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Nerf burn guardian


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I think burn guard should be nerfed. No spec should be able to do 10-20 stacks of burning almost instantly and then sustain several stacks of burn after the burst is over.

Currently there is at least 1 burn guardian in every match in gold division and it just makes me want to go afk


And while you are at it nerf every single condi skill. No skill should be able to make more than 1 stack of conditions of a single condition. It is frankly outright silly if a single skill applies 5 different conditions on you.

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I agree, condi has always had an advantage over power. I think GW2 made a mistake by decoupling the methods of dealing damage way back when they first designed the game... Now they have twice the amount of stuff to patch... and you know they'll never correctly patch it. It seems like every time they apply a "balance" patch, they create two more holes somewhere else.

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> @Nighthawk.4687 said:

> Bring some condi clear? Dodge the super choreographed animation that puts all the stacks on you. Don't walk through the ring of fire?


Sure, I am stacked with condi clears and even use melandru runes. Does not help at all since you instantly have tons of condis on you again after cleansing.

In 1v1 you may be abel to dodge the attacks, but as soon as you enter a team fight it becomes luck wether you dodge at the right time. Not to mention if you are immobilsed you cannot even dodge (hello druids lol). I have about 10k pvp matches done and team fights still look random to me, there is just too much going on at the same time, and animations become invisible in the clouds of graphic effects and clouds of illusions, pets and minions.

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As a DD Staff thief i suffer much vs guardians Tard builds like that, but the major issue is that they have plenty of blocks, healings and passive damage ( traps and symbols ) + infinite spam of fire condition, which i can remove every 30 sec ( signet of agility ) or 50 sec ( shadowstep return ).


Condi warrior is also a pain in the ***, but at least he does not have many passive dmg and refull health.


Guardian is really low skill, high reward.


ps: and don't forget bunker guard which holds a point. Yuk.

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> @Malediktus.9250 said:

> > @Nighthawk.4687 said:

> > Bring some condi clear? Dodge the super choreographed animation that puts all the stacks on you. Don't walk through the ring of fire?


> Sure, I am stacked with condi clears and even use melandru runes. Does not help at all since you instantly have tons of condis on you again after cleansing.

> In 1v1 you may be abel to dodge the attacks, but as soon as you enter a team fight it becomes luck wether you dodge at the right time. Not to mention if you are immobilsed you cannot even dodge (hello druids lol). I have about 10k pvp matches done and team fights still look random to me, there is just too much going on at the same time, and animations become invisible in the clouds of graphic effects and clouds of illusions, pets and minions.


You are using guardian and you are having problems with condi guards?

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> @Kuya.6495 said:

> > @Malediktus.9250 said:

> > > @Nighthawk.4687 said:

> > > Bring some condi clear? Dodge the super choreographed animation that puts all the stacks on you. Don't walk through the ring of fire?

> >

> > Sure, I am stacked with condi clears and even use melandru runes. Does not help at all since you instantly have tons of condis on you again after cleansing.

> > In 1v1 you may be abel to dodge the attacks, but as soon as you enter a team fight it becomes luck wether you dodge at the right time. Not to mention if you are immobilsed you cannot even dodge (hello druids lol). I have about 10k pvp matches done and team fights still look random to me, there is just too much going on at the same time, and animations become invisible in the clouds of graphic effects and clouds of illusions, pets and minions.


> You are using guardian and you are having problems with condi guards?


No, I do not play guard in pvp.


I know people will come out with learn to play issue again. Maybe it is. But why should I care if it is balanced for the top 100 pvp players if it is ruining gold division? As long as pvp feels unenjoyable and just another place to farm easy rewards, there is no reason to invest effort into getting good.

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This has nothing to do with the top 100. Guards are terrible at putting up cover conditions. Use your cleanses sparingly, don't just mash them whenever you see condis pop up. If you have 5 different conditions but nothing has more than a couple stacks then just tank the damage. If you learn to cleanse properly burn guards are a lot less threatening.

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> @Kuya.6495 said:

> > @Malediktus.9250 said:

> > > @Nighthawk.4687 said:

> > > Bring some condi clear? Dodge the super choreographed animation that puts all the stacks on you. Don't walk through the ring of fire?

> >

> > Sure, I am stacked with condi clears and even use melandru runes. Does not help at all since you instantly have tons of condis on you again after cleansing.

> > In 1v1 you may be abel to dodge the attacks, but as soon as you enter a team fight it becomes luck wether you dodge at the right time. Not to mention if you are immobilsed you cannot even dodge (hello druids lol). I have about 10k pvp matches done and team fights still look random to me, there is just too much going on at the same time, and animations become invisible in the clouds of graphic effects and clouds of illusions, pets and minions.


> You are using guardian and you are having problems with condi guards?


Even if power-DH countered burn guard (it's only a soft-counter at best) that does not make burn-guard builds rock-paper-scissors balanced because it essentially takes a guard to beat a guard. Funny thing is, FB is far superior at stacking burns than any current core or DH burn build. That's going to be fun, huh?

