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Massive Quality of Life Update?

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Short term gratification often leads to unforeseen long term disappointment. Many ideas, more than half of which would completely alter the nature of this game, or destroy the economy.


PvE duelling has been suggested more often in the past, always to a resounding No. And I repeat it here: keep that shit out of PvE. If you want to duel players, do it WvW. That is as much open world duelling/ganking as you should get in this game. PvE duelling in other games (whether forced or selective) has always ruined my gameplay.


Legendaries are expensive and hard to get and should remain that way. Otherwise, stop calling them legendaries. There's nothing legendary about something that can just drop for you, that you can buy with a few dollars, or whatever easier way you propose. They are also more than just ascended stat weapons with a special skin. Legendary gear has features that ascended gear doesn't have.


More gems for less money? ANet needs that money for wages, the work place and game development. Perhaps spend some time investing in the game instead of making up a list of things to make the game more into what you like it to be (or play other MMO's, who have a lot of these things you propose; apparently those games are more along the lines of your preferences than this game is).


Elite maps? Raise the level cap? First of all, no to the second. We do not need a gear treadmill. I love that the characters I made 5 years ago are still max level with max stats. I, and many with me, would've abandoned this game if it was just another gear treadmill as too many MMO's are. And you can raise the level cap, but that won't make anyone more elite. A bad lvl 80 player will still be bad at lvl 100, unlikely to kill a champion solo or duo, let alone a legendary champion. Solo dungeons/Fractals if you want to test your mettle.


Your market place "QoL" suggestions sound more like a poor player's wish to make things affordable. These prices are one of the reasons people keep playing. They are also prestige items for people who care about prestige (to clarify, I'm not one of those people).


Accountbound story progression doesn't make sense to me at all. Accountbound everything is just a desire to make things easier for the lazy among us. Story is tied to character. Especially the personal story of defeating Zhaitan, where there are several different story paths to take. Making story progression accountbound would eliminate what variety we have in the different storylines. Where does it end? Make level progression accountbound? Just as ridiculous (and maybe this comparison will point it out more obviously).


Elite runes with 7/8 stats? To be completed by also equipping them to weapons? Great. How about those elite sigils you also mentioned? Where do we equip those if runes are taking up the weapon slots? Didn't think that one through, did we?


A commander rating system? Pretty vague description, by the way: who rates it? The community? Great. Another tool for trolls to abuse. There is also nothing wrong with more than 1 commander in a map. People can have different objectives. And there's plenty to do in any map to merit multiple commanders. In PvE, it's quite regular during map metas. It's also a way to gauge map activity and the likeliness of a certain meta being done/completed successfully.


I'd suggest looking for a game that has these features you so desire. You will have a lot more chance of success than imploring a game company to change the nature of their game just to suit your personal needs and desires. More than a few of these suggestions you make fly completely against the philosophy this game is built upon. And yes, there will be those of you who will state that ANet already abandoned that years ago, but I find those statements usually overly dramatic or emotional at best. GW2 today is not that far removed from the philosophy they put out years ago, if you look at it objectively.

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> @"silverfox.1056" said:

> Guild Wars 2 Massive Update?

> For some time now, I have been an on and off player, WVW, PVP and PVE lover since the day Guild Wars 2 was introduced. However, since the game has become more stable and the player base is more solid. I think it’s time for a large quality of life update for all the players to enjoy. Below are details in each broad category to better enhance the way the game operates. These are simply my opinion or my friends that play the games opinions and ideas.


> WVW:

> -Make an invite to duel option against enemy players in WVW and PVE.

> -Create dynamic events that take place in WVW, for players who want to contribute to overall points by completing said events. That being said, the events should be hard.

> -Have a statistic system in place to monitor classes that may be overpowered or overused. There is absolutely no reason for a zerg to be nothing but Firebrands or Scourges. After the statistics are clear and precise, nerf those certain classes slightly to be more in tune with other classes. I realize balance is a tricky beast, but sometimes when introducing new classes yall really go overboard.

> -Take off the annoying exploit where you can’t rez in combat, more than half the time we aren’t even in combat and I still can’t rez.

