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Introduced a friend to the game.


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I play another mmo that will not be named with a friend. He raids mythic and is really burned out on that game and especially the toxic community in that game. So I got him playing GW2 and he absolutely loves it. He kept talking about how beautiful the game is and how much attention to detail the developers have. He also commented on how nice the community is. He loves the game.


I want to thank each of you that plays this game for making it a fun environment to play in. I also explained to him that the developers for this game do not tolerate the toxic behavior in other mmos. Yes there are rare instances where a player is rude or trolls but it is very rare.


I also want to be clear I’m not a white knight but I believe it is very important to point out what makes this game a great game to play.


Thank you!


P.S. Asura are the best mmo race of all time!



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What has really kept me in GW2 compared to other MMOs I left or have tried is the game does not look "cartoonish". There are others that fit that description but to get the level of detail on those games requires in many cases, higher end gaming rigs. Mine is by no means a doorstop as I have a really good gaming system but I only have to scale back on some shading and shadows and BAM! I get 60 FPS and a nice looking game and the playstyle fits me.


Humans rule! Asura Drool! or is it.....

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> @"Drew.1865" said:

> P.S. Asura are the best mmo race of all time!



You know, I switched from FF14 to GW2 in 2015. Before I had to explain why we Lalafell rule Eorzea. Then everything got better when I started GW2:

The Asura know they are #1 and let everyone know that (if it's not evident already) - I had a lot of less work by explaining, it simply is like that. Due to working for another project, I was reading the Asura information (including GW1 Asura) and I realized how awesome they are, as if you put gasoline on an already huge fire it ignited my love this virtual species yet again. Everything feels so right: My wobbly, huge ears, my sharkteeth and that I have to aim up to shoot Bookahs.


I also start almost every single of my posts here (and the previous boards version) with Excelsior, even in the ingame chat. It's kinda funny what responses are building up, like

A: "Hi!"

Me: "Excelsior!"

A: "What's Excelsior?"

B: "Rat speak for 'hello'"

( Several Asura bash person B )


If I can dig up the PDF with one of the creator's interview again I can give the real quote, but I think it was along the lines of: "We loved to wrote (and create) the Asura". And that's very evident. I just wish I could join the Inquest already....



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> @"witcher.3197" said:

> > @"usnedward.9023" said:

> > What has really kept me in GW2 compared to other MMOs I left or have tried is the game does not look "cartoonish".


> That's right, it doesn't look cartoonish.


> It looks like anime which is worse :)


Wait what? Gw2 bears literally not a single resemblance of Anime.

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> @"witcher.3197" said:

> > @"usnedward.9023" said:

> > What has really kept me in GW2 compared to other MMOs I left or have tried is the game does not look "cartoonish".


> That's right, it doesn't look cartoonish.


> It looks like anime which is worse :)



U surely have not watched a single anime ti call gw2's art style anime. But hey what helps u justify hating on the game :p

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> @"witcher.3197" said:

> > @"usnedward.9023" said:

> > What has really kept me in GW2 compared to other MMOs I left or have tried is the game does not look "cartoonish".


> That's right, it doesn't look cartoonish.


> It looks like anime which is worse :)



There are a few anime-inspired things (certain hairstyles and armor skins), but the game most certainly does not look like "anime".

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> @"RoseofGilead.8907" said:

> > @"witcher.3197" said:

> > > @"usnedward.9023" said:

> > > What has really kept me in GW2 compared to other MMOs I left or have tried is the game does not look "cartoonish".

> >

> > That's right, it doesn't look cartoonish.

> >

> > It looks like anime which is worse :)

> >


> There are a few anime-inspired things (certain hairstyles and armor skins), but the game most certainly does not look like "anime".


Greatswords bigger than the character who wields it, super saiyan charr, mounts that radiate harder than toxic waste, 99% of the fem humale characters looks straight out of an anime, etc. GW2 design at this point is closer to an anime look than it is to GW1.

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There are certainly some elements reminiscent of classic anime visual tropes in GW2. The huge swords do come to mind, but the art style is far from anime. The limits of the facial sliders in character creation ensure that.


Back on topic,


The community is better than a lot of what Ive seen online. No doubt the lessened competition for resources and xp from kills helps. This does seem to fall apart in thkse situations where competition between players in the open world, or pvp/wvw, is closer to the typical online experience.


When those seeking the benefits of event success are placed at odds with those seeking failure the results are more typical of other online gaming experiences for example.



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lol at all of you :P I am not saying this game is perfect by any means with the greatsword issue and armor clipping issues and some general QOL things we could use. BUT it is close to perfect for me but I am getting old... Don't know if I could start over in another future games... well... maybe GW3 if that happens :pensive:

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