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Can we have an official summary of things and updates to expect in 2018?


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> @"Zohane.7208" said:

> They used to be quite open with their plans, but unfortuantely people on the forum and elsewhere took stated intentions as promises and when they failed to be fulfilled - due to change of plans or delays due to problems or other - there were lots and lots of accusations of Anet lying to us" or "broken promises" or whatnot, and over time Anet most likely got tired of being yelled at in that manner so they stopped.

> While I would have wanted more communication I can't say that I blame them; no one wants to be yelled at for having had good intentions.


The whole "blame the players" argument doesn't hold any water. It's arenanet's responsibility to manage their own community. If, for example, the forums are toxic, it's ultimately on Arenanet for mismanagement of the game, the community, and/or their own communication. You cannot blame hundreds or thousands of individual players for this that are posting out of frustration to what appears to them to be negligence when they are paying customers who are emotionally invested in the game.


Nobody expects all of their ideas to make it into the game. People expect to have a voice, and to be casually interacted with and made aware of what's going on with by people who are designing and developing the game (sorry, Gail). They also rightfully expect a reasonable cadence of updates, which is something we've only ever gotten with gem store items since LW1 (well, to be fair, LW3 did a decent job with supplemental content delivery), but there's way too much of a gem store emphasis right now with the laughably overpriced 2,000 gem skins getting released every few weeks in addition to all other kinds of monetization that will drive more players away than it will bring in revenue.


The moment I became convinced that Colin needed to go was when he made a post basically shifting responsibility for this away from himself and toward players. But we're seeing the same thing unfolding no matter who is in charge, indicating that it's a corporate problem they have.


Ultimately, Arenanet fearing the community enough that they don't regularly interact with us does not bode well for the future of the game.


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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > People are telling you that Anet is afraid of posting plans, because of past reactions. Well boohoo, they are grown ups, they have communication team, so they should know how to handle their community. But they don't, so they keep quiet. That's pathetic, but that's the reality.

> >

> > This is obvious they know what they are going to do in next few months, I dare to say even for whole year it's possible for them to tell us how many LW updates we can expect and if any additional features are in the works. Those who claim it's impossible are basically calling anet incompetent, as they believe an AAA company sustaining a worldwide MMO has no idea what they are doing next week or month.

> >

> > I find it also cute how some people are already manipulated to believe that customers expecting developer to live up to promises are to blame here. No, we are not. Because there are cases where Anet literally promised and advertised certain features which never came to live or were changed in time without any compensation for customers.

> >

> > First of all, gen2 of legendary weapons - these are sold as HoT feature and still we're waiting for full release of them. There is no justification for this change, as these weapons were marketed during HoT conference and are still being sold as part of HoT even though the advertised product is still incomplete.

> >

> > Second, fractal leaderboards. They never happened.

> >

> > Third, devs provided false information about raid story being unrelated to main story of the game. Meanwhile first 3 raid wings were basically the reintroduction of WM and mursaat which as we know were crucial during LW season 3. Happily, they fixed this with wing 4 and 5 but it still leaves bad taste.

> >

> > ---

> >

> > tl;dr Anet won't make another post like the one OP linked. They have no idea how to handle the community and are afraid of being responsible for their words.


> Nobody is saying that it’s impossible for Anet to post their plans. Whether it is possible or not isn’t even part of the discussion.


> People treating everything as promises are to blame here. I dare say, based on your post, that you fall within that group. Exactly what did Anet promise that they did not live up to? Before replying, check up what a promise is. What did they take away that required compensation to players?


> Plans change and they clearly explained why fractal leaderboards wouldn’t happen. To be honest, there really wasn’t much point for them in the first place.


> It was explained why the second generation of legendaries did not come out all at once. They achieved a middle ground with the current method to obtain them through each LS update.


> They never stated that raid stories would not be related to the living story. This is false information being provided by you and others. What they said is that the raid stories would not be required for the living story. In other words, raid stories would not be the equivalent of an LS episode but more of a side story. If anything relevant from the raid stories were a part of the living story, they’d be incorporated within the episodes which was done in LS3.


This whole "Anet says nothing because people will turn their plans into promises" is based on 1 thing. Literally 1 thing. It's because of 2013 precursor crafting blog post, which was indeed badly received by community.


However I posted direct examples of things which anet advertised and didn't deliver. There is no misunderstanding here, this is false marketing.

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You want a "Road map"


Here you go.


> # 2018 Road Map

> Welcome to 2018 and we here at Arena Net are excited about what we have to offer you. This is going to be a great year for our players. So, without too much fanfare, Well our fans are the fairest fans of the all, but, lets move to the Announcements and Road map.

> We would like to start off by saying, this is just our hopes and dreams, we can't really promise anything do to life's unpredictable nature,, and we fully understand that while we made that clear, every single one of you will make sure to remind endlessly that these were set in stone promises. and failing to provide them will be a carnal sin punishable by death.

> * PvP Season 10. We kinda plan to do something with this, nothing new mind you, as Stronghold was a total flop, so, we will mostly likely just return to something that we already did and maybe change a number here or there, and.. expect some kind of balance patch that will mess up your meta, enough to make you cry., but not enough to get you stop playing it, because it will be better then anything else, just not as OPed as you want it to be.

> * Festivals. Are you ready for **more of the same**! because we sure are! But to mix things up a bit an tax our overworked art department a little more, since they love the abuse, we will try to add some kid of new shiny thing to the events.. what those will be, we are not sure yet, but since we replaced the sugar in the office with Laundry Pods, we expect something wild!

> * Living Story Episode.. Umm whatever.. we don't really care the number at this point, and since you cry babies keep wanting season 1 all over again, we are trying to figure out to give it to you in a way you will hate and despise, out of pure spite, but here is what you can expect, we plan to have writers write this, well.. we plan to have people that can write, write this, how good they are at story weaving, we are not sure, but they can writ words, so that is good enough for us, and good enough for you. But don't worry, we plan to add come kind Challenge Mode, and special loot, so you will all do it anyway. The number of episodes we hope to make will be base off how many bottles of wine we can our Director to polish off, while we complain about how to make this happen.


> Thank you buying gems with cash! :

> Sincerely:

> Everyone at Anet that gets a paycheck.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > People are telling you that Anet is afraid of posting plans, because of past reactions. Well boohoo, they are grown ups, they have communication team, so they should know how to handle their community. But they don't, so they keep quiet. That's pathetic, but that's the reality.

> > >

> > > This is obvious they know what they are going to do in next few months, I dare to say even for whole year it's possible for them to tell us how many LW updates we can expect and if any additional features are in the works. Those who claim it's impossible are basically calling anet incompetent, as they believe an AAA company sustaining a worldwide MMO has no idea what they are doing next week or month.

