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WvW Quality of Life Requests

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> Hey folks!


> As you know, the World Restructuring plan we've been discussing is a fairly long term project. While we work on that, we might have a bit of bandwidth here and there to do some minor QoL stuff.


> We'd love your input on what you'd like to see. If we see an idea here we like, we'll get it on the backlog. No guarantee we get to it in a timely manner (or at all, for that matter), but I'd like us to have a nice list of community requests to pull from, should we find the time.


1. Something done for stealth in WvW. Being abused in WvW since there's lack of ways to counter the mechanic. Skills that are implemented currently is not helping, not to mention you need to target them in order to work?( :sweat: they are stealthed....).


2. Invisible walls obstructing projectiles in camps bug.


3. Some proper dmg scaling? With the new patch there are some classes that can deal 13-15k dmg in 1-2sec with just a button. Eg. Mesmers pistol duelist can deal 10k followed with shatters while stealthed. Mirage have constant reflects and instant burst skill. Deadeye overly buffed "double tap/ three round burst" spam without cd that total up to 9-12k dmg each click(snipe deals 17k but its no longer needed). Revenant spammable hammer skill #2. I'll stop here before I bores everyone. It's just that some burst had **no counterplay** and in WvW, to add theres no restrain to players which allow players to run to reset the cd.

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Reduce Visual Cluster

Make OS instanced and like the pvp Lobby, with more Arena space

Guild only tags

Remove Mini's outside the spawn

i don't want build templates. But maybe i am old fashioned. I just want to Play one build and not be force to Change around all the time.

There are quite some things that Need to be revised. The General power Level of certain siege weapons. +

The red Castle Needs some repositioning. (ebg)


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Things I'm missing especially in wvw:

* in a raid, we are often sorted in groups of 5 people to optimize the buffs each one get. But to make that work, I need to bee close to my group. A special tag or **color on the group players** would help a lot!

* build+armor+weapon - **templates** switchable when out of fight. Oh that would be cool.

* **auto repair** your broken gear on any spawn point. please.

* why not let engineers **repair siege weapons**? They are engineers!

* make a option to increase the **awareness for the commander tag** on the minimap, like pulsing or shining. Ideally in the gamer preferences.


thats it. Thanks for paying attention.

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:+1: SMC should not be able to treb any of the outer Towers on ebg. ESPECIALLY THE RED KEEP, its ridiculous, red keep is assign to the 3rd place server, how can a 3rd place server handle trebbing from the vista hills and also from SMC?? the whole EBG map needs to be re think. some places have too much advantages. I've said this before. The server that has SMC is usually the biggest BLOB server and they can be in SMC harassing the other 2 servers 24 hours for days! fix the map. better still have multiple different maps and rotate each week. Because, currently the maps are getting boring and stale.


:+1: Shield Gen recharge time

if you have 1 person handling 1 shield gen the recharge time should be 0

if you have 10 persons handling 10 shield gen the recharge time should be longer. cos its ridiculous trying to defend a tower alone or sometime 3 players but 2 wont touch the shield gen at all.


:+1: Lag issue when face with blob/zerg need to be address


:+1: PAYING THE GUARD (NPC) in tower/ keep to tick/refresh your sieges, or somekind of tower upgrade that can make your siege stay up longer, for when you leave the map for longer than an hours time.


:+1: Letting the YAK SLAPPERs, players who achieved the title , ride the dolyak when they are rushing the yak would be wonderful.


:+1: For crying out loud: An achievement for dropping 10k sieges in WvW (back count them please) lol, and if its doable, a prize for players who dropped at least 100 sieges in the week. and the following week all the siege the players with that achievement , the sieges they drop will have 10 % more power 10% more distance. 10% etc.


:+1: more maps please , now that we have mount, you can make it as big as you want :+1:


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can we please have a guild/ squad only commander tag?? i know this has been asked before and I understand anet doesnt want to leave people out, but it'd be nice to be able to have a guild raid without 30 pugs following. I dont see how this would be any different than groups not allowing someone in squad or in their private ts/ discord. Please give us a guild/ squad only tag option.