> -Introduce mounts into WVW, the movement speed of all characters is pretty unbalanced anyways. Obviously if you are brought into combat you can’t use your mount.

> -Limit number of players who can have commander tabs on at one time.

> -Introduce a commander rating system, no one wants to follow a bad commander.

> -Introduce better rewards for being the number one world spot before reset.


> Loot/Rewards:


> -Increase rare drop rates.

> -Institute legendary weapons as a possible drop for PVE content, not every player has the time or money to commit to create a legendary weapon. Also, map completion shouldn’t be mandatory to make one.

> -Stop with the useless runes and gear that no one obviously wants. Unless I am getting exotics, don’t get me a bunch of useless stuff. Its not fun to zerg for hours or pve for hours only to get my inventory full every 10 mins with stuff I don’t need.

> -Introduce New Elite sigils and Runes that would have higher stats then Superior. Quality of these items would be Ascended. The rune would have 7 to 8 stats depending completely on their bonuses, weapons would also play a part in completely all necessary stat placement to complete the rune.



> Marketplace:

> -I realize that the marketplace is mostly player controlled, but just like in real life there needs to be some king of regulation of that market. Especially, for some of those items that are going for over 2000 gold. Reduce the price by half of all items above 2000 gold.

> -Considering legendary weapons are nothing more than cosmetic, offering no stat increase from ascended. Then they shouldn’t be worth more than 100 dollars in real life money.

> -Make it possible to players to sell ascended items at weapons, not just crafting material.


> PVE:

> -Reduce the number of nonessential NPCs in the world. The amount of EXP you get from killing them are minuscule at best and aren’t efficient enough for farming. Furthermore, often times they are more annoying getting involved in fights or slowing you down while you travel.

> -Introduce more diverse mounts.

> -Add the ability to teleport to party member.

> -Add Elite only areas on PVE map, a place where a party of 2 people or more are required to go to and fight Elite/Legendary bosses.

> -Raise character level cap to 100 to help contribute to Elite status.

> -Introduce the ability to start HoT or PoF story with one character and have the ability to continue that story at the same spot with a different character. Which only makes sense, considering you can replay story missions anyways.


> PVP:

> -Introduce more game modes into PVP; For example: a football orientated game mode.

> -Have better PVP rewards and titles.

> -Raise power level cap.

> -Introduce the ability to acquire a legendary weapon by competing in the highest levels of PVP.



> Class Rebalancing:

> -Fix retaliation buff and make it work against conditions as well as direct damage.

> -Increase base health stats for all characters. Getting “one-shotted” shouldn’t be a possibility.

> -Fix the staff weapon on guardians and make it more viable than just being a buff stick.

> -Increase scourge AOE cooldowns and reduce AOE sizes by 25%. Increase number of targets the AOE’s can hit to 10.

> -Increase base movement speed by 25%. We shouldn’t wear stats we don’t want, just so we can move a little bit faster.

> -Increase range of Mirage Elite teleport from 450 to 1000, decrease to charges to 2.

> -Make Thief Deadeyes more viable in WVW, literally never see one.

> -Fix Renegade Class, just never see any so I am assuming the class is awful and misplaced.


> General:

> -Have the option to auto ignore guild invites.

> -Take responsibility and permanently ban spammers, not by their account but by their IP Address.

> -Increase rare drop ration for the Mystic Forge and increase number of available recipes.

> -Create a real/large casino in Lions Arch, with actual games and good prizes. The casino in PoF is utter garbage.

> - Introduce AOE taunts into the game, there really is no place for tanks and they should be just as important a DPS class.

> -Increase number of gems you receive for real currency.

> -Introduce dueling into the game, as well as wagers for the outcome of the duel. Example: Gold, Items, Gear or Skins.




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> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > @"juhani.5361" said:

> > What spammers? I haven't seen a spammer in months!


> I got whispered by one this morning. Right-click, Report, Gold Selling, OK. Done.


Interesting. Are you on the NA or EU server? I play on NA at APAC hours, when there's pretty much no one online-- probably not spammer prime time ;)

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> @"silverfox.1056" said:

> -Increase number of gems you receive for real currency.