> > >

> > > I find it also cute how some people are already manipulated to believe that customers expecting developer to live up to promises are to blame here. No, we are not. Because there are cases where Anet literally promised and advertised certain features which never came to live or were changed in time without any compensation for customers.

> > >

> > > First of all, gen2 of legendary weapons - these are sold as HoT feature and still we're waiting for full release of them. There is no justification for this change, as these weapons were marketed during HoT conference and are still being sold as part of HoT even though the advertised product is still incomplete.

> > >

> > > Second, fractal leaderboards. They never happened.

> > >

> > > Third, devs provided false information about raid story being unrelated to main story of the game. Meanwhile first 3 raid wings were basically the reintroduction of WM and mursaat which as we know were crucial during LW season 3. Happily, they fixed this with wing 4 and 5 but it still leaves bad taste.

> > >

> > > ---

> > >

> > > tl;dr Anet won't make another post like the one OP linked. They have no idea how to handle the community and are afraid of being responsible for their words.

> >

> > Nobody is saying that it’s impossible for Anet to post their plans. Whether it is possible or not isn’t even part of the discussion.

> >

> > People treating everything as promises are to blame here. I dare say, based on your post, that you fall within that group. Exactly what did Anet promise that they did not live up to? Before replying, check up what a promise is. What did they take away that required compensation to players?

> >

> > Plans change and they clearly explained why fractal leaderboards wouldn’t happen. To be honest, there really wasn’t much point for them in the first place.

> >

> > It was explained why the second generation of legendaries did not come out all at once. They achieved a middle ground with the current method to obtain them through each LS update.

> >

> > They never stated that raid stories would not be related to the living story. This is false information being provided by you and others. What they said is that the raid stories would not be required for the living story. In other words, raid stories would not be the equivalent of an LS episode but more of a side story. If anything relevant from the raid stories were a part of the living story, they’d be incorporated within the episodes which was done in LS3.


> This whole "Anet says nothing because people will turn their plans into promises" is based on 1 thing. Literally 1 thing. It's because of 2013 precursor crafting blog post, which was indeed badly received by community.


> However I posted direct examples of things which anet advertised and didn't deliver. There is no misunderstanding here, this is false marketing.


No, it’s based on more than that. I also don’t recall a full set ever being advertised as being released with HoT. In fact, I seem to remember that the HoT website prior to launch specifically stated that only three would be available and more would come later. Just because the “later” part is stretching beyond what some players like doesn’t equate to any sort of “promises” broken as no timeline was ever given.


Other than fractal leaderboards, your other two examples were wrong. I addressed those in a previous post.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > People are telling you that Anet is afraid of posting plans, because of past reactions. Well boohoo, they are grown ups, they have communication team, so they should know how to handle their community. But they don't, so they keep quiet. That's pathetic, but that's the reality.

> > > >

> > > > This is obvious they know what they are going to do in next few months, I dare to say even for whole year it's possible for them to tell us how many LW updates we can expect and if any additional features are in the works. Those who claim it's impossible are basically calling anet incompetent, as they believe an AAA company sustaining a worldwide MMO has no idea what they are doing next week or month.

> > > >

> > > > I find it also cute how some people are already manipulated to believe that customers expecting developer to live up to promises are to blame here. No, we are not. Because there are cases where Anet literally promised and advertised certain features which never came to live or were changed in time without any compensation for customers.

> > > >

> > > > First of all, gen2 of legendary weapons - these are sold as HoT feature and still we're waiting for full release of them. There is no justification for this change, as these weapons were marketed during HoT conference and are still being sold as part of HoT even though the advertised product is still incomplete.

> > > >

> > > > Second, fractal leaderboards. They never happened.

> > > >

> > > > Third, devs provided false information about raid story being unrelated to main story of the game. Meanwhile first 3 raid wings were basically the reintroduction of WM and mursaat which as we know were crucial during LW season 3. Happily, they fixed this with wing 4 and 5 but it still leaves bad taste.

> > > >

> > > > ---

> > > >

> > > > tl;dr Anet won't make another post like the one OP linked. They have no idea how to handle the community and are afraid of being responsible for their words.

> > >

> > > Nobody is saying that it’s impossible for Anet to post their plans. Whether it is possible or not isn’t even part of the discussion.

> > >

> > > People treating everything as promises are to blame here. I dare say, based on your post, that you fall within that group. Exactly what did Anet promise that they did not live up to? Before replying, check up what a promise is. What did they take away that required compensation to players?

> > >

> > > Plans change and they clearly explained why fractal leaderboards wouldn’t happen. To be honest, there really wasn’t much point for them in the first place.

> > >

> > > It was explained why the second generation of legendaries did not come out all at once. They achieved a middle ground with the current method to obtain them through each LS update.

> > >

> > > They never stated that raid stories would not be related to the living story. This is false information being provided by you and others. What they said is that the raid stories would not be required for the living story. In other words, raid stories would not be the equivalent of an LS episode but more of a side story. If anything relevant from the raid stories were a part of the living story, they’d be incorporated within the episodes which was done in LS3.

> >

> > This whole "Anet says nothing because people will turn their plans into promises" is based on 1 thing. Literally 1 thing. It's because of 2013 precursor crafting blog post, which was indeed badly received by community.

> >

> > However I posted direct examples of things which anet advertised and didn't deliver. There is no misunderstanding here, this is false marketing.


> No, it’s based on more than that. I also don’t recall a full set ever being advertised as being released with HoT. In fact, I seem to remember that the HoT website prior to launch specifically stated that only three would be available and more would come later. Just because the “later” part is stretching beyond what some players like doesn’t equate to any sort of “promises” broken as no timeline was ever given.


> Other than fractal leaderboards, your other two examples were wrong. I addressed those in a previous post.


I agree, you can see this turning "maybes" into 'Promised" across all things said, and in some cases just making things up, it's not Just GW2, either, it's a gamer issue, you can see the same types of things happen on other game forums, review sites, and even social media as well.


Truth be told, developers are not PR people, it's not their job to deal with the public, and giving too much information too soon is always a bad idea. A week warning, or even a heads up on something you know you can deliver, like a Gem Store Item, that's good.


In the end, if people stop talking to you, then it's time to consider that you are the problem, not them.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > People are telling you that Anet is afraid of posting plans, because of past reactions. Well boohoo, they are grown ups, they have communication team, so they should know how to handle their community. But they don't, so they keep quiet. That's pathetic, but that's the reality.

> > > >

> > > > This is obvious they know what they are going to do in next few months, I dare to say even for whole year it's possible for them to tell us how many LW updates we can expect and if any additional features are in the works. Those who claim it's impossible are basically calling anet incompetent, as they believe an AAA company sustaining a worldwide MMO has no idea what they are doing next week or month.

