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Character Creation need some Love!

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In fact, what happened was ANet added human face assets to the game, to better reflect the Real World™ African influence on the Crystal Desert. And that left them with two choices:

* Offer the assets to us for our characters, because they could

* Don't offer the assets to us, because it would be "unfair" to the other four races.


I'm glad they went with the first option.

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> @"Biff.5312" said:

> My guess is that from now on any new options will be accessible only through makeover kits. Why give you more when they can charge gems?


Bingo. Unlikely to see anything new on character creation. Too much money to be made by people who will buy gems to get the new looks.

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It's been almost 3 years since we last got new faces, and we haven't seen new hairstyles since 2016. =( We used to get them once or twice a year up until that point. I miss reading patch notes and seeing "New hairstyles/faces available at the black lion trading post!".

If anything, new ears or horns, ect.? Maybe piercings?

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Yea this is one section where I have been surprised they haven’t revisited.


Some male human faces have pointed ears. Like actual elf points on their ears. But it isn’t on purpose; it looks like someone was supposed to cut the ear shape out of plastic and did a poor job, and a little plastic is left over.


If you go through some of the faces with short or no hair, you’ll see what I mean

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> @"Demented Sheep.1642" said:

> It would nice to have more new Charr options they aren't jokes. :/


For real, that new hairstyle that looks like the wind blew through the mane and it just got stuck like that is sad. I also thought it was a bug or something when I first saw it.

ALSO: LONG HAIR FOR SYLVARI AND ASURA PLS. Not just sort of long, I mean like past the butt long. Need it. I'd pay $30 for it no joke.

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