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Karl Mclain wrote about coming balance


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> @"Lily.1935" said:


What are you bums are even talking about, scourge is currently staple in both pvp and wvw. Power build is actually really good in open world because the fight lasts for about 5 seconds. In terms of play necro as a class only really majorly suffers due to lack of a meta/viable power build in non-open world content. There was never a viable "minion" build. It was literally just lich form minions that lasted infinitely when they were not suppose to. While the nerf was harsh; it was justified. The issue was more that there was no compensation for the nerf. You also swap skills just as often as literally everybody else depending on the fight. Literally nobody swap their entire build depending on a fight unless there's some forced mechanic such as dhuum enforcers or kc. At most we swap a traitline and a couple skills based on the situation. While epi is overpowered, scourge performs fine in raid without it. Do you guys know what exactly you are talking about?


Complaining is one thing, complaining about something completely nonsensical just hinders the discussion instead of adding to it.

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> @"Lily.1935" said:

> I'm just here waiting for the next story element. I've been so dissatisfied with the game that I haven't picked it back up for more than 5 minutes at a time. And I've only been logging in every couple of days. It just... Doesn't seem worth it anymore. I want to enjoy the game, but I have too many complaints to really list here. Necro is only a drop in the bucket in those complaints. I hardly care about the coming nerfs which will happen because why should anyone play necro in any game mode?


> Hardly switching up the skills on my necromancer because the best skills on necromancer have always been the best skills and everything else feels and plays like trash. Yay! I get to play the same build I played on Scourge as I did on reaper as I did on core necromancer with only 1 maybe 2 different skills than normal on my utility bar! How exciting! *Hard core sarcasm*. Have a fun minion build that was good for a while? Nerfed into the ground, screw minions ever being good. Have a fun power b-phff HA HA HA! I can't even say that with out bursting into laughter since power on necromancer has always been behind. Condi seems great, bring epidemic 100% of the time since the DPS is borderline at best. Oh hey! resource management, the thing that necromancer of GW1 loved? Nerf using it effectively into the ground because the "Stacking bug" was bad gameplay or something... Yeah, no. Core is ignored, Axe is getting damage buffs when it needs a complete skill overhaul, Staff could use some work, off hand dagger as well and focus. I mean.... Whats good on the necromancer is good. What's bad on the necromancer is almost unusable. Its grown stagnant.


> Let me make this perfectly clear. **THE NECROMANCER IS STAGNANT!** And because we at the necromancer forms love death puns. It is a bloated, rotting, festering corpse. Its a Lich with depression sitting alone in its room surrounded by flies and garbage. Its become boring to play, boring to craft for, boring to theory craft with... It has stagnated for me... You might be wondering.. "Why not play a different profession?". I do, when I get the chance. But I don't have nearly the experience with them and since I've been away for so long It'd almost be like having to relearn their quirks. And at that point I feel I might as well start playing a new game entirely. I'm invested into the necromancer and its gameplay is rotting.


> So yeah... GW has become a Story Updates only game for me. And that can't last too much longer.... I'm certainly not buying anything else without some major work done in PvE open wold. We need new world events not just on new maps but old and without a full resurrection of the necromancer. I really needs to be let out of its tomb in PvE. Which is a shame, I don't want to go the way of Bawb and a few others, but I can see the corporate and lazy decision making and I could see it for years, but I trusted the individual passions for the game. Well, I had passion too. And now my passion for it is dying... Like the slow but inevitable struggle to keep my GW1 minions alive as their health degenerates faster and faster.


> I'm sorry if this seems ranty and complainy... And you're right it is.. But you have to understand. I have a lot invested into this game and I don't want to just give it up. I want to keep playing, but I'm just not seeing much of a point.


This feeling of stagnation is inevitably the case for most games. 5 years is a Long time and things can feel stagnant when there are fewer and fewer content to keep you interested because you've seen and done pretty much everything.


I played runescape for 10 years and I was driven by the never ending exp grinds for levels and the thrill of good loot. There was also a character profile for everyone to check on the levels that I've gotten.


when my friend finally convinced me to make the switch to gw2, I never thought I would last till now.