> > > >

> > > > I find it also cute how some people are already manipulated to believe that customers expecting developer to live up to promises are to blame here. No, we are not. Because there are cases where Anet literally promised and advertised certain features which never came to live or were changed in time without any compensation for customers.

> > > >

> > > > First of all, gen2 of legendary weapons - these are sold as HoT feature and still we're waiting for full release of them. There is no justification for this change, as these weapons were marketed during HoT conference and are still being sold as part of HoT even though the advertised product is still incomplete.

> > > >

> > > > Second, fractal leaderboards. They never happened.

> > > >

> > > > Third, devs provided false information about raid story being unrelated to main story of the game. Meanwhile first 3 raid wings were basically the reintroduction of WM and mursaat which as we know were crucial during LW season 3. Happily, they fixed this with wing 4 and 5 but it still leaves bad taste.

> > > >

> > > > ---

> > > >

> > > > tl;dr Anet won't make another post like the one OP linked. They have no idea how to handle the community and are afraid of being responsible for their words.

> > >

> > > Nobody is saying that it’s impossible for Anet to post their plans. Whether it is possible or not isn’t even part of the discussion.

> > >

> > > People treating everything as promises are to blame here. I dare say, based on your post, that you fall within that group. Exactly what did Anet promise that they did not live up to? Before replying, check up what a promise is. What did they take away that required compensation to players?

> > >

> > > Plans change and they clearly explained why fractal leaderboards wouldn’t happen. To be honest, there really wasn’t much point for them in the first place.

> > >

> > > It was explained why the second generation of legendaries did not come out all at once. They achieved a middle ground with the current method to obtain them through each LS update.

> > >

> > > They never stated that raid stories would not be related to the living story. This is false information being provided by you and others. What they said is that the raid stories would not be required for the living story. In other words, raid stories would not be the equivalent of an LS episode but more of a side story. If anything relevant from the raid stories were a part of the living story, they’d be incorporated within the episodes which was done in LS3.

> >

> > This whole "Anet says nothing because people will turn their plans into promises" is based on 1 thing. Literally 1 thing. It's because of 2013 precursor crafting blog post, which was indeed badly received by community.

> >

> > However I posted direct examples of things which anet advertised and didn't deliver. There is no misunderstanding here, this is false marketing.


> No, it’s based on more than that. I also don’t recall a full set ever being advertised as being released with HoT. In fact, I seem to remember that the HoT website prior to launch specifically stated that only three would be available and more would come later. Just because the “later” part is stretching beyond what some players like doesn’t equate to any sort of “promises” broken as no timeline was ever given.


> Other than fractal leaderboards, your other two examples were wrong. I addressed those in a previous post.


Thank you for sharing your point of view. You are wrong but I have no desire to run in circles with you. Feel free not to agree :)


> @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > > People are telling you that Anet is afraid of posting plans, because of past reactions. Well boohoo, they are grown ups, they have communication team, so they should know how to handle their community. But they don't, so they keep quiet. That's pathetic, but that's the reality.

> > > > >

> > > > > This is obvious they know what they are going to do in next few months, I dare to say even for whole year it's possible for them to tell us how many LW updates we can expect and if any additional features are in the works. Those who claim it's impossible are basically calling anet incompetent, as they believe an AAA company sustaining a worldwide MMO has no idea what they are doing next week or month.

> > > > >

> > > > > I find it also cute how some people are already manipulated to believe that customers expecting developer to live up to promises are to blame here. No, we are not. Because there are cases where Anet literally promised and advertised certain features which never came to live or were changed in time without any compensation for customers.

> > > > >

> > > > > First of all, gen2 of legendary weapons - these are sold as HoT feature and still we're waiting for full release of them. There is no justification for this change, as these weapons were marketed during HoT conference and are still being sold as part of HoT even though the advertised product is still incomplete.

> > > > >

> > > > > Second, fractal leaderboards. They never happened.

> > > > >

> > > > > Third, devs provided false information about raid story being unrelated to main story of the game. Meanwhile first 3 raid wings were basically the reintroduction of WM and mursaat which as we know were crucial during LW season 3. Happily, they fixed this with wing 4 and 5 but it still leaves bad taste.

> > > > >

> > > > > ---

> > > > >

> > > > > tl;dr Anet won't make another post like the one OP linked. They have no idea how to handle the community and are afraid of being responsible for their words.

> > > >

> > > > Nobody is saying that it’s impossible for Anet to post their plans. Whether it is possible or not isn’t even part of the discussion.

> > > >

> > > > People treating everything as promises are to blame here. I dare say, based on your post, that you fall within that group. Exactly what did Anet promise that they did not live up to? Before replying, check up what a promise is. What did they take away that required compensation to players?

> > > >

> > > > Plans change and they clearly explained why fractal leaderboards wouldn’t happen. To be honest, there really wasn’t much point for them in the first place.

> > > >

> > > > It was explained why the second generation of legendaries did not come out all at once. They achieved a middle ground with the current method to obtain them through each LS update.

> > > >

> > > > They never stated that raid stories would not be related to the living story. This is false information being provided by you and others. What they said is that the raid stories would not be required for the living story. In other words, raid stories would not be the equivalent of an LS episode but more of a side story. If anything relevant from the raid stories were a part of the living story, they’d be incorporated within the episodes which was done in LS3.

> > >

> > > This whole "Anet says nothing because people will turn their plans into promises" is based on 1 thing. Literally 1 thing. It's because of 2013 precursor crafting blog post, which was indeed badly received by community.

> > >

> > > However I posted direct examples of things which anet advertised and didn't deliver. There is no misunderstanding here, this is false marketing.

> >

> > No, it’s based on more than that. I also don’t recall a full set ever being advertised as being released with HoT. In fact, I seem to remember that the HoT website prior to launch specifically stated that only three would be available and more would come later. Just because the “later” part is stretching beyond what some players like doesn’t equate to any sort of “promises” broken as no timeline was ever given.

> >

> > Other than fractal leaderboards, your other two examples were wrong. I addressed those in a previous post.


> I agree, you can see this turning "maybes" into 'Promised" across all things said, and in some cases just making things up, it's not Just GW2, either, it's a gamer issue, you can see the same types of things happen on other game forums, review sites, and even social media as well.


> **Truth be told, developers are not PR people, it's not their job to deal with the public**, and giving too much information too soon is always a bad idea. A week warning, or even a heads up on something you know you can deliver, like a Gem Store Item, that's good.


> In the end, if people stop talking to you, then it's time to consider that you are the problem, not them.


Bolded most important part. Anet has communication team. It's their job (paid) to be a channel of communication between devs and players. However what they do is mostly replying to fluff discussions and creating occasionaly "content disabled" announcements. Oh and copy-pasting patch notes.


