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No, means no. (squad invites)

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I don't think the op is using a commander tag, they're talking about repeatedly being invited to join a squad (squad invites not squad join requests).


To answer the question, there is no way to turn off invites that I know of.


Edit: I thought that if you're already in a squad or party you don't get invites though. I might have imagined that (or its possible I'm getting GW2 mixed up with another game).

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Perhaps, it is not 'that one guy'. Perhaps, they are invites from different squad members. /shrug


Might you disable some part of chat whilst completing the event/until the squad or you move on? Then, you would not see the invites if that is possible.


Good luck.


Oh, my bad. They are like party invites, I see. Well, then, as stated below, probably decline once, and then ignore; or, if it is that bothersome, change maps or come back later?

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I don't think there is a way to disable them.


If someone tries to get me to join a squad or party I don't want to be in I refuse the 1st time and the 2nd time I just ignore it. It's annoying because it leaves the invite up on the screen but it means they can't keep re-sending it, and it actually seems to get the message across more effectively than rejecting it.


And before anyone says anything I'm talking about times when I'm just roaming around the open-world not doing meta-events or world bosses or anything else that needs a squad and someone invites me totally out of the blue without saying a word to me about what they're doing or what they expect me to do as part of this group. I tend to assume they're used to games where you get bonuses if you're in a party with people on the same map and want to party up then carry on doing map completion, but whatever they case I don't want to participate so I refuse/ignore them. If it's a group activity then I often appreciate the invite rather than trying to click the commander.

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> @"Pifil.5193" said:

> I don't think the op is using a commander tag, they're talking about repeatedly being invited to join a squad (squad invites not squad join requests).


> To answer the question, there is no way to turn off invites that I know of.


Sounded the opposite to me. He doesn't want to join/lead a squad, just roam with a friend. Not sure if it is like this now but at one point if you tried to join too many parties there would be a timeout before you could join another one. Maybe it could be the same with squad invites, after you click decline give a timeout which nobody in that squad can invite you for.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> I don't think there is a way to disable them.


> If someone tries to get me to join a squad or party I don't want to be in I refuse the 1st time and the 2nd time I just ignore it. It's annoying because it leaves the invite up on the screen but it means they can't keep re-sending it, and it actually seems to get the message across more effectively than rejecting it.


> And before anyone says anything I'm talking about times when I'm just roaming around the open-world not doing meta-events or world bosses or anything else that needs a squad and someone invites me totally out of the blue without saying a word to me about what they're doing or what they expect me to do as part of this group. I tend to assume they're used to games where you get bonuses if you're in a party with people on the same map and want to party up then carry on doing map completion, but whatever they case I don't want to participate so I refuse/ignore them. If it's a group activity then I often appreciate the invite rather than trying to click the commander.


There shouldn't be a way to disable em, since we are talking about a MMO.

But a way to make them less invasive could be appreciated:


* An option to remove the invite sound

* Custom UI would allow you to move the popup somewhere else


I mean, i don't really like to move toward self centered features, but i also i don't really like invasive pop up and messages.

And because GW2 ui can't be modified, i am forced to see many things i wouldn't like to see


* Achievements

* Loot

* Avaible Dailies/Story/Events ( i should be able to stick only what i would like to see ).

* And so on ( also the sound from invite and the request on the left is something i don't really like ).

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> @"Shirlias.8104" said:

> > @"Pifil.5193" said:

> > I don't think the op is using a commander tag, they're talking about repeatedly being invited to join a squad (squad invites not squad join requests).


> Oh my bad then sephi.


what he said :heart:


It would be nice to disable them, move them elsewhere, anything really to stop the spam.


> @"Dreamy Lu.3865" said:

> If we block the guy, he can no more invite us? I am not 100% sure.


I will try this idea, I know you can invite blocked players to party (or used to be able too, not sure if this was ever fixed) but hopefully it applies to squad invites.

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

> > > @"Pifil.5193" said:

> > > I don't think the op is using a commander tag, they're talking about repeatedly being invited to join a squad (squad invites not squad join requests).

> >

> > Oh my bad then sephi.


> What?


> Did you guys read or just trolling ?


Mostly trolling, but this time I misunderstood squad invites with squad join requests ( as Pifil said in his post ).

That's why i corrected myself.


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> @"Shirlias.8104" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

> > > > @"Pifil.5193" said:

> > > > I don't think the op is using a commander tag, they're talking about repeatedly being invited to join a squad (squad invites not squad join requests).

> > >

> > > Oh my bad then sephi.

