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Confusion nerf in PvE was intended


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> @"Crossaber.8934" said:

> Make a passive skill for every pve boss that automatically use a skill (a skill do nothing and no effect) every X sec in combat to trigger confusion punishment, there you can keep the new confusion for all game mode.


Can't be just bosses. Think about squishy mirage vs mordrem sniper. Not a lot of skills being used by them there but they sure hit hard.

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> @"atlashugged.7642" said:

> Everyone is looking at this the wrong way IMO. The problem isn't that the DoT does too little. It's that the punishment does too little in PvE. Making confusion a boring DoT for pve would be a step backwards. Increase the Burst to make it so well timed bursts of confusion can actually keep up in DPS with other builds, and it would be fine.




The npcs do not attack often enough and many times they will die under the attack of other players before your confusion causes them significant damage, which means that you lose that farm.

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In principle I like the concept where confusion is a "burst" condition and there are a few good steps towards that - but also some large issues that don't seem to be addressed.


The good:

* stacking all the confusion into f2 - much more focused on one spike

* planning to remove confusion from axe auto - autoattacks will never be burst skills



The not so good:

* pve confusion durations are way too long on short cooldown skills. If it doesn't expire by the time the skill is up again, that's a problem. This is a pve issue due to raid gearing, alacrity uptime and cleanses being rare. Move towards massive but short duration stacks.

* the scaling is set to an average of 1 attack per second which is unrealistic for pve. Increase this factor (add an ICD if necessary) and it will be fine.

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> @"Heika.5403" said:

> > @"atlashugged.7642" said:

> > Everyone is looking at this the wrong way IMO. The problem isn't that the DoT does too little. It's that the punishment does too little in PvE. Making confusion a boring DoT for pve would be a step backwards. Increase the Burst to make it so well timed bursts of confusion can actually keep up in DPS with other builds, and it would be fine.

> >

> >


> The npcs do not attack often enough and many times they will die under the attack of other players before your confusion causes them significant damage, which means that you lose that farm.


Nobody cares about NPCs, since any build can handle them, even current axe. This is only a relevant issue for high level fractal content and raids.

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> @"Bofouci.1320" said:

> > @"Crossaber.8934" said:

> > Make a passive skill for every pve boss that automatically use a skill (a skill do nothing and no effect) every X sec in combat to trigger confusion punishment, there you can keep the new confusion for all game mode.


> Can't be just bosses. Think about squishy mirage vs mordrem sniper. Not a lot of skills being used by them there but they sure hit hard.



Then apply the invisible skill to every foe then, confusion punishment will be triggered by this invisible skill usage constantly.


Pvp/wvw get to keep this punishment on skill activation confusion, its a win win to all mode. Even mirag axe get to keep the confusion.


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> @"atlashugged.7642" said:

> > @"Heika.5403" said:

> > > @"atlashugged.7642" said:

> > > Everyone is looking at this the wrong way IMO. The problem isn't that the DoT does too little. It's that the punishment does too little in PvE. Making confusion a boring DoT for pve would be a step backwards. Increase the Burst to make it so well timed bursts of confusion can actually keep up in DPS with other builds, and it would be fine.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > The npcs do not attack often enough and many times they will die under the attack of other players before your confusion causes them significant damage, which means that you lose that farm.


> Nobody cares about NPCs, since any build can handle them, even current axe. This is only a relevant issue for high level fractal content and raids.


Do not generalize, I care and I am sure that many players also, especially those who do not play elitist modes, I mean hardcore...

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> @"Heika.5403" said:

> > @"atlashugged.7642" said:

> > > @"Heika.5403" said:

> > > > @"atlashugged.7642" said:

> > > > Everyone is looking at this the wrong way IMO. The problem isn't that the DoT does too little. It's that the punishment does too little in PvE. Making confusion a boring DoT for pve would be a step backwards. Increase the Burst to make it so well timed bursts of confusion can actually keep up in DPS with other builds, and it would be fine.

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > The npcs do not attack often enough and many times they will die under the attack of other players before your confusion causes them significant damage, which means that you lose that farm.

> >

> > Nobody cares about NPCs, since any build can handle them, even current axe. This is only a relevant issue for high level fractal content and raids.


> Do not generalize, I care and I am sure that many players also, especially those who do not play elitist modes, I mean hardcore...