PvE didn't interest me for long due to the level cap and there was pretty much nothing to grind. There was nothing much to show the world how far I've gotten apart from some cosmetics skins.


Trying out WvW was what had gotten me hooked as it was a never ending and ever refreshing challenge where I meet and fight different opponents and builds in a roaming capacity.


4 years of WvW later, things have also started to cool for me. There were various contributing reasons.


One was that real life has taken over. As an adult now there are more responsibilities and less time for gaming. And with age comes creaky bones and slower reflexes. Can't keep up with the faster pace and higher damage of combats especially from stealth.


Two was that the population in WvW has dropped and there are barely any roamers during off hours. Barely any decent ones anyway. It became boring and no longer as challenging as before. Or perhaps I had gotten to the top of the pyramid hah...


So all in all, I'm still trying to keep myself going by setting new goals like reaching level 80 in PvP for that ultra cool dragonfinisher and hopping servers to GOM to experience a nomadic lifestyle in WvW. But currently I don't see myself lasting too long either.

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> @"Sublimatio.6981" said:

> +5% axe auto damage

> then some nerfs. spectral skills now have 80 sec cd. shroud depletes 50% faster. new useless trait. lich form reworked again, still useless. bone minion deals 5% more damage.


I main power scourge, so I would actually be ok with this

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> @"Warscythes.9307" said:

> > @"Lily.1935" said:


> What are you bums are even talking about, scourge is currently staple in both pvp and wvw. Power build is actually really good in open world because the fight lasts for about 5 seconds. In terms of play necro as a class only really majorly suffers due to lack of a meta/viable power build in non-open world content. There was never a viable "minion" build. It was literally just lich form minions that lasted infinitely when they were not suppose to. While the nerf was harsh; it was justified. The issue was more that there was no compensation for the nerf. You also swap skills just as often as literally everybody else depending on the fight. Literally nobody swap their entire build depending on a fight unless there's some forced mechanic such as dhuum enforcers or kc. At most we swap a traitline and a couple skills based on the situation. While epi is overpowered, scourge performs fine in raid without it. Do you guys know what exactly you are talking about?


> Complaining is one thing, complaining about something completely nonsensical just hinders the discussion instead of adding to it.


I think what's said is that for someone who's bored by a stagnant game (which is the state of gw2), There is only the PvE update that give a feel of something new. However, in this gamemode, since release of the game, there was not much of a change on what is usefull in the core necromancer. Be it core, reaper or scourge, you always end up into a condi spec for the sole and unique reason that the one and only tool usefull in PvE is _epidemic_. Everything else fall short and lack punch. This lead players to take mostly the same core traitlines and utilities for the same result.


NB.: A minion build used to exist but you need a very good memory to recall it. It was effective before the second part of the kessex tower in LS1. At that time it was very solid. As for the lich build, I'm not even sure we can say that it was really a minion build, this was just another condi build taking advantage of a gimmicky skill and relying heavily on _epidemic_.


NB.(2): In a way, as long as epidemic exist, the necromancer and it's different specs have heavy chance to continue to be stagnating is this same boring state whatever anet do.


NB.(3): You seem to have missed a very important point in Lily's argumentation:

> Necro is only a drop in the bucket in those complaints.

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> @"reikken.4961" said:

> > @"Sublimatio.6981" said:

> > +5% axe auto damage

> > then some nerfs. spectral skills now have 80 sec cd. shroud depletes 50% faster. new useless trait. lich form reworked again, still useless. bone minion deals 5% more damage.


> I main power scourge, so I would actually be ok with this




> I main power scourge


wat x2

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> @"Lily.1935" said:

> I'm just here waiting for the next story element. I've been so dissatisfied with the game that I haven't picked it back up for more than 5 minutes at a time. And I've only been logging in every couple of days. It just... Doesn't seem worth it anymore. I want to enjoy the game, but I have too many complaints to really list here. Necro is only a drop in the bucket in those complaints. I hardly care about the coming nerfs which will happen because why should anyone play necro in any game mode?