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> @Kerivek.5740 said:

> This has nothing to do with the top 100. Guards are terrible at putting up cover conditions. Use your cleanses sparingly, don't just mash them whenever you see condis pop up. If you have 5 different conditions but nothing has more than a couple stacks then just tank the damage. If you learn to cleanse properly burn guards are a lot less threatening.

In anything but 1v1 cover up conditions are plentiful since everything makes condis nowadays

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If they are instantly placing large burn stacks on you to begin with that means they are blowing several (probably all) of their burn stacking abilities at once. You can avoid these pretty easily if you just pay attention to what they are doing. Zealot's Flame pretty much misses every time the target isn't immobilized unless it is cast point blank. If you have an elevation difference the ability is nearly useless. If they are using Purging Flames don't go in and out of the circle because it will continue adding stacks. Judges Intervention is the only burn stacking ability that isn't obvious. As with almost any other build with any other class, learning the animations and abilities makes them a whole hell of a lot easier to fight.

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> @Malediktus.9250 said:

> > @Nighthawk.4687 said:

> > Bring some condi clear? Dodge the super choreographed animation that puts all the stacks on you. Don't walk through the ring of fire?


>I have about 10k pvp matches done and team fights still look random to me,



there is no way you have 10k pvp matches played lol, if you have that many games played and still dont understand basic concepts like how to beat burn guard then there is no hope for you. The top players in this game barely have over 10k. I literally play pvp nonstop and only have 8.9k games and this is from somone who has played roughly 10 games a day for like the past 4 years. If you do the math and never miss a day at all and never play more or less than 10 games per day, that's 14,600 games. Pretty sure your 10k is an extreme exaggeration lol


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Coming from a burn DH main:


Cleanse as soon as 8+ stacks of burning hit you. If it's a burn guardian, they're unbelievably squishy; focus them. If it's a burn DH things get a LOT trickier, if they're built right they've got tons of blocks (which apply burn stacks) and you'll need to avoid getting your attacks blocked. All in all, it's just timing when there's a burn guard/DH on the other side. Far easier to deal with than the ventari rev, S/D condi thieves, or some of the other absurd builds being played in plat.

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It's time to stop pretending burn guardian isn't overpowered. I main thief and after getting chased off point for the billionth time by a guardian, i decided you know what, screw it. if you cant beat em, join em. I'm always seeing people say that it's not actually that powerful and is a few condi cleanses will do the trick, so maybe I'm just fighting them wrong, and when I play it I'll get roflstomped and see how to play against it like people say you can.




My first pvp match I get the most kills I've ever had in a single game. I take it into ranked, I'm suddenly smashing through games 500 to 100, 500 to 90. I play it like an assassin, approaching teamfights a little behind and then bam, precast hammer 5 into the Judges intervention, purging flames, signet of judgement, throw in litany of wrath for good measure, feel my wrath so i can swing my hammer like a madman., then switch to mace for a little extra sustain if my team managed to die. It just cleans up 90% of the time. It's pure burst to be sure, and from time to time i get outplayed by people i end up dueling against, but lets be real here as a teamfighter it's absolute madness.

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Guardian Burn is strong but not Op at all.

Able to inflict only 2 conditions (burn and cripple), is the easiest condi class to fight.

The burn guardian have 3 skills that inflict burn: torch 4, judge's intervention and Purging Flames. To stack a good amount of burn and try a burst a guardian active them all, plus maybe a sword 3 or a scepter 2 to add some VoJ proc.

If you clean that burst there's no way a guardian can inflict any good damage for at last 25 seconds.


In team fights a burn guardian can be good and inflict a lot of AoE damage, but is squishy if compared to the power build and have lesser CC (F1 and LB skills, eventually traps) and that is a huge advantage for you. Focus the guardian and you'll kill him easy. Expecially because his F3 last only 3 seconds because need to spec to inflict cripple to have a single condition to cover his burn.

But the AoE damage can be really good, that's true.

Do you know what to do against a guardian burn that come in a team fight? Bring an ele! :dizzy: Elementalists and rangers take care of any condition build of this game in any kind of team fight. A guardian that try to spam burn in a teamfight where there's an ele will inflict 20% of his damage if is lucky.


That game isn't balanced over 1v1 or bad random team compositions with no teamwork.

If there's an ele in your team (and there's frequently an ele in every team), stay near him if you fear conditions, you will never suffer anymore and will never do against a burn guardian in teamfight.



The burn guardian is one of the easiest builds to fight in 1v1. if you have one or two condi clean skills ready (and maybe a good movement skill) there's not a way a guardian can kill you.


Make practice and try the build yourself. You'll do great!

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I found the issue OP, you're in Gold tier. If a Ranger is telling you that he's not having any issues, then something is very wrong here. You're a Guardian..swap your LB with a 1-hander and run cleanse-on-block. Still have issues? Make sure you're running Smite Condi and CoP then. You really have no excuse losing to a Burn Guard.

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