But why would you even need to change anything for open world play, when the axe or anything else is already sufficient for the easiest part of the game?

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> @"plushiesoda.8150" said:

> > @"Crossaber.8934" said:

> > Make a passive skill for every pve boss that automatically use a skill (a skill do nothing and no effect) every X sec in combat to trigger confusion punishment, there you can keep the new confusion for all game mode.


> i'm not a theorycrafter, but I can state this with confidence.


> Even if confusion's ticks on skill-use did over 30k of damage in pve, and every single monster in the game used an skill every 7 secs, it would continue remaining useless outside of certain open-world-mobs.


The invisible skill usage I suggested to trigger confusion punishment, for maybe every X sec, X could be every 1 or 2 or 3 or whatever it is in order to provide similar dps to pve foe pre confusion update, isn't it more than enough? It is hard to balance confusion damage on pve without totally destroy pvp/wvw aspect.

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> @"atlashugged.7642" said:

> > @"Heika.5403" said:

> > > @"atlashugged.7642" said:

> > > > @"Heika.5403" said:

> > > > > @"atlashugged.7642" said:

> > > > > Everyone is looking at this the wrong way IMO. The problem isn't that the DoT does too little. It's that the punishment does too little in PvE. Making confusion a boring DoT for pve would be a step backwards. Increase the Burst to make it so well timed bursts of confusion can actually keep up in DPS with other builds, and it would be fine.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > The npcs do not attack often enough and many times they will die under the attack of other players before your confusion causes them significant damage, which means that you lose that farm.

> > >

> > > Nobody cares about NPCs, since any build can handle them, even current axe. This is only a relevant issue for high level fractal content and raids.

> >

> > Do not generalize, I care and I am sure that many players also, especially those who do not play elitist modes, I mean hardcore...


> But why would you even need to change anything for open world play, when the axe or anything else is already sufficient for the easiest part of the game?


Because as a developer and professional ethic, you must balance taking into account not only the different game modes but all the players whatever the content they play equally, without segregation of any kind. Everyone has the right that the improvements made affect them positively. It is my opinion being one of them.

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> @"Karl McLain.5604" said:

> Please retain the whole message when copy/pasta-ing:

> Moving Confusion to have condition damage contribution ticks made it a damage-over-time condition in addition to its 'hex' style punishment of using skills. We needed to make a choice as to whether or not the condition was going to be used as spammable DOT, or rarer/shorter, with more potency. We've decided to push Confusion to be burstier and once again focus on punishing skill activation. The reason for keeping any dot component is to message that you're under the effects of the condition, so you can be informed of it without looking at your buff bar.

> With that said, we'll be moving weapons like Mirage's Axe toward Torment, rather than Confusion, as soon as the process allows.


The reason for keeping any dot component is to message that you are under the effects of the condition? So the random moas, drakes, pirates and whatever mob there is, has a dot component to message it to be careful to not use any skill? I didnt know the AI were so smart.


We are talking about PvE here. What you just said is only reasonable for PvP situations. We need to know why you ruined PvE confusion, not PvP. Give an explanation for PvE please.


If you want confusion to be a hex kind of thing, why does it have stacks? Am I supposed to blow 4-5 cooldowns in order to apply 15 confusion stacks when I see a dervish is gonna spin in Istan so I can outplay it with 5k confusion tick? That's not a hex. That's just a gimmicky damaging condition that tryhards to be unique. A hex would be better if it was a nondamaging condition like chill or slow which has a duration and damages the eneny when uses an ability. Which is something I also dont want, just gave my opinion while trying to understand your pov.


Why are you gonna add torment to axe and other stuff? You want confusion to exist or not? You just made a post about your vision about confusion, and at the end of that same post you say you are gonna make a mostly confusion weapon to a torment one, basically slowly removing confusion from everything? We already lost confusion from shatters, only cry of frustration applies confusion now.


What makes you think that adding torment wont be the new confusion in PvP meaning nerfs to it in future patches?


Why are you releasing half finished patches? You remove something and then say hehe we are gonna add something soon and that's it? Is it funny? Does this feel professional to you? Do you believe that's ok? Want to give me gold so I can switch my items and gold again when you add the bandaid patch to revert back? I don't have legendaries to switch for free.


