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Pending WvW Change That PvE Players May Want to Know About


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The biggest impact here is of course WvW, and the current proposal is subject to a lot of change before implementation months from now. But this bit affects everyone:


"Since worlds will not exist any longer, the "World Selection" that currently is available in character select will be eliminated, and instead a selection for playing in either North America or Europe will replace it."


Foggy and mysterious as the megaserver workings are, chosen server has supposedly been one factor in who you tend to share maps with. So being on Tarnished Coast I've had a higher chance of seeing RP in cities and in the wild. I'm guessing that won't come into play any more.

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PvE is already under megaserver status, the WvW announcement is specific to WvW I believe. Meaning if you are in a guild, you have to designate it to be WvW to ensure you can play with your guildies when the battle groups are formed. PvE players shouldn't be affected by this, at least I don't think. It only affects them if they attempt to go into WvW as a guild, in which case, if it's not designated as one, they'll be scattered.

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> @"DeadlySynz.3471" said:

> PvE is already under megaserver status, the WvW announcement is specific to WvW I believe. Meaning if you are in a guild, you have to designate it to be WvW to ensure you can play with your guildies when the battle groups are formed. PvE players shouldn't be affected by this, at least I don't think. It only affects them if they attempt to go into WvW as a guild, in which case, if it's not designated as one, they'll be scattered.


Upto this day, even with megaservers, there was a sense of seeing familiar faces. I saw less and less of those ofcourse. But it's fairly clear to me that whatever communities remained from before megaservers are still mildly existing.


Saying it doesn't affect PvE sounds like oversight to me. I certainly hope ArenaNet doesn't consider it in the same way.


Also Aliances being size locked behind WvW is really sad imo. It doesn't need to be that way, either.



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> @"Rysdude.3824" said:

> For PvE players, only “downside” i see is the gift of battles taking longer if youre not in a wvw guild.


If players need GoB then they need to work on it from the start of their collection project.. just doing dailies alone will net you the item in a few weeks.. So only the unorganized players MIGHT suffer.. but that is nothing different from now

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> @"Tails.9372" said:

> I'm fine with it as long as I'm able to form subgroups with people from my friends list, unfortunately Gaile Gray did not address this issue at all besides some vague "the system will assign a new player to a world on which their friends or guild mates play".


start a guild, mark it as wvw, voila, you can play together

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"Tails.9372" said:

> > I'm fine with it as long as I'm able to form subgroups with people from my friends list, unfortunately Gaile Gray did not address this issue at all besides some vague "the system will assign a new player to a world on which their friends or guild mates play".


> start a guild, mark it as wvw, voila, you can play together


Try to start a guild. Realise your guild slots are already full. Set your own guild to WvW guild (barely any reason not to) Make an alliance instead, and be subjected to whatever limits those.



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I wonder how this will affect language selection in Europe?


At the moment some servers are tagged as specifically French, German or Spanish and they're apparently more likely to share PvE maps with other servers using the same language. Which means if you choose to play on one of those you're more likely to encounter people you can speak to in PvE. (If there's enough people in a map for more than 1 copy of course.)


I suppose they could set it up to use your language settings - if you have the game set to French you'll be sorted onto megaserver maps with other people whose game is in French. But it would be nice to have some clarification on that.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> I wonder how this will affect language selection in Europe?


> At the moment some servers are tagged as specifically French, German or Spanish and they're apparently more likely to share PvE maps with other servers using the same language. Which means if you choose to play on one of those you're more likely to encounter people you can speak to in PvE. (If there's enough people in a map for more than 1 copy of course.)


> I suppose they could set it up to use your language settings - if you have the game set to French you'll be sorted onto megaserver maps with other people whose game is in French. But it would be nice to have some clarification on that.


This worries me, honestly. I wouldn’t want to be bunched together with people who flat out refuses to speak English (and I cannot blame them for that - prior to this merge they did pick a language specific server) as it would ruin the WvW experience for me...


Making one big EU “region” is always a negative experience because of this. Free transfer to NA please.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> I wonder how this will affect language selection in Europe?


> At the moment some servers are tagged as specifically French, German or Spanish and they're apparently more likely to share PvE maps with other servers using the same language. Which means if you choose to play on one of those you're more likely to encounter people you can speak to in PvE. (If there's enough people in a map for more than 1 copy of course.)


> I suppose they could set it up to use your language settings - if you have the game set to French you'll be sorted onto megaserver maps with other people whose game is in French. But it would be nice to have some clarification on that.


There was a reference in the linked post:

"World Creation builds teams so they have similar predicted participation, skill, coverage, and language."

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> @"costepj.5120" said:

> > @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > I wonder how this will affect language selection in Europe?

> >

> > At the moment some servers are tagged as specifically French, German or Spanish and they're apparently more likely to share PvE maps with other servers using the same language. Which means if you choose to play on one of those you're more likely to encounter people you can speak to in PvE. (If there's enough people in a map for more than 1 copy of course.)

> >

> > I suppose they could set it up to use your language settings - if you have the game set to French you'll be sorted onto megaserver maps with other people whose game is in French. But it would be nice to have some clarification on that.


> There was a reference in the linked post:

> "World Creation builds teams so they have similar predicted participation, skill, coverage, and language."


That's good to know, but I was mainly thinking about PvE. If you no longer choose a server when you start playing (and existing players are moved from servers to all being in the same region) there's no way for the game to know which language 'group' you want to be in on PvE maps.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > @"costepj.5120" said:

> > > @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > > I wonder how this will affect language selection in Europe?

