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Why not make WvW a megaserver like the rest of the game?


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As I said somewhere in this topic in wvw you are not just working guild wise but community wise as well. In eu to destroy the German or other lang specific server community would be like saying @&$ you we don't care about your communities. Megaserver the way you are proposing it at least would be last nail in the coffin. Only people who want to farm would go and we will see eotm2.0 where zergs avoid each other and just run clockwise to cap objectives.

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Megaserver would result in:

1. People not caring about defending stuff. Why should they? I would let everything drop because I don't care. You lose all reasoning to defend stuff.

2. Old school players will quit. Say bye to the good fights. Say hello to trash-tier "fights". At least you get your baggies.

3. Bore the crap out of people that like WvW's "strategy" point of view. It will become a battle arena where people meet up in the middle of the map and fight endlessly with no goal. More people will quit.

4. As a result, karma train will constantly run on the side. PvE people can farm it as much as they like. People who likes to defend stuff will receive some flaming. More people will quit.

5. Shattered communities. Especially hard on national servers. National servers will likely to lose more than half of their people. Community is one of the most important aspect in this game mode. Without that, the game will quickly die out. Like really, really fast.

6. Shitty distribution of people. People will always join the winner's side. If the distribution is set in stone every week, then they will use 2nd accounts in order to get all colors. And thanks to that, one side will always have too much people. How are you going to distribute the people when there is like 1k+ more on the green side? Create 10 more maps with no blue and red team present? Or make it a 1000s queue?

7. Community guilds will lose their purpose. Play for the server is completely gone. More people will quit. Colors with random people each week isn't representing enough for them to care.

8. People will be forced to join a guild to get the bonus. There you go, multiple megaserver guild with 500 people. Still a guild, right? Or just be at some pve random guilds like always.

9. Ts/discord communication will be completely gone, well besides GvG. Karma trains doesn't need one. Mindless fights in the middle of the map doesn't need one either.

10. Sieging will lose it's purpose. It's a battle arena after all. Some people like sieging. More people will quit.

11. GvG will exist, but they will die out much faster than now. Because besides GvG, there is nothing really "WvW-like" stuff to do. People will get bored, they will quit.

12. People that don't get along with might end up in the same color.

13. Now you have a whole network of trolls. Time to turn off chat completely. Or right-click block every day, if that is fun to you.


Sounds like fun? Go into Eotm and play it. Anet have made it just for you. I ask again, why are you still playing normal WvW when your prefered WvW already exist? And yes, Eotm is a megaserver WvW with a set color each week. Doesn't mean player distribution will be fair.


Oh and one more. Expect to have a whole zerg AFKing spawn to get rewards. Because there is no need to leave for other players to get in to help out your group.

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> @"SkyShroud.2865" said:

> > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > The game isn't setup with the notion of 3 main faction's like ESO is with the Ebonheart Pact, Daggerfall Covenant and Aldermeri Dominion. Identity is important or nobody cares and win trading type things can happen.

> >

> > If we ever saw cantha maybe we could get 3 faction's like,

> >

> > Kurzick

> > Luxon

> > Imperial

> >

> > But that would likely come with AB maps not WvW.

> >

> > Part of the issue imo is that they never added an NPC faction, which made wvw strictly players only. Without the dynamic of an always aggressive and present balancing force on the map, ktraining ensues. Without an NPC faction there is "no story" and wvw becomes as boring as the players who are present at any given time.

> >

> > WvW is 100% player driven, which is why it can be amazing or a complete bore.

> >

> > People may think I'm stupid for wanting more pve in wvw but it's even more stupid to ask for content in a mode that has none by design and by extension, a system to pit no-identity teams against each other forever, expecting players to be permanently hooked.


> It is setup as fractions, called servers. Though the identity is not as strong as the one you have on pvp mmorpgs with all the supporting mechanism to make it more involving and interesting. Nevertheless, it is still a fraction.


> Since I mentioned pvp mmorpg, I think everybody should understand gw2 isn't a pvp mmorpg, don't get your hope too high.


It's not really setup as factions in the way I mean as it does not have any meaningful splitting beyond what the players have ascribed to them, like yb the defensive siege server, BG the blob server, and so on. I guess more on the pve side I'm talking which can translate to pvp like AD in ESO was called the ganker alliance because 2 of the 3 races, wood elf and kajit, have stealth racial bonuses. For better or worse, that doesn't exist at all in gw2. There really isn't a draw to any specific server in gw2 other than black gate cause "they big server and always win".