What I always wanted from Arenanet, is to offer discounts for gems.

"From this Monday until Friday, all Gem purchases are 20% off!", "Your next Gem purchase during August (anniversary celebration) will be at 50% off!" is an excellent way to sell more gems and make more money. Although at first glance discounting might look like it will limit the revenue, it will do the opposite because limited-time gem discounts would entice players to buy gems during those moments, even if they don't need gems at that specific moment in time.


In another game I play, not only they do regular discounts for their in-game currency, during anniversaries and such, but they even have discount coupons available as login rewards. Imagine logging in one day and getting a "-50% gem purchase" voucher just like that. To make the vouchers actually work, they are time limited so you only have 2 days to claim the discount. In other words, you can't hoard them for later, but you need to use them quickly to get your discounted gems. That's an instant seller imo and a wasted opportunity by Arenanet to sell more Gems.


Obviously such discounts should -only- apply on Gems with Cash and have zero effect when buying Gems with Gold.


So I agree with this idea, but only if it's day limited and not permanent.

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> @"juhani.5361" said:

> > @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > > @"juhani.5361" said:

> > > What spammers? I haven't seen a spammer in months!

> >

> > I got whispered by one this morning. Right-click, Report, Gold Selling, OK. Done.


> Interesting. Are you on the NA or EU server? I play on NA at APAC hours, when there's pretty much no one online-- probably not spammer prime time ;)


EU, playing on French time (CEST). About 10:30 am.

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> @"Matiole.6857" said:

> > @"silverfox.1056" said:


> > -Fix Renegade Class, just never see any so I am assuming the class is awful and misplaced.


> >


> The only thing I agree with. Everything else on your list gets a big fat NO from me.



Pretty much this.

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Lock mounts too pof areas only and gliding to hot areas do same with e specs. Remove gliding from wvw and especs(they dont belong there any way) pvp only allow core classes so we can fight on equal terms with core players and f2p this fixes power creep and encourages core classes to be played. Remove core masteries ore allow them to be unlocked by core players. Thats my solution to power creep. E specs hot ones only useable in hot areas and pof ones in pof areas all will be great then. Remove pip system and leuge reward pips and passive reward track itbshould only award at end of match wich would encourage people to stay for full time and be active. Remove ascended amors infusion slot and ar content block.

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> @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:



> Lock mounts too pof areas only and gliding to hot areas do same with e specs. Remove gliding from wvw and especs(they dont belong there any way) pvp only allow core classes sovitsvon equal terms with core players and f2p. Remove core masteries ore allow them to be unlocked by core players. Thats my solution to power creep. E specs hot ones only useable in hot areas and pof ones in pof areas all will be great then. Remove pip system and leuge reward pips and passive reward track itbshould only award at end of match wich would encourage people to stay for full time and be active. Remove ascended amor svinfusion slot and ar content block.


Lets not, having mounts is why i started doing map completion again, having to run around for that long is no fun and the reason i didnt do it more than twice in the first place.


gliding isnt to much of an issue in WvW from what ive seen.


There are some core classes that are so underpowered theyd be unplayable in PVP.


BY core players do you mean F2P players? because otherwise everyone who has POF or HoT has the core game and thus the masteries.


The pip system in WvW is great for servers like mine which is almost dead and if i had to stay for the full time i wouldnt go to the places at all because i dont have that much time somedays.


AR needs to stay, and the infusion slot outside of AR is used for min/maxing and thus isnt an issue.

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> >

> >

> > Lock mounts too pof areas only and gliding to hot areas do same with e specs. Remove gliding from wvw and especs(they dont belong there any way) pvp only allow core classes sovitsvon equal terms with core players and f2p. Remove core masteries ore allow them to be unlocked by core players. Thats my solution to power creep. E specs hot ones only useable in hot areas and pof ones in pof areas all will be great then. Remove pip system and leuge reward pips and passive reward track itbshould only award at end of match wich would encourage people to stay for full time and be active. Remove ascended amor svinfusion slot and ar content block.


