I really hate double Scourge in my team, their weknesses are too punishing and can be facerolled in some match ups.

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> @"Oneira.7691" said:

> Well, I guess i'm one of the noob mesmers you are talking about. I'm just getting my feet wet in spvp and nobody on the other team is trembling with fear that I, a mirage, am on the other team. I've played 15 matches so far and won all of 5. Some matches I've found myself to be very ineffective, in others I'm ok. Scourges absolutely wreck me, but you know what? I'm going to keep trying, even though playing spvp scares me, I'm admit. It scares me because I'm afraid that a player like you is going to say me what a POS player I am that lost the game for our side.


> But what can I do? just try to get better. It took me about 5 times of utterly failing and getting repeatedly killed by scourges to realize finally that you DON'T melee them, even with the supposed burst a clone mirage can do. Yes, it took me a while, but at least I learned and have started to adjust my tactics accordingly.


> SPvP is the most complicated thing in GW2 IMO. Not only do you have to master your rotations and know them by heart so that you're not looking down at the keyboard -- and that takes a LOT of practice and failure --, not only do you have to know when to use your rotations and get them right so thaat your teammates are in range to get the boons, but you must learn to read your opponents -- what buffs do they have on them? when are they initiating a skill that can be interrupted? That takes even more practice. That, in fact, is one of the hardest things to learn. And then finally you must know your map and know what best to do. Your brain is processing a ton of information, and I guess my brain is a bit slow on putting it all together.


> But the bottom line is, I just want have fun and spvp can be fun. No, it's not fun to lost 10 times in a row by 500-200, but it at least sets me the challenge of getting better, which, I imagine, is going take a long, long time.


> I love mirage, I love the way it plays even though I'm sure I'd be more effective playing a scourge or firebrand. But I want to play a mirage, because it.is.fun!


The thing that a lot of people find the most challenging about playing spvp (particularly if you have never played objective based team pvp before) is changing their mindset. When you were leveling up your character you were taught to kill anything that you see in front of you. However, in spvp killing the enemy players are just a means to an end. If you watch high end spvp you will see that hardly anyone dies at all, because they understand that they don't need to kill each other to win. Your team could have a lot more kills than your opponents and still lose if they are better at playing the map and getting the objectives than you. What you'll find in lower tiered matches is that players spend a huge amount of time chasing each other around the map trying to get kills, while the capture points remain undefended and uncontested. If you want to improve I suggest you focus on learning how to move effectively around the map and surviving than trying to get kills.


Again, if you watch a high level player doing their placement matches for ranked at the beginning of a season, you will see that what pisses them off the most are players who just wander around aimlessly looking for kills. Learn to play your class and you'll only be able to play that class, but learn to play the map and you will be effective no matter what class you play.

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> @"Wandering Mist.2973" said:

> > @"Oneira.7691" said:

> > Well, I guess i'm one of the noob mesmers you are talking about. I'm just getting my feet wet in spvp and nobody on the other team is trembling with fear that I, a mirage, am on the other team. I've played 15 matches so far and won all of 5. Some matches I've found myself to be very ineffective, in others I'm ok. Scourges absolutely wreck me, but you know what? I'm going to keep trying, even though playing spvp scares me, I'm admit. It scares me because I'm afraid that a player like you is going to say me what a POS player I am that lost the game for our side.

> >

> > But what can I do? just try to get better. It took me about 5 times of utterly failing and getting repeatedly killed by scourges to realize finally that you DON'T melee them, even with the supposed burst a clone mirage can do. Yes, it took me a while, but at least I learned and have started to adjust my tactics accordingly.

> >

> > SPvP is the most complicated thing in GW2 IMO. Not only do you have to master your rotations and know them by heart so that you're not looking down at the keyboard -- and that takes a LOT of practice and failure --, not only do you have to know when to use your rotations and get them right so thaat your teammates are in range to get the boons, but you must learn to read your opponents -- what buffs do they have on them? when are they initiating a skill that can be interrupted? That takes even more practice. That, in fact, is one of the hardest things to learn. And then finally you must know your map and know what best to do. Your brain is processing a ton of information, and I guess my brain is a bit slow on putting it all together.

> >

> > But the bottom line is, I just want have fun and spvp can be fun. No, it's not fun to lost 10 times in a row by 500-200, but it at least sets me the challenge of getting better, which, I imagine, is going take a long, long time.

> >

> > I love mirage, I love the way it plays even though I'm sure I'd be more effective playing a scourge or firebrand. But I want to play a mirage, because it.is.fun!


> The thing that a lot of people find the most challenging about playing spvp (particularly if you have never played objective based team pvp before) is changing their mindset. When you were leveling up your character you were taught to kill anything that you see in front of you. However, in spvp killing the enemy players are just a means to an end. If you watch high end spvp you will see that hardly anyone dies at all, because they understand that they don't need to kill each other to win. Your team could have a lot more kills than your opponents and still lose if they are better at playing the map and getting the objectives than you. What you'll find in lower tiered matches is that players spend a huge amount of time chasing each other around the map trying to get kills, while the capture points remain undefended and uncontested. If you want to improve I suggest you focus on learning how to move effectively around the map and surviving than trying to get kills.


> Again, if you watch a high level player doing their placement matches for ranked at the beginning of a season, you will see that what pisses them off the most are players who just wander around aimlessly looking for kills. Learn to play your class and you'll only be able to play that class, but learn to play the map and you will be effective no matter what class you play.

Indeed this not only apply to all classes in general but it *especially* apply to the mesmer since its excellent at zipping between points with the portal. Conquest remain very much a tactical game, knowing where to put your resources. Dont get bogged down with impossible fights without backup, unless its in defense of points.


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> @"Wandering Mist.2973" ; @"Dawdler.8521"


Thanks to both of you for the advice. Yes I am beginning to learn what really is the strategy of an spvp game, and now I can see why bunker builds are so effective. I have not mastered the mesmer portal around tactic as yet, but that will be my next project. I tend to use Blink + Phase Retreat to get around. That's as far as I've progressed.


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