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> @"Kirnale.5914" said:

> Megaserver would result in:

> 1. People not caring about defending stuff. Why should they? I would let everything drop because I don't care. You lose all reasoning to defend stuff.

> 2. Old school players will quit. Say bye to the good fights. Say hello to trash-tier "fights". At least you get your baggies.

> 3. Bore the crap out of people that like WvW's "strategy" point of view. It will become a battle arena where people meet up in the middle of the map and fight endlessly with no goal. More people will quit.

> 4. As a result, karma train will constantly run on the side. PvE people can farm it as much as they like. People who likes to defend stuff will receive some flaming. More people will quit.

> 5. Shattered communities. Especially hard on national servers. National servers will likely to lose more than half of their people. Community is one of the most important aspect in this game mode. Without that, the game will quickly die out. Like really, really fast.

> 6. kitten distribution of people. People will always join the winner's side. If the distribution is set in stone every week, then they will use 2nd accounts in order to get all colors. And thanks to that, one side will always have too much people. How are you going to distribute the people when there is like 1k+ more on the green side? Create 10 more maps with no blue and red team present? Or make it a 1000s queue?

> 7. Community guilds will lose their purpose. Play for the server is completely gone. More people will quit. Colors with random people each week isn't representing enough for them to care.

> 8. People will be forced to join a guild to get the bonus. There you go, multiple megaserver guild with 500 people. Still a guild, right? Or just be at some pve random guilds like always.

> 9. Ts/discord communication will be completely gone, well besides GvG. Karma trains doesn't need one. Mindless fights in the middle of the map doesn't need one either.

> 10. Sieging will lose it's purpose. It's a battle arena after all. Some people like sieging. More people will quit.

> 11. GvG will exist, but they will die out much faster than now. Because besides GvG, there is nothing really "WvW-like" stuff to do. People will get bored, they will quit.

> 12. People that don't get along with might end up in the same color.

> 13. Now you have a whole network of trolls. Time to turn off chat completely. Or right-click block every day, if that is fun to you.


> Sounds like fun? Go into Eotm and play it. Anet have made it just for you. I ask again, why are you still playing normal WvW when your prefered WvW already exist? And yes, Eotm is a megaserver WvW with a set color each week. Doesn't mean player distribution will be fair.


> Oh and one more. Expect to have a whole zerg AFKing spawn to get rewards. Because there is no need to leave for other players to get in to help out your group.


Completely disagree, defenders would have to work just as hard to wiin the matchups, many many oldoschooll players that left the game due, lack of fights/competition (now on a single raid you can potentially fight against any existing guild in WvW not only the ones on your matchup and that is huge for fight focused people), server imbalance, being outnumbered all the time, etc, will probably return, comunities will be stronger than ever many since you will no longer only interact with people from your server/country but people from WvW as a whole just like PVE comunities work, so if anything WvW comunities will be stronger than ever; you can now play with people you enjoy playing/have common playstile with no matter what server they are from.

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If you think its a good idea, you can always go to EoTM. If this was a good idea, EoTM would be full of people. If you actually believe that throwing in a bunch of random people into wvw matches that use an instance creation system would somehow create any type of balance, or competition, or even any incentive to do anything other then ktrain...then you are either being dishonest or just really hoping for the impossible.

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Nothing better for fighters than killing huger 80 man ktrains brother just saying, i would kill ktrains all day long if you ask me, just because it is fun, untill you run against a team on the enemy team trying to do the same, and wait, oh yeah then u got a good fight, what if there is another group wanting to do the same in the 3rd faction, fuck a 3 way fight, what if u have multiples grous on the same faction trying to do the same, oh multiple fighting groups, oh wait what happened to the ktrain???? oh yeah they got fucked up quit and it is all fighting groups now!!!! i don't know whay people think ktrains are bad, nothing better than killing a juicy ktran to start a WvW raid brother


This can't be put in praactice in EoTm cuz EoTm is dead, nobody goes there anymore not even ktrainers.... i guarantee u tho if they close WvW completelly for 1 week, activate pips in EoTM, and fights guilds just go to EoTM raids only it would be more fun than anything those guilds have done in the past 2 years. WvW is designed arround 3 servers full packed fighting each other 24/7, once u stop having that (and we stopped having that many years ago) WvW fails completelly and just becomes slow and boring for everybody, megaservers solves this issue for good and forever, dosnt matter how many people stop playing dosnt matter how many people come back, dosnt matter how many new players, the system balances itself for a 24/7 3 way battle.

