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WvW Quality of Life Requests

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General broadcast of who is pulling the EWP and other pullables unnecessarily.

Guild vendor so I can get my buff there instead of porting out and back in. Especially in high queue times.

Mentioned in other posts a WvW waiting area to clown around in until Queue pops AND has a 1v1 featured arena to kill some time and practice...practice...practice. You know...like PvP but better :pensive:



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**1.** If you stack 2 or more siege weapons next to each other, its not possible to see which one you are going to FFFF, because it only reads: USE

**2.** If you are in the heat of a siege war and a random guard walks over your carefully placed siege weapons you will get the option to TALK TO GUARD. This dialog option blocks precious seconds I could be manning the siege! I never want to talk to pointless NPCs.

**3.** Using sieges FORCES you to face some mostly random direction - even siege weapons like shield generators, which have NO DIRECTION. Its very annoying and confusing, because you have to swirl the camera every time you man a siege. Let me face my direction and let me ignore the placement direction.

**4.** Refreshing siege weapons is not fun! Maybe implement an NPC who can be hired or paid every soso time intervall who strolls around keeps and refreshes things.



**1.** If I am in a 50 player raid, divided into 10 groups with 5 players each, let me see where MY PARTY is all the time. As a supporting class its very annoying to see your party suffer and being useless, because I have no idea where my 4 other party people are.

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> @"Raymond Lukes.6305" said:

> Oh just so it's not posted here a bunch: We will be adding the typical vendor you see in WvW spawn areas to OS. The spawn area has been expanded slightly and the vendors have been added there. Now there is an easy place to pop in to do some WvW housekeeping without needing to join one of the main maps.


Another thing would be nice like nights like this when you happen to forget to refresh the wvw guild buff and have 100 people in queue and can't do it or lose your spot on the map lol.

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- Crafting stations in Obsidian Sanctum

- Adjust north SM / south red keep layout so you have to build trebuchets outside the walls to hit the other asset. It's a bit strange to have these two being the only pair of their type that can fire on each other in this way.

- Adjust Crystal Desert reward materials cache contents; pitchers of coffee that give dismount-related effects are not useful in a game mode that doesn't support mounts

- Add a "Spotter" trick, which on consumption causes all enemies within 1200 range of the player to appear on their team's maps for 30 seconds or until that player dies

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number one

the sheer amount of wvw/banner/food/trait/gear/boons is incredibly over the top. please condense all wvw/banner/food into each of their own single icons.

number two

allow the owner of an objective to set limits to how much supply can be used by a single account. this is to help combat the worse offenses of supply wasting by trolls.

number three

put an icd on arrow cart damage, one that allows them to still be effective in defense. I realize this is a tricky thing, one that people will either love or hate, but getting pelted by 6 superior arrow carts at once grinds the entire game to a halt and ruins the fun for everybody. of course you can portal to those of you who are thinking that, but bypassing a broken mechanic doesn't mean its ok to leave it be. you could de-seige, but if I were to hazard a guess, most of us don't want to get involved in a 2 hour long siege war with trebs and counter trebs against a t3 full supply keep. its. just. not. fun. when a server does this, it practically makes a 50 man zerg necessary to take it down. I don't like making zergs necessary.

number four

add a toggle able option in settings for a range indicator for skills. often enough I am going to cast a skill but I have no idea if it will reach my mates or foes. I would hope that this option would take effect both when I mouse over a skill, and when I hold a skill down on my keyboard (right click can move camera, left click de-selects skill and does not active it).

number five

last but not least, I would be very happy to see the squad limit go down from 50 to 20. this would hopefully add a bit of incentive for larger forces to split up, not to mention alleviate skill lag, fps drops, and your own server load (theoretically from a peons perspective).


any who those are my top five.



another one (s?) for your consideration

number six

give commanders the ability to prioritize which combo fields they want to interact with. in large fights its nearly impossible to tell whats what and when its been placed. it would be such an improvement to organized play. I would even go so far as to ask that a list be accessible so that when one combo field isn't there then the next one is chosen, so for example water>dark>light or something like that.

number seven

panic button! when youre in trouble, you can press a button of distress that lets your allies find you easier. this would be invaluable for support specs, making it easier for them to heal their allies, as well as save people the trouble of typing RESME RESME RESME as they've been doing since the dawn of time.

