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Professions that kill the enjoyment for me...


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Disclaimer: I am by no means what you hip people call a "pro", however i`m not a drooling idiot either. I'm mainly a thief somewhere in between. But there are 3 professions that should not exist imo, at least not in spvp:


Number 1: Mesmer. A good mesmer can kill 3 people and hunker down on a point with relative ease while the rest of the team will make short work of the remaining opponents. I mean conditions out the wazoo, clones, evades and to add insult to injury - stealth. In a competitive game you should never be able to win in an outnumbered scenario. Idk what is the reasoning behind concocting an untouchable class that let`s npcs do most of the dmg...


Number 2: Engineer. I admit that I know zero about this class and its specializations. But a scrapper, according to the one only vid I could stomach to watch, has moa on top of healing, invulnerability and good sustain. And the friggin` hammer hurts. The player i saw, HappyNo - check out his channel, managed to keep a point while chain killing 3 people. And the other specialization is even tougher. I personally lost 2 matches, only unranked but still, because the opponents had an engi who knew what he was doing. He was the only one racking up kills.


Last but not least: Necromancer. No not scourge. Surprisingly pound per pound i have a chance vs scourges. But core necros with their death shrouds are basically 2 v 1 for me. Sure I can disengage to force their life force bar too dwindle down but this is a capture game which means if i leave I basically failed my team. As for reaper shroud no comment. The dps the reaper form can dish out is out of this world.


There you have it, my compendium of QQ, hope you enjoyed my anguish.



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The solution to most of your problems will be 1) spend some time in a dueling server practicing against those classes to clean your mechanics up a little bit more so the matchup feels more comfortable and 2) play s/d because it kills those builds easily


You can also, if you are dedicated enough to trying to get better, play those classes/builds giving you trouble to figure out how they work and what their weaknesses are. After that, you will notice fighting those classes becomes much easier as you know when to use specific cd's and you get a feel for what they have available to them to handle your bursts and such.

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> @"Razor.6392" said:

> thief struggling against the 3 core necros playing pvp lmao


Idk what game you're playing but core necro is pretty popular, and still going strong. The most unpopular necro variation is, you guessed it, scourge. Why is that, you ask? Because it takes a hell of a lot more skill to play a profession that doesn't have the safety net of a second health bar. Almost all the scourges I faced lost all their 1 v 1 either with me or with my team mates. Granted I lost to some too, but those are the good players not the idiots shade on point spamming garden variety necros. As for me struggling against core necro: like i said i struggle to keep the point, it doesn`t take a genius to stealth up and return after they used their shroud, but at that point I lost the objective and my opponent has reinforcements.

I feel like I spent enough time justifying myself to a manchild like yourself who trolls the forum leaving snotty one liners.

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> @"emblack.3754" said:

> > @"Razor.6392" said:

> > thief struggling against the 3 core necros playing pvp lmao


> Idk what game youre playing but core necro is pretty popular, and still going strong. **The most unpopular necro variation is, you guessed it, scourge**. Why is that, you ask? Because **it takes a hell of a lot more skill to play a profession that doesnt have the safety net of a second health bar**. Almost all the scourges I faced lost all their 1 v 1 either with me or with my team mates. Granted I lost to some too, but those are the good players not the idiots shade on point spamming garden variety necros. As for **me struggling against core necro**: like i said i struggle to keep the point, it doesn`t take a genius to stealth up and return after they used their shroud, but at that point I lost the objective and my opponent has reinforcements.

> I feel like I spent enough time justifying myself to a manchild like yourself who trolls the forum leaving snotty one liners.


I'm honestly baffled at this post. I want to believe you're trolling but at this point I'm not sure.


Carry on and good luck reaching silver one day.

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> @"Razor.6392" said:

> I'm honestly baffled at this post. I want to believe you're trolling but at this point I'm not sure.


> Carry on and good luck reaching silver one day.


If you're baffled by the fact that there are more shrouded necros (core and reapers) than scourges then good luck with your rabbit games and/or wintrading. Either way i smell some self aggrandizing BS coming from, what I suspect, is a forum warrior. My suspicion is also based on how quickly you picked up the gauntlet to put the poor noob thief in his place. It's as almost as you're on the forums 24/7.

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> @"emblack.3754" said:

> > @"Razor.6392" said:

> > I'm honestly baffled at this post. I want to believe you're trolling but at this point I'm not sure.

> >

> > Carry on and good luck reaching silver one day.


> If you're baffled by the fact that there are more shrouded necros (core and reapers) than scourges then good luck with your rabbit games and/or wintrading. Either way i smell some self aggrandizing BS coming from, what I suspect, is a forum warrior. My suspicion is also based on how quickly you picked up the gauntlet to put the poor noob thief in his place. It's as almost as you're on the forums 24/7.


While it is pretty bad for thiefs nowadays, most of the original post was wrong. No one plays core necro. Repear is on the low end of viability. Same for scrapper.