> > >

> > > At the moment some servers are tagged as specifically French, German or Spanish and they're apparently more likely to share PvE maps with other servers using the same language. Which means if you choose to play on one of those you're more likely to encounter people you can speak to in PvE. (If there's enough people in a map for more than 1 copy of course.)

> > >

> > > I suppose they could set it up to use your language settings - if you have the game set to French you'll be sorted onto megaserver maps with other people whose game is in French. But it would be nice to have some clarification on that.

> >

> > There was a reference in the linked post:

> > "World Creation builds teams so they have similar predicted participation, skill, coverage, and language."


> That's good to know, but I was mainly thinking about PvE. If you no longer choose a server when you start playing (and existing players are moved from servers to all being in the same region) there's no way for the game to know which language 'group' you want to be in on PvE maps.


If people are using game client of their language, it should be the factor how they are being groupped.

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> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> > @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > I wonder how this will affect language selection in Europe?

> >

> > At the moment some servers are tagged as specifically French, German or Spanish and they're apparently more likely to share PvE maps with other servers using the same language. Which means if you choose to play on one of those you're more likely to encounter people you can speak to in PvE. (If there's enough people in a map for more than 1 copy of course.)

> >

> > I suppose they could set it up to use your language settings - if you have the game set to French you'll be sorted onto megaserver maps with other people whose game is in French. But it would be nice to have some clarification on that.


> This worries me, honestly. I wouldn’t want to be bunched together with people who flat out refuses to speak English (and I cannot blame them for that - prior to this merge they did pick a language specific server) as it would ruin the WvW experience for me...


> Making one big EU “region” is always a negative experience because of this. Free transfer to NA please.


Guilds will have to pick a Language and will be put into worlds based on that language - so if you're in a WvW guild that has selected English as it's language you will most likely be set to a world with people who speak English.


As for PvE, as far as I understand PvE will be entirely unaffected by this change. Although I wish they'd rework the mega server system to try and fill empty maps instead of draining maps with that ridiculous "This map is empty, please leave" thingy.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> start a guild, mark it as wvw, voila, you can play together

That's not a solution to the aforementioned problem. Even ignoring the fact that many people (especially casual players) don't want to join guilds for various reasons, not following up on previous anoutsments and alienating players by making things unnesseserly complicated is just contraproductive to the cause. Telling people to "just start a guild" isn't helping either, quite the contrary especially given the fact that A-Net specifically asked for feedback in this regard and there is no reason for them not to adress this issue appropriatly.

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> @"Rysdude.3824" said:

> For PvE players, only “downside” i see is the gift of battles taking longer if youre not in a wvw guild.


The whole thing is meant to balance playtimes across worlds, so that there is an even distribution of players playing wvw no matter what time of day you choose to log in. This should, in theory, actually HELP people get gifts of battle more easily if they tend to play during off-peak hours for whatever reason (in my case it's work schedule and third shift woes).

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> @"Tails.9372" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > start a guild, mark it as wvw, voila, you can play together

> That's not a solution to the aforementioned problem. Even ignoring the fact that many people (especially casual players) don't want to join guilds for various reasons, not following up on previous anoutsments and alienating players by making things unnesseserly complicated is just contraproductive to the cause. Telling people to "just start a guild" isn't helping either, quite the contrary especially given the fact that A-Net specifically asked for feedback in this regard and there is no reason for them not to adress this issue appropriatly.


I think the best solution for this would be behind the alliance system they are looking to implement. WvW guilds can form a multi-guild "alliance" with other WvW guilds. If they were to add extra tags (PvE, PvX, RP, sPvP) to guilds aside from just choosing whether a guild is a WvW one or not, they could also make alliances that work in the same way, and give mega-server map placement priority to anyone in the same alliance. Adding this kind of designation could actually make it EASIER to find people to play with rather than harder (particularly for RPers who this will probably effect the most).

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For PvE purposes, the Megaserver system is not changing. And the Megaservers currently works as follows;


With the megaserver system, **players won’t be separated into different copies of the same map based on the world they selected** on character creation. **Instead, you will simply arrive in a map and be assigned to the version of that map that makes the most sense for you as selected by the megaserver system** we’ve developed. This new system takes your **party, guild, language,** home world, and other factors into account to match you to a version of the map you’re entering. This will increase the odds that you’ll see the same people more often and play with people of similar interests. It only factors in World or Guild, if there is currently more than 1 map open of any particular map.

If there's only 1 map currently open, all players go to that map regardless of language, until it fills.


I'm playing on a English Client, in a non-language designated World, and get landed in maps where the majority of players mapchat in German or French. I'm not saying I have a problem with that, but pointing out the current situation in PvE with Megaservers is not changing from what it currently is now.

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> @"Tails.9372" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > start a guild, mark it as wvw, voila, you can play together

> That's not a solution to the aforementioned problem. Even ignoring the fact that many people (especially casual players) don't want to join guilds for various reasons, not following up on previous anoutsments and alienating players by making things unnesseserly complicated is just contraproductive to the cause. Telling people to "just start a guild" isn't helping either, quite the contrary especially given the fact that A-Net specifically asked for feedback in this regard and there is no reason for them not to adress this issue appropriatly.


Sorry to say this, but if someone is so casual they don't care about playing WvW seriously, they are irrelevant. These changes are not for them, but for dedicated WvW players and guilds. People who live by this mode, who make this mode alive.


Whatever rationalization people you mention created for themselves, they are also irrelevant. If they have friends playing every day on friendlist, they can create guild for themselves to stay together. They don't need to represent. They already spend their time together. I seen literally no reason here and you are blowing this up over proportions.


And keep in mind this change affects WvW only, so PvE players are not affected with it.

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