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> @"Kirnale.5914" said:

> Megaserver would result in:

> 1. People not caring about defending stuff. Why should they? I would let everything drop because I don't care. You lose all reasoning to defend stuff.

> 2. Old school players will quit. Say bye to the good fights. Say hello to trash-tier "fights". At least you get your baggies.

> 3. Bore the crap out of people that like WvW's "strategy" point of view. It will become a battle arena where people meet up in the middle of the map and fight endlessly with no goal. More people will quit.

> 4. As a result, karma train will constantly run on the side. PvE people can farm it as much as they like. People who likes to defend stuff will receive some flaming. More people will quit.

> 5. Shattered communities. Especially hard on national servers. National servers will likely to lose more than half of their people. Community is one of the most important aspect in this game mode. Without that, the game will quickly die out. Like really, really fast.

> 6. kitten distribution of people. People will always join the winner's side. If the distribution is set in stone every week, then they will use 2nd accounts in order to get all colors. And thanks to that, one side will always have too much people. How are you going to distribute the people when there is like 1k+ more on the green side? Create 10 more maps with no blue and red team present? Or make it a 1000s queue?

> 7. Community guilds will lose their purpose. Play for the server is completely gone. More people will quit. Colors with random people each week isn't representing enough for them to care.

> 8. People will be forced to join a guild to get the bonus. There you go, multiple megaserver guild with 500 people. Still a guild, right? Or just be at some pve random guilds like always.

> 9. Ts/discord communication will be completely gone, well besides GvG. Karma trains doesn't need one. Mindless fights in the middle of the map doesn't need one either.

> 10. Sieging will lose it's purpose. It's a battle arena after all. Some people like sieging. More people will quit.

> 11. GvG will exist, but they will die out much faster than now. Because besides GvG, there is nothing really "WvW-like" stuff to do. People will get bored, they will quit.

> 12. People that don't get along with might end up in the same color.

> 13. Now you have a whole network of trolls. Time to turn off chat completely. Or right-click block every day, if that is fun to you.


> Sounds like fun? Go into Eotm and play it. Anet have made it just for you. I ask again, why are you still playing normal WvW when your prefered WvW already exist? And yes, Eotm is a megaserver WvW with a set color each week. Doesn't mean player distribution will be fair.


> Oh and one more. Expect to have a whole zerg AFKing spawn to get rewards. Because there is no need to leave for other players to get in to help out your group.




1. In WvW people T3 keeps on reset night anyway then siege it up so massively that it's literally impossible to take in primetime. Defending is already overblown as it is, considering the power of T3 keeps, disablers and siege traps, and all the defensive siege you can put down all over the place.

2. Wut. Old School players, especially the ones who prefer fighting, would be the ones to _come back_. It's the acoustic level of sieging and defending, plus a lack of good guilds to fight and blobby servers that drives those players away. The ones who _will_ quit at the ones who get creamed on 1v5 despite their Diamond/Mithril whatever ranks and can't fight worth crap.

3. WvW doesn't have any "strategy" anymore lmfao, other than try to run 60 guildies and have enough people to make coffee and sandwiches while you line up 10 trebs and 5 shield gens outside a T3 keep.

4. PvEers have far better methods of farming karma now, and all it takes is one WvW guild on a map deciding to spend a night 'farming pve'ers' to drive away those ktrainers.

5. Perhaps the _only_ legitimate point you have, but frankly if it worked out in PvE's Megaservering, it should work out anyway in WvW as well.

6. Distribution should change weekly. The current system of (1+4+7+10) vs (2+5+8+11) vs (3+6+9+12) is a little reet, but better distributions can be made, taking the top 2-3 and bottom 2-3 servers, then the next top 2-3 and bottom 2-3, in the same way they did the initial linkings, to make 3 sides that should be roughly even. The current servers will still exist and 1-2 will swap colours weekly depending on the position of their megaserver in that matchup.

