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Making unique keybinding for every character you have.

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The idea is simple,

We all play multiple characters and it's a pain to change the keybinding for your skills every time you change character, so why not making special keybinding for every character separately.

Example for keybinding i have to change every time is when i swap to my engi i have to change the forge mode to my swap weapon key every time and sometime when i play PVP i forget to swap it and that's bad for me and my teammates.

If you like the idea support it so they make it.



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Until they add this to the game, I recommend getting a mouse and/or a keyboard that can be customized. I use a ROCCAT Nyth mouse which is highly customizable, and I can switch from one setup to another quickly. I have profiles for the classes I play and don't have to change anything in the GW2 interface.

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> @"Faaris.8013" said:

> Until they add this to the game, I recommend getting a mouse and/or a keyboard that can be customized. I use a ROCCAT Nyth mouse which is highly customizable, and I can switch from one setup to another quickly. I have profiles for the classes I play and don't have to change anything in the GW2 interface.


I have a 19 key mouse, and i mad this post cos i'm a multi class player.

I sometime play thief and i need my F1 F2 skills on R and F, however i main Mesmer so i have the F1 and F2 keybinding to my mouse key1 and key2 and the F3 and F4 on R and F and when i play necro(scourge) i Need MY F1 on R and F2 and F3 to be on my mouse key 1 and key 2 and F4 and F5 on F and G .and when i play engi i need F5 to be on TAB (swap weapon on my other characters) F1 to be on R and F2 F3 F4 to be on my mouse key1 key2 key3 .

All that is so much for me to do every time i wanna swap character was it for PVP or PVE.

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Yes Yukio, I understand your request and I'm in the same situation, as are probably lots of other players. That's why I suggested using the mouse software as a workaround. I main thief and have F1/F2 on the swipe button on top of my mouse. When I play my chrono, I use the same button for #4 and F5 for Continuum Split because I never really use F1 or F2 with chrono. I just click the "Chrono" profile in my mouse software and I'm set.

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> @"Faaris.8013" said:

> Yes Yukio, I understand your request and I'm in the same situation, as are probably lots of other players. That's why I suggested using the mouse software as a workaround. I main thief and have F1/F2 on the swipe button on top of my mouse. When I play my chrono, I use the same button for #4 and F5 for Continuum Split because I never really use F1 or F2 with chrono. I just click the "Chrono" profile in my mouse software and I'm set.


I understand what you talking about, that why i told you the problems i have with my various characters keybinding and that it's not only some keys that i need to key-bind to my mouse but it's for my keyboard too. that why i used profiles for my mouse and i tried auto hotkey scripts it's a software but it's not practical to swap every time your keyboard buttons with it cos obviously you will need to type in chat and it's gonna be hard cos you messed up your keyboard keys, however the best solution is that Anet make separated keybinding profiles for your char's.

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As long as it was optional - you could keep the current system where the same keybindings are account wide _or_ set a separate profile for each character.


My other MMO has character specific keybindings and I actually use an addon to allow me to instantly load the same set-up to all of them. Even then it's a pain if I change a key and have to try to remember to save the new settings and then load them onto each character. I often only realise I need to do it when I'm standing there mashing the key and wondering why it's not working.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> As long as it was optional - you could keep the current system where the same keybindings are account wide _or_ set a separate profile for each character.


> My other MMO has character specific keybindings and I actually use an addon to allow me to instantly load the same set-up to all of them. Even then it's a pain if I change a key and have to try to remember to save the new settings and then load them onto each character. I often only realise I need to do it when I'm standing there mashing the key and wondering why it's not working.


That would be a default key binding, the developers of that other MMO game missed out on this. In my mouse software, I can export the profile, so when I create a new one, I just load my default and make the little changes I need.

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> @"Yukio blaster.9082" said:

> The idea is simple,

> We all play multiple characters and it's a pain to change the keybinding for your skills every time you change character, so why not making special keybinding for every character separately.



Can't you program a macro to switch keybinds? Oh ...

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> @"Yukio blaster.9082" said:

> > @"Faaris.8013" said:

> > Until they add this to the game, I recommend getting a mouse and/or a keyboard that can be customized. I use a ROCCAT Nyth mouse which is highly customizable, and I can switch from one setup to another quickly. I have profiles for the classes I play and don't have to change anything in the GW2 interface.


> I have a 19 key mouse, and i mad this post cos i'm a multi class player.

> I sometime play thief and i need my F1 F2 skills on R and F, however i main Mesmer so i have the F1 and F2 keybinding to my mouse key1 and key2 and the F3 and F4 on R and F and when i play necro(scourge) i Need MY F1 on R and F2 and F3 to be on my mouse key 1 and key 2 and F4 and F5 on F and R .and when i play engi i need F5 to be on TAB (swap weapon on my other characters) F1 to be on R and F2 F3 F4 to be on my mouse key1 key2 key3 .

> All that is so much for me to do every time i wanna swap character was it for PVP or PVE.


Heya. autohotkey is a useful program that can be used to remap your keyboard keys with individual scripts.

You can also have it autolaunch when you run the game so there is no need to execute it and then execute the game exe.

You could have a key set to change the script based on a key press if you log into another profession.


Like, ctrl+F1 loads your engi script, ctrl+F2 loads your thief script, etc.

