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Worst class in the game right now?


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rev, it has no combat style. If you read the small descriptions about the professions they give some detail in how they operate and what their role is and its strengths and weaknesses, rev on the other hand isnt very descriptive. it just says it channels legends and kills and supports. That's the problem. Rev is my second most played class behind ele so I'm no stranger, but it's lack of cohesion and it's confusion of what its trying to do make it a real problem. I get that it has different legends that are meant to fulfill different roles, but what the heck is with it having two condi trait lines that do not work together at all. They focus on two totally different conditions. The jalis trait line is for tanking, and its weapon is the hammer. How does one tank from 1200 units away? A lot of the draw for the profession was based on sword 3 which is totally whack now. I think a better direction would have been to focus and stick to the mistwalker style of the weapons effects for the utilities. Also the lack of customization. I get it, a lot of other classes use a lot of the same utilities for every build, so the second half of their bars look the same. But guess what, every skill on that bar serves a purpose and is a lot more effective than 2 bars full of really bad skills in which you use 2 out of the 8 skills.


Another thing to note, wtf was the idea behind the energy management system. Think about it, utilities are very situation skills in most cases. They aren't used constantly like weapon skills and you rely on them for getting your butt saved. Why would you make it so you have to make a tradeoff for the same survival skills no one else has to. It doesn't work in this game. Thieves system works because their tradeoffs with weapon skills make sense. They have auto attacks that do decent damage and spend no energy. When they sacrifice initiative for a skill they get an added bonus of utility or damage for their weapon skills. This limits their ability to use other stronger weapon skills but their survival skills on the right side of their skills bars are still available. Rev on the other hand sacrifices literally everything to use energy because everything it has uses energy. You want start using attacks other than auto? better make sure you aren't targeted and are relatively safe. Want to use utilities? better hope you have enough energy and that your ok with auto attacking. Because of this inability to use skills when you want, you basically have to auto attack and treat your weapon bar as utility skills that should only be used when it is absolutely necessary. Rev is a class with 2 auto attacks and 18 mostly useless utility skills.


This is a bit of an exaggeration of my feelings towards revs. It can be fun with some gimmicky skills, the skill effects look cool, but playing the class is a complete handicap where everything you provide to a team is passive traits and skills (herald boons) (kallas fervor/might). It's designed to attack stationary bosses.

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Necro is definitely not the worst class. Actually, I don't think I can name a clear loser, all classes have their problems, it's just a matter of which you consider bigger. After the last update, I would consider mesmers to have the least problems, but even then, they wouldn't be the best class for someone focused on zerg wvw.


But, yes, not all game modes are equal, and thus pve issues are overemphasized. So, necros pve woes draw more attention than their domination in pvp/wvw. I myself tend to focus on pve, as well, so I'm not stranger to that mentality.


Necro has 2 problems in pve. People tend to only see the lower benchmark number, that 1 scourge is worse dps that 1 burnzerker or condi rev. The thing is, that is the core of the problem with necro, you either take 0 or you stack them. And that's because of epidemic; in bosses where epidemic is good, i.e. when you can bounce it to adds and back to the boss, stacking necros is usually the best dps you can get. But as a single player, when you only care about your own ability to make it into a group, you don't care if stacking necros is a good strategy, which is understandable.


The other problem is survivability. Necro feels like it was imported from a different game, their survivabilty is entirely stat-based, which makes them oppressive in 1v1s and terrible when focused by multiple enemies. At the same time, that survivability is baseline, so even a pure dps necro has 20k health and a second health bar. So, would it then be balanced if necro did the same damage as top builds, while being noticeably tankier? And even when scourge removes some of that, it replaces it with baseline support in the form of group barriers and condi conversion. But at the same time, you can't focus on that utility either, to build scourge as support.


Necro, in my opinion, needs a redesign. The crux of the matter is the way they are designed, you are offered the whole package before you pick your skills and traits, which makes the class both overloaded and shallow at the same time.


The matter of build diversity, or the lack of it, is not exclusive to necro. Engineer suffers from the same problem and until PoF, thief, guardian and warrior, too. And for the last three, even with PoF, they still are dps-locked, the difference is just that they get to choose which flavour they want between condi and power.

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Since this only show core classes , i think they are Guardian and Ravenant. Voted guardian cause i dropped it few months ago, since i dont have spambrand, and besides spambrand everything else on that class needs to be DPS variant wich i think they are extremelly easy to beat.


Also some skills on guardian are not working on combat or are extremelly useless, so basicly u need a build to overperform targets wich is towards spambrand of 1 or 2 niche builds that only work on spvp mostly.