> Hardly switching up the skills on my necromancer because the best skills on necromancer have always been the best skills and everything else feels and plays like trash. Yay! I get to play the same build I played on Scourge as I did on reaper as I did on core necromancer with only 1 maybe 2 different skills than normal on my utility bar! How exciting! *Hard core sarcasm*. Have a fun minion build that was good for a while? Nerfed into the ground, screw minions ever being good. Have a fun power b-phff HA HA HA! I can't even say that with out bursting into laughter since power on necromancer has always been behind. Condi seems great, bring epidemic 100% of the time since the DPS is borderline at best. Oh hey! resource management, the thing that necromancer of GW1 loved? Nerf using it effectively into the ground because the "Stacking bug" was bad gameplay or something... Yeah, no. Core is ignored, Axe is getting damage buffs when it needs a complete skill overhaul, Staff could use some work, off hand dagger as well and focus. I mean.... Whats good on the necromancer is good. What's bad on the necromancer is almost unusable. Its grown stagnant.


> Let me make this perfectly clear. **THE NECROMANCER IS STAGNANT!** And because we at the necromancer forms love death puns. It is a bloated, rotting, festering corpse. Its a Lich with depression sitting alone in its room surrounded by flies and garbage. Its become boring to play, boring to craft for, boring to theory craft with... It has stagnated for me... You might be wondering.. "Why not play a different profession?". I do, when I get the chance. But I don't have nearly the experience with them and since I've been away for so long It'd almost be like having to relearn their quirks. And at that point I feel I might as well start playing a new game entirely. I'm invested into the necromancer and its gameplay is rotting.


> So yeah... GW has become a Story Updates only game for me. And that can't last too much longer.... I'm certainly not buying anything else without some major work done in PvE open wold. We need new world events not just on new maps but old and without a full resurrection of the necromancer. I really needs to be let out of its tomb in PvE. Which is a shame, I don't want to go the way of Bawb and a few others, but I can see the corporate and lazy decision making and I could see it for years, but I trusted the individual passions for the game. Well, I had passion too. And now my passion for it is dying... Like the slow but inevitable struggle to keep my GW1 minions alive as their health degenerates faster and faster.


> I'm sorry if this seems ranty and complainy... And you're right it is.. But you have to understand. I have a lot invested into this game and I don't want to just give it up. I want to keep playing, but I'm just not seeing much of a point.


Well. I dont care for story. They made it so easy, that you can play it blind with only one toe, while playing another game.


Its really boring. In pof story, i died once because i had to afk for a call. Thats it.


I dont like that. I want challenging content.


And i want anet to get away with the thought of necro being a noob profession, that everyone can play.




Make it more rewarding for players, that really know, how to play necro.

Even doe i like getting masses of bags in wvw, i dont like playing that braindead piece of crap, just smashing all the buttons on the board.


And i dont want to switch. Im playing my necro since im playing gw2. And thats like 4 years now. I just know this class the best and it has so much more potential. I dont want to switch. But lately im playing less and less gw2. Cause its so boring to play. I really hope, something gets done to make it more interesting.

Else i might be swapping game completely

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> @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

> Most likely, we won't see any changes for boon/condition conversion so far as what each one converts to, but, for example, Might will probably convert to a much shorter Weakness (3-5 seconds) rather than its current 10. While that is a heavy nerf to Necros, I feel something like that is honestly for the best for the game overall.


> Most of the other conversions are fine, but Might -> 10 seconds of Weakness base is absurd.


They might consolidate some of the conversions maybe to reduce trash condi spam.

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> @"Sublimatio.6981" said:

> > @"reikken.4961" said:

> > > @"Sublimatio.6981" said:

> > > +5% axe auto damage

> > > then some nerfs. spectral skills now have 80 sec cd. shroud depletes 50% faster. new useless trait. lich form reworked again, still useless. bone minion deals 5% more damage.

> >

> > I main power scourge, so I would actually be ok with this


> wat.