> >

> > What?

> >

> > Did you guys read or just trolling ?


> Mostly trolling, but this time I misunderstood squad invites with squad join requests ( as Pifil said in his post ).

> That's why i corrected myself.



Yea I actually misread too and edited my post, refreshed and found yours lol

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> @"Shirlias.8104" said:

> Pretending to use the commander tag in order to roam with another player is kinda selfish.


How is this selfish? You earn and pay for a tag, you can wear it however and whenever you like really. Block from joining or what have you, it's the tag wearers prerogative. Ignore and block pushy "join squad" invites you get as well.

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> @"Tasida.4085" said:

> > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

> > Pretending to use the commander tag in order to roam with another player is kinda selfish.


> How is this selfish? You earn and pay for a tag, you can wear it however and whenever you like really. Block from joining or what have you, it's the tag wearers prerogative. Ignore and block pushy "join squad" invites you get as well.


The commander tag is something meant to lead a group.

Is not meant to be used with a friend solo or a party of 5 players.

If you have bought it for petty reasons as those you said


> You earn and pay for a tag, you can wear it however and whenever you like really


you are definitely wrong.


* During PvE, players will follow you because they think you are doing events, hp and so on.

* During WvW players will follow you because they thinjk you are leading a squad.


Why would you take the tag on if not to play with a large group?


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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"Shirlias.8104" said:


> > Why would you take the tag on if not to play with a large group?

> >

> Maybe because they don't want to play the game the way that you think it should be played?



As said before, the Tag was given to us in order to semplify tasks and provvide better coordinati on.


You don't give a cat about the other players?

Your choice.

But don't pretend to be right.

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> @"Shirlias.8104" said:

> > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

> >

> > > Why would you take the tag on if not to play with a large group?

> > >

> > Maybe because they don't want to play the game the way that you think it should be played?

> >


> As said before, the Tag was given to us in order to semplify tasks and provvide better coordinati on.


> You don't give a cat about the other players?

> Your choice.

> But don't pretend to be right.


I got my tag at the start of GW2 and I wear it when and where I feel like tbh and yes I sometimes block people from joining. When you pay for the tags for others then you can have a say what's right and what's wrong with wearing them. So apparently friend you're not correct either ijs. Again OP just block if people get too aggravating with join squad etc.

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> running around with a friend and that one guy keeps spamming you with squad invites, won't take no for an answer so my question is how to disable them entirely?


It's almost never 'one guy'. Regardless of who in the squad sends the invite, the same name will always show up as the inviter (usually the commander). So if there are 20 people in the squad and 5 people keep trying to invite stragglers, then you might get 25 invites in 25 minutes, even if each inviter is only checking every 5 minutes.


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> @"Mea.5491" said:

> I always see people complaining about this, does this really happen often? Because this literally never happens to me. I'm an open world meta event farmer who joins squads willingly BUT I **never** get random invites when I do random stuff like exploring.


It doesn't happen that often, maybe once a month or so for me. It's usually people inviting me to parties rather than squads and usually on low level maps. The typical pattern is that I'll be running around doing whatever and join in with an event which a few other people are doing. During or shortly after the event I'll get a party invite from someone I don't recognise. I'll check map chat, say chat and whispers and see absolutely nothing about anyone asking if I want to join a group or what I'm doing or attempting to communicate in any way. So I reject it. Sometimes that's the end of it, sometimes the same invite comes up again.


When I've asked why they're inviting me it's usually:

1. They're an experienced player, they think I'm new and want to show me around.

2. They're new and think I'm an experienced player and want me to show them around.

3. They think GW2 gives XP/gold bonuses for playing in a party like some other games do. In those games it's pretty standard to party up with anyone on the same map to get the bonus and they're trying to do the same here.


If it's 1 then it's a waste of both our time, if it's 2 then chances are I don't have time to do a decent job of showing them around or I'd already have offered to do that in map chat and if it's 3 then it's completely pointless. Especially since there's no guarantee I'm going to stay on that map more than a couple of minutes. (And regardless of the reason I'd really prefer them to at least attempt to communicate first instead of expecting me to psychically know what they expect from me.)


It happens sometimes with squads too, but then it's usually for an obvious reason. Like I'm doing map completion and the Ley Line Anomaly or a Bloodstone monster or something appears nearby, a squad forms and they assume I'm there for the event and try to get me to join. If I've decided to join in then I'll join, if not I'll reject the invite. (Or join, post in squad chat that I'm not doing the event and then leave again.)

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