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**UI on-screen improvements**


* remove reward track flashing boxes

* relocate participation button

* remove XP bar from veteran players

* remove PPT timer and balance, add skirmish war score instead

* remove Bloodlust event when it is not active


The reward boxes flashing there are nothing but annoying. I guess you could click on them to open huge popup in middle of the screen that interrupts the gameplay. As soon as you get rid of one there would more more flashing boxes blinking for a click. Why bother.


The participation button is overlapping the mini-map zoom control. Move it up a bit. Make it open/close on click instead of mouse over. Ever too open my mouse travels over it and accidentally pops open the participation panel. Display participation level 0..6 on the button.


XP bar means nothing to the veteran players. Just get rid of it.


PPT timer and balance mean nothing. Whether or not my team is going to get victory points is more relevant.


Bloodlust event is such a wall of text. And the bugger is visible all the time. Even when I am nowhere near the ruins. Make it visible at the ruins only, AND when any team has 3 ruins ticking towards a capture.

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Fix the fight on walls. It's been there since launch and never been resolved, and it does break the dynamic of defending objectives when your opponent can more easily target you with aoes than you can target them. It's absurd that 5 years later you still need to move to the edge of the wall, and risk being pulled off, to be able to target people on the ground.

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**Map improvements**


* Remove vertical desng from DBL so that movement gimmicks are not needed anymore

* Remove DBL movement gimmicks: air jump pads, shrine jump pads, hay bales, lava portals, all vertical portals, earth keep mortar teleports, blessing of the elements

* Eliminate tactical benefit from gliding from spawn to DBL fire keep, DBL air keep, and ABL north towers

* Reduce distance from supply depot to repairable walls/gates in DBL towers


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**QoL improvements**


* Abolish reward track box management

* Remove the Trading Post you sold items too quickly error

* Abolish siege refreshing

* Do not rotate/reposition camera when using siege

* Do not change mini-map zoom/pan settings when indoors

* Remove F-key interaction from NPCs inside objectives

* Add visual indicator on tactivator on cooldown

* Prevent tactivators getting hidden under food

* Display commanders in the WvW map selection panel

* Have player's gear automatically repaired on using any WvW waypoint or none

* Add damage treshold on contesting objectives

* Add leaderboards for players/guilds/alliances/teams per-season/per-matchup/per-skirmish of war score/captures/kills/KD-ratio


Reward track box management nightmare could be eliminated by adding a repeating currency only reward track. No boxes, just currency as rewards. And such track that when completed it re-activates itself automatically. So that when the reward track is completed, the **same** reward track is automatically re-activated. The **same** track and not some random track.


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Well I for one would like to shield gens taken out of the game ,the aoe range dropped back to 900 make walls semi survivable as it is you get pulled as well as melted peering over the walls ,ranger and dead eye dropped back to 1200 limit the quantity of siege avaiable in SMC capped ,and towers removed from range of SMC ,I mean really the top server can siege hump and treb towers and then flow out of SMC to capture . Lasty thing which will never happen but dreams are free drop the stealth times or delete what ever works .

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**Build Templates** -

I think in 2018 this shuld be a basic feature in any MMOs, at this point. Its funny how these kind of "features" were already there in games as default, back in the 90s, while in the present are ~~often~~...ehm most of the time, left out ("oh! i didnt think of it"). And this is not a static enviroment: its a MMORPG. Different builds for different situations,a sudden nerf,a new "balance" patch. Im not saying i want be able to change my build "on the fly, everywhere" but atleast being able to tp back to the main spawn and once there being able to select a "**loadout**" i want to play with,to test it.


**Sieges deployment** -

_**There shuld be specific rules on what to build and where to build,like a minum distance for offensive sieges based on their type**_.

The game offers you multiple types of sieges:

* Long range - you have trebs for that

* Medium range - you have catas for that

* Doors - you have rams for that


Catas shuld not be used as "rams for walls" and being build/stacked right under "your walls" and shuld not have bubbles: there are shields generators for that.

The actual problem is your fortified structures holds no benefit for the defenders.

Lets have a look at a tipical WvW day

The Enemy blob/group/zerg (pick a name) come at your own tower,stack under your own wall,flash build 7 catas and 2 shield gens,aoe clear the entire wall and done.