Just revert the PvE nerf. There is no reason to over complicate things. There is no outplay in PvE. Always think of the player's fun factor and then make steps. Not a single mesmer enjoys the confusion changes. And that's not because we dont like change. Many ppl liked the new phantasmas, myself included, and some new traits. But the PvE confusion change, sorry but no. It's best to accept you've done a mistake than trying to hide it under the bed.


I can understand that as creators and designers, you guys have visions. Some of those are cool, like mirage spec which was amazing before the patch. Some others, are bad. Like the PvE confusion changes. Accept our feedback. We are not asking you to give us stuff out of thin air. We are asking to give us back what we had and you without reason.


A mesmer.

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> @"Karl McLain.5604" said:

> Please retain the whole message when copy/pasta-ing:

> Moving Confusion to have condition damage contribution ticks made it a damage-over-time condition in addition to its 'hex' style punishment of using skills. We needed to make a choice as to whether or not the condition was going to be used as spammable DOT, or rarer/shorter, with more potency. We've decided to push Confusion to be burstier and once again focus on punishing skill activation. The reason for keeping any dot component is to message that you're under the effects of the condition, so you can be informed of it without looking at your buff bar.

> With that said, we'll be moving weapons like Mirage's Axe toward Torment, rather than Confusion, as soon as the process allows.


Torment is one of the **weakest conditions**! :(

It is enough to look at the condi revenant. Weak DPS, complex rotation, **very situational damage**. Not nearly better than the current confusion.

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I don't think mirage should be changed.

I believe it was theirs mistake to change confusion in both modes now. PVE should have stayed as it was and they should have just changed pvp aspect of it.


If they dont revert it and if they start changing mirage to have something else in place of confusion I will be heavily disappointed.


Confusion screams mesmer to me and taking it away or making it useless in PVE like right now is just a bad desicion. It's just making mesmer less "mesmery".


Right now it seems like "let's change confusion to useless to pve and then let's just remove it from game because we don't know how to handle this mistake". I hate it. All other changes to mesmer were ok, but confusion thing is really bad and seems so random, like they didn't think about it at all.


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> @"Karl McLain.5604" said:

> With that said, we'll be moving weapons like Mirage's Axe toward Torment, rather than Confusion, as soon as the process allows.


But that is rather disappointing then. What's the point of first making its condition be different, then removing that condition? The weapon ends up being the same as before, and as overall access to the condition in question is significantly decreased, the overall impact of the change is dampened.


Wouldn't it make a **lot** more sense to split Confusion more than it already is?


* In PvE, it could be like before, same per-second damage as Bleeding with some minor extra damage on skill activation. This is also consistent with Torment, which is strictly upgraded Bleeding in PvE.

* In PvP, it could be as it is now, but still readily available on the Axe because there's no need to replace it with a high-average-DPS condition for raid purposes. Negligible per-second damage, high per-skill-use damage.


> @"Lyndis.4653" said:

> This seems to me like a perfect example where the PvE/PvP split would work wonders and yet you actually split confusion only to use its aspect that does not work well in PvE. Ticking to warn about the effect doesn't mean anything in PvE and that is where the problem lies.


This is extra-annoying because Confusion has been split between PvP/PvE since **forever**. It's AFAIK the oldest skill-split in the game. The change might make sense, it just needs to apply to PvP only. This also means they have a **ton** less work to do with changing all kinds of Confusion sources to Torment.


But, personal take?

The devs are *really* *really* **really** afraid of Confusion in general. They always feel like it breaks the game immediately.


Because, this change now does two things: For one, Confusion is overall weaker. Even in PvP. The per-use damage went up, but not enough to offset the overall damage loss. Second, this gives them a **convenient** excuse to remove major amounts of Confusion from our skills and weapons "because PvE balance". Uh huh. Why not just say that Confusion will be removed? Frankly this game could do with less redundant design elements, and maybe we have too many conditions. No problem getting rid of some, but just say so devs :pensive:

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> @"melrokk.5938" said:

> > @"Karl McLain.5604" said:

> > Please retain the whole message when copy/pasta-ing:

> > Moving Confusion to have condition damage contribution ticks made it a damage-over-time condition in addition to its 'hex' style punishment of using skills. We needed to make a choice as to whether or not the condition was going to be used as spammable DOT, or rarer/shorter, with more potency. We've decided to push Confusion to be burstier and once again focus on punishing skill activation. The reason for keeping any dot component is to message that you're under the effects of the condition, so you can be informed of it without looking at your buff bar.