7. Community guilds can still exist because your server will _still stay_ it's own cohesive unit inside a megaserver and while the other servers you're allied with and the colour changes, the people and guilds you're playing with will remain constant throughout. They would just add " Community Guild!" to their advertisements or whatever.

8. Why would you have to join a guild? I'm not talking about the Battlegroups concept that gets bandied around. Do you have to join a guild to participate in the current EotM?

9. TS/Discord communication will exist perfectly fine. I mean, there are guilds who do nothing but ktrain dead timezones in actual WvW now, and they still use comms. There are plenty of guilds who want to fight each other and they'll use comms.

10. I thought, according to _you_ people will just ktrain forever. Won't they need to siege and stuff for that? Think about your earlier points before you type lol. As things currently stand, sieging needs a huge overhaul anyway because nobody bothers breaking Tier 3 structures during active times nowadays.

11. Can people who've never been part of the scene not talk about it please? If you _were/are_ in any GvG guild, you should know you're completely wrong. Guilds who GvG have been asking for an instanced OS since forever and having Megaservers accomplishes pretty much the same things. Current EotM is crap for GvGing and Guild Hall is a cesspit where whoever stacks more Spellbreakers wins.

12. People who don't get along _already_ get linked anyway. This isn't even a point since it happens now anyway.

13. I apologize since I'm not afflicted with Junctional Herlitz Epidermolysis Bullosa and thus can't understand your pain (google that I guess if you're not a Med Student or sth). I occasionally block people and that's been enough for me.


I've been to EotM and played it. I've GvGed in EotM, and frankly it was kinda messy since current EotM map has several huge issues that make it unfit for wvw play. It has too many slopes and narrow chokes that make fighting a mess of 'blocked by terrain' and "I onepush so I'm going to camp this choke until they log off I guess." The current EotM's issue is the map itself, not the system. The map itself prevents serious guilds from spending too long in it, which means only pvx and ktrainers are left to spend time on it (until they nerfed the rewards kek).


**tl;dr: I absolute completely adisadisagree with you. If you're confused reading this, _there is no freaking tl;dr_ go up and read the post or if you don't have time go back to working/studying/more important things in life.**


Also I think some people haven't quite grasped what megaserver'ing WvW entails. It would entail the same thing we have now, only instead of each linking having 2-3 servers, each linking would have 8-9 servers.


I envision that at the end of each week (or longer I guess), instead of a server moving up or down, some of the servers inside the megaserver would be swapped around: the first place would lose one of the servers that make it up (and replace it with an even smaller server from the second or third place) while the third place would gain a bigger server or so. There's a lot more flexibility that can be achieved with such a system: for instance, every map shuts down 6 hours after it opens (whereas current EotM is 4 hours). When a map shuts down, whoever had the highest points (ppt and ppk together) on that map wins Victory points (like current skirmishes). Additional maps will continuously be created if one map is completely filled and people are still coming into WvW.


What about servers that log off early?


Well, if one server becomes outnumbered on a map for more than, say, 20 minutes, and then finishes the skirmish 3rd, the victory points awarded change to 0, 1, and 2 for 3rd, 2nd, 1st place. If two servers become outnumbered on a map for more than 20 minutes, the map is closed after a short period of time and the remaining server only gains 1 point if they come 1st (otherwise normal scoring occurs since the other two servers managed to build up enough of a lead).


Frankly, the main reason behind EotM is to consolidate populations in a dying game mode rather than have small community pockets here and there still pretending winning in ppt or rivalries mean anything anymore.


Zzzzz anyway enough said on the topic not that it will lead anywhere since these are official forums.

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> @"X T D.6458" said:

> > @"Rampage.7145" said:

> > Nothing better for fighters than killing huger 80 man ktrains brother just saying, i would kill ktrains all day long if you ask me, just because it is fun.


> I agree.


> However some people still like having something to play for.


Brother having FUN is what 99% of the people play a videogame for, people who think playing for a virtual server means anything are just living on a dream, are disociated from reality, and they are the vest minority of players/gamers playing not only GW2 but any videogame.

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> @"Rampage.7145" said:

> > @"X T D.6458" said:

> > > @"Rampage.7145" said:

> > > Nothing better for fighters than killing huger 80 man ktrains brother just saying, i would kill ktrains all day long if you ask me, just because it is fun.

> >

> > I agree.

> >

> > However some people still like having something to play for.