Ravenant.. even the shield root is wrong in a game where almost every one has mobility..... and this would be just a start...

Rev has 2 builds to pay, mace condi where u team up with a ally to gank solo players or zerg build spammer.... Dwarf stance is weak, maybe some summon stances need a stronger effect to have more a defined gameplay, i would remove the weapon spwap with the exchange of having stronger utilities effects on some stances.

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> Since this only show core classes , i think they are Guardian and Ravenant. Voted guardian cause i dropped it few months ago, since i dont have spambrand, and besides spambrand everything else on that class needs to be DPS variant wich i think they are extremelly easy to beat.


> Also some skills on guardian are not working on combat or are extremelly useless, so basicly u need a build to overperform targets wich is towards spambrand of 1 or 2 niche builds that only work on spvp mostly.


Guardian has meta builds for core, DH, and FB in all three game modes. It is most certainly not the worst class in the game.

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> @"Vagrant.7206" said:

> > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > Since this only show core classes , i think they are Guardian and Ravenant. Voted guardian cause i dropped it few months ago, since i dont have spambrand, and besides spambrand everything else on that class needs to be DPS variant wich i think they are extremelly easy to beat.

> >

> > Also some skills on guardian are not working on combat or are extremelly useless, so basicly u need a build to overperform targets wich is towards spambrand of 1 or 2 niche builds that only work on spvp mostly.


> Guardian has meta builds for core, DH, and FB in all three game modes. It is most certainly not the worst class in the game.


Core guard and core Rev re the weakest classes.... due their blatant design.


DH is no longer an elite spec, just some cash gated traitline branded has elite spec, FB works because it is a core guardian from 2012 on steroids, and staff is a laughable weapon how it is atm and i assume this voting is about core classes.


I voted guard between these 2 cause guardian has skills **that dont cast in combat, or are not usable in any kind of gameplay**, there are skills that dont have their healing nor elite skill in game as well, and it is a class that is extremelly easy to counter.

Guardian m8 be the class with less working/eefective skills...




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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > @"Vagrant.7206" said:

> > > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > > Since this only show core classes , i think they are Guardian and Ravenant. Voted guardian cause i dropped it few months ago, since i dont have spambrand, and besides spambrand everything else on that class needs to be DPS variant wich i think they are extremelly easy to beat.

> > >

> > > Also some skills on guardian are not working on combat or are extremelly useless, so basicly u need a build to overperform targets wich is towards spambrand of 1 or 2 niche builds that only work on spvp mostly.

> >

> > Guardian has meta builds for core, DH, and FB in all three game modes. It is most certainly not the worst class in the game.


> Core guard and core Rev re the weakest classes.... due their blatant design.


Wait, what? Core guard is weak?



Engineer - Ranger - Necromancer - Elementalist say hello.

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > @"Vagrant.7206" said:

> > > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > > Since this only show core classes , i think they are Guardian and Ravenant. Voted guardian cause i dropped it few months ago, since i dont have spambrand, and besides spambrand everything else on that class needs to be DPS variant wich i think they are extremelly easy to beat.

> > >

> > > Also some skills on guardian are not working on combat or are extremelly useless, so basicly u need a build to overperform targets wich is towards spambrand of 1 or 2 niche builds that only work on spvp mostly.

> >

> > Guardian has meta builds for core, DH, and FB in all three game modes. It is most certainly not the worst class in the game.


> Core guard and core Rev re the weakest classes.... due their blatant design.


> DH is no longer an elite spec, just some cash gated traitline branded has elite spec, FB works because it is a core guardian from 2012 on steroids, and staff is a laughable weapon how it is atm and i assume this voting is about core classes.


> I voted guard between these 2 cause guardian has skills **that dont cast in combat, or are not usable in any kind of gameplay**, there are skills that dont have their healing nor elite skill in game as well, and it is a class that is extremelly easy to counter.

> Guardian m8 be the class with less working/eefective skills...


I don't think you've ever played a class besides guardian, have you? Every class has its weak/useless skills, but guardian has some of the fewest. DH is top-tier damage in PvE raids/fractals. A slight nerf to overperforming stuff in PvP and WvW will grant it top tier status in PvP and WvW as well.


Meanwhile, engineer has only one spec seen as useful (holo), the rest are basically garbage in every other game mode. Necro has a similar problem with Scourge.

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50% voted revenant and that's even before the big hammer nerf coming on Tuesday. Are you reading this Anet - the class needs some serious work. Currently useless in PvP and elite PvE content, and the last viable build is about to disappear from WvW.