> > With that said, we'll be moving weapons like Mirage's Axe toward Torment, rather than Confusion, as soon as the process allows.


> Torment is one of the **weakest conditions**! :(

> It is enough to look at the condi revenant. Weak DPS, complex rotation, **very situational damage**. Not nearly better than the current confusion.


Torment does the same damage as bleed, with additional damage if the target moves.

And condi renegade was doing 33.5k (37.3k on large) before the patch, so how are they weak again?

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> @"Heika.5403" said:

> > @"atlashugged.7642" said:

> > > @"Heika.5403" said:

> > > > @"atlashugged.7642" said:

> > > > > @"Heika.5403" said:

> > > > > > @"atlashugged.7642" said:

> > > > > > Everyone is looking at this the wrong way IMO. The problem isn't that the DoT does too little. It's that the punishment does too little in PvE. Making confusion a boring DoT for pve would be a step backwards. Increase the Burst to make it so well timed bursts of confusion can actually keep up in DPS with other builds, and it would be fine.

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > The npcs do not attack often enough and many times they will die under the attack of other players before your confusion causes them significant damage, which means that you lose that farm.

> > > >

> > > > Nobody cares about NPCs, since any build can handle them, even current axe. This is only a relevant issue for high level fractal content and raids.

> > >

> > > Do not generalize, I care and I am sure that many players also, especially those who do not play elitist modes, I mean hardcore...

> >

> > But why would you even need to change anything for open world play, when the axe or anything else is already sufficient for the easiest part of the game?


> Because as a developer and professional ethic, you must balance taking into account not only the different game modes but all the players whatever the content they play equally, without segregation of any kind. Everyone has the right that the improvements made affect them positively. It is my opinion being one of them.


No, not really. The developers can balance for whatever mode they want. You as a player, a minority player, have no right to demand that the developers make a specific weapon slightly more viable in a specific mode where everything is already viable. You have tons of tools as a mesmer now to get through open world pve. There's no reason that your specific needs should make things unfun for the vast majority of players playing raids, fractals, and PvP modes.


Also, the suggestion that anet is acting unethically is dubious at best.

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> @"Karl McLain.5604" said:

> Please retain the whole message when copy/pasta-ing:

> Moving Confusion to have condition damage contribution ticks made it a damage-over-time condition in addition to its 'hex' style punishment of using skills. We needed to make a choice as to whether or not the condition was going to be used as spammable DOT, or rarer/shorter, with more potency. We've decided to push Confusion to be burstier and once again focus on punishing skill activation. The reason for keeping any dot component is to message that you're under the effects of the condition, so you can be informed of it without looking at your buff bar.

> With that said, we'll be moving weapons like Mirage's Axe toward Torment, rather than Confusion, as soon as the process allows.


I cannot support this change to confusion in PvE. This was a huge mistake imo. Mobs simply do not attack fast enough for this to be worth it. Even if you tripled its on skill use damage, it would be bad damage for the duration of the condition, simply due to their attack rates.

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> @"atlashugged.7642" said:

> > @"Heika.5403" said:

> > > @"atlashugged.7642" said:

> > > > @"Heika.5403" said:

> > > > > @"atlashugged.7642" said:

> > > > > > @"Heika.5403" said:

> > > > > > > @"atlashugged.7642" said:

> > > > > > > Everyone is looking at this the wrong way IMO. The problem isn't that the DoT does too little. It's that the punishment does too little in PvE. Making confusion a boring DoT for pve would be a step backwards. Increase the Burst to make it so well timed bursts of confusion can actually keep up in DPS with other builds, and it would be fine.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > The npcs do not attack often enough and many times they will die under the attack of other players before your confusion causes them significant damage, which means that you lose that farm.

> > > > >

> > > > > Nobody cares about NPCs, since any build can handle them, even current axe. This is only a relevant issue for high level fractal content and raids.

> > > >

> > > > Do not generalize, I care and I am sure that many players also, especially those who do not play elitist modes, I mean hardcore...

> > >

> > > But why would you even need to change anything for open world play, when the axe or anything else is already sufficient for the easiest part of the game?

> >

> > Because as a developer and professional ethic, you must balance taking into account not only the different game modes but all the players whatever the content they play equally, without segregation of any kind. Everyone has the right that the improvements made affect them positively. It is my opinion being one of them.


