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So what are you doing these days?

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > @"TamX.1870" said:

> > Do you know what is the problem? The problem is that most if not all MMOs do not encourage experienced people to team up with noobs. Like you say yourself: you are already so self-sufficient with champs and such, that you don't have any reason to team up but with experienced players like you, for content where you don't want newcomers.


> I cut the rest of the post for the sake of length, but I wanted to address this point. There are actually a lot of experienced players in GW2 who actively help new players learn, or simply accept them into groups where they're not expected to know the content already.


Ah, yes, but either one of us is missing the point. My point was that the game do not reward experienced players helping noobies. It was an answer to a seemingly experienced player who had lost her/his earlier group. That does definitely not mean that there would not be experienced people helping newbies, as you point out, but they do that w/o getting any rewards from the game itself. Right?


The links you posted are interesting, and I will take a closer look to them. Def yes. And thanks for those!


- - -

EDIT: Besides, based on my former experience, I know that most lively PvE guilds need masses, but even inside such a guild, you will have hard times to really get involved to challenging content. Most of the challenging content happens in small circles. You have few dedicated friends to go to do you fast run, and that circle enlarges very slowly. It is usually even slower process in PvP front (PvP meaning in general players against each other, not referring to two such modes in this game).


Because long time experienced players need rewards, they need to see something happening, that is why I have suggested them to have their extra reward chest with good loot after all that suffering by taking a newbie with them. And it really belongs to that noobie, too: completing something first time is an achievement. It is. But where are our mentor achievements, counting how many times we have completed things with newcomers?

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> @"Zet.9130" said:

> Shopping a new MMO. Anyone have suggestions. I'm looking for something that is newish or coming out 1Q or 2Q 2018.


Stay away from newly released MMOs. They are nightmares at the start, have kitten communities, stability issues, bombarded with nerfs and changes that will invalidate your early progress (unless you are the type to exploit imbalances quickly to make some major headway kind of like the early months of GW2, buying up mass amounts of gems).


Unless you've already had your eye on a particular new MMO and have researched it and are hyped by it, I wouldn't recommend jumping blind on a bandwagon.

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As I’ve very little time to play these days, I’ve a short “Do” list and a much longer “Could Do” list (also known as my “Have Done And Would Probably Still Do If I Had Time” list).



Craft daily mats and sell on TP

Say hi to my guildmates

Check Ley-Energy Matter Converter

Check guild banks

Browse gemstore

Weekly key farm

Contemplate wasting more time

Exit game before I waste more time


Could Do:

Daily things like

-farm guild hall nodes

-talk to guild hall trader

-farm home nodes

Occasional actual dailies

Finish stories on my alts

Finish Mawdrey on my alts

Gather hero points on my alts

Map completion on my alts

Level and finish building my druid

Craft ascended gear

Learn raids

Save for legendary gear

Run daily fractals

Watch public roleplay

Crash public roleplay

Complete more achievements

Try running around WvW more

Attempt to PvP without dying

Find ways to break the map

Re-skin for Fashion Wars

Obsess over dyes

Collect all minis, skins, tonics, books and toys

Buy every chef recipe off TP

Farm maps

Grab a snack, afk and chat

Run around and harvest everything in sight and beyond

Re-do jumping puzzles that I come across, just for fun


And more. And forget that real life exists. And look at the clock and startle myself, and finally go to bed.

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Dailies, Teq, farm a little Flax. Trying to get bounty achievements in PoF done. I find I keep starting and leveling new characters because I don't care all that much for Lv 80 content. Can't stand HoT zones and PoF feels dead. Dungeons/Fractals/Raids are not an option for me because reasons. I wish there was more to do in Tyria for Lv 80s, like zone-wide events that gave decent rewards.

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> @"Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046" said:

> Playing with myself mostly.. sometimes i find someone to play with.. and then we do some roleplay.. usually it involves a ranger trapper, but that is ok.


> ingame i basically afk in pvp arena till Q.


So you play with yourself or roleplay with traps involved? Sounds very suspicious...

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Do the easiest, quickest dailies.

Pop into WvW and flip a few easy ruins or guards or caravans.

Procrastinate yet again on killing Balthazar. Don't want to.

Do the personal story on whatever alt I feel like.

Farm something here or there if the mood takes me.

Farm rubies from home instance, and now that "main" is _finally_ trinketed up, ignore LS 3 maps until I feel like dealing with my ranger.

See what buildings/cliffs I can scale with 'Lil Hoppy. Marvel at the scenery.

Do an event or two or WB if I feel like it.

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Level a new character or play around in 80 zones. There's still a lot of stuff for me to do, like item collection and achievements. I haven't tried to seriously tackle the specialization weapon ones. I get sucked into leveling most times for more variety in 80 areas and messing with fashion. I make plans for how I want each to look and since I also love taking pictures and writing stories for them, that motivates my desire to max them so they look a little more unique from each other.

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At the moment


- log in with my main and do dailies and loot my home instance

- see if any world bosses or metas are about to begin and go and do that for a bit

- farm mats or gold for the legendary I'm working on

- pick a random achievement from my list of unfinished ones and try to complete it

- pick a random map I haven't been to in a while and go explore it with my griffon and see what I can find

- do a bit of WvW or some low level fractals if I have time and am in the mood

- log off and log in with my fave alt and do more of the personal story which I'm taking her through currently

- try to finish story achievements as I go

- create a new key farming character and chance my luck on the BL chests


I'm not really ever bored, to be honest. If I'm not in the mood for any of the above, then I just log off and go do something else. And that's something I love about GW2. I can do that without ever feeling like I'm wasting money on a subscription, or time on getting behind in everything. I just pick up and play again when I'm back in the mood and jump right back into it.

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Check gemstore/gem exchange for updates.

Check wvw pannel and silently swear at ANet for what it's done to it in general, and to my server in particular.

Gather GH nodes, check the comms trader and other daily traders to see if there is some good stuff to trade.

Gather home instance.

Crafting and checking up on investments/opportunities.

Crafting weapons for provisioner tokens for my second legendary armor set, then doing the rounds and delivering them.

Buying my 2 mystic clovers for the day from the fractals vendor.

Maybe do fractals if I have the time and/or feel like it. Fractals money is good money.

Do AB or VB if it's up and I feel like it. I like those metas.

If it's raid day, then raids.

Once a week I do the keyfarm, if I feel like it.

Once a week I do the guild treks for fast and easy comms.

Check the AP tab to see if I can move myself to do some of the achievements I still need, then realize that working my ass off for 1 or 2AP is not worth the time; whoever decided at ANet to lower the AP you get for new achievements deserves to always receive pepsi instead of coke. At least I haven't dropped yet from top 500 in AP. Yay me.


Overall, most days I don't spend more than 30 mins in-game, even if I have the time to play more. I just prefer to log out and play something else.

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