Each script would be configured to rebind the keyboard keys to those you desire for that profession, you would just need to remember which of your script keys loads which profession.


It is very quick and easy to configure the script how you would like and I can assist with this via message if you wish.

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> @"Svarty.8019" said:

> > @"Yukio blaster.9082" said:

> > The idea is simple,

> > We all play multiple characters and it's a pain to change the keybinding for your skills every time you change character, so why not making special keybinding for every character separately.

> >


> Can't you program a macro to switch keybinds? Oh ...

if you do that you will have pain to write in chat, and yes i tried that

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> @"StinVec.3621" said:

> > @"Yukio blaster.9082" said:

> > > @"Faaris.8013" said:

> > > Until they add this to the game, I recommend getting a mouse and/or a keyboard that can be customized. I use a ROCCAT Nyth mouse which is highly customizable, and I can switch from one setup to another quickly. I have profiles for the classes I play and don't have to change anything in the GW2 interface.

> >

> > I have a 19 key mouse, and i mad this post cos i'm a multi class player.

> > I sometime play thief and i need my F1 F2 skills on R and F, however i main Mesmer so i have the F1 and F2 keybinding to my mouse key1 and key2 and the F3 and F4 on R and F and when i play necro(scourge) i Need MY F1 on R and F2 and F3 to be on my mouse key 1 and key 2 and F4 and F5 on F and R .and when i play engi i need F5 to be on TAB (swap weapon on my other characters) F1 to be on R and F2 F3 F4 to be on my mouse key1 key2 key3 .

> > All that is so much for me to do every time i wanna swap character was it for PVP or PVE.


> Heya. autohotkey is a useful program that can be used to remap your keyboard keys with individual scripts.

> You can also have it autolaunch when you run the game so there is no need to execute it and then execute the game exe.

> You could have a key set to change the script based on a key press if you log into another profession.


> Like, ctrl+F1 loads your engi script, ctrl+F2 loads your thief script, etc.

> Each script would be configured to rebind the keyboard keys to those you desire for that profession, you would just need to remember which of your script keys loads which profession.


> It is very quick and easy to configure the script how you would like and I can assist with this via message if you wish.


The next comment after this one you replayed too i said that i use autohotkey scripts to make those changes but that not practical cos simply that will missed up your keys and you will have a hard time writing in chat so i just drooped using it, and yes i know everything you said about autohotkey my point here is that ANET should finish this pain and make the keybindings separated between characters.

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Personally I prefer having every character having the same keybinds. Rebinding keys from the generic settings on 49 characters doesn't sound fun to me.


Though if an *optional* per-character binding was brought out I wouldn't oppose it.


Until then you'll just have to find a workaround. There's been plenty of suggestions in this thread.

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  • 3 months later...

My muscle memory would wreck me if I didn't have the same binds for all my characters. It's a nightmare in the other MMO, even with the addon Danikat mentioned, since I don't use addons for the test server and have to spend a long time when making a character there just scrolling through a zillion keybinds to set them to where I expect them to be.


I very fervently hope that GW2 never goes character specific as a default. (I have to wonder, though, it has secondary keybinds, are those character specific? If not, why do they exist?)

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> @"GrahmCraka.8730" said:

> Bump. No dev response?


Developers very rarely respond to topics like this. In most cases the first we'll know about them implementing a player suggestion like this is when it appears in the patch notes and that could be months later because even seemingly simple changes take time to develop and test. And then they need to wait for a good opportunity to add it - for example I doubt they'd add something like this in the middle of a PvP season because that's not a good time for lots of people to try and develop and learn new key bindings.


They usually only reply if they're considering starting to look into doing something like that and want more information on what _exactly_ players are asking for - e.g. if someone asks for the ability to see their character's name plate is that because they want an easier way to keep track of where their character is when the screen is busy? Is it so they can check how their title/PvP league badge/world completion star etc. look? Do they have lots of virtually identical characters and need an easy way to check which they're on?


Trying to work out what exactly players hope to achieve with a suggestion allows them to work out a way to do it - what's possible, what fits their idea of the game design, what do they like - without losing the core goal. For example if we wanted to see our name plates because we keep losing our characters in combat then it's fairly important that it stands out from other players/creatures and maybe the name isn't the best way to do that, maybe an outline around your character or toning down all the effects in battle would be better.


But they'll almost never say "yes we are going to do this" or "no we're never doing this" because by the time they're in a position to say that it's not worth bumping up an old topic - we'll find out from the patch notes.


(And because previously even vague statements like "yeah I think that would be fun too" from a random Anet staffer have been taken as absolute promises from the entire company that the change will be in the next update in exactly the form each person in the topic has imagined and any deviation from that is an unforgivable breach of trust that they must atone for...usually by mailing everyone an absurd amount of gems.)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I approve this idea! Having a checkbox to enable character specific keybinds and leaving the default as is would be a great addition. The checkbox would also eliminate having to learn this, as if you like the current system, you can keep it! This is the only MMO that I can think of that does not have this quality of life feature. It almost feels like a bug not having it!

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  • 9 months later...

I'm genuinely amazed that anyone could make this work.


I mean, my F1 key gets used a lot more on my Scourge Necro than it does on my Engineer or Ranger, but I always have the same key bound to F1, so muscle memory helps me hit it when I need to. All I need to do is shift paradigms when I move from one class to another.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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