Now,here the problems:

* Attackers are defacto out of sight,by being behind your wall,but they can still easily take control of it by AoEing the entire catwalk from the ground.

* Defenders on the other hand cant do the same thing,they have to LEAN off the catwalk to be able to single or ground target cause "out of sight"/ "target is blocked".

* Attackers are in the open field,they can move out of bombs anytime: just have to stack back a bit more to the left or the right.

* Defenders have to walk right into a catwalk full of BOMBS,doesnt matter if u have sustain or dodges: its a death trap.


Structures basic sieges (cannons,mortars) are no good: melt way too fast from players AoE while balistas shuld be used for that job.

Every single time,u have to use sieges on opposite/distant walls but u cant be as much accurate and faster than 7 or just 3 catas shooting at point blank,with their own bubbles and 2 shield gen giving more bubbles: you have to charge the perfect shoot because on your way there is your damn wall,that indistructible guild flag/stendard blocking the flying path,a tree doing the same thing and so on...

Yea ofc u can put down Acs and catas but where on the catwalk?! You get the same "out of sight" problem with the AC and with catas/trebs u get the same flying path problems mortar have (they are behind things).


But the best part is when they build their offensive catas right behind those 1 or 2 indestructible walls every keep or tower has: just aim that little brick on the stairs to damage 2 walls and 1 door 10 meters away.


I understand fixing these issues will take a massive work and i dont think there is time,resources,will for such rework..at least setting a minum distance (based on the type) for offensive siege around towers/keeps could help,imo.




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Remove gear from inventory so we are able to change gear even if inventory´s full and PLEASE let us save builds / gear for Roaming / Zerg play / Smallscale

And please change commander tag so we can see it better without putting target on it .. make it .. bigger oder add flashing lights .. or idk .. but DO SOMETHING :)

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> @"Mylerian.9176" said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > @"Mylerian.9176" said:

> > > How about you fix guardian since you took a huge kitten on the best WvW class!

> > >

> >

> > You've said that in multiple threads now. Firebrand is currently on of the three core professions in WvW group play, and is considered the ideal in terms of group support.

> >

> > How is it that this has occurred yet you state it has been, in your terms, kittened on?


> I can state it as many times as I wish. You can choose to ignore it if you like. I could really care less if you or others dislike me doing so as well. I will post my opinion as many time and on as many different threads as I want. And guess what if you do not like it, you can go play in the freeway for all I care.


Scourge will need to be addressed long before Firebrand. Come talk to us when over half your skills you use comes up as "obstructed" out in the middle of the battlefield for no apparent reason. Firebrand is likely the one class that least needs attention at the moment.



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Here are a few more:


-Allow players to purchase Badge's of Tribute from a vendor on a WvW map, currently you need to have access to a guild hall to use the vendor.


-Reduce Visual clutter with nameplates. I don't need to see what banners and boosters people are using. Just show me what is relevant like boons, conditions, skills, traits.


-Add WvW specific enrichments.

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> @"DeadlySynz.3471" said:

> > @"Mylerian.9176" said:

> > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > > @"Mylerian.9176" said:

> > > > How about you fix guardian since you took a huge kitten on the best WvW class!

> > > >

> > >

> > > You've said that in multiple threads now. Firebrand is currently on of the three core professions in WvW group play, and is considered the ideal in terms of group support.

> > >

> > > How is it that this has occurred yet you state it has been, in your terms, kittened on?

> >

> > I can state it as many times as I wish. You can choose to ignore it if you like. I could really care less if you or others dislike me doing so as well. I will post my opinion as many time and on as many different threads as I want. And guess what if you do not like it, you can go play in the freeway for all I care.


> Scourge will need to be addressed long before Firebrand. Come talk to us when over half your skills you use comes up as "obstructed" out in the middle of the battlefield for no apparent reason. Firebrand is likely the one class that least needs attention at the moment.




BAHAHAHAHA thanks, I needed that laugh. If I hear one more scourge day that I am going to die laughing. There are more scourges now than ever before. And it is the second easiest class to play in the whole game. Requires 0 skill to play. Play a class that requires skill and then let's talk...

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