And no Mesmer can 3v1 anything. There is a reason why you do not see Mesmer in the middle of team fights.

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> @"otto.5684" said:

> While it is pretty bad for thiefs nowadays, most of the original post was wrong. No one plays core necro. Repear is on the low end of viability. Same for scrapper.


> And no Mesmer can 3v1 anything. There is a reason why you do not see Mesmer in the middle of team fights.


Idk if i'm unlucky. I spend most of my time in unranked to acquire enough skill for ranked. I don`t want to drag a team down. So believe me when I say that in unranked 2 out of 3 games has a core necro or a reaper. And most of the time they do good work. Sure, factor in my inexperience and that's that. But they manage to down even my team mates. We can't all be bad. I thank the stars if they are scourges.

Scrappers are rare, thank the gods, but when I get one in the enemy team they pull their weight.

As for the mesmer 1v3-ing, I didn't pull that out of my kitten. He downed 2 people at a time and immediately another guy who came to reinforce. Again he could have been plat, for all we know, who got bored and tried an unranked.

I'm not a troll nor a liar, unranked sometimes is a very strange animal.


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> @"Vallun.2071" said:

> - Not a drooling idiot

> - Watches Happy No for meta advice

> - Is low enough rating that scourge is considered OUT OF META



Hey hey hey! Say what you will about me but leave Happy No alone * starts crying * Besides if he`s so bad then scrapper is truly op in spvp given that such a bad player managed to perform so good. smh

As for the meta, well i don`t really care about the meta. If i were a plat player i would have stated that, "problematic professions in META". I`m willing to bet my last copper that the most successful necros in ranked are in fact not scourges. In fact I believe that the ugh... meta (i hate this word) is condi reaper. Mindblowing I know.

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> @"emblack.3754" said:

> > @"otto.5684" said:

> > While it is pretty bad for thiefs nowadays, most of the original post was wrong. No one plays core necro. Repear is on the low end of viability. Same for scrapper.

> >

> > And no Mesmer can 3v1 anything. There is a reason why you do not see Mesmer in the middle of team fights.


> Idk if i`m unlucky. I spend most of my time in unranked to acquire enough skill for ranked. I don`t want to drag a team down. So believe me when I say that in unranked 2 out of 3 games has a core necro or a reaper. And most of the time they do good work. Sure, factor in my inexperience and that`s that. But they manage to down even my team mates. We can`t all be bad. I thank the stars if they are scourges.

> Scrappers are rare, thank the gods, but when I get one in the enemy team they pull their weight.

> As for the mesmer 1v3-ing, I didn`t pull that out of my kitten. He downed 2 people at a time and immediately another guy who came to reinforce. Again he could have been plat, for all we know, who got bored and tried an unranked.

> I`m not a troll nor a liar, unranked sometimes is a very strange animal.



Just yesterday I downed 2 mesmers, mirage and chrono, then right after defeated a fresh air weaver with a core guardian. Is core guardian over powered now? I think you are mixing skill level with class viability. One thing as well, most people who play under performing builds, typically have experience. They are more likely to be on the higher end of the skill curve. That does not mean that specific build is strong. It is not likely to see a bad reaper or scrapper, cuz no one plays these elites unless they know what they are doing.


Thief is currently at the lowest viability I have seen in a while. It is not a new player friendly either, so it kinda limit your options. Also, thief is a terrible solo fighter, unless you are really good.



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All these day i checking peoples post about classes !

In my experience Engi is op like it or not! Dps so strong and fast that if u have lag for 1-2 sec u die! Yes yes can tell me many storys how to avoid this do that if u have a lag spike no chance! Thief sniper in close compact easy to die but from far is a troll killer ! About necros cannot say much. Some of them were too powerful some not . This maybe depends from players skill. But engi and thief doesn't matter noob or pro he kill u like a joke.

Mesmers not easy to say too some of them are normal some their look too strong depends from players skill i guess but with them at least u have a chance to flee or fight.

matchmaking is a huge problem also nothing fixed!

In this season for example i had 7-3 wins on placement after that i manage to be plat as usual and then 12 looses in a row in different days.

And before u accuse me as noob i will remind u i have 4 accounts. The other 3 accounts are behave normal 2-3 wins 1 defeat.

I said that before and i will say again sometimes Anet give's me the impression that target an account and says no more wins for u for this week or day or any other time session .

The last 4 years with these accounts i observe the behavior of the game. The last good time was on last patch before HoF after that the game is @@@@.

2 of theses accounts are core and can be plat.

Something is broken Anet. The reason that many players keep play and only complain is that u have no opponent right now . If this happens pvp will be very small community.