> No, not really. The developers can balance for whatever mode they want. You as a player, a minority player, have no right to demand that the developers make a specific weapon slightly more viable in a specific mode where everything is already viable. You have tons of tools as a mesmer now to get through open world pve. There's no reason that your specific needs should make things unfun for the vast majority of players playing raids, fractals, and PvP modes.


> Also, the suggestion that anet is acting unethically is dubious at best.


Are you playing with my words without no sense? I made a premise about how the developers in general, not specifically of this game, must be impartial for all players when program and balance the content, without made any accusation or suggest anything as you seem to be insinuating I said.


In any case, I have clearly stated that when changes are made, it should be ensured that it is for the benefit of all players without favoritism because all players have the right to have fun and things can be improved for some game modes without harming others. And one of the reasons why split the balance between game modes is good, as they are doing. It doesn't matter if raid/incursions or pvp is played by a minority, they are equally important, but not more or less than others. I claim just the opposite of what you say I said. I do not see what's wrong with that, or you did not understand what I tried to say or you try to turn around what I really said in your favor.


About the confusion, they should consider revert the change in PVE, at least temporally and study better what to do in the future, and if possible colaborating and taking into account the players opinion. I hope that they give us good news or a solution about this soon.

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> @"RabbitUp.8294" said:

> > @"melrokk.5938" said:

> > > @"Karl McLain.5604" said:

> > > Please retain the whole message when copy/pasta-ing:

> > > Moving Confusion to have condition damage contribution ticks made it a damage-over-time condition in addition to its 'hex' style punishment of using skills. We needed to make a choice as to whether or not the condition was going to be used as spammable DOT, or rarer/shorter, with more potency. We've decided to push Confusion to be burstier and once again focus on punishing skill activation. The reason for keeping any dot component is to message that you're under the effects of the condition, so you can be informed of it without looking at your buff bar.

> > > With that said, we'll be moving weapons like Mirage's Axe toward Torment, rather than Confusion, as soon as the process allows.

> >

> > Torment is one of the **weakest conditions**! :(

> > It is enough to look at the condi revenant. Weak DPS, complex rotation, **very situational damage**. Not nearly better than the current confusion.


> Torment does the same damage as bleed, with additional damage if the target moves.

> And condi renegade was doing 33.5k (37.3k on large) before the patch, so how are they weak again?


I'll tell you how he thinks it was weak.

Mesmer confusion was over performing by a freaking mile.


Thats why he thinks its weak. Imo mesmer will never not have a place in this game no matter whats the game mode is or what ever problems it has wrong with it. It simply does too many things too well for 1 profession and has super unique buffs that benefit everyone in every one of those game modes. I dont see why everyone is so upset over the confusion change when Mesmer finally seems to have a near perfect all round need in the game. The way this game is going the community will be 50% + with mesmers in population.


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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"Conncept.7638" said:

> > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > @"Pyroatheist.9031" said:

> > > > > @"Karl McLain.5604" said:

> > > > > Please retain the whole message when copy/pasta-ing:

> > > > > Moving Confusion to have condition damage contribution ticks made it a damage-over-time condition in addition to its 'hex' style punishment of using skills. We needed to make a choice as to whether or not the condition was going to be used as spammable DOT, or rarer/shorter, with more potency. We've decided to push Confusion to be burstier and once again focus on punishing skill activation. The reason for keeping any dot component is to message that you're under the effects of the condition, so you can be informed of it without looking at your buff bar.

> > > > > With that said, we'll be moving weapons like Mirage's Axe toward Torment, rather than Confusion, as soon as the process allows.

> > > >

> > > > I'm glad that you intend on making changes eventually, but it's not a huge consolation for the numerous mesmers that no longer have viable builds for potentially the next 2 quarters.

> > >

> > > While I find confusion change to be... not smart, what you say here is a lie. There are already benchmarks for new mesmer builds higher than previous.

> >

> > You part of the dev team? Because just like them you seem to have forgotten there is PvE in this game outside raids, and a confusion mesmer is now unusable in all of it.


> You can player power build. It's even much more reasonable to play power builds in open world.


Holy crap, are there any raiders that aren't so completely and utterly detached from anyone's feelings or desires than their own that they can't justify absolutely everything by claiming that something almost entirely unrelated is "viable"?