To people who don't understand why this is a problem - look at this as a person who's not playing GW2. Let's say you are my friend, you are asking me what's coming to GW2, if he should buy the game or it's dying. What will be my answer? That I have no idea what's coming. I know there will be a patch, but I don't know when. I know there will be PvP season but what new is coming for this mode? I know we will eventually see new expansion but only after LW4 which I don't know how long it's gonna be.


People would love to know BASIC stuff. This knowledge may help with promoting the game. BASIC stuff.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > > People are telling you that Anet is afraid of posting plans, because of past reactions. Well boohoo, they are grown ups, they have communication team, so they should know how to handle their community. But they don't, so they keep quiet. That's pathetic, but that's the reality.

> > > > >

> > > > > This is obvious they know what they are going to do in next few months, I dare to say even for whole year it's possible for them to tell us how many LW updates we can expect and if any additional features are in the works. Those who claim it's impossible are basically calling anet incompetent, as they believe an AAA company sustaining a worldwide MMO has no idea what they are doing next week or month.

> > > > >

> > > > > I find it also cute how some people are already manipulated to believe that customers expecting developer to live up to promises are to blame here. No, we are not. Because there are cases where Anet literally promised and advertised certain features which never came to live or were changed in time without any compensation for customers.

> > > > >

> > > > > First of all, gen2 of legendary weapons - these are sold as HoT feature and still we're waiting for full release of them. There is no justification for this change, as these weapons were marketed during HoT conference and are still being sold as part of HoT even though the advertised product is still incomplete.

> > > > >

> > > > > Second, fractal leaderboards. They never happened.

> > > > >

> > > > > Third, devs provided false information about raid story being unrelated to main story of the game. Meanwhile first 3 raid wings were basically the reintroduction of WM and mursaat which as we know were crucial during LW season 3. Happily, they fixed this with wing 4 and 5 but it still leaves bad taste.

> > > > >

> > > > > ---

> > > > >

> > > > > tl;dr Anet won't make another post like the one OP linked. They have no idea how to handle the community and are afraid of being responsible for their words.

> > > >

> > > > Nobody is saying that it’s impossible for Anet to post their plans. Whether it is possible or not isn’t even part of the discussion.

> > > >

> > > > People treating everything as promises are to blame here. I dare say, based on your post, that you fall within that group. Exactly what did Anet promise that they did not live up to? Before replying, check up what a promise is. What did they take away that required compensation to players?

> > > >

> > > > Plans change and they clearly explained why fractal leaderboards wouldn’t happen. To be honest, there really wasn’t much point for them in the first place.

> > > >

> > > > It was explained why the second generation of legendaries did not come out all at once. They achieved a middle ground with the current method to obtain them through each LS update.

> > > >

> > > > They never stated that raid stories would not be related to the living story. This is false information being provided by you and others. What they said is that the raid stories would not be required for the living story. In other words, raid stories would not be the equivalent of an LS episode but more of a side story. If anything relevant from the raid stories were a part of the living story, they’d be incorporated within the episodes which was done in LS3.

> > >

> > > This whole "Anet says nothing because people will turn their plans into promises" is based on 1 thing. Literally 1 thing. It's because of 2013 precursor crafting blog post, which was indeed badly received by community.

> > >

> > > However I posted direct examples of things which anet advertised and didn't deliver. There is no misunderstanding here, this is false marketing.

> >

> > No, it’s based on more than that. I also don’t recall a full set ever being advertised as being released with HoT. In fact, I seem to remember that the HoT website prior to launch specifically stated that only three would be available and more would come later. Just because the “later” part is stretching beyond what some players like doesn’t equate to any sort of “promises” broken as no timeline was ever given.

> >

> > Other than fractal leaderboards, your other two examples were wrong. I addressed those in a previous post.


> Thank you for sharing your point of view. You are wrong but I have no desire to run in circles with you. Feel free not to agree :)


> > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > > > People are telling you that Anet is afraid of posting plans, because of past reactions. Well boohoo, they are grown ups, they have communication team, so they should know how to handle their community. But they don't, so they keep quiet. That's pathetic, but that's the reality.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > This is obvious they know what they are going to do in next few months, I dare to say even for whole year it's possible for them to tell us how many LW updates we can expect and if any additional features are in the works. Those who claim it's impossible are basically calling anet incompetent, as they believe an AAA company sustaining a worldwide MMO has no idea what they are doing next week or month.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I find it also cute how some people are already manipulated to believe that customers expecting developer to live up to promises are to blame here. No, we are not. Because there are cases where Anet literally promised and advertised certain features which never came to live or were changed in time without any compensation for customers.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > First of all, gen2 of legendary weapons - these are sold as HoT feature and still we're waiting for full release of them. There is no justification for this change, as these weapons were marketed during HoT conference and are still being sold as part of HoT even though the advertised product is still incomplete.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Second, fractal leaderboards. They never happened.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Third, devs provided false information about raid story being unrelated to main story of the game. Meanwhile first 3 raid wings were basically the reintroduction of WM and mursaat which as we know were crucial during LW season 3. Happily, they fixed this with wing 4 and 5 but it still leaves bad taste.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > ---

> > > > > >

> > > > > > tl;dr Anet won't make another post like the one OP linked. They have no idea how to handle the community and are afraid of being responsible for their words.

> > > > >

> > > > > Nobody is saying that it’s impossible for Anet to post their plans. Whether it is possible or not isn’t even part of the discussion.

> > > > >

> > > > > People treating everything as promises are to blame here. I dare say, based on your post, that you fall within that group. Exactly what did Anet promise that they did not live up to? Before replying, check up what a promise is. What did they take away that required compensation to players?

> > > > >

> > > > > Plans change and they clearly explained why fractal leaderboards wouldn’t happen. To be honest, there really wasn’t much point for them in the first place.

> > > > >

> > > > > It was explained why the second generation of legendaries did not come out all at once. They achieved a middle ground with the current method to obtain them through each LS update.

> > > > >

> > > > > They never stated that raid stories would not be related to the living story. This is false information being provided by you and others. What they said is that the raid stories would not be required for the living story. In other words, raid stories would not be the equivalent of an LS episode but more of a side story. If anything relevant from the raid stories were a part of the living story, they’d be incorporated within the episodes which was done in LS3.

> > > >

> > > > This whole "Anet says nothing because people will turn their plans into promises" is based on 1 thing. Literally 1 thing. It's because of 2013 precursor crafting blog post, which was indeed badly received by community.

> > > >

> > > > However I posted direct examples of things which anet advertised and didn't deliver. There is no misunderstanding here, this is false marketing.