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> @"Vagrant.7206" said:

> > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > > @"Vagrant.7206" said:

> > > > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > > > Since this only show core classes , i think they are Guardian and Ravenant. Voted guardian cause i dropped it few months ago, since i dont have spambrand, and besides spambrand everything else on that class needs to be DPS variant wich i think they are extremelly easy to beat.

> > > >

> > > > Also some skills on guardian are not working on combat or are extremelly useless, so basicly u need a build to overperform targets wich is towards spambrand of 1 or 2 niche builds that only work on spvp mostly.

> > >

> > > Guardian has meta builds for core, DH, and FB in all three game modes. It is most certainly not the worst class in the game.

> >

> > Core guard and core Rev re the weakest classes.... due their blatant design.

> >

> > DH is no longer an elite spec, just some cash gated traitline branded has elite spec, FB works because it is a core guardian from 2012 on steroids, and staff is a laughable weapon how it is atm and i assume this voting is about core classes.

> >

> > I voted guard between these 2 cause guardian has skills **that dont cast in combat, or are not usable in any kind of gameplay**, there are skills that dont have their healing nor elite skill in game as well, and it is a class that is extremelly easy to counter.

> > Guardian m8 be the class with less working/eefective skills...


> I don't think you've ever played a class besides guardian, have you? Every class has its weak/useless skills, but guardian has some of the fewest. DH is top-tier damage in PvE raids/fractals. A slight nerf to overperforming stuff in PvP and WvW will grant it top tier status in PvP and WvW as well.


> Meanwhile, engineer has only one spec seen as useful (holo), the rest are basically garbage in every other game mode. Necro has a similar problem with Scourge.



Dropped thief and mesmer arround 2014

Guardian since 2012 but it is the only class i didnt use on spvp, due how weak i tend to find them (to many counters against that class compared with most)

Played warrior, bit of revenant on WvW, on this account, engi and ranger on my alternate account on EU side.

I played most core specs even on DH i ended to get DH just for the virtues, and the remove condi on block.

(EDIT: i dont play pve in this game, so those builds are out of my KB, but i imagine every class works there since all that maters is damage output???)


Necro issue is that scourge is basicly mandatory, reaper m8 be hard for most players to achieve a decent build, but those who know how to play the reaper wich are few know how to create some impact on the gameplay.

Nerf scourge lol, improve vampiric quoficient on reaper since players need to build more squishy on power reapers.


Problem with eng IMO is that the theme got lost, and Holo is good cause does alot of damage, but ive once in a while almost 1shot them with hammer rev, maybe Anet could take a bit of burst damage of the class, and give a bit or surviability (ie seen great build on holo with decent "key skill usage" surviabbility when used on the right momment and a madness of damage)

Scrapper with barrier looked quite interesting but i never managed to have time to make one, nor i ever fought one, maybe cause the gadjet theme got lost and all that maters is Holo easy access to burst damage...in a game where DPS is king, themes dont care much.



> @"glass.3245" said:

> 50% voted revenant and that's even before the big hammer nerf coming on Tuesday. Are you reading this Anet - the class needs some serious work. Currently useless in PvP and elite PvE content, and the last viable build is about to disappear from WvW.


Anet will have to buff some of the utilities to compensate for the nurfs :) and alot....

Maybe each revenant avatar needs to feel stronger(on what defines that avatar) for the class, rather than have damage ouput on weapons gameplay.

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> @"glass.3245" said:

> 50% voted revenant and that's even before the big hammer nerf coming on Tuesday. Are you reading this Anet - the class needs some serious work. Currently useless in PvP and elite PvE content, and the last viable build is about to disappear from WvW.


im still salty about IO change

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> @"glass.3245" said:

> 50% voted revenant and that's even before the big hammer nerf coming on Tuesday. Are you reading this Anet - the class needs some serious work. Currently useless in PvP and elite PvE content, and the last viable build is about to disappear from WvW.


We're doomed.. as a forgotten class, but it still very fun to play, i'll keep playing it even if it's totally useless xD

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> @"Jinks.2057" said:



> Necro players need to stop lying


There is maybe 5-10% of the players, that can do this.


And its also do-able as other professions i think.

Guard might be able to completely block these dmg spikes?!?


And yes its a necro. But what is he doing?


HE IS PLAYING ALONE, which seems to be the purpose of this class in pve.


Yes now someone will link freaking dnt doing speedkills with a lot of necromancers.

Nice! Or dhuum cm which seems to be pretty easy with alot of necros.



But why? Because of one skill: epidemic


And i almost bet it will get nerfed, if some more players do stuff like this. Thats when necro has the same use as his minions.