> Brother having FUN is what 99% of the people play a videogame for, people who think playing for a virtual server means anything are just living on a dream, are disociated from reality, and they are the vest minority of players/gamers playing not only GW2 but any videogame.


Its not about virtual servers, its about giving yourself a goals and a reason to play so you don't get bored or burned out. The ones who leave are the people who constantly server hop and never become part of a server community while proclaiming how they are all about the fights. Both you and I know that its true, I've seen it over and over the last 5 years, and I am sure you have as well. Some were my friends, some were yours, and a lot of guilds we all knew.


My favorite part of WvW is big zerg fights, that's what I like. But I also want to be part of a community, make friends with people, coordinate with them, be part of a team, help each other. Although I like zerg fights, I do what I can to help my server, including scouting, roaming, small team stuff, etc. This is the best part about WvW for me, we can do whatever we want here.

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I like the variety of current wvw. Some days it's huge fights, some days scouting, some days smaller group action- all with people I know.


My favourite is taking on those t3 keeps, despite wiping several times, draining their supply, pushing again and again until eventually you take it. It might have taken 2 hours, my entire night's gaming, or whatever, but it was enormous fun, involved some tactics, some perserverance and some great close fights but in the end we feel like we've achieved something.


Taking t3 keeps isn't to be avoided in prime, unless you are all about the loot bags and k- training. It's one of the best challenges there is in wvw.


Of course, 3 way fights are great fun too, but only if they are against groups that are well organised. Megaservers where people are randomly shoved into a map with three different languages and no real organisation will just end up like EOTM. If you organise megaservers by combining existing servers then you will have the same population problem as now, where people will flock to the winning side- that's just human nature.

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> @"Namer.9750" said:

> > @"Kirnale.5914" said:

> > Megaserver would result in:

> > 1. People not caring about defending stuff. Why should they? I would let everything drop because I don't care. You lose all reasoning to defend stuff.

> > 2. Old school players will quit. Say bye to the good fights. Say hello to trash-tier "fights". At least you get your baggies.

> > 3. Bore the crap out of people that like WvW's "strategy" point of view. It will become a battle arena where people meet up in the middle of the map and fight endlessly with no goal. More people will quit.

> > 4. As a result, karma train will constantly run on the side. PvE people can farm it as much as they like. People who likes to defend stuff will receive some flaming. More people will quit.

> > 5. Shattered communities. Especially hard on national servers. National servers will likely to lose more than half of their people. Community is one of the most important aspect in this game mode. Without that, the game will quickly die out. Like really, really fast.

> > 6. kitten distribution of people. People will always join the winner's side. If the distribution is set in stone every week, then they will use 2nd accounts in order to get all colors. And thanks to that, one side will always have too much people. How are you going to distribute the people when there is like 1k+ more on the green side? Create 10 more maps with no blue and red team present? Or make it a 1000s queue?

> > 7. Community guilds will lose their purpose. Play for the server is completely gone. More people will quit. Colors with random people each week isn't representing enough for them to care.

> > 8. People will be forced to join a guild to get the bonus. There you go, multiple megaserver guild with 500 people. Still a guild, right? Or just be at some pve random guilds like always.

> > 9. Ts/discord communication will be completely gone, well besides GvG. Karma trains doesn't need one. Mindless fights in the middle of the map doesn't need one either.

> > 10. Sieging will lose it's purpose. It's a battle arena after all. Some people like sieging. More people will quit.

> > 11. GvG will exist, but they will die out much faster than now. Because besides GvG, there is nothing really "WvW-like" stuff to do. People will get bored, they will quit.

> > 12. People that don't get along with might end up in the same color.

> > 13. Now you have a whole network of trolls. Time to turn off chat completely. Or right-click block every day, if that is fun to you.

> >

> > Sounds like fun? Go into Eotm and play it. Anet have made it just for you. I ask again, why are you still playing normal WvW when your prefered WvW already exist? And yes, Eotm is a megaserver WvW with a set color each week. Doesn't mean player distribution will be fair.

> >

> > Oh and one more. Expect to have a whole zerg AFKing spawn to get rewards. Because there is no need to leave for other players to get in to help out your group.


> Incorrect.


> 1. In WvW people T3 keeps on reset night anyway then siege it up so massively that it's literally impossible to take in primetime. Defending is already overblown as it is, considering the power of T3 keeps, disablers and siege traps, and all the defensive siege you can put down all over the place.

