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GW2 economics and gold farm (help)

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So to be honest I've been playing this game since the beginning and I never got a chance to understand who the economics works!


I ask some guildmates and some ppl in "map" chat and they told me that some of the best ways to farm gold is o go to "Domain of Istan" for now to SW or to do some fractals !



The thing is I tried them and never really works ! I've seen some ppl getting really lucky by farming a weapon that costs almost 150g or maybe something else that costs a lot of gold in masses ( i don't really remember what it was somethign liek magic.....)


It seems that I never got a chance to find my own way to farm some gold teeth only thing I used to do was to go to SW because I got a chance to get 2 of my precursors. Also others try to flip items in TP which also I never understood how !


It's so funny how the tp works I mean for me at least from gold farm I am getting less than what i can get in TP and well that is how it works in real life too :P


But my question is ! Without adding real money to get gold which is 100% not worth it is there any other way to get the most amount of gold ? Like I said before to get some weapons that are 160g on tp or something that will boost your inventory


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I've never had a more then maybe 300g at once, but I rarely feel strapped for gold either. I usually make gold via Dailies, selling materials I gather and doing some material promotions in the Mystic Forge.

I keep two characters parked in the Tomb of the Primeval Kings opening the chests there daily and selling the Unidentified Gear.

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To explain flipping. The process is by putting up buy offers for item x and once you bought them, you put out a sell offer on the tp. This is a service to other customers. Many people dont want to wait for someone to accept their offer, so they react to what is offered. When doing this, you need to remember there is a 15% tax. so you need to sell the item for 15% more then you buy it for. Everything above is profit.


The trick however is that you are not the only one. Many people are doing the same. So the trick is to find a product popular with customers but not with other flippers. This way you can dominate the market. On the more popular items, people with a lot of money are not afraid to work you out their market buy constantly undercutting, even if it means they dont make a profit for a while. They have deep enough pockets to get you out and make a profit again.


Istan meta and the silver wastes are at the moment the most profitable runs. they however do not focus on rare drops or elite drops. The RNG is so small it is not profitable. I have played since launch and so far only had 1 precursor drop. It is the small things that add up much quicker.

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> ... they told me that some of the best ways to farm gold is o go to "Domain of Istan" for now to SW or to do some fractals !

> Translate


**Domain of Istan Farm**

Short version: go to Istan, use LFG to find a group to join for the Palawadan & Great Hall liberation meta events. Loot all the chests. Then sell the Unidentified Gear on the TP, salvage everything else, and sell it on the TP.


**Silverwastes Farm**

In brief: use LFG to find a RIBA group. Follow the directions. Salvage everything and sell it. Open any champ bags on a mid-tier toon (L23-L60). Salvage the results and sell it on the TP.


**Fractal Dailes**

Do the T4 dailies. Groups can finish in 20-60 minutes. The standard loot alone is competitive with above, at least for quicker teams (including encryptions etc). There's a huge bonus value over the long run, since T4 fractal dailies offer the highest chance in the game to get ascended gear as a drop.


**Fractal Farms**

Some groups repeatedly farm the same exact fractal, using very specific techniques and builds. I don't have numbers for the currently popular option. The old farm (which was nerfed) would be worth ~1.1g/run and the fastest groups were able to manage ~36 runs/hour. The goal was to do 21 runs in about 35 minutes, about 24g worth. I haven't seen a robust analysis of any current farms to compare to the modern version.



#### Further Reading

* [A Unified Model for Istan Farming](https://redd.it/7phess)

* [RIBA farming analysis](https://redd.it/6z9gz1)

* [LoL Guild's Champ Bag Tool](http://silverwastes.loltools.net/) (for getting the most value from champ bags)

* [Old Fractal 40 Farm](https://redd.it/622fq7) (even though it's no longer valid, it's worth reading for the analytics, the importance of following a plan to the letter, and for comparing to other farms)

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Are you trying to find ways to make more than 15-20g per hour? If so, you are asking for something more efficient than what everyone is telling you.


Illconceived covered the main options. Also remember to open bags on level 47-53 character.

More limited options:

- Mai Trin tier 2 can be farmed, but it’s slower than 40 was, and needs a strict group (good chrono, good healer, 3 good dps)

- winter berries and orrian pearls are decent sources of gold (you simultaneously get chests). Once per character per day.

- Lake Doric leather farm is slightly above Silverwastes, but only until diminishing returns kicks in (what, ten minutes?)