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Here are a few UI-Based Ideas I'd like to see implemented come Alliances/World Restructuring:

1. See the number of Players in a Squad without having to join the Squad (Possibly on MouseOver on the Map?).

2. See which Alliance, if any, a Player or Guild is a part of.

3. See which Alliance(s) are currently part of a World.

4. See how much Supply an Objective has (Possibly on MouseOver on the Map of either the Objective or Supply Depot)S.

5. See if Siege is Ally or Friendly (Currently the only way to tell is by attacking them).


Here are some that may be a bit controversial or difficult to implement:

1. See location and health/status of Gates/Walls.

2. Range markers/circle for siege (When placing and when using).

3. See Ally/Enemy Respawn Timer when they are defeated.

4. Similar to Mentor and when in Squad Chat, show a "Commander" prefix when a WvW Commander talks in other Chat Channels.

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It would be nice if we get 20g in Diamond chest, don't take me wrong, but getting to the Diamond chest can be boring. Something great would be to add 20 gold in the diamond chest. This would make the players really play for the 20 gold.


Why not add something unique to the diamond chest. 20g or something really awesome.

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In the last linking or last couple linkings prior to the rollout of the new system, forget about trying to balance for perceived evenness, just mess it up and give us something different (like a T4 full of 4-headed servers, a T3 of 2-headed servers and a T1 and T2 of 1-headed servers).


I know, not QOL, but it would be fun to try once before servers go away.

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I only ever went to WvW for gifts of battle. But last week i took a look at warbringer and it somehow landed on my to do list.

im only rank 110 and i noticed it is incredibly hard to get pips... while im getting 6 pips, higher rank people get 13 pips... and therefore get their chests way faster than normal Plebs like me.

i barely made it to my last diamond chest last week (had 15 minutes left in the match) and now i feel like i have no power to do it again this week.

So i would request to give the people that can't spend stupid ammounts of time in WvW every day, a better chance at getting their pips faster.

As far as i know, we get +1 pip for finishing wood chests in the previous week. Why not give +1 for wood, +2 for bronze, +3 for silver and all the way up to +7 for finishing diamond.

there is still a 350 rank cap to make warbringer so just getting pips faster is not going to hurt that much but i think it would feel so much better.

it just feels like a chore right now to be honest.

my second request would be some sort of button that just drains your participation and gives you all the pips and reward track points you would have gotten for the participation you traded in.

Maybe make it so pressing that button, prevents you from getting any participation for 25 minutes. to prevent people from going tier6 participation, pressing the button and repeating.

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I know a lot of them have been mentioned but I figure if I mention them again, it'll make it more known that its something important.


1. Build templates

2. Lower the health (and probably yaks for upgrading) for T2 and T3 structures. With the shorter skirmishes, most people don't even go near T3 structures because they know they will have full supply and players of the opposing team will be ready to siege up it up as soon as you show up. Its just slow and pointless to even try so most zergs/commanders don't. Supply counts would also need to be lowered inside each structure and probably supply amounts required for siege to be built.

3. Rewards are uninteresting. Badges of honor have no real use outside of siege. Reward tracks are also pretty lame. A lot of them give siege which just clutters inventory for a lot of people who don't use it. Obsidian Shards and Tomes of Knowledge are the same way. Just give us all that stuff at the end of the track instead so I'm not managing my inventory every 10 minutes. In addition to that, skirmish chests offer nothing of real value. They basically offer things we already get, badges, proofs, etc. The only thing slightly interesting in them are the dyes.

4. Adjust tactics. Legendary lords having Iron Guard is ridiculous and gives a zerg time to end a fight on a different map and still run all the way from spawn to save the castle. A lot of tactics aren't balanced well enough to make them useful either. More tactics could be fun but WvW has touchy players so approach with caution and probably ask before just adding them to live servers.

5. Remove the aura buffs around keeps, towers, and camps. Getting additional stats just because you own the structure you're fighting at is lame. Makes for lop-sided fights that go much more noticed in small scales.

6. Add an item to the gemstore or make it something we all get where if our game crashes, we can get back into the map within a few minutes of crashing. If the game crashes and I have to restart, waiting in a queue is the last thing I want to do. I'd like to play with my friends, not sit in queue and them end raid before I get back in. Someone suggested on reddit that there be a boarding pass or something of that nature that let's you skip the queue if you want to swap characters or you crash out of the game. The map would basically just hold your place for say, 3-5 minutes. That's plenty of time to even restart your computer if something goes wrong. If its an item from the gemstore, make it only usable twice per hour or something to prevent abuse.

7. Lower the siege cap. Siege is lame.

8. In regards to rewards again, you should look into more ways for players to buy liquid WXP. Remember how you used to be able to with laurels? It would be nice to do that with badges or proofs so players who have played a lot could boost their way up to get more pips per week. If not that, some way to help people who can't play often get more pips per week...or both ideas would work!

9. Don't let some siege be out of range to attack but in range for enemies to use. Arrow carts on the third floor of SMC, for example, is pretty lame if you're on one of the inner gates trying to get in.

