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If you could bring 3 things from gw1 to gw2 what would they be?


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I was thinking about this earlier this morning and realised that there are various things that were in gw1 that I would like in gw2

(by things I mean literally anything that was part of gw1, cosmetics, pets, items, classes/professions)


My personal 3 would be


1: Build Templates (obviously)

2: Collectors editions addons from gw1 (I love and miss my prophecies collectors editions aura)

3: the ability to mix professions (nec/rit healer anyone? Bunny Thumper ranger/warrior :D )


I am sure there are about 100 different things that could be brought over but these are the 3 that I miss the most I guess

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> @OnyX.9027 said:

> I was thinking about this earlier this morning and realised that there are various things that were in gw1 that I would like in gw2

> (by things I mean literally anything that was part of gw1, cosmetics, pets, items, classes/professions)


> My personal 3 would be


> 1: Build Templates (obviously)

> 2: Collectors editions addons from gw1 (I love and miss my prophecies collectors editions aura)

> 3: the ability to mix professions (nec/rit healer anyone? Bunny Thumper ranger/warrior :D )


> I am sure there are about 100 different things that could be brought over but these are the 3 that I miss the most I guess


- Dervish

- Ritualist

- Scythes

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Scythe/Dervish.... (I really wish PoF implemented another class and Dervish would have been nice).

Build templates.


*I've played many many MMO's through their stories and none have captivated me as the story of Prophecies did... I'm a rush through the game to end game person but I've played through GW1 prophecies 3 times because of the story/gameplay/missions were so good. I wanted that for GW2 but never felt the same magic.

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1. Cantha (I want to see the Jade see being more fluid with underwater content now being available, and with the water level having risen, a partially-flooded Kaineng city, filled with plague-ridden... everything, and the Echovald forest, I just really liked the feel of that zone. In fact, still sometimes log into GW1 for the serene feelings I get with the ambience)

2. The ability to move my UI elements around - compass, health, skill bar, everything like that - I expect a couple of things cant be moved because of the design, but some things shouldn't be locked as they are (we can move the compass/map, just only to one of 2 pre-defined positions?)

3. Heroes, specifically for story-line/instanced content. There are occasional bits of story/lore I want to do, that I can't, because I need a party and no-one is interested at the same time as me (I was a late starter, so I've not done every path in every dungeon yet - and my experience is groups that agree then just force their path or quit once inside). Probably need to over-nerf the rewards if done with a Hero so that people don't just build grind parties.


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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Black Moa kitten - You are kidding me, filter...you are filtering baby chicken :grey_question: :grey_question: And now you are not. This seriously needs some work.

> Nicholas

> Guild Wars dances


LOL, GW2 forums has the most ridiculous profanity filter in the world. Funny are posts from devs with 'censored' stuff.

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Dual classing, even if it is only added as an elite trait line, I loved my Ranger Minion Master Necro hybrid in the original.


Some of the athletics, the body builds that didn't make male characters look like shaved gorillas, some of the more natural looking hair styles, and armors that actually look like the conform to the body's dimensions.


The different types of bows that Rangers had access to, not just long and short bow, but flat and recurve were mentioned as well each with their own properties.


As for the Black Moa Kitten, it has just put in my mind a griffon combination of black panther and moa bird. Where can I get one for a pet and possibly a mount.

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> @OnyX.9027 said:

> 1: Build Templates (obviously)

> 2: Collectors editions addons from gw1 (I love and miss my prophecies collectors editions aura)

> 3: the ability to mix professions (nec/rit healer anyone? Bunny Thumper ranger/warrior :D )


1. The ability to have a second profession combined.

2. The Monk and the Ritualist professions.

3. The armor and weapon designers.

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