> > >

> > > No, it’s based on more than that. I also don’t recall a full set ever being advertised as being released with HoT. In fact, I seem to remember that the HoT website prior to launch specifically stated that only three would be available and more would come later. Just because the “later” part is stretching beyond what some players like doesn’t equate to any sort of “promises” broken as no timeline was ever given.

> > >

> > > Other than fractal leaderboards, your other two examples were wrong. I addressed those in a previous post.

> >

> > I agree, you can see this turning "maybes" into 'Promised" across all things said, and in some cases just making things up, it's not Just GW2, either, it's a gamer issue, you can see the same types of things happen on other game forums, review sites, and even social media as well.

> >

> > **Truth be told, developers are not PR people, it's not their job to deal with the public**, and giving too much information too soon is always a bad idea. A week warning, or even a heads up on something you know you can deliver, like a Gem Store Item, that's good.

> >

> > In the end, if people stop talking to you, then it's time to consider that you are the problem, not them.


> Bolded most important part. Anet has communication team. It's their job (paid) to be a channel of communication between devs and players. However what they do is mostly replying to fluff discussions and creating occasionaly "content disabled" announcements. Oh and copy-pasting patch notes.


> To people who don't understand why this is a problem - look at this as a person who's not playing GW2. Let's say you are my friend, you are asking me what's coming to GW2, if he should buy the game or it's dying. What will be my answer? That I have no idea what's coming. I know there will be a patch, but I don't know when. I know there will be PvP season but what new is coming for this mode? I know we will eventually see new expansion but only after LW4 which I don't know how long it's gonna be.


> People would love to know BASIC stuff. This knowledge may help with promoting the game. BASIC stuff.


laughable. I have never had to talk about a "road map" or future plans to someone to get them to play a game, Anet made 16 million last quarter, this game is far from dying. (if you want to can check NCsofts quarterly earnings)


Also, when it comes to new payers, either the game is fun to play, or it's not. How much the Devs talk on the forums or plans they share are vastly irrelevant, that is why some people continue to be shocked when patch day arrives. At the same time, if the game is not fun to play, no amount "future plans" will suddenly make it fun.


Also, if anyone needs to care about the news and announcements, that comes up in the launcher. They can just click that and see the short term future plans.


If you need to know, here you go.


[News](https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/ "News")

[Announcements ](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/categories/news-and-announcements "Announcements ")

[Game Release Notes](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/categories/game-release-notes "Game Release Notes")

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We have a "road map," which in most businesses, is a high-level overview, not tied to specific dates. It is:

* A new expansion, every 18-30 months. It will include new masteries and 9 new elite specs (one per profession), plus new maps.

* A new Living World episode (or expansion) every 2-3 months. Each will include a new map.

* 4 major & scheduled balance per year, additional minor (scheduled) balance updates per year

* Scheduled Fractals & Raid updates will occur independently of the above, as content is ready and which they hope will be several times a year

* The same festivals we know & love, with occasional updates to content & rewards.

* Additional QoL changes to the game, usually included in the above scheduled updates.

* Additional "Side Story" updates on an "as ready" basis.


Additionally, @"Mike O Brien.4613" has said (more than once) that what's important is for ANet to deliver a quality game, not to talk about delivering a quality game.


This is a deliberate strategy: they are sticking with a high-level overview, with brief overviews shortly before they launch. One can agree or disagree about whether it's sufficiently detailed to be effective in attracting new or retaining veteran players, but not about whether they've outlined their plans to us.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > People are telling you that Anet is afraid of posting plans, because of past reactions. Well boohoo, they are grown ups, they have communication team, so they should know how to handle their community. But they don't, so they keep quiet. That's pathetic, but that's the reality.

> > > >

> > > > This is obvious they know what they are going to do in next few months, I dare to say even for whole year it's possible for them to tell us how many LW updates we can expect and if any additional features are in the works. Those who claim it's impossible are basically calling anet incompetent, as they believe an AAA company sustaining a worldwide MMO has no idea what they are doing next week or month.

> > > >

> > > > I find it also cute how some people are already manipulated to believe that customers expecting developer to live up to promises are to blame here. No, we are not. Because there are cases where Anet literally promised and advertised certain features which never came to live or were changed in time without any compensation for customers.

> > > >

> > > > First of all, gen2 of legendary weapons - these are sold as HoT feature and still we're waiting for full release of them. There is no justification for this change, as these weapons were marketed during HoT conference and are still being sold as part of HoT even though the advertised product is still incomplete.

> > > >

> > > > Second, fractal leaderboards. They never happened.

> > > >

> > > > Third, devs provided false information about raid story being unrelated to main story of the game. Meanwhile first 3 raid wings were basically the reintroduction of WM and mursaat which as we know were crucial during LW season 3. Happily, they fixed this with wing 4 and 5 but it still leaves bad taste.

> > > >

> > > > ---

> > > >

> > > > tl;dr Anet won't make another post like the one OP linked. They have no idea how to handle the community and are afraid of being responsible for their words.

> > >

> > > Nobody is saying that it’s impossible for Anet to post their plans. Whether it is possible or not isn’t even part of the discussion.

> > >

> > > People treating everything as promises are to blame here. I dare say, based on your post, that you fall within that group. Exactly what did Anet promise that they did not live up to? Before replying, check up what a promise is. What did they take away that required compensation to players?

> > >

> > > Plans change and they clearly explained why fractal leaderboards wouldn’t happen. To be honest, there really wasn’t much point for them in the first place.

> > >

> > > It was explained why the second generation of legendaries did not come out all at once. They achieved a middle ground with the current method to obtain them through each LS update.

> > >

> > > They never stated that raid stories would not be related to the living story. This is false information being provided by you and others. What they said is that the raid stories would not be required for the living story. In other words, raid stories would not be the equivalent of an LS episode but more of a side story. If anything relevant from the raid stories were a part of the living story, they’d be incorporated within the episodes which was done in LS3.

> >

> > This whole "Anet says nothing because people will turn their plans into promises" is based on 1 thing. Literally 1 thing. It's because of 2013 precursor crafting blog post, which was indeed badly received by community.

> >

> > However I posted direct examples of things which anet advertised and didn't deliver. There is no misunderstanding here, this is false marketing.


> No, it’s based on more than that. I also don’t recall a full set ever being advertised as being released with HoT. In fact, I seem to remember that the HoT website prior to launch specifically stated that only three would be available and more would come later. Just because the “later” part is stretching beyond what some players like doesn’t equate to any sort of “promises” broken as no timeline was ever given.


> Other than fractal leaderboards, your other two examples were wrong. I addressed those in a previous post.