> Lets not, having mounts is why i started doing map completion again, having to run around for that long is no fun and the reason i didnt do it more than twice in the first place.


> gliding isnt to much of an issue in WvW from what ive seen.


> There are some core classes that are so underpowered theyd be unplayable in PVP.


> BY core players do you mean F2P players? because otherwise everyone who has POF or HoT has the core game and thus the masteries.


> The pip system in WvW is great for servers like mine which is almost dead and if i had to stay for the full time i wouldnt go to the places at all because i dont have that much time somedays.


> AR needs to stay, and the infusion slot outside of AR is used for min/maxing and thus isnt an issue.


No there is actelly people who bought core game only still

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> @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > > @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> > >

> > >

> > > Lock mounts too pof areas only and gliding to hot areas do same with e specs. Remove gliding from wvw and especs(they dont belong there any way) pvp only allow core classes sovitsvon equal terms with core players and f2p. Remove core masteries ore allow them to be unlocked by core players. Thats my solution to power creep. E specs hot ones only useable in hot areas and pof ones in pof areas all will be great then. Remove pip system and leuge reward pips and passive reward track itbshould only award at end of match wich would encourage people to stay for full time and be active. Remove ascended amor svinfusion slot and ar content block.

> >

> > Lets not, having mounts is why i started doing map completion again, having to run around for that long is no fun and the reason i didnt do it more than twice in the first place.

> >

> > gliding isnt to much of an issue in WvW from what ive seen.

> >

> > There are some core classes that are so underpowered theyd be unplayable in PVP.

> >

> > BY core players do you mean F2P players? because otherwise everyone who has POF or HoT has the core game and thus the masteries.

> >

> > The pip system in WvW is great for servers like mine which is almost dead and if i had to stay for the full time i wouldnt go to the places at all because i dont have that much time somedays.

> >

> > AR needs to stay, and the infusion slot outside of AR is used for min/maxing and thus isnt an issue.


> No there is actelly people who bought core game only still


So, you want to punish the people who bought the expansions then? thats also a no.

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> @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:


> Lock mounts too pof areas only and gliding to hot areas do same with e specs. Remove gliding from wvw and especs(they dont belong there any way) pvp only allow core classes so we can fight on equal terms with core players and f2p this fixes power creep and encourages core classes to be played. Remove core masteries ore allow them to be unlocked by core players. Thats my solution to power creep. E specs hot ones only useable in hot areas and pof ones in pof areas all will be great then. Remove pip system and leuge reward pips and passive reward track itbshould only award at end of match wich would encourage people to stay for full time and be active. Remove ascended amors infusion slot and ar content block.


Really? :D


You want to lock expansion e-specs for expansion areas only? So lets say i use lots of gold to gear my condition weaver or healing druid, after i leave expansion Area My gear is worthless?

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> @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:


> Lock mounts too pof areas only and gliding to hot areas do same with e specs. Remove gliding from wvw and especs(they dont belong there any way) pvp only allow core classes so we can fight on equal terms with core players and f2p this fixes power creep and encourages core classes to be played. Remove core masteries ore allow them to be unlocked by core players. Thats my solution to power creep. E specs hot ones only useable in hot areas and pof ones in pof areas all will be great then. Remove pip system and leuge reward pips and passive reward track itbshould only award at end of match wich would encourage people to stay for full time and be active. Remove ascended amors infusion slot and ar content block.


Also terrible ideas, "remove the last four years!"

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> @"raisedfist.5902" said:

> Something I have longed for is an expand all tabs/close all tabs in the crafting windows so if you gonna just pop by to do some refining of material you dont have to scroll through a really long list, and as there comes new recipes often then it will be more and more scrolling for every time. would be really awesome if it got added.


This thread is from february, necromancer.

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> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > @"juhani.5361" said:

> > > @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > > > @"juhani.5361" said:

> > > > What spammers? I haven't seen a spammer in months!

> > >

> > > I got whispered by one this morning. Right-click, Report, Gold Selling, OK. Done.

