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Shared Gathering Tool Upgrade

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> @"Mighty Cole.7849" said:

> For people that only have one set of unlimited gathering tools, they have to unequip and re-equip every single time they swap characters. All I was proposing was a way for people to equip their unlimited gathering tools once and never having to worry about them again regardless of what character they were on.


> > @"artemis.6781" said:

> > Or simply right click, unequip, place in shared slot, swap character. Boom. You're done. Took what 7 seconds?


> I agree. Your method works and doesn't take very long as you've pointed out. However, if I were given an option where I'd never have to unequip and re-equip my tools (just swap characters and continue playing), I'd pay for that.


would you pay 3k gems for every characters slot over 1 and additionla 3k for every new slot you open up since thats the convenience you ask for?


So basicly you would either outfit all your characters in infinite tools or buy said slots.

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> would you pay 3k gems for every characters slot over 1 and additionla 3k for every new slot you open up since thats the convenience you ask for?


No. I would pay 700 gems each to convert my non-shared gathering slots in to shared gathering slots. 2100 gems total for all 3. I feel this is a fair price considering Shared Inventory Slots are 700 gems and it practically has the same purpose.


> @"Linken.6345" said:

> So basicly you would either outfit all your characters in infinite tools or buy said slots.


I have 9 characters and can't afford 27k gems (3k x 9) to outfit every character with infinite tools. However, I could buy 3k gems worth of Unlimited Gathering tools at 1k gems apiece and 2.1k gems worth of upgrades at 700 gems apiece.


I'm saying, I would like Anet to create a new Shared Foraging slot upgrade, Shared Logging slot upgrade and Shared Mining slot upgrade. Purchasing these upgrades will "SHARE" the gathering tool slots across every character on your account. Thereby, equipping a gathering tool (i.e. Sickle, Axe, or Mining Pick) from any character will make that tool equipped across every character that you log in to. If you do not want your gathering slots shared, simply DO NOT buy the upgrade. As for the price, I would expect it to be roughly the same as a Shared Inventory Slots (700 gems per upgrade).


> @"Kal Spiro.9745" said:

> Can we all just assume this won't be a thing and move on?


Totally agree :)

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There are quite a few that actually buy separate sets to go with the char they make. For quite a few it's the char that decides which set of tools fit the look they want so they do buy multiple sets.

I have 2 sets myself that I do at times switch on using. It takes no time to put them into the maxed amount of shared slots I already have to go from char to char with the tools I wish to use.

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I'd also like a 'shared gathering tool slot'. I'm not going to be a set of tools for every character, but would be willing to pay some amount of gems for shared tool slots. Adding such slots effectively gives me that many more shared inventory slots (as I'm not using it to store tools). And while switching tools is easy, it requires that I remember to do it everytime I log on/off, which I tend to forget (the character that harvest my home instance & guildhall is different than the one doing active adventuring, for example). So more often than not, I forget to unequip, and spend another minute logging into the PvE character, unequipping there, then logging into the farm character, equipping there. In this case, the logins take longer than the unequip/equip process.


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Once upon a time I would have said "They won't do this", but... A shared slot with a Copper Fed salvage kit is possible now. Possible, and some people consider it an almost essential upgrade to an account. It can be used directly from the shared slot, so there's no need to move it around. Basically, it's the salvage kit version of what's being asked for here.


IF they did this, I'd want to see it as three new slots that are used if the character doesn't have anything in the personal slots already. I'm not sure how any version of this would work with normal gathering tools, though, as they have level restrictions. With all the home nodes and such we can access now, though, maybe it's time for those restrictions to go away.

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Here's how I think it should work. They should add 3 Account based gathering tool slots in the UI right next to where the current ones are. There would be a "swap" button" like most professions have for swapping weapons. On each toon you can select if they are using the tools in the account slots or the char's slots. Any tools, not jut unlimited ones, can be placed in the account tool slots. If a toon doesn't meet the level requirements for any tool in the account slots then they can't select the account slots. If you don't have unlimited tools you can still use the account slots for a spare set or regular tools or for karma tools or frostbitten tools, etc.