It depends on your definition of complete set. What as mentioned as being part of HoT were 16 legendaries. No water type weapons were included. These actually were promised as part of HoT and the devs have still not fulfilled that promise. However, they acknowledge this and are still working on it.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> We have a "road map," which in most businesses, is a high-level overview, not tied to specific dates. It is:

> * A new expansion, every 18-30 months. It will include new masteries and 9 new elite specs (one per profession), plus new maps.

> * A new Living World episode (or expansion) every 2-3 months. Each will include a new map.

> * 4 major & scheduled balance per year, additional minor (scheduled) balance updates per year

> * Scheduled Fractals & Raid updates will occur independently of the above, as content is ready and which they hope will be several times a year

> * The same festivals we know & love, with occasional updates to content & rewards.

> * Additional QoL changes to the game, usually included in the above scheduled updates.

> * Additional "Side Story" updates on an "as ready" basis.


> Additionally, @"Mike O Brien.4613" has said (more than once) that what's important is for ANet to deliver a quality game, not to talk about delivering a quality game.


> This is a deliberate strategy: they are sticking with a high-level overview, with brief overviews shortly before they launch. One can agree or disagree about whether it's sufficiently detailed to be effective in attracting new or retaining veteran players, but not about whether they've outlined their plans to us.


> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> We have a "road map," which in most businesses, is a high-level overview, not tied to specific dates. It is:

> * A new expansion, every 18-30 months. It will include new masteries and 9 new elite specs (one per profession), plus new maps.

> * A new Living World episode (or expansion) every 2-3 months. Each will include a new map.

> * 4 major & scheduled balance per year, additional minor (scheduled) balance updates per year

> * Scheduled Fractals & Raid updates will occur independently of the above, as content is ready and which they hope will be several times a year

> * The same festivals we know & love, with occasional updates to content & rewards.

> * Additional QoL changes to the game, usually included in the above scheduled updates.

> * Additional "Side Story" updates on an "as ready" basis.


> Additionally, @"Mike O Brien.4613" has said (more than once) that what's important is for ANet to deliver a quality game, not to talk about delivering a quality game.


> This is a deliberate strategy: they are sticking with a high-level overview, with brief overviews shortly before they launch. One can agree or disagree about whether it's sufficiently detailed to be effective in attracting new or retaining veteran players, but not about whether they've outlined their plans to us.


This right here.


We have an outline of what to expect. Sure specific dates and details are not included, but that is by necessity.

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> @"Faaris.8013" said:


> You gotta communicate things clearly and idiot-proof, it's almost never the reader who's at fault when communication went wrong.


There certainly are a lot of written communications in the world that are poorly expressed. However, there are a greater number of readers who read what they want to believe and ignore the rest. A stop sign is one of the simplest written communications going. Stop signs get ignored all the time. So do instructions about almost anything you can think about. This idiot-proofing of which you speak, it does not exist.


As to ANet communications, the most complaints about "broken promises" I've seen on the official forums came over the 2013 Looking Ahead blog.




The second-to-last paragraph includes, "As always, the content above is subject to change as we test and iterate on these systems." Even other posters pointing this out did not stem the tide of complaints about failure to deliver as promised. ANet could have put that sentence at the top of the blog, bold, surrounded by red, in a 30 font. Little to nothing would have changed. Maybe there would have been a few less complaints. Maybe not. Stop signs are clearly posted, bold, surrounded by red with very large letters.

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> @"WARIORSCHARGEING.2637" said:

> > @"ToPNoP.2493" said:

> > More pewpew, stronger scourge/mirage, more condi, death to wvw...


> oh heck no dude you can not do that at all !! that is not even being sporting

> we need more SALT !! in all game modes !!!


haha, you misunderstand. WvW is actually kinda good when its going. small groups gank, big crowds bash eachother to bits, and most classes have a use.

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> @"Einlanzer.1627" said:

> > @"Zohane.7208" said:

> > They used to be quite open with their plans, but unfortuantely people on the forum and elsewhere took stated intentions as promises and when they failed to be fulfilled - due to change of plans or delays due to problems or other - there were lots and lots of accusations of Anet lying to us" or "broken promises" or whatnot, and over time Anet most likely got tired of being yelled at in that manner so they stopped.

> > While I would have wanted more communication I can't say that I blame them; no one wants to be yelled at for having had good intentions.


> The whole "blame the players" argument doesn't hold any water. It's arenanet's responsibility to manage their own community. If, for example, the forums are toxic, it's ultimately on Arenanet for mismanagement of the game, the community, and/or their own communication. You cannot blame hundreds or thousands of individual players for this that are posting out of frustration to what appears to them to be negligence when they are paying customers who are emotionally invested in the game.


> Nobody expects all of their ideas to make it into the game. People expect to have a voice, and to be casually interacted with and made aware of what's going on with by people who are designing and developing the game (sorry, Gail). They also rightfully expect a reasonable cadence of updates, which is something we've only ever gotten with gem store items since LW1 (well, to be fair, LW3 did a decent job with supplemental content delivery), but there's way too much of a gem store emphasis right now with the laughably overpriced 2,000 gem skins getting released every few weeks in addition to all other kinds of monetization that will drive more players away than it will bring in revenue.


> The moment I became convinced that Colin needed to go was when he made a post basically shifting responsibility for this away from himself and toward players. But we're seeing the same thing unfolding no matter who is in charge, indicating that it's a corporate problem they have.


> Ultimately, Arenanet fearing the community enough that they don't regularly interact with us does not bode well for the future of the game.



I'm not sure that ArenaNet 'fears' interacting with the community, else why would they state there is upcoming 'AMA'-type forum interaction coming soon? Seems to already be somewhat instituted over in the PvP sub-forums, already.

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> @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> > @"Faaris.8013" said:

> >

> > You gotta communicate things clearly and idiot-proof, it's almost never the reader who's at fault when communication went wrong.


> There certainly are a lot of written communications in the world that are poorly expressed. However, there are a greater number of readers who read what they want to believe and ignore the rest. A stop sign is one of the simplest written communications going. Stop signs get ignored all the time. So do instructions about almost anything you can think about. This idiot-proofing of which you speak, it does not exist.


> As to ANet communications, the most complaints about "broken promises" I've seen on the official forums came over the 2013 Looking Ahead blog.


> https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/looking-ahead-guild-wars-2-in-2013/


> The second-to-last paragraph includes, "As always, the content above is subject to change as we test and iterate on these systems." Even other posters pointing this out did not stem the tide of complaints about failure to deliver as promised. ANet could have put that sentence at the top of the blog, bold, surrounded by red, in a 30 font. Little to nothing would have changed. Maybe there would have been a few less complaints. Maybe not. Stop signs are clearly posted, bold, surrounded by red with very large letters.


This blog is the only reason why anet stopped talking.