> 2. Wut. Old School players, especially the ones who prefer fighting, would be the ones to _come back_. It's the acoustic level of sieging and defending, plus a lack of good guilds to fight and blobby servers that drives those players away. The ones who _will_ quit at the ones who get creamed on 1v5 despite their Diamond/Mithril whatever ranks and can't fight worth crap.

> 3. WvW doesn't have any "strategy" anymore lmfao, other than try to run 60 guildies and have enough people to make coffee and sandwiches while you line up 10 trebs and 5 shield gens outside a T3 keep.

> 4. PvEers have far better methods of farming karma now, and all it takes is one WvW guild on a map deciding to spend a night 'farming pve'ers' to drive away those ktrainers.

> 5. Perhaps the _only_ legitimate point you have, but frankly if it worked out in PvE's Megaservering, it should work out anyway in WvW as well.

> 6. Distribution should change weekly. The current system of (1+4+7+10) vs (2+5+8+11) vs (3+6+9+12) is a little reet, but better distributions can be made, taking the top 2-3 and bottom 2-3 servers, then the next top 2-3 and bottom 2-3, in the same way they did the initial linkings, to make 3 sides that should be roughly even. The current servers will still exist and 1-2 will swap colours weekly depending on the position of their megaserver in that matchup.

> 7. Community guilds can still exist because your server will _still stay_ it's own cohesive unit inside a megaserver and while the other servers you're allied with and the colour changes, the people and guilds you're playing with will remain constant throughout. They would just add " Community Guild!" to their advertisements or whatever.

> 8. Why would you have to join a guild? I'm not talking about the Battlegroups concept that gets bandied around. Do you have to join a guild to participate in the current EotM?

> 9. TS/Discord communication will exist perfectly fine. I mean, there are guilds who do nothing but ktrain dead timezones in actual WvW now, and they still use comms. There are plenty of guilds who want to fight each other and they'll use comms.

> 10. I thought, according to _you_ people will just ktrain forever. Won't they need to siege and stuff for that? Think about your earlier points before you type lol. As things currently stand, sieging needs a huge overhaul anyway because nobody bothers breaking Tier 3 structures during active times nowadays.

> 11. Can people who've never been part of the scene not talk about it please? If you _were/are_ in any GvG guild, you should know you're completely wrong. Guilds who GvG have been asking for an instanced OS since forever and having Megaservers accomplishes pretty much the same things. Current EotM is crap for GvGing and Guild Hall is a cesspit where whoever stacks more Spellbreakers wins.

> 12. People who don't get along _already_ get linked anyway. This isn't even a point since it happens now anyway.

> 13. I apologize since I'm not afflicted with Junctional Herlitz Epidermolysis Bullosa and thus can't understand your pain (google that I guess if you're not a Med Student or sth). I occasionally block people and that's been enough for me.


> I've been to EotM and played it. I've GvGed in EotM, and frankly it was kinda messy since current EotM map has several huge issues that make it unfit for wvw play. It has too many slopes and narrow chokes that make fighting a mess of 'blocked by terrain' and "I onepush so I'm going to camp this choke until they log off I guess." The current EotM's issue is the map itself, not the system. The map itself prevents serious guilds from spending too long in it, which means only pvx and ktrainers are left to spend time on it (until they nerfed the rewards kek).


> **tl;dr: I absolute completely adisadisagree with you. If you're confused reading this, _there is no freaking tl;dr_ go up and read the post or if you don't have time go back to working/studying/more important things in life.**


> Also I think some people haven't quite grasped what megaserver'ing WvW entails. It would entail the same thing we have now, only instead of each linking having 2-3 servers, each linking would have 8-9 servers.


> I envision that at the end of each week (or longer I guess), instead of a server moving up or down, some of the servers inside the megaserver would be swapped around: the first place would lose one of the servers that make it up (and replace it with an even smaller server from the second or third place) while the third place would gain a bigger server or so. There's a lot more flexibility that can be achieved with such a system: for instance, every map shuts down 6 hours after it opens (whereas current EotM is 4 hours). When a map shuts down, whoever had the highest points (ppt and ppk together) on that map wins Victory points (like current skirmishes). Additional maps will continuously be created if one map is completely filled and people are still coming into WvW.


> What about servers that log off early?