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> @"emblack.3754" said:

> Disclaimer: I am by no means what you hip people call a "pro", however i`m not a drooling idiot either. I`m mainly a thief somewhere in between. But there are 3 professions that should not exist imo, at least not in spvp:


> Number 1: Mesmer. A good mesmer can kill 3 people and hunker down on a point with relative ease while the rest of the team will make short work of the remaining opponents. I mean conditions out the wazoo, clones, evades and to add insult to injury - stealth. In a competitive game you should never be able to win in an outnumbered scenario. Idk what is the reasoning behind concocting an untouchable class that let`s npcs do most of the dmg...


> Number 2: Engineer. I admit that I know zero about this class and its specializations. But a scrapper, according to the one only vid I could stomach to watch, has moa on top of healing, invulnerability and good sustain. And the friggin` hammer hurts. The player i saw, HappyNo - check out his channel, managed to keep a point while chain killing 3 people. And the other specialization is even tougher. I personally lost 2 matches, only unranked but still, because the opponents had an engi who knew what he was doing. He was the only one racking up kills.


> Last but not least: Necromancer. No not scourge. Surprisingly pound per pound i have a chance vs scourges. But core necros with their death shrouds are basically 2 v 1 for me. Sure I can disengage to force their life force bar too dwindle down but this is a capture game which means if i leave I basically failed my team. As for reaper shroud no comment. The dps the reaper form can dish out is out of this world.


> There you have it, my compendium of QQ, hope you enjoyed my anguish.




Lol @ #2


Engineers have always been a thorn in thieves sides. Only some of the better thieves can counter them effectively (assuming perfect timing and situation). There are some relatively well-established rock-paper-scissors matchups of the classes, and you happened to find one of them:


* Necro beats engineer (generally)

* Engineer beats thief (generally)

* Thief beats necro (generally)


This rock-paper-scissors dynamic has existed since launch, and it's still around. It's observable in other classes, but I don't play them as often either. If I had to hazard a guess, I think Rangers/Guardians/Mesmers have another rock-paper-scissors dynamic.

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> @"emblack.3754" said:

> > @"Vallun.2071" said:

> > - Not a drooling idiot

> > - Watches Happy No for meta advice

> > - Is low enough rating that scourge is considered OUT OF META



> Hey hey hey! Say what you will about me but leave Happy No alone * starts crying * Besides if he`s so bad then scrapper is truly op in spvp given that such a bad player managed to perform so good. smh

> As for the meta, well i don`t really care about the meta. If i were a plat player i would have stated that, "problematic professions in META". I`m willing to bet my last copper that the most successful necros in ranked are in fact not scourges. In fact I believe that the ugh... meta (i hate this word) is condi reaper. Mindblowing I know.


Vallun is a top player, I've faced him a few times and he's been on top 20.


He might have thought you were referring to high end ranked matches with your OP which is why he came off as a bit of a jerk but from what I can see (and the reason I refuse to climb higher than gold) is the higher you go, the more META builds become a necessary... Every nec is a scourge, Every guardian is a firebrand, every engineer is a holo and every mesmer is a Mirage.


This other guy might do extremely well on scrapper in his tier, but when I'm low end matches I can do extremely well on sage trapper druid. (which is why I love mid/high gold matches, can literally be successful on any class/build)

![](https://i.imgur.com/pxClUFE.jpg "")



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> @"shippage.1983" said:

> Sounds like you really shouldn't be playing Thief then. Thief wins most of these matchups, except condi Mirage which you should stay away from.


Strange, most people tell me engi is also a strong counter. As for necro, people really need to read my post: i`m not dying to them i`m losing the point in spvp. And all the spvp vids of the acclaimed thieves use the same "tactic": turn tail and run while shroud is up and return to finish the job. That`s it. There`s no miraculous wombo combo i`m too unskilled to perform... Do that in spvp and that means it`s gg for the enemy team: they get more points and enough time for reinforcements.

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> @"emblack.3754" said:

> > @"shippage.1983" said:

> > Sounds like you really shouldn't be playing Thief then. Thief wins most of these matchups, except condi Mirage which you should stay away from.


> Strange, most people tell me engi is also a strong counter. As for necro, people really need to read my post: i`m not dying to them i`m losing the point in spvp. And all the spvp vids of the acclaimed thieves use the same "tactic": turn tail and run while shroud is up and return to finish the job. That`s it. There`s no miraculous wombo combo i`m too unskilled to perform... Do that in spvp and that means it`s gg for the enemy team: they get more points and enough time for reinforcements.


I'm just a gold player but I think I played enough thief to deal with the necro problem, you can try D/P and P/P build and use your P/P to spam 3.

You'll lose some mobility but I don't think you're good enough to make use of that mobility anyway.

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> @"Aurelius.6829" said:

> I'm just a gold player but I think I played enough thief to deal with the necro problem, you can try D/P and P/P build and use your P/P to spam 3.

> You'll lose some mobility but I don't think you're good enough to make use of that mobility anyway.


Thanks, ill give it a try.



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