With HoT they went directly with bad advertising. They marketed things they hadn't completed at that time and so the effect were suspended legendaries, which they sold us and didn't deliver full set to this day.

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> Here’s a post that touches on why they don’t announce things far ahead of time any more (as well as other forum post issues)


> >Josh Foreman

> >**4. Please stop calling us liars when we fail to implement something we intended to months ago, but for some technical, balance, or other reason found it to be untenable. We can’t be very open about our plans if every word we say is taken as a contractual obligation. Imagine if every word you said to your friends were recorded and played back at the most inopportune time in order to make you look like a fool. You’d probably clam up pretty quickly. Making an MMO, especially one as experimental as GW2 requires… experimenting. Requires making plans, following through, finding dead ends, back-tracking and trying something else. Sometimes that means that we will state a clear goal, test it internally and find out it just won’t work. The idea that this means we don’t have a clear vision is wrong. There is a difference between a core vision for our design principles, and the implementation of specific systems. We are very clear about the mountain we want to scale, but whether we do it in 4×4, on foot, with a grappling hook, or a hot air balloon are all contingent on the terrain we discover as we progress.**


> (Emphasis mine).


> They no longer give overviews of what they’re working on so I guess they got tired of being called liars when things didn’t work out.


What he didn't say was that it wasn't really about them announcing plans and people then complaining those were abandoned. It was about them announcing plans and _never mentioning those plans got abandoned/delayed_. So, again, the cause was _Anet's_ bad communication. making that communication worse didn't improve things at all.



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> @"ToPNoP.2493" said:

> > @"WARIORSCHARGEING.2637" said:

> > > @"ToPNoP.2493" said:

> > > More pewpew, stronger scourge/mirage, more condi, death to wvw...

> >

> > oh heck no dude you can not do that at all !! that is not even being sporting

> > we need more SALT !! in all game modes !!!


> haha, you misunderstand. WvW is actually kinda good when its going. small groups gank, big crowds bash eachother to bits, and most classes have a use.


haha well then we must keep it all going fully !! and force them to make us all play it in 4K !! and more salt :p :p

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> @"DarcShriek.5829" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > > People are telling you that Anet is afraid of posting plans, because of past reactions. Well boohoo, they are grown ups, they have communication team, so they should know how to handle their community. But they don't, so they keep quiet. That's pathetic, but that's the reality.

> > > > >

> > > > > This is obvious they know what they are going to do in next few months, I dare to say even for whole year it's possible for them to tell us how many LW updates we can expect and if any additional features are in the works. Those who claim it's impossible are basically calling anet incompetent, as they believe an AAA company sustaining a worldwide MMO has no idea what they are doing next week or month.

> > > > >

> > > > > I find it also cute how some people are already manipulated to believe that customers expecting developer to live up to promises are to blame here. No, we are not. Because there are cases where Anet literally promised and advertised certain features which never came to live or were changed in time without any compensation for customers.

> > > > >

> > > > > First of all, gen2 of legendary weapons - these are sold as HoT feature and still we're waiting for full release of them. There is no justification for this change, as these weapons were marketed during HoT conference and are still being sold as part of HoT even though the advertised product is still incomplete.

> > > > >

> > > > > Second, fractal leaderboards. They never happened.

> > > > >

> > > > > Third, devs provided false information about raid story being unrelated to main story of the game. Meanwhile first 3 raid wings were basically the reintroduction of WM and mursaat which as we know were crucial during LW season 3. Happily, they fixed this with wing 4 and 5 but it still leaves bad taste.

> > > > >

> > > > > ---

> > > > >

> > > > > tl;dr Anet won't make another post like the one OP linked. They have no idea how to handle the community and are afraid of being responsible for their words.

> > > >

> > > > Nobody is saying that it’s impossible for Anet to post their plans. Whether it is possible or not isn’t even part of the discussion.

> > > >

> > > > People treating everything as promises are to blame here. I dare say, based on your post, that you fall within that group. Exactly what did Anet promise that they did not live up to? Before replying, check up what a promise is. What did they take away that required compensation to players?

> > > >

> > > > Plans change and they clearly explained why fractal leaderboards wouldn’t happen. To be honest, there really wasn’t much point for them in the first place.

> > > >

> > > > It was explained why the second generation of legendaries did not come out all at once. They achieved a middle ground with the current method to obtain them through each LS update.

> > > >

> > > > They never stated that raid stories would not be related to the living story. This is false information being provided by you and others. What they said is that the raid stories would not be required for the living story. In other words, raid stories would not be the equivalent of an LS episode but more of a side story. If anything relevant from the raid stories were a part of the living story, they’d be incorporated within the episodes which was done in LS3.

> > >

> > > This whole "Anet says nothing because people will turn their plans into promises" is based on 1 thing. Literally 1 thing. It's because of 2013 precursor crafting blog post, which was indeed badly received by community.

> > >

> > > However I posted direct examples of things which anet advertised and didn't deliver. There is no misunderstanding here, this is false marketing.

> >

> > No, it’s based on more than that. I also don’t recall a full set ever being advertised as being released with HoT. In fact, I seem to remember that the HoT website prior to launch specifically stated that only three would be available and more would come later. Just because the “later” part is stretching beyond what some players like doesn’t equate to any sort of “promises” broken as no timeline was ever given.

> >

> > Other than fractal leaderboards, your other two examples were wrong. I addressed those in a previous post.


> It depends on your definition of complete set. What as mentioned as being part of HoT were 16 legendaries. No water type weapons were included. These actually were promised as part of HoT and the devs have still not fulfilled that promise. However, they acknowledge this and are still working on it.


No, they were not just like I said.


“For now, I’ll say that we’ve been working hard on new legendary weapons, the first handful of which will be *introduced in Heart of Thorns*, with more to come in *subsequent updates*.”



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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"DarcShriek.5829" said:

> > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > > > People are telling you that Anet is afraid of posting plans, because of past reactions. Well boohoo, they are grown ups, they have communication team, so they should know how to handle their community. But they don't, so they keep quiet. That's pathetic, but that's the reality.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > This is obvious they know what they are going to do in next few months, I dare to say even for whole year it's possible for them to tell us how many LW updates we can expect and if any additional features are in the works. Those who claim it's impossible are basically calling anet incompetent, as they believe an AAA company sustaining a worldwide MMO has no idea what they are doing next week or month.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I find it also cute how some people are already manipulated to believe that customers expecting developer to live up to promises are to blame here. No, we are not. Because there are cases where Anet literally promised and advertised certain features which never came to live or were changed in time without any compensation for customers.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > First of all, gen2 of legendary weapons - these are sold as HoT feature and still we're waiting for full release of them. There is no justification for this change, as these weapons were marketed during HoT conference and are still being sold as part of HoT even though the advertised product is still incomplete.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Second, fractal leaderboards. They never happened.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Third, devs provided false information about raid story being unrelated to main story of the game. Meanwhile first 3 raid wings were basically the reintroduction of WM and mursaat which as we know were crucial during LW season 3. Happily, they fixed this with wing 4 and 5 but it still leaves bad taste.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > ---

> > > > > >

> > > > > > tl;dr Anet won't make another post like the one OP linked. They have no idea how to handle the community and are afraid of being responsible for their words.