> >

> > Interesting. Are you on the NA or EU server? I play on NA at APAC hours, when there's pretty much no one online-- probably not spammer prime time ;)


> EU, playing on French time (CEST). About 10:30 am.


Gotcha. That corresponds pretty much to the hours I play-- it's 1:30 AM PDT. Which is also interesting and suggestive. Theories: spammers are focusing their efforts on the more populated server; there probably aren't that many of them if they don't have all of us on bombard 24/7; and Anet must be fairly effective at shutting them down. I'd be curious what NA is like prime time. I haven't spent a lot of time playing then, so I have no valid insight. I can say, though, that when I have, I've never seen a spammer.


> @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:


> Lock mounts too pof areas only and gliding to hot areas do same with e specs. Remove gliding from wvw and especs(they dont belong there any way) pvp only allow core classes so we can fight on equal terms with core players and f2p this fixes power creep and encourages core classes to be played. Remove core masteries ore allow them to be unlocked by core players. Thats my solution to power creep. E specs hot ones only useable in hot areas and pof ones in pof areas all will be great then. Remove pip system and leuge reward pips and passive reward track itbshould only award at end of match wich would encourage people to stay for full time and be active. Remove ascended amors infusion slot and ar content block.


No thanks. Especially to mount removal. Mounts were the biggest reason I bought PoF in the first place. They're also a big part of why I've stuck around this time. I remember the days before mounts and gliding-- the hours it used to take to run through Orr just to get to your personal story. You'd barely make any mapping progress at all, and get stuck as event after event got in your way. I only completed the personal story once then, even though I had a couple of level 80s. Not to mention that half of the hero points and vista points were inaccessible to the platforming-challenged. There's nothing like being stuck for days on a map you can't stand.

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  • 4 weeks later...

> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"raisedfist.5902" said:

> > Something I have longed for is an expand all tabs/close all tabs in the crafting windows so if you gonna just pop by to do some refining of material you dont have to scroll through a really long list, and as there comes new recipes often then it will be more and more scrolling for every time. would be really awesome if it got added.


> This thread is from february, necromancer.


Soo any idea where to post things like this instead? :)

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> @"silverfox.1056" said:

> Guild Wars 2 Massive Update?

> For some time now, I have been an on and off player, WVW, PVP and PVE lover since the day Guild Wars 2 was introduced. However, since the game has become more stable and the player base is more solid. I think it’s time for a large quality of life update for all the players to enjoy. Below are details in each broad category to better enhance the way the game operates. These are simply my opinion or my friends that play the games opinions and ideas.


> WVW:

> -Make an invite to duel option against enemy players in WVW and PVE.

> -Create dynamic events that take place in WVW, for players who want to contribute to overall points by completing said events. That being said, the events should be hard.

> -Have a statistic system in place to monitor classes that may be overpowered or overused. There is absolutely no reason for a zerg to be nothing but Firebrands or Scourges. After the statistics are clear and precise, nerf those certain classes slightly to be more in tune with other classes. I realize balance is a tricky beast, but sometimes when introducing new classes yall really go overboard.

> -Take off the annoying exploit where you can’t rez in combat, more than half the time we aren’t even in combat and I still can’t rez.

> -Introduce mounts into WVW, the movement speed of all characters is pretty unbalanced anyways. Obviously if you are brought into combat you can’t use your mount.

> -Limit number of players who can have commander tabs on at one time.

> -Introduce a commander rating system, no one wants to follow a bad commander.

> -Introduce better rewards for being the number one world spot before reset.


> Loot/Rewards:


> -Increase rare drop rates.

> -Institute legendary weapons as a possible drop for PVE content, not every player has the time or money to commit to create a legendary weapon. Also, map completion shouldn’t be mandatory to make one.

> -Stop with the useless runes and gear that no one obviously wants. Unless I am getting exotics, don’t get me a bunch of useless stuff. Its not fun to zerg for hours or pve for hours only to get my inventory full every 10 mins with stuff I don’t need.

> -Introduce New Elite sigils and Runes that would have higher stats then Superior. Quality of these items would be Ascended. The rune would have 7 to 8 stats depending completely on their bonuses, weapons would also play a part in completely all necessary stat placement to complete the rune.