They are dead useless punchmeat.


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It's so obvious this poll is led by PvP QQ as is most forum discussion, because revenant is a potent PvE class while Necromancer has been horrendous and Ranger has only had the opportunity to heal.


Necromancer by far is the most mediocre PvE class, matched only by the soulbeast specialization.

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the only reason i put thief as worst class is becouse the devs keep on trying to nerf thief but not giveing it anything it needs to stand out as a in slot class like ele is aoe dps king and mes is your all around class for condi dps and thank but when you look at thief we just get nerf then our dps is way in the mid for a single target dps it feels like we just cant get our potental. but that is just my thoughs on this.

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> @"Zenith.7301" said:

> It's so obvious this poll is led by PvP QQ as is most forum discussion, because revenant is a potent PvE class while Necromancer has been horrendous and Ranger has only had the opportunity to heal.


> Necromancer by far is the most mediocre PvE class, matched only by the soulbeast specialization.


Necro is optimal for significantly more raid bosses than rev and is typically stacked on those encounters while rev is never stacked. Neither class is competitive for fractal speed runs so that is a wash and balance doesn't matter for anything else in pve. The necro is trash in pve meme is no longer grounded in reality as epi bouncing is insanely strong whereas rev only has assassin's presence to make up for it's mediocre benchmark DPS and abysmal burst.

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> @"ArthurDent.9538" said:

> > @"Zenith.7301" said:

> > It's so obvious this poll is led by PvP QQ as is most forum discussion, because revenant is a potent PvE class while Necromancer has been horrendous and Ranger has only had the opportunity to heal.

> >

> > Necromancer by far is the most mediocre PvE class, matched only by the soulbeast specialization.


> Necro is optimal for significantly more raid bosses than rev and is typically stacked on those encounters while rev is never stacked. Neither class is competitive for fractal speed runs so that is a wash and balance doesn't matter for anything else in pve. The necro is trash in pve meme is no longer grounded in reality as epi bouncing is insanely strong whereas rev only has assassin's presence to make up for it's mediocre benchmark DPS and abysmal burst.


lol you base the value of a necro on the basis of a second one on what is basically a gimmick rather than a class.

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> @"Axl.8924" said:

> > @"Flauvious.6195" said:

> > > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > > I voted necro cause necro always gets shafted and no updates after its nerfs, leaving it in a perpetual state of ruin and mess.

> > >

> >

> > How quickly we forget the months since pof where scourge facerolled everything in PvP by just smashing the keyboard with your face


> Actually it was around 1 month or less and condi got nerfed and its not our fault, its anets fault.Also:your forgetting how many times reaper got nerfed and shafted.We got a constant stream of nerfs to the tune of whiners and crybabies in pvp and WVW, including epidemic.


> reaper was nerfed as well and so were our abilities.I don't want revenant to suffer but have some empathy for the situation necro is facing.Necros don't like being put in a position where they are too overpowered to buff because of how they are designed.They want to be viable in pve and have some decent meta builds at the same time.remember what was it, last year when revenants were crying? i didn't hear a lot of negative things being said about revenants, in fact a lot of people were sympathetic.


> Besides:Your class only came out in heart of thorns and i learned that this was going on before heart of thorns.I wasn't around for a time before heart of thorns but in the year i've been around i've witnessed a lot of nerfs and changes happen, and thats a lot of changes for a year.Actually:I have been playing more than a year because i got heart of thorns in december of 2016 and started playing , but i was playing months before i got it like 2 months, and its feburary so almost a year and 4 months.


condi got nerfed and scourge is still one of the strongest meta specs currently.

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So I want people to consider something for necromancer. If the necromancer could only generate life force through the skills that gain it now and not from deaths. Would the necromancer be dominant in WvW? If you answered "No, they'd easily be the worst profession no question about that." You are correct. If you've answered "They'd still be the best" Well, you should honestly play more necromancer since you have no idea how difficult the life force resource can be to generate.


Something to keep note of that the way life force functions. Without deaths the mechanic is underwhelming and extremely weak. With deaths the mechanic is extremely powerful and potentially broken. Consider this fact because it does display one of the key problems with necromancer design that no other profession on their worst day suffers from.

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> @"Zenith.7301" said:

> It's so obvious this poll is led by PvP QQ as is most forum discussion, because revenant is a potent PvE class while Necromancer has been horrendous and Ranger has only had the opportunity to heal.


> Necromancer by far is the most mediocre PvE class, matched only by the soulbeast specialization.


Yes Necro and Soulbeast, the two dps classes that are by far the easiest to stack for free Dhuum CM clears... So terrible.

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