Swapping through shared inventory slots works but has various flaws. First, it depends on remembering to swap every time you log off any character. I don't always remember. It ties up 3 shared slots. Sometimes I swap my unlimited tools into shared slots and then end up logging in to the same toon next time so while it's doesn't take long it still feels like wasted effort that has to be done just in case.

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> @"Mighty Cole.7849" said:

> > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > would you pay 3k gems for every characters slot over 1 and additionla 3k for every new slot you open up since thats the convenience you ask for?


> No. I would pay 700 gems each to convert my non-shared gathering slots in to shared gathering slots. 2100 gems total for all 3. I feel this is a fair price considering Shared Inventory Slots are 700 gems and it practically has the same purpose.


> > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > So basicly you would either outfit all your characters in infinite tools or buy said slots.


> I have 9 characters and can't afford 27k gems (3k x 9) to outfit every character with infinite tools. However, I could buy 3k gems worth of Unlimited Gathering tools at 1k gems apiece and 2.1k gems worth of upgrades at 700 gems apiece.


> I'm saying, I would like Anet to create a new Shared Foraging slot upgrade, Shared Logging slot upgrade and Shared Mining slot upgrade. Purchasing these upgrades will "SHARE" the gathering tool slots across every character on your account. Thereby, equipping a gathering tool (i.e. Sickle, Axe, or Mining Pick) from any character will make that tool equipped across every character that you log in to. If you do not want your gathering slots shared, simply DO NOT buy the upgrade. As for the price, I would expect it to be roughly the same as a Shared Inventory Slots (700 gems per upgrade).


> > @"Kal Spiro.9745" said:

> > Can we all just assume this won't be a thing and move on?


> Totally agree :)


As others have posted you can already do this by having normal sickle, axe and pick on all your toons then unlimited ones in 3 shared slots.

Dubble clicking when you log on and off is all thats needed.

You however want it even easier then that and that would cut into anet profit since they can sell extra tools to the ones who want it that easy now.


Sorry to say this if you want it that easy you can buy more tools, you say you cant.

Then spend the gems to get 3 account wide slots and use that to share your 1 set of unlimited tools then mate.

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> You however want it even easier then that and that would cut into anet profit since they can sell extra tools to the ones who want it that easy now.


And yet, that's just what they did with the unlimited salvage kits and shared slots.


What it really comes down to is "Will it make them enough money to be worth the effort to do it, and will it harm the game?" So if you want it, show support for the idea, even if you think it's unlikely. It doesn't hurt to toss them the idea and have someone look into it.


(Just realize that if they do put it in, it may be very expensive.)

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> @"Palador.2170" said:

> > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > You however want it even easier then that and that would cut into anet profit since they can sell extra tools to the ones who want it that easy now.

> >

> And yet, that's just what they did with the unlimited salvage kits and shared slots.


> What it really comes down to is "Will it make them enough money to be worth the effort to do it, and will it harm the game?" So if you want it, show support for the idea, even if you think it's unlikely. It doesn't hurt to toss them the idea and have someone look into it.


> (Just realize that if they do put it in, it may be very expensive.)


You can already do the same with infinite tools aswell you have them in shared slots then just dubble tap them when you login to the game and when you log out.

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> @"Linken.6345" said:


> You can already do the same with infinite tools aswell you have them in shared slots then just dubble tap them when you login to the game and when you log out.


Yes. And I'm sure a lot of people do that already.


And for those people, ANet's not likely to sell any more of the tools. Those players have decided it's worth the hassle to swap, so one set is really all they need. But maybe they're willing to pay a bit more to avoid that little bit of clicking? To free up those three shared inventory slots? There may be a chance to profit here.

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