> Marketplace:

> -I realize that the marketplace is mostly player controlled, but just like in real life there needs to be some king of regulation of that market. Especially, for some of those items that are going for over 2000 gold. Reduce the price by half of all items above 2000 gold.

> -Considering legendary weapons are nothing more than cosmetic, offering no stat increase from ascended. Then they shouldn’t be worth more than 100 dollars in real life money.

> -Make it possible to players to sell ascended items at weapons, not just crafting material.


> PVE:

> -Reduce the number of nonessential NPCs in the world. The amount of EXP you get from killing them are minuscule at best and aren’t efficient enough for farming. Furthermore, often times they are more annoying getting involved in fights or slowing you down while you travel.

> -Introduce more diverse mounts.

> -Add the ability to teleport to party member.

> -Add Elite only areas on PVE map, a place where a party of 2 people or more are required to go to and fight Elite/Legendary bosses.

> -Raise character level cap to 100 to help contribute to Elite status.

> -Introduce the ability to start HoT or PoF story with one character and have the ability to continue that story at the same spot with a different character. Which only makes sense, considering you can replay story missions anyways.


> PVP:

> -Introduce more game modes into PVP; For example: a football orientated game mode.

> -Have better PVP rewards and titles.

> -Raise power level cap.

> -Introduce the ability to acquire a legendary weapon by competing in the highest levels of PVP.



> Class Rebalancing:

> -Fix retaliation buff and make it work against conditions as well as direct damage.

> -Increase base health stats for all characters. Getting “one-shotted” shouldn’t be a possibility.

> -Fix the staff weapon on guardians and make it more viable than just being a buff stick.

> -Increase scourge AOE cooldowns and reduce AOE sizes by 25%. Increase number of targets the AOE’s can hit to 10.

> -Increase base movement speed by 25%. We shouldn’t wear stats we don’t want, just so we can move a little bit faster.

> -Increase range of Mirage Elite teleport from 450 to 1000, decrease to charges to 2.

> -Make Thief Deadeyes more viable in WVW, literally never see one.

> -Fix Renegade Class, just never see any so I am assuming the class is awful and misplaced.


> General:

> -Have the option to auto ignore guild invites.

> -Take responsibility and permanently ban spammers, not by their account but by their IP Address.

> -Increase rare drop ration for the Mystic Forge and increase number of available recipes.

> -Create a real/large casino in Lions Arch, with actual games and good prizes. The casino in PoF is utter garbage.

> - Introduce AOE taunts into the game, there really is no place for tanks and they should be just as important a DPS class.

> -Increase number of gems you receive for real currency.

> -Introduce dueling into the game, as well as wagers for the outcome of the duel. Example: Gold, Items, Gear or Skins.



Most of this would go really badly.


I do agree with one thing. There should be 1-2 more PVP modes. "Football" should not be one of them. Although something with a symmetrical capture and return mechanism could be fun. Like the old "FACE" map in UT2k4 for capture flag. Having a map that incorporates mounts in a strategic fashion might work if done right. It would have to be carefully approached in the design though.


The rest of this seems strongly motivated by your personal greed.

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> @"silverfox.1056" said:

> -Institute legendary weapons as a possible drop for PVE content

Don't really care for whether or not it's "legendary" (although you basically need them to be legendaries for A-Net to put some effort into the design of the new weapon sets) but I do think big meta bosses like the Mouth of Mordremoth should have thier own unique item sets (just like Tequatl) or should at least drop meta themed infusions like Vial of Liquid Aurillium (preferably with a more realisic drop chance than the 1 to 1000000 we've got for the HoT stuff).


> @"silverfox.1056" said:

> -Raise character level cap to 100

No, the scaling is already quite bad as it is. This would just make some problems even worse with no real benefits in return.

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They should just have stuck with the 20 levels of the original guild wars. You level too fast already, and the powerlevels all becomes equal at cap.

Plus all the junk there is in per say armorcrafting with various lower tiers of gears. completely junk as noone stays in those brackers for long.

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