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A super deformed mount skin pack

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Umm ... what do you mean by super deformed? Twisted out of true like that horrible fleshy weapon thing? Legs on backward? Hunchbacked with nose digging into the dirt? For the record, any of those would be a "Hell No" from me and your poll does not have a strong negative option.

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When I voted I didn't realise it was an anime, it's not one I've ever heard of. I thought you meant either ones with limbs in odd places and maybe bending in the wrong directions, or something really extreme like the [Mini Failed Attempt](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mini_Failed_Attempt "Mini Failed Attempt").


But knowing it's an anime (and having googled it, because the links you gave wouldn't load for me) my answer would still be no. I don't mind chibi style, in the right setting, and I think it could be done in a way that wouldn't look completely out of place, but I don't think I'd buy them.

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> @"Kalli.4506" said:

> > @"Cuddy.6247" said:

> > I think a sillier mount pack that fit better in this game would be pixelated SAB mounts. Chibi stuff would just be unnecessary.


> Oh SAB mounts would be really cute!


Definitely! And they could totally come up with an in-game explanation for them. Have some cute little tag on them about how Gnashblade commissioned them from Moto. Some people like to complain but it's something that actually fits in Tyria.

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