> > I main power scourge


> wat x2


Exactly what i want to write :D guy is safe coz he play power scourge :D Maybe he can team-up with condi longbow rangers and minstrel healing holosmiths :D

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> @"intox.6347" said:

> > @"Sublimatio.6981" said:

> > > @"reikken.4961" said:

> > > > @"Sublimatio.6981" said:

> > > > +5% axe auto damage

> > > > then some nerfs. spectral skills now have 80 sec cd. shroud depletes 50% faster. new useless trait. lich form reworked again, still useless. bone minion deals 5% more damage.

> > >

> > > I main power scourge, so I would actually be ok with this

> >

> > wat.

> >

> > > I main power scourge

> >

> > wat x2


> Exactly what i want to write :D guy is safe coz he play power scourge :D Maybe he can team-up with condi longbow rangers and minstrel healing holosmiths :D


Awe yeah condi longbow!


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> @"Sublimatio.6981" said:

> > @"reikken.4961" said:

> > > @"Sublimatio.6981" said:

> > > +5% axe auto damage

> > > then some nerfs. spectral skills now have 80 sec cd. shroud depletes 50% faster. new useless trait. lich form reworked again, still useless. bone minion deals 5% more damage.

> >

> > I main power scourge, so I would actually be ok with this


> wat.


> > I main power scourge


> wat x2


sorry. I meant pvp

I of course play condi scourge for pve

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What I hope this means is that corruption skills will focus boons like stability and resistance first and before any other boons. Thiefs already do this with steal and will always steal stability first regardless of the boon application order. If they did this for corrupting boons it would be a MASSIVE BUFF to necros all around.

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> @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

> Most likely, we won't see any changes for boon/condition conversion so far as what each one converts to, but, for example, Might will probably convert to a much shorter Weakness (3-5 seconds) rather than its current 10. While that is a heavy nerf to Necros, I feel something like that is honestly for the best for the game overall.


> Most of the other conversions are fine, but Might -> 10 seconds of Weakness base is absurd.


Considering might stacks in intensity and not duration maybe its not if you had recently got up to 15 stacks of might in the last 5 seconds getting it converted to 3 seconds of weakness is hardly a = conversion.

While 5 stacks of might is certainly not worth 10 seconds of weakness i would say that getting 20+ stacks converted would be worth it.

Then again i could care less about this.

Make it so corrupts always target boons like stability and resistance first before any other boon and i could care less about what else they do. One thing we might see for sure is alacrity getting converted to chill and resistance getting converted to something like taunt instead maybe.

Wont make sense to have resistance converting to chill and alacrity converting to chill also :U Chill is a pretty rare condition and i feel like alacrity will be rare boon making them perfect for one another.

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Anyone at Arena Net talking about 'BALANCE' is a joke. Seriously. They haven't bothered with it in how long? Since beta? Why start now?


An ole Karl Mclain gonna change the fetid direction Arena Net has taken this game in? I wouldn't trust ole Karl Mclain to park my car and its an 86 nissan.


So to anyone who actually believes any 'BALANCE' is going to happen I say this: I am selling a true showpiece collectors car, my 86 Nissan pickup. They only made 5 of thse limited edition custom vehicles so I am only asking $45,0000, it is lined with gold tho you cant see it it unless you remove all the paint off of it but it's there guys....., oh it's there.



Maybe I should have old Karl sell it for me, apparently that idiot is allowed by AN to say all sorts of ridiculous things like adding the word 'BALANCE' into a sentence from an Arena Net employee.


It is highly insulting that any idiot from Arena Net would even talk about 'BALANCE' with a strait face. They are incapable of balancing this game and that is clear after all these years and any low stakes new hire they trot out to spew the same old garbage like old Karl is just a slap in the face.



Try playing Dark Age of Camelot guys if you want the best pvp game ever and is actually BALANCED!! Maybe some Arena Net flunkies could maybe try it out and see what a joy a balance game is to play and not one that forces you into this meta or that every few months or you are just gonna toil away and eventually quit like everyone else has and will.



Good job and a hearty golf clap to all Arena Net employees and to especially old Karl Mclain who mentioned 'BALANCE' and kept a strait face about it...........





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