You can make more playing the trading post, but it’s not easy to teach outside of rare occurrences. Easy example was snowflakes during wintersday could be bought in old form, converted, then relisted for a nice profit. Another is when the api is down for maintenance, selling things gw2crafts.net tells people to use makes good, easy profits. But outside of the rare times, you need to identify something (often a chain of production) with a greater than 15% return. Outside of those rare times, you’d be better off using the exact same skill set in the real world making real money, then buying gems.


And keep in mind the 15% trading post tax. It means Lake Doric is even better if you need the materials since you don’t lose 15% selling. It means Istan is better if you need those materials. But if you need straight gold, Silverwastes is usually top dog.

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I play for about a month or so and try to do all the Daily stuff. I turn everything into materials, except for yellow items which i sell instantly. Then once a month (or longer) i empty my material bankslots and sell everything.


Works like a charm but it doesn't make you a millionaire ... which suits me fine :)

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If you are selling stuff on the TP instantly, then you are losing money to players like me , who buy your stuff and resell it for a profit.

Sell your stuff by listing it for slightly less than the existing buy price.

You wont get instant gold , but you will get more gold.

Learn to spot bargains , ie items with an order price which is much less than the existing sell price , and order some for yourself, and then resell them for a profit.

Far better than farming, and you dont have to leave the TP.



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> @"Richard.8207" said:

> Are you trying to find ways to make more than 15-20g per hour? If so, you are asking for something more efficient than what everyone is telling you.


> Illconceived covered the main options. Also remember to open bags on level 47-53 character.

> More limited options:

> - Mai Trin tier 2 can be farmed, but it’s slower than 40 was, and needs a strict group (good chrono, good healer, 3 good dps)

> - winter berries and orrian pearls are decent sources of gold (you simultaneously get chests). Once per character per day.

> - Lake Doric leather farm is slightly above Silverwastes, but only until diminishing returns kicks in (what, ten minutes?)


> You can make more playing the trading post, but it’s not easy to teach outside of rare occurrences. Easy example was snowflakes during wintersday could be bought in old form, converted, then relisted for a nice profit. Another is when the api is down for maintenance, selling things gw2crafts.net tells people to use makes good, easy profits. But outside of the rare times, you need to identify something (often a chain of production) with a greater than 15% return. Outside of those rare times, you’d be better off using the exact same skill set in the real world making real money, then buying gems.


> And keep in mind the 15% trading post tax. It means Lake Doric is even better if you need the materials since you don’t lose 15% selling. It means Istan is better if you need those materials. But if you need straight gold, Silverwastes is usually top dog.


Noob here.


I’ve seen two people in this post say to “open bags” at a certain level.


What’s the benefit to doing this?

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> @"Thafinest.2401" said:

> > @"Richard.8207" said:

> > Are you trying to find ways to make more than 15-20g per hour? If so, you are asking for something more efficient than what everyone is telling you.

> >

> > Illconceived covered the main options. Also remember to open bags on level 47-53 character.

> > More limited options:

> > - Mai Trin tier 2 can be farmed, but it’s slower than 40 was, and needs a strict group (good chrono, good healer, 3 good dps)

> > - winter berries and orrian pearls are decent sources of gold (you simultaneously get chests). Once per character per day.

> > - Lake Doric leather farm is slightly above Silverwastes, but only until diminishing returns kicks in (what, ten minutes?)

> >

> > You can make more playing the trading post, but it’s not easy to teach outside of rare occurrences. Easy example was snowflakes during wintersday could be bought in old form, converted, then relisted for a nice profit. Another is when the api is down for maintenance, selling things gw2crafts.net tells people to use makes good, easy profits. But outside of the rare times, you need to identify something (often a chain of production) with a greater than 15% return. Outside of those rare times, you’d be better off using the exact same skill set in the real world making real money, then buying gems.

> >

> > And keep in mind the 15% trading post tax. It means Lake Doric is even better if you need the materials since you don’t lose 15% selling. It means Istan is better if you need those materials. But if you need straight gold, Silverwastes is usually top dog.


> Noob here.


> I’ve seen two people in this post say to “open bags” at a certain level.


> What’s the benefit to doing this?


The relevant bags give loot based on the level of the character that opens them. Mid-level materials are more expensive than t5 (what lvl80s usually get), so getting midlevel gear to salvage is more valuable than max level gear.

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@Thafinest.2401 the benefit to your above comment is that opening bags on lower levels yields lower tier mats. Most players are lvl 80 and don't run through lower level maps for those mats which makes em more expensive on the TP (there's not as big of a volume of them as say mithril). If you open with a lower toon you're more likely to get those expensive mats which means more gold for you.

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