10. Maybe consider shrinking all the maps in size (ABL and DBL, not EBG)? This would need a play test for sure but getting rid of some of the huge gaps and pointless parts of maps would be nice since nobody would fight or even go to those areas to begin with, especially now that map completion isn't necessary for WvW.

11. Add additional rewards to the skirmish vendor in spawn.

12. More ablities or something be done with the system. Actual WvW players have been done with that for at least a year now.

13. Capes as rewards?

14. Something be done about AFK pip farming. I know Raymond said there was something in the works but I just want to make sure this is addressed sooner than later.

15. Add new foods that come out with expansions to the provisioner. Obviously, the highest level wouldn't be there but new foods would be nice.

16. A way to counter-pin sniping.

17. A way to make your current commander easier to see (for friendlies only).

18. WvW weekends. Extra badges and WXP would be a great thing every time the new alliance system restarts. Get players hyped about playing!

19. Add WXP gain or something to hero banners or make EXP gained turn into WXP so the banners have more use in WvW.

20. More adjustments to the DBL map. The champion lords are annoying to fight (the ones on the other maps are the opposite and are too boring), some of the terrain is still very off. The map is still too vertical for GW2's combat system. The map is too spread out that leads to running around more than fighting.

21. Capping an upgraded structure should feel more rewarding. If a group can take an T3 SMC, a reward chest should pop up in lords or or something. Give more WXP, gives badges. 1g. Something. This can't lead to ktraining because people would only be able to do it once before everything is paper again. In turn, defending could lead to something more than just karma and a gold medal on the screen as well. I know Colin and others have talked about how this could be abused so its obviously very touchy in determining what a player does to actually "defend" a structure.

22. A new map should never be off the table but more community involvement might be necessary. Let 2-4 guilds get on it and duke it out with each other while devs are present to see how it plays out and gather feedback in real time.

23. Keep addressing lag issues, especially in 3 way server fights.

24. Think of new "traps". They could potentially be interesting but the current ones are mostly useless outside of the siege disabler.

25. Winning should be encouraged. Give people a reason to be the best.

26. Frequent balance patches like we are getting more recently.

27. WvW specific legendary items (weapons, trinkets)

28. More dev interaction both online and in-game!

29. More combat tonics cause why not?

30. Squad markers to be more visible. These are really helpful when showing a zerg where to stand or what to attack. Also, targeting the enemy commander with them shouldn't be a thing because it lets you see them behind walls.


I probably have a lot more I could think of but I just finished playing reset and my hands are really tired. Also, I realize I suggested that you give us more badges of honor in some cases (like in terms of rewards) but also that we need more things to spend them on.

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> @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> Maybe we should start with some serious request and then devolve the thread into jokes after the devs have some stuff to work on....


I did not post in jest.

We have jump pads, we have gliders.

They're already 70% of the way to a player built player launcher.

And it'd be cool \o/

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Some Squad updates would be nice. Instead of a simple generic tag...... How about your guild emblem as your visual tag reference to distinguish guilds on the map.

It would also be nice to have Pick/Havoc/Party-leader tags inside a squad, so commanders can keep track of havoc teams operating on the map.

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> @"Aragorn.5760" said:

> Can you expose if a player is tagged up + squad size, the color of the tag and which map they are on in the API? This would allow communities to have automatically changing sites to show who is tagged where in real time.


> /v2/session (as in play session)

> {

> character : character_name,

> tagged : true/false,

> tag_color: null/blue/red/etc,

> group_size: 1 - 50,

> map: Red BL/Gandaran Fields/etc....

> }


> would be a very useful endpoint.


This sounds like a really bad idea. It would make tag watching even easier. No tag on map? Let's go for SMC! Yeah, that's not cool.

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It's annoying when you're playing WvW and go for a tower with some people, manage to kill the enemy who comes to defend, make it up to the lord's room, and they're back with full HP cool downs ready beating on you during the lord fight thanks to gliding in WvW. Could you add a debuff on death that disables gliding for like 20-30 seconds? Rallying on waypoint and rushing back in like 10 seconds is blegh. That way it can still be done but is punished upon defeat.

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Well, profession balance efforts above all else but I doubt that's something you've got the ability to make change for.


Otherwise as far as more minor QoL goes:


- Remove Ascalonian archers from blue keep or make them neutral; they constantly put people in combat and it's extremely annoying because they hit from range.

- Allow a toggle to auto-repeat your current reward track upon completion.

- Change salvage items dropped by players on kill to be unstable materials or random level rather than always t5.

- Unify reward track loot box types within their respective tracks so that you don't have to worry about having a million different loot boxes of different types eating up inventory space which can be hard to locate in a full inventory.

- Improve or remove/reduce base break bar values on tower lords for solo players.


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