> Well, if one server becomes outnumbered on a map for more than, say, 20 minutes, and then finishes the skirmish 3rd, the victory points awarded change to 0, 1, and 2 for 3rd, 2nd, 1st place. If two servers become outnumbered on a map for more than 20 minutes, the map is closed after a short period of time and the remaining server only gains 1 point if they come 1st (otherwise normal scoring occurs since the other two servers managed to build up enough of a lead).


> Frankly, the main reason behind EotM is to consolidate populations in a dying game mode rather than have small community pockets here and there still pretending winning in ppt or rivalries mean anything anymore.


> Zzzzz anyway enough said on the topic not that it will lead anywhere since these are official forums.


1. So? What is your point? Defending is OP, you don't like, you prefer people jump outside and fight you when you outnumber them or have a stronger zerg?

2. Who are the old school players? You? The one you knows? There are a bunch of old school players. They are not only fight-centric as you think they are. There are a bunch of them who plays PPT, a bunch that likes both PPT and PPK and a bunch that only prefers PPK. In my server, the ones that stays the longest isn't the ones that prefers fighting only. And yes, they are old school players. And to be honest, old school players come bacK? Players that quit a game won't come back so fast. It is usually RL inc or they have found a better game in the meantime. They have moved on.

3. I don't even want to explain anything here lol.

4. They will just simply port away. And depending on how the megaserver is working, they will just go to another map.

5. Comparing PvE with WvW? lol. PvE never had any sort of things that hold them together. That's why it works. Why should a PvE player cares if he farmed with whatever server his shinies? WvW is different. It have a community that works together for YEARS. It's the core the of the servers that have been keeping WvW alive.

6. That isn't megaserver. That is pretty much linking.

7. The post I made was referred to the one that made this thread.

8. Same as 7. Read the first post.

9. You don't get my point. There is no need for community TS/discord, which is something I like. Guilds will always use TS/discord, no matter what they do. But other than the guilds, there is no need to use that.

10. Sieging isn't the same as Ktrain. Ktrain you cap T0 and T1 stuff without resistance. That's why is it usually fridays, because the MU is usually set which server wins or not. Real sieging is when you try to take something that actually is being cared for. You don't say attacking an abandoned castle is sieging. You just simply take it over.

11. Who are you to think you decide whether I'm part of this scene or not? And why is Eotm bad for GvG? Open field is all you need.

12. Yes, but not in this mass. Linking Server A and B doesn't create as much as linking all into a megaserver pool.

13. Cool bro. But I don't want to deal with that. And many in my server would agree.


And yes, my first post was a reply to the maker of this thread. Who said I talked about your idea?


And you are still confused about a megaserver. What you are doing is linking, nothing more nothing less. Megaserver is something that throws complete stranger randomly together. Don't use the word megaserver for linking. It is not the same.


And Eotm is empty because most people don't even consider that as WvW. While the maps sucks, it is certainly the concept that keeps the WvW players away. There is no goal, no teamwork, just a bunch of randoms aimlessly doing something together.

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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> > @"SkyShroud.2865" said:

> > > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > > The game isn't setup with the notion of 3 main faction's like ESO is with the Ebonheart Pact, Daggerfall Covenant and Aldermeri Dominion. Identity is important or nobody cares and win trading type things can happen.

> > >

> > > If we ever saw cantha maybe we could get 3 faction's like,

> > >

> > > Kurzick

> > > Luxon

> > > Imperial

> > >

> > > But that would likely come with AB maps not WvW.

> > >

> > > Part of the issue imo is that they never added an NPC faction, which made wvw strictly players only. Without the dynamic of an always aggressive and present balancing force on the map, ktraining ensues. Without an NPC faction there is "no story" and wvw becomes as boring as the players who are present at any given time.

> > >

> > > WvW is 100% player driven, which is why it can be amazing or a complete bore.

> > >

> > > People may think I'm stupid for wanting more pve in wvw but it's even more stupid to ask for content in a mode that has none by design and by extension, a system to pit no-identity teams against each other forever, expecting players to be permanently hooked.

> >

> > It is setup as fractions, called servers. Though the identity is not as strong as the one you have on pvp mmorpgs with all the supporting mechanism to make it more involving and interesting. Nevertheless, it is still a fraction.

> >

> > Since I mentioned pvp mmorpg, I think everybody should understand gw2 isn't a pvp mmorpg, don't get your hope too high.