> > > > >

> > > > > Nobody is saying that it’s impossible for Anet to post their plans. Whether it is possible or not isn’t even part of the discussion.

> > > > >

> > > > > People treating everything as promises are to blame here. I dare say, based on your post, that you fall within that group. Exactly what did Anet promise that they did not live up to? Before replying, check up what a promise is. What did they take away that required compensation to players?

> > > > >

> > > > > Plans change and they clearly explained why fractal leaderboards wouldn’t happen. To be honest, there really wasn’t much point for them in the first place.

> > > > >

> > > > > It was explained why the second generation of legendaries did not come out all at once. They achieved a middle ground with the current method to obtain them through each LS update.

> > > > >

> > > > > They never stated that raid stories would not be related to the living story. This is false information being provided by you and others. What they said is that the raid stories would not be required for the living story. In other words, raid stories would not be the equivalent of an LS episode but more of a side story. If anything relevant from the raid stories were a part of the living story, they’d be incorporated within the episodes which was done in LS3.

> > > >

> > > > This whole "Anet says nothing because people will turn their plans into promises" is based on 1 thing. Literally 1 thing. It's because of 2013 precursor crafting blog post, which was indeed badly received by community.

> > > >

> > > > However I posted direct examples of things which anet advertised and didn't deliver. There is no misunderstanding here, this is false marketing.

> > >

> > > No, it’s based on more than that. I also don’t recall a full set ever being advertised as being released with HoT. In fact, I seem to remember that the HoT website prior to launch specifically stated that only three would be available and more would come later. Just because the “later” part is stretching beyond what some players like doesn’t equate to any sort of “promises” broken as no timeline was ever given.

> > >

> > > Other than fractal leaderboards, your other two examples were wrong. I addressed those in a previous post.

> >

> > It depends on your definition of complete set. What as mentioned as being part of HoT were 16 legendaries. No water type weapons were included. These actually were promised as part of HoT and the devs have still not fulfilled that promise. However, they acknowledge this and are still working on it.


> No, they were not just like I said.


> “For now, I’ll say that we’ve been working hard on new legendary weapons, the first handful of which will be *introduced in Heart of Thorns*, with more to come in *subsequent updates*.”


> https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/a-legendary-journey/


Explain this:


"we will be releasing new legendary weapons in small groups at regular intervals until the full set of sixteen has been added to the game."



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> @"DarcShriek.5829" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > @"DarcShriek.5829" said:

> > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > > > > People are telling you that Anet is afraid of posting plans, because of past reactions. Well boohoo, they are grown ups, they have communication team, so they should know how to handle their community. But they don't, so they keep quiet. That's pathetic, but that's the reality.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > This is obvious they know what they are going to do in next few months, I dare to say even for whole year it's possible for them to tell us how many LW updates we can expect and if any additional features are in the works. Those who claim it's impossible are basically calling anet incompetent, as they believe an AAA company sustaining a worldwide MMO has no idea what they are doing next week or month.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > I find it also cute how some people are already manipulated to believe that customers expecting developer to live up to promises are to blame here. No, we are not. Because there are cases where Anet literally promised and advertised certain features which never came to live or were changed in time without any compensation for customers.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > First of all, gen2 of legendary weapons - these are sold as HoT feature and still we're waiting for full release of them. There is no justification for this change, as these weapons were marketed during HoT conference and are still being sold as part of HoT even though the advertised product is still incomplete.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Second, fractal leaderboards. They never happened.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Third, devs provided false information about raid story being unrelated to main story of the game. Meanwhile first 3 raid wings were basically the reintroduction of WM and mursaat which as we know were crucial during LW season 3. Happily, they fixed this with wing 4 and 5 but it still leaves bad taste.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > ---

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > tl;dr Anet won't make another post like the one OP linked. They have no idea how to handle the community and are afraid of being responsible for their words.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Nobody is saying that it’s impossible for Anet to post their plans. Whether it is possible or not isn’t even part of the discussion.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > People treating everything as promises are to blame here. I dare say, based on your post, that you fall within that group. Exactly what did Anet promise that they did not live up to? Before replying, check up what a promise is. What did they take away that required compensation to players?

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Plans change and they clearly explained why fractal leaderboards wouldn’t happen. To be honest, there really wasn’t much point for them in the first place.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > It was explained why the second generation of legendaries did not come out all at once. They achieved a middle ground with the current method to obtain them through each LS update.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > They never stated that raid stories would not be related to the living story. This is false information being provided by you and others. What they said is that the raid stories would not be required for the living story. In other words, raid stories would not be the equivalent of an LS episode but more of a side story. If anything relevant from the raid stories were a part of the living story, they’d be incorporated within the episodes which was done in LS3.

> > > > >

> > > > > This whole "Anet says nothing because people will turn their plans into promises" is based on 1 thing. Literally 1 thing. It's because of 2013 precursor crafting blog post, which was indeed badly received by community.

> > > > >

> > > > > However I posted direct examples of things which anet advertised and didn't deliver. There is no misunderstanding here, this is false marketing.

> > > >

> > > > No, it’s based on more than that. I also don’t recall a full set ever being advertised as being released with HoT. In fact, I seem to remember that the HoT website prior to launch specifically stated that only three would be available and more would come later. Just because the “later” part is stretching beyond what some players like doesn’t equate to any sort of “promises” broken as no timeline was ever given.

> > > >

> > > > Other than fractal leaderboards, your other two examples were wrong. I addressed those in a previous post.

> > >

> > > It depends on your definition of complete set. What as mentioned as being part of HoT were 16 legendaries. No water type weapons were included. These actually were promised as part of HoT and the devs have still not fulfilled that promise. However, they acknowledge this and are still working on it.

> >

> > No, they were not just like I said.

> >

> > “For now, I’ll say that we’ve been working hard on new legendary weapons, the first handful of which will be *introduced in Heart of Thorns*, with more to come in *subsequent updates*.”

> >

> > https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/a-legendary-journey/


> Explain this:


> "we will be releasing new legendary weapons in small groups at regular intervals until the full set of sixteen has been added to the game."


> https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/hot-new-legendary-weapons/


Exactly what are you trying to argue? I stated that not all of them would be released at launch of HoT, you refuted it, I provided a source, and you refute my post by simply regurgitating it.

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