I don't give half a kitten if the mesmer is raid or fractal viable! Neither do most of the people complaining! Is that now clear enough to not be excused by "something else is viable"?


Confusion has been horrible in open world PvE for years, even after they added the passive damage to it in 2015 it was still lousy, but it was usable, it functioned, and people enjoyed it in spite of never even approaching viability. Or in short, it was just fun, remember fun? Do you realize that to most people, that word is in no way related to winning or proving yourself against so-called "elite" content?


Confusion has a flavor, along with the builds behind it, it fulfills a fantasy of a character so beguiling and tricky they can make an enemy defeat themselves. For a lot of players, it is what makes a mesmer, a mesmer. And now, that fantasy is gone, and with it the mesmer, removed from the game in the name of PvP players, and the devs don't give a crap, because players like you parroting the word "viable" are the only PvE players they seem to care about at all these days.


Our devs and the elitist portion of this game are so far gone that in an RPG of all things, a game literally based around the play of controlling your role in the game world, they do not care about providing play that lets you fulfill that role as much as they care about play that provides a sense of competition and superiority.

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> @"Heika.5403" said:

> > @"atlashugged.7642" said:

> > > @"Heika.5403" said:

> > > > @"atlashugged.7642" said:

> > > > > @"Heika.5403" said:

> > > > > > @"atlashugged.7642" said:

> > > > > > > @"Heika.5403" said:

> > > > > > > > @"atlashugged.7642" said:

> > > > > > > > Everyone is looking at this the wrong way IMO. The problem isn't that the DoT does too little. It's that the punishment does too little in PvE. Making confusion a boring DoT for pve would be a step backwards. Increase the Burst to make it so well timed bursts of confusion can actually keep up in DPS with other builds, and it would be fine.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > The npcs do not attack often enough and many times they will die under the attack of other players before your confusion causes them significant damage, which means that you lose that farm.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Nobody cares about NPCs, since any build can handle them, even current axe. This is only a relevant issue for high level fractal content and raids.

> > > > >

> > > > > Do not generalize, I care and I am sure that many players also, especially those who do not play elitist modes, I mean hardcore...

> > > >

> > > > But why would you even need to change anything for open world play, when the axe or anything else is already sufficient for the easiest part of the game?

> > >

> > > Because as a developer and professional ethic, you must balance taking into account not only the different game modes but all the players whatever the content they play equally, without segregation of any kind. Everyone has the right that the improvements made affect them positively. It is my opinion being one of them.

> >

> > No, not really. The developers can balance for whatever mode they want. You as a player, a minority player, have no right to demand that the developers make a specific weapon slightly more viable in a specific mode where everything is already viable. You have tons of tools as a mesmer now to get through open world pve. There's no reason that your specific needs should make things unfun for the vast majority of players playing raids, fractals, and PvP modes.

> >

> > Also, the suggestion that anet is acting unethically is dubious at best.


> Are you playing with my words without no sense? I made a premise about how the developers in general, not specifically of this game, must be impartial for all players when program and balance the content, without made any accusation or suggest anything as you seem to be insinuating I said.


> In any case, I have clearly stated that when changes are made, it should be ensured that it is for the benefit of all players without favoritism because all players have the right to have fun and things can be improved for some game modes without harming others. And one of the reasons why split the balance between game modes is good, as they are doing. It doesn't matter if raid/incursions or pvp is played by a minority, they are equally important, but not more or less than others. I claim just the opposite of what you say I said. I do not see what's wrong with that, or you did not understand what I tried to say or you try to turn around what I really said in your favor.


> About the confusion, they should consider revert the change in PVE, at least temporally and study better what to do in the future, and if possible colaborating and taking into account the players opinion. I hope that they give us good news or a solution about this soon.


No. Let's examine the core premise of your argument.


"Developers should balance for all players without any favoritism"


This is not true. Take it to the absurd. Pretend that I am a player whose goal is to complete the entire game and be competitive in pvp and pve without using anything other than auto attack. It would be ridiculous to assume that anet should balance the game for me. It is likewise strange that you should expect anet to balance the game for you. You are a player who does not participate in wvw, fractals, raids, or pvp by your own admission. Further, by your own admission, you will not use the effective power builds for your chosen gametype. Instead, like me you insist on inky using certain tools.


Base on these, you're in an extreme minority. Balancing the game the way you want it would make it less fun for a majority. So why should anet choose you over many?

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