> It's not really setup as factions in the way I mean as it does not have any meaningful splitting beyond what the players have ascribed to them, like yb the defensive siege server, BG the blob server, and so on. I guess more on the pve side I'm talking which can translate to pvp like AD in ESO was called the ganker alliance because 2 of the 3 races, wood elf and kajit, have stealth racial bonuses. For better or worse, that doesn't exist at all in gw2. There really isn't a draw to any specific server in gw2 other than black gate cause "they big server and always win".


Yes, it isn't as involving and interesting. Unfortunately, gw2 isn't a pvp mmorpg despite the potential for greatness.

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> @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> > @"X T D.6458" said:

> >If this was a good idea, EoTM would be full of people

> It _was_ full of people, until Anet gutted the rewards to drive them out (including specifically not allowing you to earn pips there).


Yup, most the time there was no fights in wvw and our group would go eotm and there was something going on now there's no fights in wvw we just log. The server system is trash and most the people for that type of system are stuck in their ways afraid of change for the better.

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This would basically turn WvW into something like the old pvp hotjoin games. They were fun but there's something to be said for the more permanent server identities and the sense of belonging that individual, distinct and persistent servers offer as well. Having different servers with different vibes and 'personalities' allows for players to self select and self organize based on their own individual priorities and values. So for me the best server is Maguuma but for others it might be Henge of Denravi. Having three different teams would just make everything feel homogeneous and that's boring. Fights are fun but fights when you feel like you're fighting for something that you actually care about are better in my experience.

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Let's see what happened to the most popular MMO of all time when they decided to remove servers in order to balance PvP maps:


The closet WvW analogue in vanilla WoW was a place called Alterac Valley - 40 horde vs 40 alliance. You only fought enemy players from your own server, and very few had balanced populations. For AV this sucked for the smaller faction. But your server community had it's leaders and on occasion you could rally enough people to actually fill the map. Invariably when this happened the (usually) lower population faction wrecked face. Because they had learned how to fight while the other side had learned how to blob lighlty defended targets. as this was a PvP map there was a victory mechanic in killing the last general but if both sides turtled or were too evenly matched the map could run for days.


The map had specific mechanics to break stalemates that idot Zerg players would ignore. But the smarter groups would use to great effect.


But something had to be done to balance the pvp population because lower population factions would have no wait times for pvp maps and high pop factions could be waiting for hours for a map.


WoW's answer was Battlegroups, a solution that looked exactly like EOTM. Overnight every. Single. Server. Community. Died. Like WvW, AV is the only place that mattered. But it went from one side almost always being outnumbered but being able to organize a good match to a race where players didn't even stop to wave at each other on the way to killing the undefended boss.


The problem was pulling from a huge pool of constantly changing random players means it's impossible to develop consistent leaders for any one map. Or if a player likes a specific commander it's very hard to find them again. GW2 has some mechanics that could ease that issue, but it's impossible to eliminate it and eventually that means the aimless blob mindset wins.


WvW is all about who you play with, and server communities is how you build those connections for the average player. Of the four guilds I'm in, three of them were met in WvW and all of those connections came over time as lil puggy Bash played with them day in and day out. We had time to determine if we'd all like each other. Now flip that. Every time a guildless player logs into WvW they play with new people how do you form those connections? Guilds can try and hold the line but it ends up that you're recruiting and basically inviting randos in. Randos kill guilds. And once the guilds are gone we're back to aimless blobs. The EOTM experience plainly demonstrates what mega servers mean for WvW. No thank you.

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Yeah... that's exactly what WvW needs,taking away what little is left of servers ,and turning it into EotM 2.0 with pips.

Make bandvagoning from a thing that it is now,to the only thing.

I'd rather if they allowed people to gain pips in EotM,so you can farm your pips,and we can at least enjoy WvW proper.

Even in it's current state WvW is 100 times better than EotM or ESO's bs of a campaign.

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> @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> > @"X T D.6458" said:

> >If this was a good idea, EoTM would be full of people

> It _was_ full of people, until Anet gutted the rewards to drive them out (including specifically not allowing you to earn pips there).


Letoll basically answered it.


> @"LetoII.3782" said:

> WvW didn't have rewards for most of it's existence. EoTM living and dying on it's bling factor kinda shows people weren't there for the PvP


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